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Temporary Boyfriend Ch. 10 - End

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Playboy finally settles down. Threesome stabilizes.
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Chapter 10 - Equilibrium

Taylor, Charlotte, and I agreed on just about everything, and that was without effort or feeling that one of us had to give up one thing to gain an edge in some other part of our relationship or life.

The twins agreed with my assessment, namely that a legal marriage to one would make the other a slightly second-class citizen. There would be no ‘legal’ marriage that would get recorded with the state authorities.

After we’d been engaged for a little over six months, we had a ‘spiritual’ ceremony in Rochester on Christmas Day. My parents, brother, and sister, their families, and a few friends flew in for the ceremony and to meet my new ‘in-laws’ Don and Kaye, and especially to meet the TWO women that I was engaged in matrimony with.

With the ceremony in Rochester, Taylor and Charlotte were able to involve many of their old friends. I sure felt on display and, of course, I was on my best behavior.

The fact of our threesome had apparently been a hot gossip topic for a while before the ceremony. By then, we just accepted it as the way things were in our life. Somewhat handsome guy attracts two gorgeous twin sisters into his lair, was how the story was spun. I already had a reputation as attracting hot women, why should this be any different on that side of things. What was unique was that I was marrying them.

At our reception, there were many veiled questions about how we lived. I felt sure that nearly all of them really were a subtle probe at what our sex life was like. I had to chuckle at some they were on the edge of blatant, even from Faye.

Right after the ceremony, we engaged a lawyer I had met through work to ‘legalize’ our group marriage. We did it all under the guise of family estate planning, but when we were through, what was mine was theirs, and what was theirs was mine, and there were all sorts of contingencies and set asides in case of various disasters. For instance, either sister could be my medical proxy, and if something happened to me, my life insurance paid into a trust that was held between the two of them.

Shortly after our ceremony, Harrison came in and congratulated me. He also promoted me to ‘Investigator’ from senior associate. In one year, my salary had risen almost fifty percent. He laughed and said that with two wives, I’d need it. With the attendant rise in pay, I quickly paid off the remaining debt that I incurred on the engagement rings. We’d also added some simple, and much less expensive, wedding rings.

Alex Mitchell, the only Senior Investigator in my company, became my boss and mentor in my new job. I liked him, and we worked well together. He liked my approach for using our data bases and the Internet to dig deeper into a surveillance subject before we actually went into the field. He actually had me teach him and some of the other Investigators how to do what I did.

Taylor was promoted into my old position as part of our vetting operations. Officially, we didn’t work together, but in reality, we did every time I needed to start a new surveillance operation. Charlotte nicely tolerated our shop talk at home, and learned a lot about our work in the process. Since we were involved in stealthy and often salacious investigations, she often listened to us talk about work with prurient interest.

I typically engaged in two or three cases a week, with the length of a surveillance or external investigative case spanning up to two or three weeks. Every now and then we had a lengthy one, where somebody wanted a deep dive into someone’s secret life.

In connection with my work, I also started to travel overnight about once or twice a month. Some jobs also required late operations, often when keeping tabs on somebody who’d gone to a club or a hotel.

In connection with my P.I. work, I learned about a whole new range of electronic and optical ‘toys’. I could record a conversation at five-hundred feet and even read a document from that distance. If a subject was locked up in a hotel room, I could peak in at them from a window or under a door most of the time.

I met more and more lawyers in connection with the work and the debriefing of my findings to them and-or their clients, often in divorce proceedings. They were the source for two-thirds of the surveillance work that the firm took on. Harrison and Alex liked putting me forward because I was a congenial and interesting person. More than once, they’d commented to our client that I ‘kind of had two wives’. That gave people that hadn’t met me a good bridge line into a friendly discussion.

I also started learning about the Financial Investigations side of our business. I had never met a ‘Forensic Accountant’ before, but I developed a dozen friends in that field in the month after my promotion. These men and women could pick apart a subject’s financial life, often detecting hidden funds, skimming operations, and other fraud.

Charlotte thrived in her new job with the financial giant Fidelity. She went through her supposed probationary period with flying colors, and got rave reviews in her six and twelve-month evaluations. She was on fire.

With Taylor and my support, Charlotte eventually had her Lasik surgery and was able to stop wearing glasses or contact lenses. Both sisters had kept upgrading and renovating their wardrobes to sharp business dress or suits, and sexy casual dress, sometimes an occasional and intentional overlap. Along with their clothing, their shoes went through a similar change. Charlotte and Taylor took more classes on make-up and cosmetic use to achieve just the right look and often worked on each other at the start of the day. The net result is that I found myself married to two very sexy and chic women.

I’d heard many stories about how if you wanted a way to stop a woman from fucking then you married her. Our threesome proved to be at the opposite end of that old urban adage.

Both sisters had been raised to think of sex in a conservative and reserved manner. I was never privy to exactly what they’d been told, but what we were doing was far from those old norms they’d been instilled with. Once they learned how much fun the whole activity could be, how good it could feel, how aroused they could get and how good that felt, and how close and emotional it felt with people you loved, they changed their entire approach in that part of their lives. I hesitate to use the term ‘wild’, but that word often seemed to fit what was going on in our home.

I was always in demand when home to service one or both of my wives. Sexy lingerie or nudity was often the norm around the apartment, and that was mostly to entice me into fucking or oral sex, or to entice the other sister into similar activities. If I worked late, it was not unusual to find the twins locked in some sexual embrace trying to bring each other off, sometimes with the growing collection of toys that they’d discovered that they could buy online without any embarrassment. They had each received different toys for that Christmas.

Taylor also told me, “Charlotte and I are becoming porn junkies. I think we watch more than some sixteen-year-old boy. The difference is that we study each video to learn about possibilities, techniques, and skills that we should have. Plus, we like to have something like that playing on the screen when we’re messing around with you or each other.

Both girls discovered anal sex, deep throating, some simple experiments with bondage and submission, exhibitionism, and even water sports (briefly). They were my ‘sex slaves’ for a month. We also were still in the stage of making love everywhere in the double apartment on just about any piece of furniture or appliance. One night, for each sister, we did it on the hood of my car behind the building but in plain view of a hundred other apartment windows.

Man does not live by sex alone. Close, maybe, but not entirely. I took up a new hobby – flying. Harrison had some model airplanes and photographs of him standing in front of various small planes in his office. One day after I’d been briefed by him about a new job, I asked what all the aviation stuff was for. My question was like opening a huge hole in the Hoover Dam with an explosive. He went on and on, nonstop, and after an hour, I was sold on getting my pilot’s license and eventually buying a plane.

Harrison introduced me to his flight instructors of yore a week later at the Bedford Airport. Two-hours later, I’d had my first lesson and was totally into the scene. I bought various books, apps, and maps, and other paraphernalia before I left the airport. I also signed up for twice a week lessons, one evening and Saturday morning. Ken Tark, my instructor, set my expectations about weather cancelations and such.

Taylor and Charlotte also took up a new hobby – martial arts. I’d backed off to once or twice a month to keep the rhythm of the skill. The news and media were full of stories about young women around the city being attacked and even raped. They decided that they’d be proactive in preventing anything like that happening to them. We coordinated hobby schedules, so they had their classes on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings. If I got rained out of a lesson, I’d go to their class with them.

I soloed in two months. By then, I’d accumulated twenty hours of dual flight time, meaning with an instructor. In order to solo, my instructor had to be certain that I would be able to fly alone and do several things: not kill myself, not wreck his airplane, and not get irrevocably lost. I also had to know the radio procedures and have some sense about what to do if the engine should suddenly stop – besides screaming.

For my solo flight, I did three touch-and-go landings. Charlotte and Taylor had come out to watch me circle the traffic pattern around the airport, and then land. They were the best landings that I’d ever done. Even Ken commented on them.

To make a similar gesture to the girls, I went to their class where they were to advance in the color belts they had from orange to yellow. They were becoming quite accomplished in their new sport.

The instructor, Wan Suh, a delightful Oriental man of many years, had also schooled them not only in the traditional martial arts, but also in blunt force, being attacked, skills. This was also demonstrated in the ‘Moving Up’ ceremony when each of them had a supposedly unseen attacked confront them or come up behind them to start the assault.

Taylor’s attacker went flying about six feet into the air before she kicked him in the nuts three times in quick succession. Had the demonstration instructor not been wearing lots of protective clothing and padding he would have been in great pain, if not broken in several places. Charlotte’s attacker met a similar fate, even though she was initially thrown to the mat. Several other women in the class also displayed equivalent skills. I suddenly felt safer in their presence.

We all got deep into our hobbies, and we spent an hour or so each night dedicated to them. I was studying air traffic control procedures, aircraft systems, weather, and other aviation related things.

Charlotte and Taylor bought a heavy-duty exercise mat, and rearranged the furniture in our second apartment’s living room. At night, they’d practice their katas and then practice sparring and defensive maneuvers from their class. They were good.

Three or four times a week, the three of us would go jogging along the Charles River either in the morning or evening, depending on the weather. Morning was cooler, especially since Boston was having the warmest summer on record – again!

I took my solo cross-country flight just before September started. I had to fly a large circle route and land at two other airports. I refueled at each, and got someone to sign-off that I’d been there, both times at another flight school. I’d flown from Bedford to Keene, NH, to Hartford, CT, and then back home. The whole circuit took four hours of flight time, and that gave me enough hours to be ready for my flight test.

I took my flight test in early October. I was more than ready, and aced the maneuvers. I was already working on my commercial and instrument ratings, so that I’d be a safer pilot.

Charlotte and Taylor were progressing exceptionally fast in their martial arts class. They got promoted from yellow to blue belts in early November, just as the weather turned autumn like.

We then had a major event – or rather Charlotte did. Her company had an office on the edge of Southie – a district in southeast Boston. We’d just turned the clocks back, so it was almost dark when five o’clock came and she was leaving that building. The weather was nice, so she decided to walk home on an indirect route.

Instead of going right into the downtown area and staying on populated main streets, she headed under one of the expressways into the south end, before starting to walk to Back Bay, where our apartment was. She’d almost reached Tremont Street, when a dark figure in a hoodie, came up behind her, and tried to knock her down and steal her purse.

Charlotte told us later, “After he tried to trip me, I grabbed his arm and pulled him down with me, rotating my body so that I fell on top of him. I elbowed him in the gut, and then drove a knee into his groin really hard as I got up. I grabbed his other arm, rolled him onto his front, and twisted it up behind him. He tried to get up, but I pounded his head into the pavement and then he was kind of out of it or dizzy or something. I had my zip-ties in my pocket as we’d been taught, so I got one on his left wrist, and then attached to his right wrist, and then got his right ankle tied into his hands behind him with a third tie.

“I called 9-1-1 and told the operator that I’d been mugged, but that I’d neutralized my attacker and that I needed immediate police assistance. I told her I had the guy tied up. By then the guy was really struggling to get free. It took the police five long minutes to get there. They put real handcuffs on him, and put him in the back of the squad car. He had a huge bruise on his forehead where I’d slammed him into the sidewalk. Anyway, I gave my statement to the cops and off he went to jail. I told them that I’d testify about what happened if anybody wanted.”

Taylor and I made Charlotte promise to stay on the populated streets after that, and to even Uber or taxi home if she had to work at that location again. Charlotte told her story to her martial arts class on Saturday, and even demonstrated what had happened. Her instructor praised her efforts and actions.

I noticed after Charlottes attempted mugging that both girls got more confident overall. One of them had been seriously challenged, and had beaten down the threat. Taylor felt as connected to the experience as Charlotte.

Our twice a week talks about important relationship topics had kind of fallen apart for a couple of months to fit in other activities and hobbies. I reintroduced the practice. We talked about our roles and preferences opposite our likes and dislikes about family tasks, such as bookkeeping, investing, laundry, dry cleaning trips, groceries, and so on.

The next discussion topic went into what I called ‘Dangerous Territory’. We had again gone out to dinner and to a club to dance a little before heading home. While at the club, Margo Matthews came over to say hello. I got a big smooch, and then politely introduce her to my ‘wives’. The response was somewhat predictable; the first question was, “What do you mean wives?”

We explained our threesome. Somehow, Margo hadn’t been in the path of the gossip that had circulated when we first formed up. Anyway, she was really intrigued and started to ask increasingly detailed questions. Finally, she admitted that she was the centerpiece for two guys that she really liked and that liked each other, just not sexually.

I explained to her about ‘V’ relationships, and what little I knew about how that might work. We were a full-fledged threesome, in that everyone loved and interacted with everyone else – a triangle, if you will. Margo got it, and then left us alone.

Taylor asked me an interesting question then. “We’ve never had the details of your former life, although I’ve met a couple of them, especially when we’ve been out like this. Come on, start talking.” Charlotte nodded and also gestured that she wanted the same details.

I tried a few generalities, but that wouldn’t do. Suddenly, they wanted highly-sexual details. I told them, “Later, at home.” That seemed to placate them temporarily, only because there were other people crowded around us and the noise level made it hard to hear.

Just after we walked in the door to our apartment an hour later, the twins steered me into the living room. Taylor asked in a teasing tone, “Did you fuck Margo?”

I nodded, “Yes, on our first date.”

“And what did you do and what did she do?”

“Are you sure you want those kinds of details? You’ll forever have a mental image of me with her in a sexual way.”

Charlotte snickered, “Exactly! Just what we want to hear. Come on. Porn story, please.”

I sighed and decided that I’d over-share some of the details to see how they reacted. “Well, as I recall, this was like eighteen months ago or more – before Taylor and I started up, but I picked her up at her apartment in Brookline about ten minutes after six. I was a few minutes late because of traffic along Huntington Avenue. I had to apologize a lot. This was a Friday night at the peak of rush house, and you know how those traffic lights along there aren’t synchronized, but they should be. So, traffic was …”

“Stop with the bullshit and get onto the good stuff,” Taylor almost screamed as she sat snugly beside me.

I kept going, “So, I got her in the car and we went to Luigi’s. He greeted us, and we got a great table looking out at Nahant. At her suggestion we sat on the same side of the table, and that turned out to be a good idea because she wanted to kiss occasionally, and also have each of us rub our hands up and down the other’s nearest thigh. I don’t know what she’d been doing before I picked her up, but she was already stoked up for our date.”

Charlotte interpreted for Taylor in a satorial tone, “He means she was super horny.”

I started to fill in details about dinner and got bluntly told to get to the sex part. I finally jumped to taking her back to my apartment, stripping each other’s clothes away, and then eating and fingering Margo’s sweet tasting pussy for nearly an hour; thereby coaxing her through four orgasms that she admitted to. “She was kind of easy in one way. Her G-spot almost had signs pointing to it. I homed on that spot and her clit, and she dissolved into a pile of orgasming woman.”

I sat back and waited, to see what the question would be.

“What’d she taste like?” Taylor asked. “Did she taste more like me or like Charlotte?”

I didn’t expect that. I had to think. “Neither of you. It was good, but I can’t remember the specific flavor.” I teased, “You know I’ve tasted so many great pussies.”

Both girls ignored my taunt.

“When did you fuck her?” Charlotte asked. By then, she was naked and stroking her own pussy area. Taylor was only a few items of clothing behind her. I’d lost everything above the waist.

“Not right away. Margo wanted to return the favor, so she did some deep throat action for a bit, until I stopped her. I asked her how she preferred to have our first-time end. She decided that she wanted to be dripping my cum from her pussy for the next month. She even used those memorable words. So, we made out while I cooled down slightly, and then we started fucking. I think we did the missionary position first. Other sexual positions got used later that evening and throughout the weekend. Margo had a snapping pussy.”


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