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The 150th Slave Pt. 02

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Another Lottery and an Adventure nearer home.
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Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 07/12/2015
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Repercussions and New Pressures

When the plane landed, I knew I had been fucked during the trip in more ways than one. I deliberately set out to find Ferguson my first day back in the office to ask who had seen me in the lottery. He sort of smiled and said, "Oh, a number of people you know, a number of people I know, and a lot of people that neither of us know." I lost my temper and said, "OK, asshole, who of the people I know." Ferguson named four other firm partners (two of whom, Ms. Gentile and Ms. Hochwasser, are women) and then Leslie, and Chiara as having watched with him at Mann's condo. Ferguson knew that Jacobs had seen it with his father. "But don't worry, Laurel, they are all sworn to secrecy and the material the BLC and I have on each of them really assures that they will not be able to spread the word of your little display. Also, anyone who thought of disclosing Bolrian secrets would have to look over his shoulder for the rest of his short life until the Bolrian security police got to him. They reportedly are not afraid to travel around the world in the service of their country."

I tried to work as I had before. The people who had seen me were fairly discrete. Leslie seemed to trust out her breasts mockingly when I gave her an assignment she did not like. Chiara gave me a slightly funny look when she first saw me afterword but maybe I was just imagining that. The firm partners who had watched with Ferguson treated the matter like they treat client confidences. Maybe Ms. Gentile cracked a slight smile when I suggested that we keep certain client secrets more confidential as one could never know who was watching. Ms. Hochwasser worked in another department. Mann kept Jacobs away from me for a few weeks by sending him on a trip to London to work with one of our British clients.

The biggest problem was in my head. I felt like the world had seen me nude and presenting myself for sexual servitude. Even worse, I felt like I had really wanted to be a sex slave for at least a few minutes. Sometimes, I felt like, since I had displayed myself as willing to become a permanent sex object, I might as well offer to entertain the hundred or so firm members and staff at the next firm holiday party.

I got my work done but I also found a time to see a therapist. I did not tell the therapist about the Lottery, of course, but did say that I had done something really out there sexually and was plagued with feelings of sexual tension and a bizarre desire to go further. She suggested I had been too repressed before and "with the cat out of the bag," I was overcompensating. She suggested I take up dancing or tennis or something else that would allow me to be more physical but did not threaten to ruin my career. I started going to a health club and working off some tension that way.

About three weeks after the trip, Crystal called and said that she, Paula and Kat were going to participate in a lottery in a couple weeks and did I want to go. I said that I had to work and I'd had enough the first time. Crystal said that I was kidding myself and she'd call again the next time they went. "Presumptuous little bitch," I thought.

Meanwhile, the merger and acquisition business was going downhill as part of the general economic downturn. Chiara was laid off along with a number of young lawyers in our department. I was called into a meeting with a number of senior partners. I was informed that unless I could come up with some more business, I should start looking for another position. It did not help that the value of my condo and my 401K had crashed with the economy.

I think many people would say that I should have started looking for work in a bankruptcy firm, maybe in New Jersey or Pennsylvania, where there would be less pressure. Maybe I could slow down, marry a nice man and eventually join the PTA. I instead called Walker and asked whether his firm could give us more business. He said that might be possible but he'd have to get back to me. Anderson said the same thing when I called him. Restraining my disgust, I talked to Jacobs, who had become a non-equity partner, and asked if he had any ideas.

I even sent an email to the BLC to ask if they needed any legal assistance. That was pathetic. I am not sure if I was even really trying to get legal business there.

The responses to my marketing efforts were about what you'd expect. Jacobs said when I saw him that if I needed financial help during the period before I found a new job, he might be willing to assist. He said he hoped I'd saved enough for rainy days. He added that he had his own problems as his father's company had lost 30% of its value on the NYSE. His father was under investigation by the SEC. Jacobs also suggested that he and I should form "some sort of partnership" in Connecticut. His focus on my breasts as he said that indicated to me that the proposed partnership would involve more than legal work.

The BLC responded that their needs for legal services in the United States were already being fully met by J. Ferguson and F. Mann of a firm in New York. That figured. The BLC added that it would be pleased to extend offers to me to participate in the Lottery and noted the BLC had sent numerous emails in the past weeks.

Walker said that he could definitely get me legal business if I wanted to move to Seattle or Dallas and do real estate and employment work but that there was nothing more to be done on the east coast. Anderson said that he was already doing as much business as he cared to do with my firm but that, if I wanted to go in house, he could offer me a position in Dallas, Hamburg or Kiev. He also emailed, "Crystal says 'hi' and she'll be calling you tomorrow."

No surprise as to what Crystal called about. She was back in Paris. Kat, Paula and she had had a wonderful trip to Bolry. She and Paula had gotten out in the first round. Kat had gotten out in the bikini round, where she had agreed to start. Crystal also said that a lot of people had inquired about me. Also, the engineer, Lena, said she hoped to see me again.

Crystal mentioned that the BLC had given up the long terms for what the chosen women became because they decided it really did not matter legally. "Slave" sounded better and shorter. There were now "sex slaves" and "pain slaves." Crystal added she was sure the BLC really wanted me to come back and would pay a big bonus if I participated as a potential pain slave. "Seems a lot of guys would like to whip you and take you down hard. Believe it or not, a lot of people think you are a total bitch and they like it. I'm jealous."

Although Anderson wanted her to scale back, Crystal simply had to go to the next lottery. She said Anderson would not let her skip a round but she knew I could get as much money as I made in months if I was willing to start as one of the 24 in the bikini round. Kat has already agreed to do it. Paula would be there. "I really wish I could." She then talked to me about an international tax law problem she had in one of her courses. I applied to the BLC.

They promptly responded that although this was not a special premium lottery like the one I had participated in before, they could offer $60,000 if I was willing to start in the bikini round, and $15,000 starting in the first round. Both figures included all expenses. They volunteered that they would at least double those numbers if I was willing to risk becoming a pain slave. I still was not willing to go that far and I was unsure how I was going to get time off from the firm to go to Bolry. The second problem was solved when Walker offered to pay the firm my usual hourly fee for my time to, at, and from Bolry. I should list "foreign risk assessment" on my billing records.

This was only my second lottery but, being a friend of Crystal, I was treated in Bolry like an old friend. Svetlana greeted me warmly and said how happy she was to see me again. Crystal joked that she was about to have a baby and this would be her last lottery because the BLC would not take a woman with dependent children. I did not understand what that was about. Crystal was definitely not very pregnant. The BLC room was better than most. I actually got some work done on the Internet.

Svetlana mentioned that there was a big audience demand for me to participate as a potential "pain slave." I did not know how to take it when she said that there had been many comments after my appearance from people who would like to "really fuck that incredibly hot N.Y bitch up good." Svetlana acted like it was a complement. She said that only a few women got that reaction and almost boasted that she was one of them back before her retirement. She said that Crystal was another. She was very sorry that Crystal had to quit but there was no choice.

"You really ought to try taking the pain slave risk. I did it even when a loss was much harsher than it is now. I'm told you might even like the ropes, whips and electrical charges. It all hurts terribly but is not nearly as bad as what the Bolrian security police did to me and are still doing to people who seek to overturn our great leader. The difference between pain and pleasure is not always clear. You would not have to fear permanent physical injury."

Paula said that in the future she was always going to participate at the potential pain slave level. "Doubles the money and the thrill.

Svetlana also introduced me to a number of the Lottery staff including the guy, Boltzin, who had gone to bed with me after the first lottery I'd done. He did not let out that he had met me before. Seems he is in charge of marketing research. He suggested that we should talk after the coming lottery about the plans for expansion to a second resort and the possibility of a male slave lottery. In particular, did I think that there were women who would pay big money to use a male sex slave or should they focus entirely on the gay market?

I met the Australian woman who had participated as a potential pain slave in the lottery that I watched in a very distracting situation. Matilda did look like a tough customer over six feet with strong legs that she displayed proudly along with her chiseled face, and ample busts. I thought, though, she was kind of tacky and overdid the Crocodile Dundee bit in her kangaroo leather skirt and outback hat and boots. Is her name really Matilda? She must have picked up my feelings. She told me, "Remember, sweetie, this is about making money. If a lot of men want to see me suffer and fuck me, the Lottery offers me more to participate. So, if I look like something out of the WWF, it is all money in the bank."

Lena was participating again as she had in almost every lottery since the one at which we'd met. She was giving all her earnings to one left-wing or feminist charity or another. She said seeing me made her feel like less of an idiot. I did not tell her that seeing her made me feel like more of one.

All in all, this lottery was really easy. I was not one of the 12 chosen by the Machine from the 24, Crystal got out of at the bikini round. Kat got out in the topless round. Crystal said that she was really unsure she wanted that to be her last lottery and she would be going to the reception that is held after every lottery. I headed for my room where I knew I would find company.

In bed afterward, I told Boltzin that I was sure that a lot of women would like to torture and fuck particular men but I did not know if there would be a market for slaves that would be created by a lottery. There were some firm partners I would have paid to go at with a whip and a strap-on dildo. They were, however, unlikely to put themselves up for the Lottery and the BLC would not want them. "Anyway, I'm probably not the sort of woman you should be asking about this, at least not now. Ask me again in 30 years."


Back in New York things seemed normal but I knew my position in the firm was very tenuous. I could not be an overstressed workaholic though. There was not enough work to do. The firm encouraged me to give presentations and try to make new contacts. Mann suggested that I try that at a club of which he knew. Although I had suspicions as to this club, I agreed to go with him and a visiting friend of his, a guy named Zorski.

I met Zorski when I got into a limo with Mann and Kat. Kat had on a cape and apparently nothing else. I had not been told how to dress, but knew Mann's taste so I was in a tight black mini-shirt and fishnet stockings held up by a garter belt. Zorski was a big strong guy in his fifties who looked like he had a nasty history. It did not seem there would be a lot of conversation because Zorksi seemed to speak only a little heavily accented English. Mann told me that for the club we I would have to wear "this" and handed me a leather collar with various places on it to attach hooks. I panicked but let Kat put the collar on me after Mann put a collar on her. I was pretty sure Mann was not going to kill me but not sure of much else.

The club was way out on Long Island. Mann and Zorski chatted away in some sort of Slavic language. Kat and I exchanged banal chat as nicely as we could for women in slave collars being taken to a club that neither of us had been to before.

When we pulled up to the front door of a mansion way out at Bay Shore or beyond, Mann handed Kat and me pretty little masks that, while letting us see, covered some of our faces. "I think you will be more comfortable in these. There are a few people here you know. You will probably be happier if in the future you can deny having been at this event." We put on our masks.

"The other little adjustment that has to be made is that Kat and Laurel have to disrobe completely," Mann said. I started to object but what I was going to do having come some far? He told us both to keep on our high heels. He attached a leash to the collars that Zorski and he used to lead us into the mansion. Kat and I were first led to a toilet and told to make sure our bladders were empty or things could get even more uncomfortable later than they would be otherwise. Afterwards, we were led to a large hall.

I'd thought scenes like this only existed in Victorian literature. There were maybe 18 nude women and six nude men with collars in a brightly lit hall that led to numerous dark rooms. I was scared. I hoped that this would not get out of hand. I learned that it would get out of hand when I put my hands up to shield my breasts. Mann said that this evening anyone who wanted to feel my breasts or other body parts could do so. If I got in the way with my hands, I would be handcuffed. Zorski worked over my nipples until they were both quite erect before pinching them like Anderson had done months ago. Any resistance I had had was gone.

The host of the party gave a small speech. "Ladies and gentlemen and their slaves, we will begin by introducing each of the slaves. Their owner for the evening may describe any limitations on the use of them." Mann said that his good friend Zorski did not speak English well so he would have to introduce both Kat and me. I was shocked to hear Mann say that Kat and I could be used in any fashion as long as there was no risk of permanent damage or marks. Everyone was welcome to "fuck any of our holes." I gasped but no one cared. The rest of the owners promptly agreed that the same rules applied to all the slaves. We were separated and led trembling into different side rooms. Mann led me while Zorski took Kat.

After hooking my neck and my hands to some sort of rigging above my head, Mann said, "Zorski will not know what to do without his usual tools. He can learn on Kat and work on you next. We all get to use six slaves. You are the one I want first. There is something about your arrogance, intelligence and vulnerability that makes me want to thrash and fuck. Indeed, my darling busty evil bitch, I have been waiting to do this for years."

Mann took a soft whip and began doing my back and bottom. He was careful not to hit the same spot too many times. He spanked me with a paddle before getting a belt and working my back and slapping my breasts across the nipples. I naturally screamed and yelped through all this, which did not move him a bit. Mann rolled a long but very narrow padded bench in front of me with one end just between my legs and lowered my upper body over the bench so that each of my breasts hung over a different side of it. He tied my arms to the sides.

I knew what was coming next when he pushed lubricant up my ass. After starting to mount me, he said, "Oh wait, I almost forgot" and put a clamp on each of my nipples just above the areolas.

The anal sex was good. Jim had engaged in some ass play with me when I was in law school. Walker had taken me there more that once. I had enjoyed it and I was not shocked by what Mann did. What shocked me was the fact that after being beaten and anally penetrated for some time, I started to have convulsive orgasms. My mind had shut down. It was only later that it registered on me how perverted I must be.

After coming up my ass, Mann said that he was fully satisfied with my performance as a non-equity partner. Perhaps I would yet join the firm "in some capacity." He left me tied over the bench.

There was a long break. I suffered with nipple clamps and my ass up in the air.

Zorski was my next visitor. He had been left the pleasure of taking the nipple clamps off my tits. The pain was exquisite as the blood rushed back. Zorski said something about how beautiful I was and how I must come back to Bolry before feeling up my breasts, slapping my ass a few times and ramming his cock up my pussy without moving me from the position in which Mann left me. This felt good, particularly as he reached around with a hand and also worked my front, none too gently. I was trying not to admit to myself that it had been a great evening so far.

Zorski left and a masked slave came in to release me from the position in which I'd been left. I said nothing but I was sure that the slave who released me was Chiara. She had left the firm but apparently had not had the sense to flee the situation and go back to whatever Podunk she came from. Chiara gave me a towel to dry between my legs. When she said, "Laurel, we are to walk back into the central ballroom for a meal," I knew for sure that it was Chiara.

My imagination began to run wild from all the worst BDSM porn of which I'd ever heard. I feared there would be some Sadist horror next like a slave turning on a spit or manure for us to eat. In fact we all sat at fancy tables. They passed around a variety of very nice dishes family style. Our host said that while everyone must, of course, remain totally anonymous (Ha, Ha), he did want to recognize honored visitors from abroad, including Patty and Irina who came all the way from Bolry. The "BLC" brand on Patty's butt made clear that she did not pay for her ticket to New York. Irina had the same brand and did not bother to hide her very beautiful face. The diamonds on her nipples, navel and clitoral hood jewelry indicated to me that she was more than just an average slave. At one point she winked at me like she knew me more than I knew myself.

Our host further mentioned that a number of the other guests had been in Bolry and nodded in the direction of Kat and me just to embarrass us further.

I now recognized others present. Jacobs and Ms. Gentile were not even trying to conceal their appearance. I thought I recognized others I had seen as participants in Bolry. I was pretty sure I also recognized my assistant Leslie behind a mask. If so, that would explain why Ferguson could be so confident that Jacobs, Gentile, Chiara and Leslie would keep quiet about viewing me in the Lottery. I also recognized several other associates among the slaves. I was pretty sure I had met others at the party at some meeting or another. Paula was there as a very tall bold slave and Schwarzhof there as a master. One master I thought was a N.Y. Supreme Court judge.


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