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The 30 Year Crush

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My crush on an older lady who becomes more than a friend.
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Thanks to Todger65 for editing.


My name is Thom, always spelled it with the "h." I grew up in a typical suburban Long Island community. My Dad was a building contractor and I worked weekends and summers with him from the time I was old enough to swing a hammer.

One of my uncles was a roofer and I worked on numerous jobs with his crew.

Another uncle was a heating and air conditioning contractor. It was not unusual that we often worked on the same job sites. I preferred the nuts and bolts and more technical aspects of my uncles' heating-cooling work and started learning that trade more and more.

As was typical of the time, the late 1960's, the community was served by volunteer fire departments. My Dad, Uncles, and other family members were all involved, so naturally I joined when I turned 18 the summer I finished high school.

I became good friends with Harry, an older firefighter who worked in the dispatcher's room at the fire station. Working in the dispatch room on winter evenings could be a long boring shift if there were no alarms, and I would stop by and play cards with him. One night, during one of our Gin Rummy games, Harry's niece Margie stopped in to "say hello" to her uncle. I am sure Harry arranged this "chance" meeting. Margie joined our card game; we enjoyed each other's company, and soon we were dating.

Margie, I was to learn the first week we were dating, was 16 and a junior in high school. We continued our courtship, sometimes with my friends, other times with her friends. It was a bit different when we were in the company of her crowd as they were younger and had different interests than I. Several houses away on Margie's street lived her best friend, Christina. Tina, as she was known, was an only child and considered Margie to be like an older sister, Margie in turn treated Tina as a younger 14 year old sister. As was to be expected there were noticeable differences in maturity levels, but, the two were nearly inseparable.

Now Margie's mother and step father were not overly friendly; at first I believed it to be that I was considered too old for their daughter but I soon learned that they just had sour dispositions. If Margie's parents were standoffish, Tina's parents, Tony and Bella Valentini, were at the opposite end of the spectrum.

Tony, Tina's Dad, was friendly and always on the go. He worked 6 days a week at an auto parts store about a 45 minute drive away. Evenings he worked 3 nights part time at plant security. He was also heavily involved in several service organizations like AmVets. My 6 foot frame set me nearly a head taller than Tony; though he was small in stature, perhaps 5' 5", he was Herculean as a family provider.

Bella was in her early 30's, just about 15 years older than me, slim, shapely, 4'10" with a friendly disposition, and shoulder length dirty blonde hair. I guessed that she was a "C" cup in the bosom department, however, her small frame made her breasts seem larger than they were.

When first introduced I immediately recognized her as the lady that worked in the local pharmacy, a lady that I often fantasized about. At the pharmacy Bella was always impeccably dressed, always with a bit of enticing cleavage revealed. I hoped that she didn't remember me as the young man who would come in occasionally to purchase "rubbers." You see, back in the day, condoms were kept behind the counter and had to be asked for. The first time I found a need for a condom, an older friend told me to just go up to the counter and ask for a box of prophylactics. Standing nervously before the counter at the pharmacy that first time, I fumbled through the rehearsed speech required to obtain the product I desired.

"I would like a box of prophylactics please."

"Half or a dozen?" Was the lady's cryptic response.

Thinking quick on my feet, and with high expectations I replied "A dozen should do."

A slight smile on her face she countered, "Wet or dry?"

"Err, what?" I croaked out.

"Wet it is."

Smiling broadly and good-naturedly at my discomfort, she reached under the counter and plopped a box on the counter. Red faced I paid and departed. If Bella did remember me, she was being discreet about it. Thereafter I learned to just act the man of the world and ask for "A dozen Trojans, wet." However, after meeting Bella, this was at another pharmacy.

Tony and Bella had a finished basement where the "young people" could hang out and play records, dance, or just talk. They also had an in ground pool in the yard, so Margie spent quite a bit of time there. The house rules forbade mixed company, male-female unless Tony or Bella were home. The "rule" didn't affect me as I worked and never was there until well after parental guidance was in effect.

Usually by the time I would arrive, Bella would be out her work clothes, dress slacks and nice blouse, and be in a smock top over a house dress. Even at home there was that ever beckoning cleavage to draw my eyes. Always busy in her kitchen, she would start to prepare dinner. She would often be the person that answered the door and allowed me to enter.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Valentini," I would always call her when I arrived.

"Hi Thom, they are in the basement," was her usual greeting. Though one day she caused my face to redden when with a mischievous smile said, "I haven't seen you at the pharmacy in awhile."

Bella was a "kitchen person", she seemed to love being in her kitchen. She was a great cook and enjoyed making others happy with her culinary skills. Though busy preparing tasty treats, she was always aware of what her daughter's guests were up to. Usually she was out of direct sight, supervising without being obvious.

One day as I drove down the road to Margie's house I noticed a competitor roofing company's truck at Tony and Bella's place. Later on when the truck was gone I wandered down to see Tony about the roof.

"Yeah I've been meaning to have the entire roof replaced for awhile now. It is just about all patches," Tony said. I told him I don't know how much the quote was that he received but we could knock out the job ourselves and save him a bundle. Explaining that I had experience in the roofing trade through my family, I'd price out the materials and give him a hand. Together we measured out the roof, talked over the work plan, and called it a day.

The next time Tony was supposed to be home from his busy schedule, I stopped by to give him the information I had gathered. The cost of material was all it really would take as far as cash. I wanted nothing for my part; was just helping out a friend I explained. The tools and ladders I could borrow. All that was needed was some able bodies to do the grunt work.

Tony jumped at the price, and agreed to provide some relatives, and all the food and beer we could handle. I mentioned that it was already June, it would be getting hotter, and we should get this done as soon as possible.

Two weeks later on a Saturday morning we began the job. At first it was a bit slow going, a group of older men taking direction from "a kid." They all soon realized that I knew what I was doing and they readily took orders from me.

During the morning Bella would shout up to the roof if we wanted coffee or something cool to drink. At midday we took a lunch break. Bella played hostess and hovered about and seemed to really enjoy serving us. Wearing shorts and a tank top with a bit of her ever present cleavage showing, and smooth perfectly formed legs, she held my attention, and I believe she caught my eyes wandering. I was starting to see her in a different light; more as an attractive woman rather than a subject of my fantasies.

By early evening we were nearly finished and I realized the "crew" had partaken of too much beer and work was starting to slow to a crawl. It would only take me perhaps an hour or so to complete the project by myself, so to their relief I declared an end to the day. I explained to Tony we could finish quickly the following day, besides we wouldn't want someone falling from the roof.

Bella insisted that I have dinner with them, and Tony picked up on the invitation and said they would not except a "no'' as an answer. I replied that I was filthy and sweaty, would head home shower, and return.

"Shower here," said Tony.

"I'd have to put back on the same dirty, sweaty clothes, Mrs. Valentini," I replied.

"Stay Thom, I'll find you something to put on," Bella chimed in.

Resigned to my fate, I removed my work boots and left them near the back door. Tony disappeared to the master bedroom to shower and change while Bella ushered me to the other end of their ranch style home. Near Tina's bedroom was another bathroom with a shower.

"In here," she said opening the door. "I'll get you some fresh towels, something to wear, and a bag for your dirty clothes. Leave the door unlocked, I'll leave everything on the vanity for you."

I said "Thanks." What else could I say?

Undressing, I wondered at the comment "leave the door unlocked." As any young man would, I started imagining the erotic scenarios that could unfold.

A few minutes later as I stood naked under the hot water, there was a knock at the door.

"Yeah?" was my response.

"Can I come in Thom?" Bella called.

"Sure" I replied from behind the shower curtain. I was thinking, here I am naked separated by only a thin piece of vinyl from an attractive woman. Her blurry image was just visible through the curtain, enough to make out colors at least.

"I brought you some fresh towels."

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"And a washcloth. Would you want that?"

"Sure," I replied putting my hand around the corner of the curtain.

As she stepped close to the curtain I realized you could just about see through it when you got close. I felt her take my large, coarse hand in her dainty hand, and with her other hand, place the cloth into my out stretched palm.

"Here you go," she said slowly releasing my hand.

Her touch had been soft, warm, and tender.

She continued, "I have a pair of Tony's shorts, the kind with an elastic waist. You are much taller, but the waist is probably a bit big for you. Tony should watch his weight more closely. I also have a pair of Tony's boxers."

"Thanks Mrs. Valentini, but wearing someone else's underwear is a little creepy."

I heard Bella chuckle, "I understand. I also brought a tee shirt, it is a men's large, but it's mine. I like to use loose tee shirts as nighties. Is that alright? Or is that creepy also?"

I was dumbstruck and stood silent, the water still rolling off me. An erection was starting to grow as I thought of Bella nude wearing just a tee shirt, well heck, THAT tee shirt I was about to wear. I reminisced about a shower I had taken about a year before...


I had turned 18 in the summer of 1968 and was eligible to join the local volunteer fire company. Many members of my family were volunteers so I eagerly joined. New members are required to go through a probationary period, and I was no exception.

Late summer of every year the fire company had a fund raising carnival. All members were required to work shifts and jobs at the affair with the "probies" being delegated to the least desirable positions.

My family, as long standing members drew the task of working the gambling tent and I was consigned to food pavilion. Perhaps the most unsavory job in the food area was considered to be the 'clam shucker'. Weird perhaps, but I enjoyed the work. Found I was quite adept at opening clams and didn't much mind wearing the apron soaked in clam juice.

Around mid-evening, "I'll have a half dozen," I heard.

Looking up I saw a smiling woman, rather plain looking, her body could best be described as plush, and probably 35-40 years old I guessed.

"Sure. One coupon," was my reply.

As I opened clams and put them on a paper plate she kept up a banter that I smilingly replied to as necessary. I noticed she may have been at the beer booth too many times and that she was eyeing me as a wolf would a lamb.

"I'm Sally," she said.


She asked, "Would you like to go for a drink when you get off?" Apparently she was a very forward person I thought.

I explained that it wouldn't be until midnight and besides I was feeling "clammy."

"That's fine, I know a place," she replied.

She continued to linger around the concession for most of the evening talking to me when possible. This allowed me to better acquaint myself with her personality as well as her looks. She did have attentive eyes, for me at least, and a really nice smile. There seemed to be sadness deep inside her. A bright blue low cut blouse displayed the soft white valley of her ample breasts, black slacks and flat footwear completed her outfit.

One of the older firefighters came over to me and softly said to me, "Kid, if you don't leave here with that gal, you have rocks in your head. Go on, take off it's getting slow now."

"I'm done here," I said to her removing the apron I wore.

Sally looked at the older firefighter, a guilty smile on her face as she waited for me to come around from the booth.

"Just let me hit the men's room," I said.

"Great, I needed to pee for the last hour," she said.

I waited for Sally to emerge from the ladies room wondering where this escapade was headed.

"Let's take my car, I can drop you off tomorrow," startled me from my thoughts.


"You really didn't think we were going for a drink did you?" She laughed.

My god she really is forward. No problem I thought, I am 18, an experienced lover, and I could definitely do this. I didn't know it at the moment, but over the next few months I was about to find out that I didn't know shit about pleasing a woman.

She took my hand to guide us to her car, a new four door Lincoln Continental, white with a vinyl top. Opening the trunk, she removed a large woman's handbag.

"Would you drive?" She asked handing me the set of keys.

I unlocked the passenger door and held it open. Sally slid in, "Quite the gentleman!"

Walking around to the drivers' side I entered saying "Where is this place you mentioned before?"

"Do you know the motel on route 27?"

I did know the place, though I had never been there. Starting the car, "Yep," was about all I could reply as I steered the car away.

Sliding across the bench seat she turned sideways facing me, placed a hand on my thigh, and with her face close enough to smell the beer on her breath, said "You'll enjoy yourself, I promise. Don't look so scared."

"I'm not scared."

"If you say so darlin'," she laughed. I could tell it was a good natured laugh.

As I drove she began to lightly rub my thigh. With the other hand, using just her index finger, she gently ran it along the side of my face and neck. If she was trying to cause me to have an uncomfortable hard-on she was succeeding.

"Pull in near the office," she casually said as we arrived at the motel.

As I came to a stop she was out the door and into the office before I could kill the engine. Several minutes later she was back in the car, "23" was all she said.

Pulling up to door 23, again, she was out of the car and unlocking the door before I could catch up.

"Sorry, but I really have to pee again," she called over her shoulder entering the bathroom.

"Why don't you get in here and shower, you really do reek of clam." I heard mixed with the sound of her stream in the bowl.

I entered the bathroom and began to remove my soiled clothing, shirt, then shoes and socks. Sally sat on the bowl watching me, her slacks and panties around her ankles. Folding a wad of toilet tissue she did a quick wipe and stood, slipping her shoes off and stepping out of the clothes piled at her feet, wearing just her blue blouse she sat back down.

The room was small so she had no difficulty reaching out and placing her hands on my hips, and drawing me towards her. She spread her knees allowing space for me to stand between her splayed legs. I looked down at her black haired bush, and then to her hands as she worked my belt buckle free, unbuttoned the top of my jeans, and, leaning forward, she drew my zipper down.

Her eyes never looked above my navel as she hooked her thumbs in the top of my tight jeans and briefs and began to work them down off my hips exposing the top of my pubic area. I in turn was treated to an unobstructed view down her blouse; her soft white bra encased tits swaying as she worked at my jeans. A combination of the sights before me and anticipation of what was to come had me in a highly aroused state.

Taking delight in slowly working my pants off she slowed as more and more of my turgid downward facing shaft was exposed. When she had lowered my briefs to a point where the circumcised head of my manhood was the just about to fly free she paused, and we both watched as my cock moved rhythmically straining for release.

Pulling her blouse over her head she tossed it on the pile with my clothes, reached behind her, unhooked the lace trimmed bra and shrugged it from soft white shoulders. Sally now sat completely nude before me, her 36D breasts had ever so faint stretch marks. Her prominent brick red nipples were surrounded by large lighter shade areoles, I watched as they rose and fell in time with her breathing.

Returning her attention to my trapped, barely concealed member, she ran the back of both her index fingers along the sides of my shaft, softly working from its root to the engorged tip, and then back again. I placed my hands on her shoulders as I reveled in her ministrations. With the tip of a finger she traced the partially hidden head through the material of my briefs which was causing a wet spot to appear in the fabric.

To my immense relief she finally drew my pants and shorts down the last inch, allowing my cock to spring free, pointing nearly to the ceiling, throbbing to-and-fro several inches, as a fleshy metronome would. As my pants hit the floor I stepped out of them, steadying myself with my hands still upon her shoulders.

As I stood naked, Sally held her palm under my member and with several fingers of her other hand pressed my rigid manhood onto her palm. "My, isn't he a cutie?" She said.

Releasing me, she stood, drew open the shower curtain and turned on the water. She stood, her ass provocatively pointed in my direction, occasionally testing the water temperature and when satisfied, she diverted the water to the shower head. I had my back to the vanity as Sally stepped up to me, pressing her body to mine. Reaching around me with both hands, I heard her rummaging through the bag she had on the counter.

As she is struggling with the bag, her body is moving against mine. My rigid cock is sandwiched against her soft belly enjoying the sensation. Finally she leans back having found the item of her search, a small tube of toothpaste. Putting an inch worth of paste on her index finger she looked at me and said "Put this in your mouth and swish it around, it will freshen your breath."

After I had nibbled the paste from her finger she squeezed another inch onto it and popped the finger into her mouth. We stood swishing toothpaste in our mouths, eyeing each other's body, sizing each other up. Sally turned, spit her white foamy saliva in the sink, I did likewise. Taking my hand she led us into the shower and slid the curtain closed.

The water was just on the hot side for me but not scalding. We stood face to face, the water running over us. Sally leaned into me tilting her head up towards mine. I leaned forward our lips meeting for the first time. At first a tentative open mouthed kiss, each of us waiting for the others tongue to snake out. Our first kiss, always somewhat strange with a new lover, begins to build. A slow, deep, mint flavored, tongue kiss soon develops, deepening and becoming more urgent as the minutes pass.


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