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The 7 Secrets of Mr. Magpie Ch. 05


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"Me? An art director?" I laughed. "I mean, I haven't done that yet, and I'm not sure you want me first timing it with your brother. How big is his team?"

"Right now? Just two. Him and his programmer," she said to me as we got in line at the crepes place, half a dozen drunk or stoned kids ahead of us. "They're at the point now where they can't do things with placeholder art anymore, and it's time for them to get serious."

"I dunno, Rose," I said. "Without a producer around, that means either Marc or the programmer is doing double duty as the producer. Marc needs a producer to keep guard rails up on him, otherwise you know him, he's going to keep having 'just one more thing' that he absolutely has to add that's going to keep his project forever away from shipping."

"I get it, Raf, believe me I do," she said as she let go of my arm and moved to rub her hand against the back of my neck. "That's one of the reasons I want you. You know how to tell my brother no in such a way that he listens to you some of the time."

"Some being the key word there, Rose," I chuckled. "He's still going to try and ignore me a whole bunch."

"And I know that their lead programmer, GG, will back you up all times you're going to need it to stand up to Marc, so all you have to do is be willing to be you and have an argument with him every now and then," she said.

I thought it over while she placed her order and then I placed mine, then went to stand over in the waiting area. Eventually, I decided to ask the sorts of questions that would show I was taking the whole thing seriously - were they funded, would there be a salary, would I have stock in the company - all the business shit I literally hate thinking about more than anything else.

Rose was ready for me and had answers that made everything sound more and more appealing. They were funded for the next two years, the salary was reasonable without being comfortable, I would get 30% ownership of the company with Marc having 30%, GG having 30% and Rose herself owning the remaining 10%.

But I kept coming back in my head to idea of just how frustrating it would be to be constantly telling Marc no. That was complicated by the fact that Rose didn't really want to tell me what had happened to the previous artist on the project, because during my questioning, I'd been able to figure out that there was an art director before me, and that they had left the project.

"I dunno, Rose," I said with a sigh, as we picked up our crepes from the counter. "Marc's a fantastic designer and all, but I'm not kidding when I'm telling you that I don't know if he's ever said no to anything in his entire life. Even with the money, I'm pretty leery about this whole thing."

"Tell you what," she said to me as we walked away from the crepes place, heading more towards downtown San Francisco. "I'll even throw a sweetener into the deal, something that ought to make this whole thing impossible to pass up."

"What's that?" I laughed.


"Excuse me?"

"I know what a pain in the ass my kid brother can be, okay? It's not like I'm oblivious to his inability to finish shit. Marc is always the guy who has too many ideas and not enough follow through, but I think he's got a pretty solid game design on his hands here, the monitization hook looks solid, and as long as he's first to market, I think there's a pretty compelling chance the game will do really well. But without someone to tell him no, he's gonna keep delaying. So if you come in, kick ass like you always do and also sort of double as producer, you guys can pull that off."

"Maybe," I said, "but this doesn't explain what you just said."

She laughed, and it was nice to hear a warm mature laugh for once, something worldly and learned. "Marc's only going to cede authority to you if there's some real consequences for him. Well, I'm in an open relationship with a very understanding partner, so every time Marc comes to you with a feature he wants to add that isn't in his initial design document, you get to fuck me."


"I'm not finished," she said as we kept walking through the almost empty late-night streets of downtown San Francisco. "On top of that, the day after you fuck me, I'm going to call up Marc, invite him out for lunch, and then I'm going to tell him in graphic detail how you fucked me, and that it was because he couldn't keep his feature creep in check, and that if he keeps adding features, you're gonna keep fucking me and I'm gonna keep telling him all about it. That'll scare him shitless and should get him to keep it all in check."

"I mean, you're joking, right?"

"Raf," she said with a shy smile. "I've been walking you back to my apartment for the last fifteen minutes because I knew you wouldn't believe me without a demonstration. My partner's out of town for the week, so you can crash the night and we can fuck until dawn if you want. But believe me when I tell you, I'm tired of having to always protect Marc from himself, and I'm down to desperate measures. I really have to make this one work."

"What happened to his previous art director?" I finally said, stopping in my walk. "No way he got this far without someone doing some art."

She sighed, looking up towards the night sky before looking back down at me. "They broke up. They were dating, and she finally had it with his shit, both personally and professionally, and she just got up and left both him and the company. That was three months ago, and he's been dragging his fucking feet all over the place since then, and I can't fucking have that. I invested a good amount of my own capital into his studio, so I need him to pull his head out of his ass and get back to work."

"What if I don't like the art direction the project's currently going in?"

"You will have final say on all things art, Raf. What you say goes." She stepped in close to me and put her hand between my shoulderblades. "I'm down on my knees figuratively and can be literally, if that's what'll get you to give this a shot. I always thought you were kind of cute anyway. But Marc respects the shit out of you, even with how much you guys fought. I've been trying to track you down since Maria left him, but you aren't exactly an easy guy to find. C'mon. Why don't we go upstairs and I can convince you to give my brother one last shot, okay?"

I glanced up and noticed the building we were standing outside was Silverstone Tower. Silver indeed. I turned my head back down a few notches, still looking up at her face towering over me, seeing that utterly uncertain expression she wore. She was genuinely terrified that I might tell her no. "You don't have-"

I was going to say more, but Rose basically assaulted my mouth with her own, her hands clinging to me like she was trying to ensure I couldn't pull away while her tongue staked its claim over portions of the inside of my mouth. Not that I really wanted to withdraw, mind you. Rose was easily one of the most beautiful women I'd ever met, and the fact that she was so wantonly pressing herself against me was removing any other thoughts from my brain rather quickly.

"I always kinda wanted to fuck you before, Raf," she cooed at me. "So don't think of this as you taking advantage of me, but us each getting something we want out of the deal. You willing to accept my offer?"

"You really think it'll keep Marc in check?"

"Isn't it worth at least trying once so you can find out?" she said as her hand reached down and started fondling my cock through my jeans. "Although you feel hard enough that maybe it'll be three or four times before dawn..."

"Well, we certainly shouldn't do it in front of the building," I laughed. In the middle of the sentence, she pulled me into the lobby and over to the elevators, waving her keycard in front of them to let the elevator open. She shoved me into the elevator forcefully and jammed her lips back against mine as the elevator started to move. I was thankful the elevator moved as fast as it did, because if it taken much longer, I think Rose might've just fished my dick out somewhere along the way.

As it stood, we barely made it into her apartment and got the door closed behind us before Rose was yanking my shirt up and over my head. I reached down to unbutton my jeans and she just yanked her dress up and over her head, casting it aside, revealing I'd been correct in my assessment that she didn't have a stitch on beneath it. She was elegantly slender, with small breasts that still managed to look remarkably generous on her tall frame. Rose looked like a glamour model, the kind of woman almost too pretty to be real. But as in control as she normally appeared, there was a sense of urgent eagerness to her that I don't think I'd ever seen before. Her skin was a lovely shade of dark marble with pink nipples the shade of her namesake. She also had a patch of fine black hair above her pussy, well trimmed and maintained. I didn't get much of a chance to look, though, as she pulled me through her apartment straight into the bedroom, my pants unzipped but not pushed down.

Once we were close to the bed, she practically frisbee tossed me onto the bed and then yanked off my jeans and boxers, my cock springing free. "Good fucking Christ," she muttered beneath her breath. "If I knew you had such a monster on you, I'd have given you a roll in the hay just to try it on for size."

I'd like to say I had a witty and charismatic response ready and at the snap of a wrist, but whatever words I might have been about to say vacated my head when she suddenly engorged herself on my cock, sliding her face all the way down until her lips were around the base of it and my balls were wedged up against her chin. It was clearly a strain on her because I could feel her groaning along the length of my shaft, her throat giving spasms as she was working to suppress her gag reflex.

"Jesus God," she said, gasping heavily for breath. "I so very much want to suck the shit outta your dick until you're cumming down my throat, but I just can't wait any fucking more. I need this beast tearing me open."

Without so much as a second to catch my breath, Rose had climbed atop me, gotten my cock lined up with her pussy and forced herself all the way down it. I hadn't really thought of myself as big, but considering how fucking snug Rose's snatch was around my dick, I felt like a goddamn porn star, especially as I felt her start clenching in rhythmic spasms around my cock once she had it lodged up inside of her.

"FuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK..." she started hissing out in quick, fierce blurts. "Oh you motherfucker, that feels so fucking goddamn fat in my tiny little cunt..." She had finely manicured nails a shade not unlike that of her nipples and dragged them over my chest like tiny claws. "I'm totally on the pill, so you better flood my fucking guts tonight, you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am," I said as my hands grazed along her hips.

"God, I hope my fucking brother fucks this up at least once more, because you fill my aching pussy like no other dick before you, Raf," she purred at me.

"You don't need to lay it on so thick, Rose," I chuckled back at her.

She looked mildly offended and leaned down to connect our lips once more, her tongue pushing into my mouth with a bit more sensuality than before. "You can't feel how tight I am around you, Raf? I've never felt so fucking full... Fuck me, c'mon, fuck me... shove that killer dick right up into my fucking guts... poke my fucking lungs out..."

I would've loved to say I was driving things, but I think the only thing I was driving was the ghost out of Rose, as she continued to howl and sputter. Somewhere along the way, the words had turned into purely filthy sounds and whimpers, and more than a couple of times, I felt her clench down hard on top of my cock, as I think she started having chain orgasms somewhere in the middle of it. She had all the control of the tempo and force, and she knew exactly how to keep me from going off too fast while still getting her kicks off.

After what had to be her fifth or sixth orgasm, though, she almost looked a little embarrassed, like a kid caught with her hand inside the cookie jar, and yet, also completely unapologetic about it. She licked her lips, leaning her face down next to mine.

"God, I've been such a bitch, keeping you right on the edge for so damn long, haven't I? Maybe you can bend me over the bed and spank me to punish me next, but I need to feel you cumming inside of me... nobody's cum in my cunt for so fucking long... lemme feel it... lemme feel that hot load just boiling over inside of me.... C'mon Raf... fill your girl up... Please? Pour it into my sweet, tight pussy and make me swell... drench my womb with it... cum in my hot little twat.... fucking cum in me, you bastard! Cum with meeeeeeeeeee!"

Now I gotta tell you, that was the hardest I'd ever cum in my fucking life. Like George Carlin once said, "I lost ideas in there, man..." Honestly, I felt like three pounds lighter after that orgasm, and I could feel my cum leaking out of her and back down onto me, as she burst into a contagious fit of giggles, the sexual release of it almost breaking some unspoken tension between us.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, I needed that," she said, her body almost limp on top of mine. "But you better enjoy every chance you have tonight."

Before morning, I'd come at least three more times, and I'd lost count of Rose's orgasms.

And I had myself a new gig.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

You really have a thing for giant women, don’t you? Kind of weird….

Funtimesforall1971Funtimesforall19719 months ago

Really enjoy your work, especially when you elaborate on the story telling, beyond the very good sex scenes. Thanks for sharing your talents and work.

notbatmannotbatmanabout 1 year ago

Fantastic chapter! Honestly, I really dug the world-building regarding the gaming industry and what it's like for Raf. That was really captivating in a way I was not expecting. Rose seems like a really interesting character, I hope to see more of her, she has a good rapport with Raf.

shadrachtshadrachtabout 1 year ago

That was hot with rose. I'm glad to see callbacks to earlier chapters, and I'm glad things are going well for Raf.

vanyevanyeabout 1 year ago

Feels kind of short. There's no real resolution to this. Maybe I should go back and reread the others, and see if they end up just as abruptly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Love you writing. Thanks!

pufkpufkabout 1 year ago

Just a little nitpick:

Krage is the Danish word for crow not Dutch, also given that Freya and Christof live in Denmark not the Netherlands (where they speak Dutch)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Can’t wait for more! Your writing is brilliant!

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