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The A-Team

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A reimagining of Pretty Little Liars with more lesbian sex.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 12/10/2023
Created 09/05/2015
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A reimagining of Pretty Little Liars with lots more lesbian sex...


All the characters are over the age of eighteen


The only sign of the evening's earlier happenings was the steady, rhythmic blue flash from the police car parked down the road, near enough to give some comfort, far enough away that looking from the window you couldn't see whether the bored officer was asleep or awake. Only a few hours ago the street had been filled with activity, dogs barking, helicopters chattering overhead, detectives barking orders as APB went out for the mysterious masked intruder that had been in Ashley Marin's kitchen. The Milf shuddered at the memory; to think people had been coming to believe that Alison hadn't really been kidnapped. Though if truth had been told she'd been starting to have one or two (small) doubts herself - the teen had always been tough, uncannily so, but to have got through her ordeal so mentally unharmed...

There wouldn't be any murmuring of that now, not when the kidnapper had broken into to Ashley's house. It was lucky Ashley had been around, the maniac had taken Alison once before, it was probably only because he feared taking on them both that he'd fled. Which was lucky because Ashley had been shaking so much at the time she didn't think she could have tackled a determined mouse let alone a knife wielding psychotic with an Ali obsession.

She looked at the blonde sitting at the table, drinking some hot chocolate, she looked nervous and anxious, but much less than she should be after they'd almost confronted a lunatic with a kitchen knife. Not for the first time Ashley marvelled at the iron self control Alison possessed, for an eighteen year old she was so cool it was frightening. The teen saw her looking at her and forced a small smile, "I'm okay Mrs Marin."

"I'm sure you are," Ashley tried to smile confidently back, thought she was worried it was as brittle as a paper thin wafer. "The police will get him."

"Perhaps," Alison didn't sound convinced. "They haven't managed to do a great job so far," she added pointedly.

Ashley couldn't disagree, it had taken two years for the police to even realise that the teen hadn't been murdered (despite there being no body), but had been kidnapped. And if she hadn't escaped they'd probably still be working to the assumption she was dead. But concentrating on the police's shortcomings wasn't going to help Alison, so she changed the subject, "Did you manage to get hold off your Mom?"

The teen nodded, "She wanted to come home straight away and pick me up from here. But I told them it was a five hour drive so they were best to stick to her plans, let me stay here, have a relaxing night away and come collect me in the morning."

There was that cool self-control again. It was like the teen didn't know fear. And also like her Mom didn't understand that their daughter had been in real danger. Ashley knew that if it had been Hanna and the roles had been reversed she'd have driven all night and through the next day with no sleep at all to get home. It was, perhaps, the evening's only small mercy that Hanna was out at Caleb's. Ashley had been sure the two were in the process of breaking up, but it was almost like Hanna was desperate to not spend the night with Alison - she wondered if something had changed between her daughter and her friend. Hanna had for years hero-worshipped Alison, but since Alison had come back that seemed to have cooled. Ashley mentally shrugged, teenage girls could be fickle, especially Hanna, friends one day, enemies the next - whatever the problem between the girls it would blow over she was sure.

The teen drained the last of her chocolate, "I better go to bed now, it's late." For a moment her mask slipped and she looked scared and tired, but it was only for a second and then she was Alison, self-assured, poised, the Queen of Rosewood. "Are you going to wait for Hanna?"

"No, I don't think so. I don't think she'll be in until late and she's got a key. I'm just going to put away the dishes and then I'm going to bed as well, after tonight's excitement I need my sleep."

"The policeman will be out all night?" Alison said in a tone that could have been either to reassure Ashley, herself or as a question.

Ashley chose to interpret it as the latter, "Yes, don't worry."

"I'm not," Alison said, "but you know... it's good we're not alone, that we've got each other as well."

Ashley nodded, "I'll double-check all the locks on the windows, we'll be fine. Good night."

"Night," Alison said and went upstairs to the spare room.

Ashley was as good as her word, checking the windows once and then a second time - just in case. Even with a third check and washing the cups left by the cops on the sideboard she was upstairs only five minutes after Alison. The teen's light was still on and her door ajar as Ashley passed, the Milf pushed it gently open and looked in. The eighteen year old blonde was half-sitting in her bed, wearing her pyjamas texting, it seemed all the teen girls did all the time nowadays. She looked up from the cell as Ashley looked in, "I'll only be a few minutes then I'll switch off."

"You turn it off when you want," Ashley said, Alison was probably more scared than she dared let on, "You know where I am if anything happens... not that it will," she added quickly.

Alison nodded, "I do, goodnight." She smiled as Ashley closed the door behind her.

Going into her room she changed into her nightdress and got under the covers; seconds after her head hit the pillow she was asleep.

Until she woke with a start... she wasn't sure what she'd heard, but it was something. She glanced at the alarm clock beside her bed; it had only been thirty minutes since she'd gone to sleep, but the pounding of her heart and the adrenaline running round her body left her as awake as she ever been. She stayed still in bed, desperately trying to hear something, anything, a clue to what had woken her. The house was silent... but that meant nothing. She got up, feeling the quiver of her legs and felt around in the dark for a weapon, the best she could find was a hand mirror - which wasn't much defence against an armed lunatic.

She stepped out into the landing, one of the boards creaked and she froze, wondering if the intruder had heard her. If he hadn't Alison had as her voice came from the room, "Mrs Marin," followed by the switch of the light.

"Yes," Ashley felt her mouth go dry, "I heard something, pass me your cell I'm going to call the police."

Alison stepped out into the landing, she didn't look nervous, more surprised, "I was awake I didn't hear anything. What was it?"

"I just woke," Ashley admitted, "I'm not sure."

"It was probably just a delayed reaction or some wind," Alison seemed confident. "I'll take a look."

"No... I..." Ashley suddenly felt embarrassed, she hadn't heard anything - just suddenly awoke and whilst Alison didn't seem worried the way to reassure her wasn't to stand here quaking in a night-dress holding a mirror like it was a club. "We'll look together."

"Okay," said Alison. She walked confidently down the stairs, Ashley following less confidently. But it turned out the teen was right, they were alone, with no signs of anyone breaking in.

Ashley blushed, "Sorry for getting you out of bed."

Alison nodded and smiled, before giving a small frown, "I'm fine, but you, Mrs Marin, you're shaking."

"It's been quite a night," said Ashley.

"Are you alright?" Alison laid her hand on Ashley's arm. When she'd been younger Ashley had never thought Alison knew what empathy and concern for others were, but she looked genuinely worried at Ashley now. If her years being kept in a dark cellar hadn't broken her mentally they had matured the teen and given her a softer edge under her hard as nails exterior.

"I'm alright," Ashley said.

"You're not," Alison shook her head, "You're shaking like a leaf."

"No, no honestly Alison, it's nothing, as you say just a nightmare and some delayed shock. I'll be okay in the morning."

Concern showed in Alison's eyes, "It's not the morning I'm thinking about. It's the night. Look, Mrs Marin, I know you're not eight, but would it help if I shared a bed with you, that way you're not alone."

"You don't need to."

"It would make me feel better," said Alison.

"Okay," Ashley felt a little dumb and embarrassed about agreeing, telling herself that it was for Alison's benefit, though she knew that wasn't true.

Ali switched of the light in the kitchen and followed Ashley up the stairs. As Ashley went to her room for a moment she thought that the teen had already changed her mind as Alison turned into the spare room. But she emerged seconds later, the room's light off and her cell in her hand. "I can't sleep without it close to me," she smiled in explanation as she joined Ashley in the main bedroom.

Ashley got into the bed, wondering when was the last time anyone apart from her had been in it; a long time ago, she decided. The mattress trembled slightly as Alison got in the opposite side. Ashley drew up the covers and turned away from Alison to out into the darkness, "Good night," she said.

"Night," replied Alison. The teen seemed slightly uncomfortable, turning and twisting as she sought to find a spot on the bed she could sleep in. Ashley closed her eyes and waited for the young blonde to find a position she was satisfied. After a few moments Alison relaxed and stopped fidgeting; the position was close behind Ashley, so near that the Milf could feel the teen's warm breath. It was strangely comforting. She closed her eyes...

But sleep wouldn't come. No matter how much she tried to relax or count sheep or let her mind wander sleep eluded her like a laughing princess teasing her chasing prince. Behind her she knew Alison was in the same state, awake and still, just waiting for sleep to come upon her and hoping it was before dawn. The Milf stretched and moved backwards slightly, she was so close to Alison that her back ended brushing against the teen's front. Alison's arm draped itself so casually over Ashley that it took the older woman a few seconds to realise it was there and certainly moments too late to complain; anyway like the teen's breath on her neck it was comforting after the night so far. She closed her eyes.

Suddenly her eyes opened in shock. Alison's hand was caressing her arm - gently, hardly at all, in the darkness the movement would have been imperceptible, but Ashley could feel it all the same. The teen was stroking at her through the material of the night dress, her hand sliding just enough so that it was covering the boob and the fingers slowly moving over the lace encased mound. Ashley knew she should say something, or even better, not say anything and just move half a foot out of Alison's reach, but for some reason she couldn't, the teen's touch felt so good, making the Milf's nipples stiffen in erect excitement. It was probably nothing, Ashley lied to herself, a half-asleep Alison acting automatically without realising what she was doing.

She was still thinking that as Alison's hand went lower, pulling up the hem of Ashley's night dress and moving between her legs. Ashley failed to stifle a squeak as Alison started to stroke the Milf's pussy, her fingers moving over the shaven skin round the hole and the small tuft of neatly trimmed hair above it. The movements might be slow and slight, but it was impossible to believe they were accidental. Ashley lay there, unsure what to do or what to say; as a night it had moved from the horrifying to the surprising and she wasn't sure that being fondled by her daughter's friend wasn't a scary as an armed intruder. But whatever else it was it was exhilarating, Alison's touch was teasing at her clit and making her quiver in excitement. She gave another small squeak and shiver as the teen's tip slipped between her lips, not far in, but enough that she ran over the wet pink insides.

"Are you enjoying?" Alison said confirming Ashley's fears, "Masturbation is such a stress reliever."

"It is," agreed Ashley, blushing.

"And you've had some night," the teen's mouth was inches from Ashley's neck as he finger continued to stroke. Even the slightest stretch from the Milf was pushing her back into Alison, the older woman could feel the softness of Alison's breasts through the teen's pyjama top. The teen wiggled her nymph like body at the older woman, squishing the titties harder into her; "We both have..." she purred.

"Yes," Ashley said and then gave a moan as the teen's finger slid and slithered over her cunt lips, brushing aside the flaps.

Behind her she could feel the move of Alison's other hand. The teen tugged at the string cord of her pyjama bottoms and then pulled them down one-handed, all the time continuing to play with Ashley's pussy. The Milf didn't react, or at rather she did, but her reaction was a whimpery moan of lust. She knew she should stop it, she wasn't even someone who liked other women for God's sake, but at that moment she seemed unable to do anything but quiver, her desire taking over.

"I want you," growled Alison, "I want your face between my legs..."

"I...I...I'm not..." she wasn't a lesbian but Ashley didn't know how to resist as the teen rolled away from her and onto her back. Oh God she so wanted to eat Alison's sweet little cunt as the teen demanded, it was like a compulsion she couldn't stop even though she knew it was wrong, the girl was only eighteen and Hanna's friend.

"I want you eating my pussy," Alison repeated as if her first instruction hadn't been clear enough.

"Oh no... yes," the lust was too strong to ignore. Ashley turned and went under the covers, a sixth sense leading her in the darkness to exactly where Alison's pussy was. She'd never eaten cunt before, never even fantasised it; sure she'd had it done to her by past boyfriends and her ex-husband before the spark had gone from their marriage, so she knew what she liked to happen to her... but to do it to another? For a moment she paused, unsure where to start. Alison's hand slid beneath the covers and onto to Ashley's head, "Eat it. I want you to eat me out." She pressed her palm on the Milf's scalp.

Ashley went down onto the teen's twat. It was smooth and shaven with just a bare hint of fresh stubble at the top. The Milf opened her mouth and began to lick, her tongue running over the lips and hood and down into the gap. Within seconds she could taste Alison's juice, the teen wettening as Ashley's tongue pressed in and over her. Ashley hadn't known what cunt cum would taste like; it was a strange taste, both sweet and bland, like warm sugared water. But the taste didn't matter, Alison's reaction did. The teen gave a little cry of excitement and brought her hips up at the same time as her hand pushed down sandwiching Ashley's head and forcing the Milf's mouth deeper into the teen's twat. "Ohhhh, mmmnnn eat my pussy, eat it up."

Ashley lapped harder and quicker, sliding her tongue at the hole. Alison quivered and groaned, grinding herself into the Mom's face. Her moans were loud and passionate and demanding, "Eat my cunt, lick it harder, make me cum." Not sure what else she could do but obey Ashley's tongue flickered out and in, slurping and lapping at the wet hole, licking away the juice as it formed and replacing it with her saliva. Alison's hand was still on the back of her skull pressing her down and her cries were getting more excited, her words more dominating and controlling, "That's it. Lick it like a whore. Eat it harder you slut. I want you to make me cum. I want you to make me coat your pretty face in girl juice."

Despite herself Ashley was excited, the though of Alison squirting over her was a turn-on, even if she wondered if it was depraved to be eating the pussy of a girl your daughter used to swap Barbies with. She went deeper and harder, her tongue moving as quick as it ever did. The teen quivered and squealed in excitement, her cries getting even louder as without asking or being asked Ashley brought her hand up and penetrated the blonde's cunt with a finger. "Ohhh fuuuckk yes, oh fuck you fucking slut, that's so good, more, oh yes, more," Alison shuddered in excited pleasure.

Ashley went faster, her tongue slathering over the outside of the wet teenie cunt whilst her middle digit pounded in. With her other hand she was massaging her own pussy, rubbing the hot wet hole and pressing her palm over the clit hood and bud beneath. It felt good, but she knew her own excitement should be secondary to Alison's and so when her body couldn't cope with doing all the actions at once she withdrew from her pussy and concentrated on the teenage blonde.

Alison was rocking and quaking, "Ooooohhh, urrrrhhh, that's it you slutty bitch, eat my cunt, eat it like a whore. You're a pussy licking slut." Ashley was surprised how turned on Alison's brutal demeaning taunts were turning her on; if anyone had told her she was a whore before or a bitch - well she wasn't one for violence, but her response wouldn't be to lick harder. But there was something about the cheap nastiness of it that made Ashley want to slurp Alison more and to demean herself to the teen; she was being dominated and to her horror and surprise, loving it. She was a pussy loving slut.

"Oh my God you slut, you're making me cum, oh my God.... aaarrrgghhh," Alison's body bucked and for the first time ever in her life Ashley's face was sprayed with girl juice. Ashley lifted her head from the teen and wiping away the juice as she did so, pushed it out from under the covers.

Alison lay below her and even in the darkness Ashley could see her smirk and the flush that suffused the teen's cheeks. And then, because she couldn't think of anything else to say, Ashley asked, "So how was that..."

"Okay, for a beginner," Alison said. She shrugged, "You'll improve with practice I guess."

"Practice..." Ashley repeated the word wondering if it meant what she thought it did, that she and Alison were going to be doing this regularly. She wasn't sure what to think, the sensible part of her wanted nothing more to do with the teen dominator, to get her out of the house as soon as possible and hope she and Hanna were friends no longer. But the larger and hornier part of her brain was already anticipating going down on the teen again; and her wet, tingly pussy was agreeing with it. "Practice..." she said again hoping Alison would say what the word meant.

The teen didn't elaborate instead she rolled out of the bed and walked over to the light switch, turning it on. For a few seconds the sudden brightness made Ashley blink, but when she focussed she could see Alison standing bottomless, her sexy teen pussy on display. The teen picked up her cell, "I'm just going to collect something from my room, don't go anywhere."

"Okay," said Ashley as she sat up in bed, wondering as what choice she had or where she was supposed to go.

She sat in silence for a few minutes, still wondering about the night's turn of events. She glanced at the alarm clock, Hanna should be home soon, she needed to finish with Alison for the night before she did and get the teen back into her own room, she'd risk the nightmares and later decide what licking Alison's pussy meant. But first she had to wait for the teen to return. Just as she was thinking that the door opened again and in stepped a nearly naked Alison. Nearly because whilst she'd removed her top letting her bare breasts bounce free she had added a large strap-on dick over her pussy. Ashley stared at it and Alison grinned.

"Oh my God..." Ashley's mouth gaped open as she looked at the dick, it was at least nine inches and thick with a bulbous end, in real life Ashley had never seen a prick that huge.

"You're asking if I'm going to fuck you with this, the answer's yes," Alison said.


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