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The Adventures of Abigail Pt. 06

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A young woman makes her way in the world.
2.7k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 07/08/2010
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This story is based loosely on some real experiences and is mixed with a healthy dose of my kinky and perverse imagination. What is included is a lot of bisexual FF -- a little MM, MF. There is punishment, spanking, exhibitionism, wrestling, groups and a little incest. It is primarily a fantasy. Do not try this at home -- and always be safe. Also, all of the characters are all over 18 and everything is completely consensual. This story is long and I will post more and more of it as time passes. I am always interested in feedback and suggestions. The musical references in the chapter titles are there to ground the story in musical events. Feel free to listen to them while you read the chapters. I would love to find an artist to draw illustrations. Enjoy.

Chapter 10 - First Lesson -- Caro mio ben

I was nervous. I stood outside of the Maestro's door waiting for my time to come. I had decided to dress up for this a little, so I was wearing a skirt and a blouse. No bra, of course, as I had been instructed by Kirsten. But I did wear a pair of modest white cotton panties. I tried to sit, but I was too nervous, so I paced a bit and then sat. I had already warmed up. I so desperately wanted to be a successful singer and I knew that the Maestro could be brutal and unkind. But I also knew that he liked young women and I was fully prepared to do anything he required.

Finally the door opened and out walked Stephanie. She was tall and pretty. She was new too, but had arrived before me. She looked like she had been crying. They exchanged some words and then she kissed him on the cheek and he patted her ass and she turned around looked at me, blushed and then looked away and walked past me.

"Well, Abigail, at last. Come in."

I walked in and set my music on the piano. He walked over to a chair and sat looking at me.

"So, how are you adjusting to life here in Caracas?"

"Very well, sir," I replied. "I like it very much."

"No problems with anything or anyone I hope."

"Oh no sir. Everyone has been very kind and helpful."


I stood facing him with my hands clasped in front of me.

He looked me over, from head to toe, slowly. "Stand up straight. Hands at your side."

"Yes sir." I complied.

"Ok, let me hear you vocalize."

I reached over and played a C major triad on the piano and began my warm-ups.

He interrupted. "Abigail, should I call you Abigail?"

"Abi is fine, sir."

"Abi, well. You have a pretty voice, but we have two basic problems. I noticed them when you sang for me in New York. The first is you do not open your mouth. How can you expect to sing and pronounce words if you do not open your mouth? Let me show you. Sing the Caro mio ben slowly -- don't worry about musical things -- just text and sound."

He walked to the piano played the first chord of the song and I started.

"Now, drop your jaw and open your mouth." I tried....

"No, no, no. Stop. Don't stick out your jaw -- jaw is back -- always. Sing the first syllable and hold it."

"Caaaaaaaaaaaaa" I sang.

"Jaw down and back. Open your throat. Yes that is better. Next syllable."


"And you immediately close down on the oh. Do it again."




"Good, better -- next."

And so it went. We spent about 20 minutes on this and he at times seemed very frustrated with me. For my part I had to work hard not to cry at a couple points. But I worked hard and he seemed to be pleased. Then we came to point two.

"Now, Abi. I am not sure whether I should blame your teachers or whether you just didn't do what they told you and they gave up on you. This jaw position is basic and you should already have mastered this. You are the only one in the company who has these kinds of basic technical problems. I wouldn't have taken you but for the pretty quality of your voice."

Tears started welling up in my eyes. I didn't know what to say. He ignored the tears.

"The other issue is more common, but also a basic technical issue. And it is breathing. You have to sing on the breath and you need to support your singing. You do not use enough breath and I am not sure you are supporting correctly." He came over to me and put his hands on my stomach. "Sing."

I sang Caro mio ben again and this time he squeezed my tummy and moved his hands over my tummy and back. At time his hands would move up to my breasts and other times down lower.

"We are going to do some exercises." He walked to a table picked up a book. I need you to remove your blouse. I cannot see your muscles if you don't."

I blushed. "Yes sir." I had been expecting that. I unbuttoned my blouse and removed it. I lay it on the piano. My breasts were exposed and my nipples were hard. I stood and faced him. He smiled.

"Hold this book." I held it with two hands in front of me and he began to press down on it. "Sing." I sang.

"No. Ok -- lay down on the floor."

I did so. I was glad there was a carpet. He placed the book on my tummy. "Hands at your side. Now breath." I did, the book raised and lowered. "Now sing and don't change anything."

I sang.

"Ok, stand up."

He came over to me and put his hand on my tummy and pushed, his other hand on my ass. "Sing."

I sang. As I sang he unfastened and unzipped my skirt and let it fall to my ankles.

"Keep singing."

I did and as I sang I was aware of his hands wandering all over -- my tummy, breasts, ass, pussy, between my legs. I was starting to get wet and was embarrassed that it might become obvious.

Finally I stopped. He stood up and returned to his seat.

"Very good, Abi." He looked at me standing in front of him, topless with my nipples erect, wearing only my white cotton panties with my skirt bunched around my ankles. I blushed.

"I have one more exercise, which I think helps women with their breathing. Do you know what it is?"

I did. But I wanted to hear him explain it.

"I.... I'm not sure, sir."

"Well, I will show you. Come over here to me."

I stepped out of my skirt and walked over and stood in front of him.

He slipped his fingers into the elastic of my panties and slowly pulled them down. I did not stop him. I was now standing naked in front of him, except for my shoes.

"Stand with your legs apart." He said quietly.

I did so and he gazed at my body.

"Now, I want you to sing and as you sing I want you to be very aware of your support and breathing. I will push two fingers inside your vagina and it should immediately help you feel your breath. Do I need to use lubrication, Abi?"

"N.. no sir," I whispered, embarrassed.


"Caro mio ben...." And as I sang I felt him push one and then two fingers inside of me. It did prompt me to breath deeper, but it also had me excited and I started running out of breath. Slowly he pushed his fingers in deep and then withdrew then and then pushed them in again.

When I finished he left his fingers inside me for a moment, then he withdrew them and wiped his fingers off on some tissue. I was a little breathless, and very excited.

"You can't very well do that in that way yourself, but you could use an object of some sort when you practice or get someone to help you."

I blushed.

There was silence. I think he was sorry the time had come to an end and I would be getting dressed. He gazed at my naked body.

"Well, that is all for today. You have things to work on."

"Yes sir."

"You can get dressed and I will see you next week."

"Thank you sir."


After leaving the Maestro's studio. I stood by his door leaning against the wall. My legs felt weak. I was sweating and I could tell that my panties were completely soaked. Not only that but my pussy was still tingling from the attention it had received. I leaned against the wall for a moment, breathing heavy. Then I turned and began to walk down the hall. I needed to find the ladies room where I can clean up and.... Well..... take care of that intense tingly feeling between my legs.

As I walked briskly down the hall one of the practice doors I had passed opened.

"So, Abi -- want to practice?"

I stopped and turned around. It was Jenni and she was leaning seductively against the wall next to the practice room door.

"Absolutely," I said, breathlessly. I scurried over to her. She took my hand and pulled me into the practice room, closed and locked the door.

Within moments I had dropped my skirt and she pulled down my panties and had her two fingers inside of me, gently moving in and out while with her other hand she manipulated my clitoris with her thumb. "Sing," she whispered.

And I did, but I didn't sing any particular song. I swopped with my voice as the feelings from my loins swept over my body. I unbuttoned my blouse and squeezed my own breasts and pinched my nipples.

It wasn't long, the feeling had been building for the last 40 minutes and it washed over me like a wave. My legs buckled and I slipped into a wooden chair. Jenni stayed with me as I moved. She massaged my clitoris as she moved her fingers in and out of me. It built up again, I screamed and started to cry, doubling over I grabbed her hand and pulled it away from my pussy. I pushed my own hand between my legs gently soothing intense feelings. I grabbed her face and I kissed her deep. She kissed me back and we kissed deeply for a little while. It was nice to kiss. Slowly my body settled down and I opened my eyes and looked at her through my tears.

"Wow! That was intense!"

She smiled. "Yeah, it is, especially the first time."

I leaned back in the chair only now feeling the cool wood against my naked skin.

"My first lesson was a lot like yours I'm sure. We did some real work and then on to breathing exercises. Kirsten met me afterwards and provided the ah, relief I needed."

"Is it always like that?" I asked, incredulous at the possibility that every voice lesson might end up as a time for me to be masturbated by the maestro!

"No." She looked at me and smiled. "He probably won't do that to you again for a while." She paused. "Don't look so disappointed!" We giggled.

"I'm not!" I said, defensively!

"I think it is kind of a power thing, partly. And partly, that it kind of works. "

"What do mean?"

"You produced a lot more sound when you screamed at the height of your orgasm than you have so far singing."

I blushed.

I looked at her. I felt naked. There was silence for a moment.

Quietly she leaned in and kissed me on the mouth. "You are pretty naked."

I smiled. "I am pretty naked!"

She giggled, "That's not what I meant.... You are pretty.... You have a beautiful body." She reached out to cup my small breast, "You are pretty."

"Can I see you? Maybe you need to practice and I could help you." I said this softly and gently. She looked at me, and I almost thought she was going to say no. Then she leaned over and kissed me again.

She stood up and unclasped her shorts, she pulled them over her hips and let them fall at her feet. Her panties soon followed. She was short and a little pudgy, or I should say round. Not fat, round. Her pussy had a beautiful matting of hair which was black as night. But she wasn't hairy like Kirsten. She had wide hips and a nice round ass. I reached out to caress her ass. I moved my hands up and down her legs, over her ass, between her thighs to the center of her body. I opened her lips and found her clit and began to gently caress it. I looked up at her, and she was looking down at me.

"Keep going."

She hesitated. Then, slowly she pulled off her t-shirt to real a very large pair of breasts. They were not saggy but large and they attached to her chest like two large cylinders. She moved her hands over them and pulled on her long, large and dark nipples.

I wanted to lick them. I stood and keeping a hand between her legs I began to lick and suckle her breasts. She moaned.

"You have beautiful breasts," I said finally.

"Thank you, they are too big I think." She said with a hint of regret in her voice.

"Why do you say that?"

"My boobs are all anyone ever notices about me. I am the girl with the big boobs. Always have been. It has made me popular, sort of. But it is a popularity which is a bit shallow. When guys meet me all they do is stare at my boobs. I meet guys and I try to have a conversation with them and they are talking to my big boobs and don't even notice me."

I thought she might cry. I looked into her eyes then I reach my hands up and I took her breasts in my hands. "I like your breasts, but I like you better!"

I kissed her mouth and she kissed me back.

We kissed for a long time slowly slipping my hand back between her legs.

"Lay back, on the floor," I said.

She did and I moved myself between her legs, kissing her thighs higher and higher.

She was moaning as I gently kissed her labia several times. Then I pulled over her lips and kissed her clitoris which I sucked into my mouth. With that I pushed two fingers deep inside of her.

She moaned, loudly and began to move around. I had to hold her hips with my hands to keep my mouth in position. As I increased the intensity, the speed and the pressure of my tongue on her clitoris she began moan louder and her breathing became more ragged.

Then I pushed two fingers deep inside as I sucked hard on her clitoris. I looked up at her to see that she was pinching her own nipples.

That put her over the edge. She came loudly. I crawled to her and took her in my arms.

We held each other, naked, for a few minutes before she kissed me and broke away.

Just then someone knocked on the door.

"Shit!" She whispered. We scrambled to grab our clothes.

She pulled her t-shit on and got her shorts on, and stuffer her panties in her purse. I had put on my skirt, without the panties and was trying to button my blouse as quick as I could.

They knocked again. Jenni went to the door and I turned my back to finish the last few buttons.

"It's Mike!"

He pushed inside, "Hey what's going on. It smells in here."

"Shut up," she said, "did you want something in particular?"

"Oh hey, ahh, Abi right?"

Blushing I stuck out my hand, and then realized it was still a little wet, so I withdrew the hand and wiped it on my skirt. Then offered it again. "Yes, Abi."

"You know it's almost time for the our call. You want to go get something to eat?"

I looked at my watch. "Wow, it's later than I thought."

"That's what happens when you are practicing all the time. You loose track of time." He looked at us and smiled. We both blushed.

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