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The Adventures of The Hellcat Pt. 04


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Only after a few panting moments, did she realise how close she'd come to passing out, and laid on the couch in a panting, sweaty, heap. She felt the couch depress around her, and she opened her eyes to see Molly crouching over her, her face still wet with Maggie's lust. Molly leaned forward, and kissed Maggie roughly and hungrily. Maggie returned the kiss, with what little strength she had. Tasting her own sexuality on her best friend's tongue.

Molly finally stood up and took several steps back. She found one of Maggie's discarded rags, a remainder of the prior night, and wiped her face clean with it, tossing it back down on the floor. She started walked slowly backwards to the door. Maggie got up to stand.

"No. Don't move. Don't say anything. Stay just like that. I want this image of you burned into my mind all day long. I want to spend the rest of the day remembering how I left you."

Maggie smirked and parted her legs wider, displaying her freshly satisfied pussy to Molly's appraising eyes, which earned and approving smile. Molly opened the front door, stepped out, and turned to look back, getting one last long look at Maggie. Almost daring her to cover herself from the view of the open door. Maggie didn't even flinch.

"By the way," Molly said. "You have the most delicious pussy I've ever licked."

And with that, Molly swung the door closed and left for class.

~~~Harder Than it Looks~~~

Hellcat leapt through the air, from rooftop to rooftop, feeling the wind in her hair, and the bustling sounds of Empire City ringing in her ears. There was a song in her heart, and a super powered spring in her step. A lust for life swelled in every breath of her lungs. She was a very happy Hellcat.

After Molly had left, Maggie had basked on her sofa in orgasmic bliss for several moments. Then the worry and insecurity began to creep back into her mind. Had she made a horrible mistake? Was this all going to blow up in her face? No.

Maggie stood up defiantly, with clinched fists, and decided then and there that she was going to enjoy this moment. She felt satisfied, she felt sexy, and she felt free and unbound. She was going to enjoy this. Sure, things might take a bad turn, but for right now she was feeling great, and she was going to enjoy that.

It was then that Maggie decided that she couldn't feel good about herself, and then perhaps Hellcat could. She felt a rush at the thought, and after yet another shower, she slipped on her too-tight tights, snuck to the roof of her building, and set out to take on the world.

As soon as she made her first running leap, from one roof-top to the next, she immediately felt better about herself. In point of fact, she felt euphoric. There was something so liberating about this, which she couldn't help but revel in it. Every bit of concern, every bit of insecurity, every bit of doubt was left behind after the first leap. As soon as she felt her body challenge gravity, that adrenaline rush course through her body, she was completely unchained. She felt sexy, she felt cool, she felt strong, and she felt free. Hellcat was on top of the world, and she never wanted to come down.

As Hellcat landed on her final roof, she took a brief pause to get her bearings, and survey the area around her. She could feel the leotard riding up her arse, and feel the breeze over the almost completely exposed lower half of her bum. Her nipples were hard and tightly pressed agienst the fabric, plainly visible to anyone who should glance in her direction, but she wasn't bothered. In fact she grinned. She enjoyed feeling sexy, and even though she wasn't the sort to run about in little more than a spandex bikini, like some of Empire City's heroines, she also understood the thrill of it.

She landed on a rooftop with a small garden atop of it. She'd have to remember this spot, and it looked quite pleasant. She leaned onto a ledge, and looked out over her city. So many stories, and so many characters in her city, and now she was happy to be one of them. Hellcat took a deep breath of the smoggy polluted city air, and sighed in contentment. Just the right mixture of carbon emissions and hobo piss to make her feel right at home.

It was then that she heard something at the very edge of her audial range. A slight whining sound. She peered off into the direction it was coming from. She didn't have to locate the sound. She somehow knew exactly where it was coming from. High pitched and screeching. Designed to cause a state of alarm and awareness in those that heard it.

The sound grew closer, and Hellcat could make out the sound of sirens. Her view was obscured, so she leapt to the roof of the building across the street, which was higher and gave her a better view. She sprinted across the roof to the opposite ledge, and peered in the direction of the sirens. She could hear a cacophony of sirens. Police, paramedics, fire and rescue. She saw several vehicles speeding off into the city centre.

She craned her head to see if she could tell where they were going, and she could. A plume of thick black smoke bellowed from the ground, far off in the distance. She wondered if perhaps there was a fire. She decided she could check it out, just to make sure the fire brigade had it under control.

Upon landing on her fourth rooftop, Hellcat was stopped in her tracks by a deep thundering boom emanating from the distressed area. She quickened her pace, and pushed every leap. Sometimes skipping buildings entirely and landing on the rooftop beyond. This didn't seem like a normal fire. What could it be? Terrorists? Alien invasion? Supervillian? Whatever it was, it didn't matter. Hellcat set her mind firmly on one fact.

This was a job, for The Hellcat.

Quicker she ran and further she leapt. In the distance she began to hear the tell-tale pops of gunfire. She realised just how serious this was, and she began to feel panic rising in her throat. Were people hurt? What was she expected to do. She could get seriously hurt here. She may even be putting her life in danger. Hellcat had chosen to become a costumed hero, though, and that's what she was going to do. She set her jaw, and pressed on.

She made a rolling landing on one last rooftop, and came out of the roll to the opposite ledge, that would give her a view of the battle zone. She felt her heart near beat out of her chest with what her eyes saw. Cars burning and overturned. People fleeing like refugees from the destruction, sprinting has fast as they could to get behind makeshift barricades that had been made out of police vehicles and hope.

Buildings with gaping hole in their facades and water spraying up angrily from turn apart water mains. In the centre of the chaos, stood a 7' tall wall of meat and muscle. Skin clad in tight dark grey leather. He issued fourth a terrifying rare or rage as bullets bounced off his armoured suit. With furious might, he lifted a burning car above his head, and flung it as a missile towards the police officers. Making them scatter for their lives. Hellcat recognised this living monster instantly.

The Hammer.

Hellcat took several steps back form the ledge and took a deep breath, steeling her nerves and mentally preparing herself for what was about to happen.

"Ok girl, this is it," She said to herself. "You wanted some more experience before something like this happened, but it's happening now, it's for real, and you're the only one here that can do something about it."

Hellcat went back to the ledge, and took another look. Hammer was currently pulling street lamps up, and hurling them like javelins at the scrambling police. There seemed to be no method to his madness. Merely wanton destruction, merely for the sake of the thrill of it.

The good news was, that the Hammer a simple brute. He lacked intelligence and finesse. He was purely a power player, and this had caused him to be beaten senseless by virtually every hero in the city at one time or another. It was a bit of a coming of age for a hero to take down the Hammer. Hellcat supposed she was just going to have to come of age a bit early. All she really had to do was keep him busy until a more experienced hero showed up to finish the job.

With a firm nod, Hellcat clenched her teeth, ran to the far side of the building, and sprinted forward, leaping off the ledge, twisting herself around in mid-air in a display of stunning acrobatics, and came down in a low crouch, a mere meter behind Hammer. She quickly realised that he didn't realise that she was there, so she quickly took advantage of the element of surprise, and spun herself around, bring a sweep kick to Hammer's vulnerable shin.

"Ouch! Damnit!" yelped Hellcat, as her leg bounced off Hammer's leg, which didn't even budge. She gripped it in pain. He slowly turned around, and looked down at her. His head cocked to the side, slightly confused for a brief moment. Hammer gave an unconcerned shrug, grabbed her leg, and flung her into the roof of an abandoned car, the metal warping and crunching into a Hellcat shaped dent.

"Who the fuck is you 'sposed ta be?"

"" she replied, trying to catch her breath. " wanna surrender now?"

The Hammer stared blankly at her for a few moments, behind the hood which covered his head and half of his face, before bellowing in laughter. Hellcat got a good look at him, then. His tight leather suit covered him head to toe, but did nothing to hide the muscular rifts of his chemically enhanced body. His head was covered from hair to the top of his nose by a matching hood and mask. Only his mouth and chin were exposed. His jaw was squared and pronounced. He was the living image of exactly what he really was. A brute. He smelled of vodka and discount stale cigars.

"Not just yet, darlin'. I'm a bit busy at the moment. Hellcat y'said?"

"Yeah. The Hellcat."

"Oh, THE Hellcat, excuse me then. Nice kitten costume. The Hammer does like him some pussy, that's for sure. Maybe in a little bit though, Sugar Tits. Daddy's workin'."

With that, he took a brief moment to leer at her body, and walked off. Hellcat was a bit insulted by this. He didn't even try to get a parting shot in. He simply dismissed her as a non-issue. She climbed off the roof of the car, and faced him as he was walking away. A sneer formed on her face. Her eyes narrowed and she gritted her teeth as a growled formed in the back of her throat.

She crouched low, and then sprung up high in the air, she flipped over once, bringing herself right again, and came down feet first onto his head. She was delighted so to how he staggered underneath her. She rolled forward onto her feet and spun around, intending to deliver a high kick too precisely where his head should be. Instead, she found her hand, which clamped tightly around her ankle, trapping her in mid kick.

Again he grinned at the look of shock in her eyes, and then his eyes travelled over her disadvantaged body. He smiled at the sight of the camel toe the suit formed in her exposed crotch, and the way it disappeared up her backside. Hammer licked his lips and chuckled.

"Baby, listen, you're dressed to impressed, and Hammer is impressed, and I know you want my attention, but Daddy's busy earning his money. So stay outta my way for a few more minutes, and then after that you can ride on Hemmer's cock for a bit. Ok Pussycat?"

And with that, he flung Hellcat over his shoulder. Hellcat flew through the plate glass window of a storefront, through five or six racks of groceries...she had trouble keeping count...and into the wall on the far side, leaving an arse shaped hole in the drywall.

Hellcat was bruised and bloodied, but she was shocked by how superficial her wounds that far had been. She was very sore and out of breath. There were minor cuts and scratches littered about her boy, and her eye felt swollen, but she was ok. There was still plenty of flight left in her. She rose from the rubble and made her way to the shattered storefront. She looked over her costume. It was a bit worse for wear. There were nasty rips in her side and a ripped area hang in a tatter below her left collar. Everything was still covered, though, and she could sew it up with Molly's sewing machine.

Hellcat cracker her knuckles, tugged the suit from her bum crack, and charged back into the fray. It didn't take Hellcat long to locate The Hammer again. Up to this point, she'd made a fool of herself. She'd underestimated him. She wasn't going to make that same mistake again. He was faster that she'd expected, but not as fast as her. Speed was still her advantage. He had blind spots where his mask limited his vision, so she'd come at him from the sides. His suit protected him from bullets and hits, but perhaps he'd be vulnerable to holds. She sprinted towards Hammer, his back turned to her. With a growl, Hellcat leapt towards her prey.

She took him by surprise. Leaping onto his back, she knocked him off balance enough for her to get one arm tightly around his neck, and the other locked behind his head. Her legs wrapped tightly as they could around the muscular bulk of his waist. She tensed her body and squeezed her arms, attempting to choke him out.

Hammer tried to pull her arms, but Hellcat held on for dear life. Hammer began to slouch, and for the first time Hellcat thought that she could actually pull this off. That's when he spoke.

"Oh Pussycat, that better not be you."

"Do yourself a favour, and give up. You tore my costume. Now I'm angry."

"Give up? Why would Hammer do that, Sugar Tits, when we're havin' so much...FUN!" With that, Hammer threw himself back into the pavement. Hellcat was crushed underneath his bulk and she saw stars when her head smacked into the street. She tried to catch her breath, but Hammer easily pushed her arms aside and rose above her. Before Hellcat could recover, he lifted his foot, and kicked her in the stomach, leaving her coughing and gasping for breath on the ground.

"You wanted Daddy's attention, baby, well now you got it. In full."

Hammer reached down, and grabbed Hellcat by the throat. He hoisted her into the air, and charged across the road, slamming her into the brick wall of a building. Hellcat was desperately trying to catch her breath and shoo away the stars dancing in front of her eyes. She knew this was serious trouble; she was out of her depth. She realised in full, the foolishness of her rushing in. Hammer, on the other hand, was having a lovely day. It felt so good winning a fight, for a change.

"Well, well, well. Lookee there. You're right, Pussycat, Hammer did rip your pretty clothes. Lemme see if I can fix that." With that, Hammer took the ripped tatter, hanging below Hellcat's right shoulder, and tugged on it, ripping her costume further down, completely exposing her right breast, and ample portions of the left to his wicked eyes.

"Oops! Whopsie daisy. Lemme cover that up for ya" Hammer reached forward and lecherously mauled her exposed breast. Hellcat wretched and tried to twist away from the assault, but her body was too weak. She couldn't catch her breath, her vision was getting burly, and she was feeling light headed.

"Ah, hammer does love him the gingers. But the question is, does the carpet match the curtains?"

Hellcat felt the gusset of her suit being tugged to the side.

"Well would ya lookat that. Surprise endin'. Hardwood floors."

She felt Hammer's thick digits begin to toys with the lips of her exposed pussy, and that was all the motivation Hellcat needed to get back in the game. Hammer had her pinned by the throat, but her legs her free. She brought up her legs, and placed her feet agienst the wall. She pushed off with enough momentum that the lower half of her body swung upward, and she was able to wrap her legs around Hammer's arm, and pull it with her hands.

Hellcat had his arm trapped, and she stretched her body, hearing a satisfying yelp of pain issue from his perverted mouth, right before she heard the pop of his arm coming out of socket. Hammer screamed in pain, as he collapsed onto the ground. Hellcat wasn't taking any chances, and gave him a sharp kick to the side of his head, sending him staggering backwards.

Hellcat took a moment, to catch her breath, and marshal her senses, and she witnessed Hammer popping his own arm back into socket with another enraged cry. Hellcat charged towards Hammer with a fury, and leap again to deliver another swift kick to his head, but he came up with his un-injured arm, griping her ankle, swung her through the air, and threw her down onto the concrete with a dull thud.

Hellcat couldn't hold out any longer. Her vision was blotchy, and she could barely breathe. She couldn't even muster the strength to roll over and crawl away. She looked up and saw the Hammer standing over her. His face shadowed in rage.

"I tried ta be friendly, Pussycat, but you done used up every ounce of goodwill Hammer has. Now it's time for..." They were suddenly both surprised by a ringing coming from a small pouch on his belt. "Hammer has a phone call, Pussycat. Let me take this right quick, and Hammer will kill ya when he's done."

Hellcat could only blink at the absurdity of this.

"Hammer. Talk ta me. Yeah... yeah, no problem. Got half the ECPD out here. Nah, no capes. Well, one, but she's not for real. Just a tourist. Hammer was about to put her lights out. Yeah? Ok, Hammer will finish this one off, and then we'll meet tomorrow night, midnight, at O'Rourke's Pub in Old Town. Bring the money, Hammer will practice his countin'." And with that, hammer hung up.

What was that about, Hellcat wondered? Someone was paying Hammer to do all this? Why? What was there to be gained from...a diversion? Hammer was trying to draw focus from elsewhere, the police, and any other heroes which may come. Their eye was being drawn from...

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Said Hammer, putting away his phone. "Hammer knows he shouldn't be discussin' plans in front of heroes, but seein' as how Hammer's 'bout ta kill ya, he figures he can make an exception. Well that's that, Pussycat. Daddy's work here is done. And with that. Light's out, Sugar Ti...ugh"

In her hazy state, Hellcat could only blink in confusion, as she saw the soda-pop vending machine crash into Hammer, sending him flying away from her. She tilted her head backwards, looking behind her, and that's when she saw him walking through the smoke and dust.

The Enforcer.

He painted a picture of the epitome of a warrior. His face and hair was covered by a black balaclava and his eyes by dark biker goggles. Upon his chest, he wore a dark grey Kevlar vest, tailored to fit is lean muscular frame and allow freedom of movement. His arms and shoulders where bare, showing off the tanned skin of his impressively muscled arms. The muscles twitched with tension as he clinched his fists, encased in dark leather gloves, which sported heavy metal studs along his knuckles and the back of his hand.

Upon his legs, he wore black cargo pants, which were designed to be loose, but were still snug in just the right places to show what an amazing specimen of masculinity he was. The trousers were tucked into black combat boots, with dull metal tipped toes. A military style cargo belt was fastened around his waist which held various pouches.

The Enforcer was known as Empire City's toughest street fighter. Villains everywhere were terrified of him. Even though he had never crossed the line, and taken a life, he had put a great deal many criminals in traction. His style was simple. Surrender or pain. He had no qualms with beating men into submission. He had done so with Hammer many times before. This time would be no different.

He walked confidently, with great purpose, past the prone, still recovering Hellcat. She was struck in awe by the hero she had dreamed about, only days ago. One of her favourite heroes, and one of the most storied in the entire city. He passed by without as much as a glance. His eyes focused on Hammer, recovering from the sudden attack.

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