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The Amazing Divorce of Doug and Jeannette

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The ex-Wife's high cost divorce
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Authors note: Again thanks for the accolades and the constructive criticisms.

In American folklore recurring references are made to the 'Good Hearted Woman' married to a "Good Timing Man." This story is a another depicting the Opposite Scenario that is just as widespread but rarely talked about. A "Good Timing Woman" married to a decent hardworking man whose concerns are his wife and the family is the theme of this story. Hope you enjoy.

Douglas Harmon was a detail oriented, engineering type whose work required making precise measurements in customers' plants with laser instruments where a single error could threaten bankruptcy for his employer because so much labor and materials will have been required to craft custom manufactured machinery. Tall, fit, perfectly straight dazzling white teeth, fashionably dressed, with the perfect shade of a 5-O'Clock shadow always on his face, Doug has also been a handsomely paid fashion model since beginning college. He was accustomed to ladies milling around him hoping to be noticed. It goes without saying that he fucked many coeds and wives in school and later. Two years out of college he met his wife during a fashion shoot they both were employed on. After they began dating Doug fell madly and almost irreversibly in love with her. So Doug chose to leave the fashionable life behind when he reluctantly married his Significant Other - reluctant because he was not sure she had left the same life behind as completely as had he. But he was mostly calm nowadays, though, as he spent many hours weekly in their home assembling model planes, ships, and guns in a dedicated room in the basement called his 'Toy Room.' His love for his wife continued to escalate but Doug was never quite sure he heard 'forever' in their intimate conversations. He reluctantly accepted that she didn't love him nearly as much as he did her, but was at first supremely confident that her love for him would grow, only to find that his confidence diminished over time.

Mrs. Jeanette Harmon worked full-time as a star cosmetics retail salesperson in a local upscale department store and as the position would require her beauty was legendary around the store. She also was a fashion model possessing all the feminine traits that successful people in that world possess. And she, too, was accustomed to fashionably dressed men milling around in her environment aching to enjoy her body. In youth she selected lovers at her whim, and after she got married, she found it impossible to stop. In 12 years of marriage Lover number 7 was her current Beau.

On days she came to the health club, she had previously dropped her 10 year old son, Marcus, off at school. She would then work from noon to 9:30 P.M at the department store and drive home. (Her husband picked their son Marcus up from school, and then fed and put him to bed nightly.) The period after workouts gave Jeannette about two hours to chat with her best friend, Bill, in the juice bar and afterwards prepare for her day's work in the ladies locker room of the health club.

William Walker (Bill) was a bonafide 78-year old war hero with deep lines in his face, and was a retired Gunnery Sergeant in the Marines. He and Jeannette had had a chance conversation about yoga after a workout session, and from that developed a deep and lasting friendship over the past three years. They usually shared a smoothie twice weekly in the club's juice bar and chatted with each other exclusively. In the past three years Bill had learned more than he wanted to know about Jeannette in their conversations because Jeannette had no one else on whom she could unload her crushing problems, freely and privately. Bill didn't mind and enjoyed her company (She was eye-candy to him, but not vice versa, of course). For example, he knew about her family and everything about her current and former lovers, and that she remained married to her son's father who loved her but was mildly suspicious. Bill would listen without criticizing and posed no threat to her because he was 'over the hill,' prompting her to tell him all her secrets - in fact, once her husband came into the juice bar trying to learn if she had a consort at the club, only to be introduced by her to this old gentleman. The husband, Doug, immediately liked him and they even invited him to dinner once in a while after that. Once he brought a box of medals and awards and after dinner gave them a show-and-tell of his exploits as a hero.

Today, Jeannette Harmon - a 35 year old housewife - plus Bill Walker and 12 others were nearing the end of a twice-weekly intense one hour yoga session at the health club. After the relaxation period followed, and all except she and Bill had left the room. Jeannette said, "Good Morning Bill." After his response she continued, "A smoothie today so I can tell you about last night?"

"Excellent idea, Jeannette."

After Jeannette and Bill they had their smoothies in front of them, Jeannette said, "Bill, Doug caught me in a lie last night and I thought my whole world was going to end. I called him about 8:00 and told him I would need to certify the inventory for our product lines tonight against sales and it would be about 10:15 when I got home. I then slipped out of the store at that moment because a co-worker would be doing the reconciliations for me. I drove across the street to the Sheraton where my Honey stays when he travels to the Boston area. It was 10:30 when I got home afterward."

"What was so unusual about that?"

"We neglected to watch the clock and I finally left his hotel room late without cleaning myself up. When I got home Doug was horny and started pushing me directly towards the bed. Then he started hurriedly tugging at my clothes and refused to let me shower before lovemaking. I said, "Wait, nature calls I have to use the toilet. Bill, I sat on the toilet seat and he sat outside the closed door determined that I would not get a chance to clean my lover's tracks out of my pussy unless he knew exactly what I was doing."

"Wow! Wow! You take chances lady! But sitting outside the crapper is very strange! Jeannette, you really need to get out of your marriage before you get murdered."

"After I came out he started pushing me towards the bed again, so as much as I didn't want another cock in me then I decided to just relax and take it. But he pulled up my dress and off my thong and started kissing up my leg. Almost in a panic mode I said, 'Doug, I have worked all day on my feet, I need food, and I need a shower and you will not like the way I taste if you intend to eat my pussy!' He said, "Don't worry, I don't like seconds, be sure I won't do that. I just want to kiss your body a little.' And then when his face got close to my body he suddenly stopped cold and said, 'Put on your clothes, Jeannette.' Then he wouldn't say a thing. I bluffed angrily , 'What the hell is this all about, Doug?'"

"Was he really angry by then?"

"His face was white with rage. I screamed my lies at him, 'What are you talking about 'seconds', Doug? I have worked all day and I am dead tired and I don't need you or your suspicious mind after I come home.'"

Concerned, Bill asked, "What happened next?"

"He went down to his toy room. After I was eating a TV dinner later, he came in and sat down, and asked, 'Did your physical inventory agree with your sales records?' I guessed and said, 'yes, mostly,' still very much pissed off at him. He then said, 'My co-worker looked carefully in your area when he and his wife were one of the last customers asked to leave your store by Security, and another sales lady was doing the inventory and you were not there.' I replied, 'I know I wasn't there initially because we had lost a couple of high value items to shoplifters and I went up to talk to the security manager about it.' This calmed him down so he could relax a little. Then I woke up before the clock went off this morning and gave him a blow job so I think we are all right for the time being. But that was too close, Bill."

He said, "You are skating on very thin ice, Jeannette. Why not rethink just getting a divorce? You are killing Doug slowly and you're certainly not doing anything to help your son - in fact, you are throwing him overboard - and one of these days you will frighten yourself almost to death when you realize what you will have done to yourself."

"I love my son, that can not possibly be! Exactly how would you suggest that I go about divorcing Doug, Bill?"

"Simple, keep your knees together for a few weeks, have an attorney write a shared custody divorce petition that is as generous as possible to him, ask him for a divorce stating that you don't love him, and that you two are incompatible and you are weary of his suspicious mind. Assure him that there is no one else and that you don't care if he hires a detective to follow you around if he is not convinced."

"Bill, every time I think about leaving Doug my breath gets short and I feel fear and change my mind. Besides that, Marcus is so attached to his Dad its almost like I am just hired help around the house. You remember that I told you before that I was having an affair at the time I got pregnant with our son. It was the same story then, Doug was suspicious and even while I carried Marcus he asked if I was O.K. with a Paternity Test, as my pregnancy was unplanned. He didn't think it could possibly be his offspring. The baby didn't even resemble his father but we he had a paternity test performed - of course I was in a 24/7 state of panic until the results came back. The test showed that Doug was the father! I thanked my lucky stars and enjoyed a few months of quality time with my husband and new son. I almost didn't go back to fucking around. But a year later I met this gorgeous hunk to whom I just couldn't say no. Bill, I am really fucked up! How am I going to get out of this mess?"

Bill answered, "The same way you got into it by planning the actions you will take and sticking to your plan! There is no other way! Don't waste your money on therapy and drugs is my advice. All they do is fuck you up even more than you are already!"

They said their goodbyes and she went to the locker room to prepare for work.


The area Cosmetics Manager and her lover she had enjoyed at the Sheraton last night, walked up to Jeannette. The CM introduced Harrison Deerfield as a principle in a Manufacturer's Rep Agency. Of course she already knew this but played along as if she didn't. After the introductory pleasantries were over Harrison Deerfield said, "Ms Harmon, your CM and I have worked out the details of an agreement whereby we are inviting you to visit our Connecticut training center along with several star performers. You will be using live models during the three day hands on training session. We have a whole new line of products coming out that we are excited about. Your salary will continue in your absence and our company will pay all expenses related to the training."

Harrison looked directly at her and said, "Does this sound like an opportunity to you, Ms. Harmon?"

All she could see was the blue in his eyes as her focus was on last night in his hotel room and said, "That would just be marvelous and maybe we could get the jump on competition if the new lines explode into popularity."

As the duo prepared to continue their tour, the CM said, "I will have a letter in your hands before we close tonight specifying the logistics and dates involved, Ms. Harmon. We thank you."


Jeannette went straight home that night and arrived before 10:00 P.M. She kissed her sleeping son and went directly to the bathroom after exchanging mostly pleasant greetings with her husband. She read the CM's letter on the department store's letterhead at the table. It noted that she would drive over early and stay in a West Hartford suburban Embassy Suites next Wednesday and Thursday nights, driving back to Boston on Friday afternoon.

In a relatively good mood, Doug came into the dining room and hugged her and asked, "How was your day dear?"

"Pretty good day for commissions and look at this!" She handed the CM's letter to him. Continuing, she said, "Do you think your mother can take care of Marcus in the mornings?"

After Doug read it and looked at the dates and the hotel address, he thought, ["I have a comp day off on that Friday and I wanted for us to drive down to the Cape for the weekend. But this is an opportunity for her and here is an easy way for me catch her fucking around if she is in fact doing so. Just maybe I can get out of this marriage without being financially ruined. Our son will stay with Mom on Thursday night and I will drive to Hartford unannounced after work on Thursday."] but he forced a smile at his wife and said, "I am sure Mom will help us out again."


The next yoga-day, again Bill and Jeannette were sipping their smoothies when Jeannette said, "Guess what, Bill? I am going West of Hartford for three days and two nights of training on a new product line. My mother-in-law will shuttle our child to school and to her home later."

"Is your latest true love going to be available to you there?"

"He's the director of that seminar and some retail sales ladies from New England have been selected by him from the major stores that carry his lines. I was the only one from our location!"

"Well, how thrilling for you, and it also presents a tempting opportunity for Doug to drive over and check on you. Remember, I would be one sad old man if anything happened to you. Keep in mind that some of these Red Necks are very violent people when they are confronted with evidence of a wife's cheating - even astute engineering types like Doug."

"Oh, watching for things like that are second nature to me now. I have had seven different men in 12 years of marriage, but I feel differently about my current guy than I did the other six. I know all the how-to books say that that is when getting found out is most likely, but I am going to exploit the opportunity."

Bill said, "Watch out. You have too much confidence! At any rate I would like to bum a ride over there just to see the eye candy of many beautiful women in one hotel. Ah Youth! Where art thou? Besides, I have a grandchild married and living in West Hartford. If I were in that hotel they just might take me to dinner so I could visit with my great grand kids."

Jeannette said, "Well I gotta hit the shower so I can go to work. But say the word about going over there and I will pick you up about 6:30 A.M. in front of your complex that Wednesday morning and you can ride back with me on Friday afternoon."


On the Monday evening before her Wednesday travel, Doug was in their bedroom with his wife while she packed and the two chatted. He left the room from time to time to check on the food he was preparing for his wife and to give her an opportunity to pack anything she didn't want him to see her pack. They were in a pretty good mood. She finished and zipped up her suitcase and locked it in his presence. He wondered why the act of her locking her suitcase bothered him so much.

Tuesday morning after she had left for yoga, Doug stayed behind. He picked her suitcase lock and examined item by item all its contents. He found two Victoria's Secret gowns that he had bought for her plus a half dozen extra large condoms. He put everything back into the suitcase exactly as he found it and even locked it again. Now he knew she planned to fuck someone at the training seminar. But, in spite of feeling rotten inside, his forced his face to maintain the complete stone appearance.

It was 10 P.M Tuesday night before her trip the next morning when Jeannette walked into the kitchen from work. The couple perfunctorily kissed hello when Doug said, "I allowed Marcus to stay up until you got home so you could say good night to him."

She kissed him and immediately started talking like a mother to him about the next three days. Of course he understood and shortly they walked to his bedroom together. She kissed him good night and good bye for three days.

After she refreshed herself she went back to the kitchen to find that Doug had cooked a very nice dinner for her. He sat with her as she ate dinner. She said, "You remember Bill Walker, the old gentleman who came to dinner with us a few times?"

"Yes. How is he. What is going on with him?"

He has a grandchild and great grand children in the West Hartford area. He always stays in a hotel when he visits since their home is too small for guests, so this time he asked if he could bum a ride to my hotel and one back with me on Friday. I agreed and will pick him up near the health center at 6:00 A.M. in the morning."

Doug looked relieved and said, "Thats a very nice thing for you to do for a great gentleman. I know he is your close friend."


After stopping on the road for breakfast, the pair arrived at the Embassy Suites about 11:00 A.M. Jeannette stood in a line behind Bill to register. Afterwards she said, "Thanks for breakfast, Bill. If I don't see you before then I will meet you here in the lobby about two on Friday, Right?" After he agreed they said their goodbyes and she went to her room. She noted that she needed to be in the lobby to catch the shuttle bus to the training facility at 2:30. She had not seen Harrison and her pussy already ached for him because she had been able to find only one more opportunity to be with him while he was working in the Boston area recently. She put on some lounging clothes after refreshing herself and unpacked her one suitcase - she smiled at having managed to slip in the items she brought while Doug had left their room when she was packing earlier. She laid across the bed killing time watching TV to 2:30 when a half hour later there was a knock at the door.

She went to the door and saw Harrison through the security port. She yanked the door open wide and in he came taking off his suit while she was taking off her lounging clothes as they stumbled towards the bed. There wasn't a word spoken until both orgasmed the first time. Jeannette said, "Wow! Thanks for keeping tabs on me!"

"I send this hotel lots of business so they take care of me by providing extra information because of those bennies."

Jeannette asked, "Any idea how much time you will get to spend with me over the three days?"

"We will play it by ear, as I must keep a large group of ladies entertained and in a good mood - but your room is where I will come when I can. Promise."

After one more sex coupling, they both got up and dressed. Harrison left the room first. Five minutes later Jeannette left. On the bus to the training center she renewed acquaintances with peers from different stores around Boston, especially Jenny, the one who sat down beside her on the bus. Once there at the 'hello happy hour,' one peer asked all the ladies loudly and boisterously, "Anyone of you ladies know where to find some strange handsome men with big cocks who are anxious to ball?" A roar of laughter went up while the conversation turned to good clubs with good music. Studying the loud mouthed ladies, Jeannette noticed that at least two were younger and prettier and more shapely than her, including Jenny, and she wondered if Harrison might move in on one of them - or had already moved in on them - as well. Jeannette remained silent with her angst and smiled. Finally Jenny asked her, "What is your plans tonight?"

Jeannette said, "Not anything. Have dinner, call my husband about 9:00 and talk to my son and watch TV I guess, because the bar scene depresses me."

After the power point presentation on the new product lines they would be using tomorrow hands on with live models conducted by Harrison, all the ladies filed back into the shuttle bus to return to the hotel - making a note that there would be a 7:30 early pick up in the morning.

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