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The Awakening Ch. 04

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Lisa has her first extramarital cock...and loves it.
3.2k words

Part 4 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/19/2020
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Thanks to all who follow/rate/comment - the story continues about a middle aged married couple seeking to broaden their sexual horizons. Swinging and smoking are inherent in this transformation, so consider other options if these things aren't your style...


The next morning, Lisa awoke to Tom's arms wrapped around her and smiled. It's been some time since they regularly spooned and she was enjoying the closeness generated by the newfound spark in their sexuality. She rolled over, kissed him and he opened his eyes.

"Good morning, sexy," he murmured, "I don't want to move yet but I've golf this morning."

"Ah, that's right," she replied, her hand slowly snaking down to find his cock. "Guess you don't have time to play this morning."

"Mmmm, I'd love to...but can't be late, hon." He hugged her, his lips finding hers again and sliding his tongue into her waiting mouth. She ran her thumb and forefinger over his head.

"Guess we'll have to wait until later," she sighed.

"Or you can invite the black guy over to take care of you, " he chuckled. She raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, so you really wouldn't mind?" she asked with a grin.

"Honestly, I'm very jealous thinking about it but have to admit part of it really turns me on. Is that crazy?"

She shook her head.

"No, I get it, I think. I appreciate your honesty; I like knowing what turns you on and we should explore as much as we can before none of it works anymore!" she replied.

"So, you wouldn't be upset if I actually fucked Wendy or someone else?" he asked, referring to their conversation from the prior night. Lisa paused.

"No, I don't think so - I think we both are a bit jealous but like the idea of sharing and fair is fair, if I'm having my way with a stud," she replied. He kissed her again.

"Okay, now you really are going to get me going! I better get up before I decide to stay in bed all day with you!" he kissed her again and rose to get dressed. Lisa turned over and sighed.

Lisa rose a few minutes after Tom left, poured herself from coffee, and sipped it on the patio, enjoying the mid-morning sun, and checking her news feed on her phone. She passed over the boring political news, glanced and the sports, and moved on. In mid-flip, the phone rang and the phone screen announced 'Matt Carlyle'. She answered.

"Hey, Matt, what's up?" she asked.

"Hi Lisa, just cleaning up after the party last night. It was late but everyone had a great time, it seemed," came Matt's baritone voice.

"It was awesome to see everyone. Looks like we all put a few drinks away," she responded. He chuckled.

"Oh, for sure. You know this crowd," he said. There was a bit of an awkward pause - neither of them wanting to reference the fact that Lisa showed Matt her tits and he sucked on her nipples for a brief moment before being interrupted. Lisa closed her eyes and thought about how good it felt.

"Anyway, I wanted to let you know you left your wine bag here - it's nice and I know Wendy will want to keep it, so I thought I'd let you. I can run it over later," he said.

"You can, or I can pop up now if you'd like. I have to run some errands later on," she countered.

"Sure, that works, anytime, I'm just cleaning up a bit," he said. They said their goodbyes and Lisa rose, and headed into the shower. Finishing, she dried her hair, and thought about make up. Maybe a bit, she thought, running a film of dark red lipstick over her full lips. She put on a pair of Capri jeans and a sleeveless blouse. With one last glance in the mirror, she grabbed her purse and left.

After a brisk walk down the street, Lisa found Matt in the open door of the main garage, loading a bag of trash into the trash can. He waved.

"Hey, Lisa, long time, " he chuckled. She smiled in return and walked into the garage.

"Hey, yourself," she replied, "where's Wendy this morning?"

"Oh, you know, at one of her many committee evens. I think this morning it's the Christmas parade planning group, or something like that," he laughed. Lisa thought he was avoiding meeting her eyes but couldn't be sure. Was her feeling bad about last night, she wondered? Matt moved another bag over to the trash and looked around.

"Man, we were all over the back patio, the garage, and the house last night," he said, shaking his head.

"You did spend time showing everyone your baby," she replied, pointing to the other garage that housed his 1969 Corvette. He nodded and smiled.

"For sure, I think they all enjoyed it. I liked showing her off," he said. He pulled his pack of Newports out and paused, looking at her quizzically. "And I learned you like smoking at times...or was that just the wine last night?" Lisa shook her head.

"I enjoy it," she replied, "I mean, I'm not addicted to the point of a pack a day, more of a 'hell with the world' type of attitude thing, if that makes sense." He nodded.

"Sure, I get it. Everyone has a certain image and it's fun to bust it once in a while, even if only to yourself." He held out an all-white cigarette; smiling, Lisa moved to take it between her red lips. Matt flicked the lighter to life and she leaned in, cupping her hands around his and inhaling the first puff into her lungs. Plucking it from her lips in her carefully manicured two fingers, she sighed. Matt lit his cigarette in a practiced manner and exhaled.

"I have to admit you do look good doing it, too," he offered, looking directly in her eyes. She moved the cigarette to her lips and took a slow drag. The filter had a delicate red stain from her lips.

"I'm glad you think so. I'm not sure Tom enjoys it but he doesn't bust on me as much as Wendy does on you," she said.

"He needs to appreciate it. It's even hotter since you have the innocent librarian look going," he replied. She raised her eyebrows.

"Librarian? Is that good?" she laughed. He waved his hand.

"Of course, it is...I meant the sexy librarian," he countered.

"I'm teasing you; I get it. I do appreciate having that innocent image, but with a naughty streak. A naughty streak that seems to be coming out more and more," she laughed, taking another draft, looking him in the eyes, and exhaling a perfect white plume of smoke in his direction. A momentary look of nervousness crossed his face.

"Umm, yeah, about that...I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable last night," he said, glancing away. She shook her head.

"Of course not, silly. I started it, we're fine, don't worry about it," she said. They finished their cigarettes in silence and he offered her the ashtray. They stubbed out and he waved her in.

"Your bag is on the counter, let me grab it," he said. Lisa followed him into the spacious kitchen.

"Wow, the place looks great, you and Wendy clean up fast," she said, glancing around.

"Mostly me," he chuckled, "she left early and will be gone most of the day," he stated. He looked at her again.

"Ummm, listen, I really don't want what happened to come between us. We love you guys and I don't want to mess your marriage...or mine for that matter," he said.

"Matt, if I'm being completely honest, I really started it and have to say I enjoyed it. While I haven't told Tom, I may say something when the time is right and I certainly won't tell Wendy anything. It's just fun to explore, don't you think?" she grinned and he laughed with relief.

"God, yes, I wish Wendy was more like you," he said. "She just doesn't get it these days, I hope she snaps out of it."

"Hey, Tom and I were like that, until recently. So I get what you are going through, I think," she offered kindly.

"Really? What changed with you guys?" he asked. She shrugged, not sure how much she should reveal.

"Well, he caught me smoking, which caused a conversation about expanding our horizons. And I learned a bit more about each other sexually. You should try talking to Wendy about what you want, maybe she will respond," Lisa said.

"Just open communication? That's it?" he frowned, "isn't that a bit simplistic?"

"Well," Lisa paused, "it may have been a bit more than just communication. We shared some of our ideas with each other and found we have similar thoughts."

"Like what," he replied, clearly confused. Lisa jumped in.

"Like I want to have him watch me fuck another guy. Or maybe have him fuck Wendy," she blurted, then suddenly regretted it, seeing the look on his face.

"Whaaaat? He wants to fuck my wife?" he asked, perplexed.

"It was just hot sex chat," Lisa explained, "it seemed like he liked the idea and I just went with it. Just a fantasy, forget I mentioned, I'm sorry."

"No, it just caught me by surprise. I am not offended, just didn't think you thought like that. You certainly are full of surprises!" She laughed nervously.

"Well, let's not let it get out that we all want to be swingers. Not sure the rest of the crowd would appreciate it. Besides, it's not like we really will do it," she said.

"True...though I have to admit...and I really hope you don't mind me saying this...I really enjoyed touching you last night." His eyes wandered from hers down to her chest. Lisa closed her eyes momentarily, reflecting on it.

"Well, I have to admit I enjoyed the feeling of your hands and mouth on me...and the feeling of breaking the rules," she admitted. Matt moved closer, raising his hand to stroke her cheek.

"I'm glad. I really wanted it," he replied. Matt lowered his face to hers and kissed her lightly on the lips and withdrew. Lisa grabbed hand and pulled it to her chest, while her other hand circled his neck, pulling his lips back down to hers.

"You call that a kiss?" she whispered, her lips meeting his and opening slightly to allow her tongue to slowly slide out and run over his lips and into his waiting mouth. She tasted the recently finished cigarette and the taste coupled with newness of a new kiss sent a chill down her spine and between her thighs. Matt responded more aggressively, pulling into his arms, and plunging his own thick tongue into her open mouth. He pressed her against the island, one arm wrapped around her as the other started kneading her left tit slowly but firmly.

Moaning, Lisa move her hands down along his side, reaching his firm, tight ass and pulling him close. They kissed hungrily, wet mouths playing, tongues dueling, bot enjoying the newness and growing passion. Lisa felt his growing bulge against her and knew she had to have that cock. They continued kissing and Lisa felt the moistness between her legs become even damper. Matt suddenly stopped, looked at her with lust in his eyes, and wordlessly grabbed her hand, pulling into the hallway.

Lisa looked around nervously...what were they doing? This was so wrong...wasn't it? They passed the master bedroom and Lisa noticed the bed was unmade. He was moving towards one of the guest bedrooms but Lisa stopped him.

"No," she smiled, as he turned and looked at her.

"Oh, " he said, looking chagrined, "I'm sorry, I just thought..." Lisa cut him off.

"Not no to getting it on with to the other bedroom. I want this one," she exclaimed, pulling him into their master bedroom. Matt looked at her nervously. Lisa backed into the room, legs hitting the bed, and unbuttoned her blouse. She looked around, seeing pictures of a smiling Matt and Wendy in all their vacation spots. The sight, instead of making her uneasy, actually sent a new thrill through her system. She looked into his eyes, dropping her bra to the floor.

"Why don't you finish what you started last night, Matt," she looked at through her Kate Spade glasses, hands cupping her tits in offering. Matt reached for her, lowered his lips to her right nipple, and slowly licked. His other hand softly kneaded her other tit, fingers finding the hardening nipple and sending shivers through her. God, yes, she thought.

Matt pushed her back onto the unmade bed, mouth never leaving her nipple, and he began sucking her nipple harder, the other hand firmly pulling her. He's rougher than Tom, she thought, appreciating the difference in style and wanting more. She put her hands on the back of his head and moaned.

"That's it, baby, suck them," she urged. Tom moaned in return, his left hand reaching down to unbutton her jeans. He rose and slid her jeans off in one smooth motion. He looked down at her, unbuttoning his shirt slowly and dropping to the floor. Lisa ran her hands over her nipples, over her curves and down to her light red bikini panties. Tom unzipped his pants and Lisa took off her underwear, revealing a delicately trimmed pussy.

"I'm no anywhere near as skinny as Wendy," she said, suddenly feeling a bit shy and nervous as she realized she was now naked in front of another man, something that hadn't happened for nearly 20 years. Tom smiled.

"I'm glad you aren't. I love curvy and I love your tits," he replied. Lisa went to remove her glasses.

"No, keep them on. I want the sexy librarian experience," he commanded. She complied, smiling. He took off his underwear, revealing a hard, circumcised cock just shorter than Tom's seven inches but with nearly twice the girth. She sat up on the edge of the bed and reached for his hardness, looking up at him through her glasses. He moaned as she slowly stroked his cock, bending down to slowly lick the head.

"God, yes, it's been so long," he whispered, and Lisa tongue swirled over his thick purplish head. As hard as it was, she felt it harden further as her left hand cupped his balls and her right gripped his shaft as her red lips ministered to his cock head.

"Mmmmm," she moaned, taking him fully into her mouth, sucking him hungrily. Matt reached down, pushed her head onto his cock.

"That's it, Lisa," he urged, "suck my cock. I know you want it."

Lisa continued to play with his balls while sliding her mouth down his shaft. On one of the stroking motions, her eye caught a smiling Wendy at the beach, Matt's arm around her and she smiled devilishly to herself. He wants me now, bitch, she thought, then quickly suppressed the meanness, but never losing the naughty feeling of having her friend's husband's cock.

Lisa's left hand reached around and grasped his ass, squeezing his cheek and pulling him deeper into her hot married mouth. He was now pumping into her mouth slowly and Lisa went with the rhythm. She slid her hand further, found his puckered hold, and slid her index finger into the first knuckle.

"Ohhhh, damn," he cried, "ahhhhhhh."

She kept the motion going a few more minutes, finger in and out, mouth sliding over the shaft, then paused and looked up at him.

"I so want to make you shoot in my mouth and all over my librarian glasses, baby. But honestly, I want you cum in my pussy. I want you to fill me up, Matt." He smiled, slowly lowered her back, and slid on top of her. As she spread her legs, she thought, my God, I'm fucking another guy for the first time in 20 years, what the fuck am I doing? That thought was quickly drowned by her welling desire, the counter thought of how much it turned her on to give in to these dark urges. All common senses thoughts were immediately dismissed permanently as she felt the head of his cock at her pussy opening.

Reaching down, Matt ran his cock slowly over her damp lips and clit. She moaned.

"Stop teasing me, Matt," she whispered, "I want you to fuck me!"

He lowered his lips to hers and deftly slid deep inside here with one smooth thrust. Her pussy walls immediately expanded to accept the intruder with a wave of satisfying carnal pleasure. Oh, my God, he is so thick, she thought, hips rising to meet his thrusting. Their tongues played, as they slowly fucked, hips matching in synchronicity, lips dueling in passion as the clutched one another in a passionate embrace.

Matt increased his pace, reaching down to grab Lisa's larger ass his hands, using the grip as leverage to plunge deeper. Damn, he thought, I do like a bit more meat and curve than Wendy has, this is hot. Thoughts of his wife disappeared from his mind as his continued kissing her sweet full lips and feeling her hot pussy grip him so tightly.

"Fuck me, Matt," she urged, "fill me up, baby."

He responded by thrusting harder and deeper. Lisa felt her climax grow, and her mind focused on the new cock and how much Matt liked her tits. Suddenly, like a roller coaster peaking on a hill and then immediately descending, her orgasm exploded in a whirlwind of unexpected passion.

"Ohhhhhh, Matt, I'm cummmmmming," she cried, thrusting hard against him, legs wrapping around his waist, her pussy convulsing in spasms. Matt grunted, kept the pace going, and buried his face in her neck. As he felt her trembling subside, he pulled up and looked into her eyes.

"I want your cum in my hot married pussy, baby, " she urged, " fill me up." Matt closed his eyes, felt his balls tighten and suddenly shot his load with one final thrust deep inside of Lisa. He continued to pump his seed into her married womb, her words echoing in his head as his climax continued.

"Ahhhhhh," he moaned, "ohhhhhh, yesssss."

Lisa smiled and held him close as his motions slowed and he rested, his cock still hard inside her but starting to collapse. They embraced in silence for a few moments, then Matt rolled off of her and looked up at the ceiling.

"Damn," was all he could muster. She smiled and sat up, reaching down to search through their clothes and came back up on the bed with his pack of cigarettes. Reaching to the nightstand, Lisa found a small decorative glass bowl and laid it on his smooth stomach. He looked at her with bemusement, as she placed a cigarette between her lips, lit it smoothly, and took a deep drag.

"Mmmmm," she said, "nothing like a post sex cigarette." He smiled.

"You know Wendy hates smoking in the house, right? And you are using her favorite bowl from France as an ashtray," he chuckled. Lisa grinned back at him, took another drag and exhaled into the air. Lisa placed the cigarette between his lips and he inhaled.

"She'll get over it," she said lightly, "she needs to lighten up and expand her horizons, for Christ's sake!"

Lisa reached down, cigarette between her two fingers and grasped his cock, slowly stroking it. She was certainly expanding her horizons, she thought, smiling to herself.

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AmbulAmbul7 months ago

Lust conquers all! Once lust is ignited, shame and inhibitions magically vanish, and this is often true in real life as well. Regrets come later, if at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Good story so far but it would have been much better if there was more empathy. Cheating on your spouse for the first time is a highly emotional experience, however, that didn’t come across in this story. There was no reluctance, second thoughts, no guilt, no remorse and be didn’t even balk at fucking her in his and his wife’s marital bed. Also this writer needs to get a good proof reader because it’s full of grammatical errors that annoy distract the reader away from the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Just being a good neighbour!

Great to see neighbours helping each other out once in a while. Shit I would love to live next door to her, happy to lend a hand when needed. A hot, sexy woman like that deserves more than what she is getting at home for sure. Besides, hubby seems to prefer the boys club so everyone is happy.

BoytitsBoytitsalmost 4 years ago

Nice story , trying to second guess the writer is like trying to second guess the cheater you never know for sure what they are thinking. Got you for a “4” all the way thru so far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
A decent portrayal . . .

of how a strong wife treats a weak husband. There is no indication that Lisa has changed in character or personality, so her wimp husband is getting what he married, and what she thinks he will tolerate.

There's a reason why you never want your wife to think you're too nice, or too predictable. Tom absolutely deserves what Lisa is doing to him and their marriage. The fact that it took her this long to start acting like a whore doesn't mean she wasn't always one at heart. Pathetic.

AhboomAhboomalmost 4 years ago
Definitely continue!

Amazing story so far, love how your characters actually have some depth to them and i like their interactions, your overall writing is very good. I'm not a smoker either but I'd say you incorporated it well in the story and there is a sexy element to it. Love how it's their own little thing since Tom and Wendy don't smoke.

HacheemacheeHacheemacheealmost 4 years ago

Love how this is developing! Lisa needs to take Wendy out for a ladies' brunch, get her good and drunk, and get her to take up smoking again. Break through her walls of repression! Every bad girl needs a bestie, and the only thing better than embracing your own corruption is bringing somebody with you on the ride!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Now,... Wendy,...

Her implied deal was that she does Matt and her hubby gets Wendy. How does she make good on that, ....?

Nicely told, but SS2020, you really should be nicer to your readers and not make them puzzle out the pronouns and other left out refs. It really harshes out the eroticism to have to do your (the author's),work when a reader is trying to get into the flow of the story. I


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Lucky guy to be married to such a hot smoking slut if a wife.B3Wkyb

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