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The Awakening Ch. 21-30


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"Nothing... its just... well, havent seen you wake in the morning this early in a while..."

Elaine elbowed Pronab and he chuckled more, Caliope blushed and started laughing, making all of them laugh as well.

Once they reached to one of the interior gardens, Basil was waiting for them with a big picnic set. They all enjoyed their day hearing some music played by some of the Angels, sang in some language Caliope could not understand, but she could feel. Her skin was filled with goosebumps when the tones of the song changed. She was fascinated how they could manipulate emotions with their voices. Guitars were modified to emit the most soft yet strong melodies, while other string instruments played together. Basil was smiling proudly as the Angels were showing some of their talents to the visitors.




As Basil walked with them towards the hangar's exit, he leaned close to Caliope and smiling he whispered to her "The ring suits you... congratulations sweet Caliope..."

She smiled and blushed, by instinct she looked down at her finger. The soft glow of the fabric ring was still there as if Amra had just put it seconds ago "Thank you... I feel it belongs there..."

"And it does! you belong to him as much as he belongs to you... my wife always felt fear for what was to come when she accepted to be mine, but once she was there, she felt it was everything she wanted... wish she was here to talk to you, but she is with our daughter."

"I believe you, and I am not afraid anymore, I feel safe... strange, with all this war ideas and suspicious people in every corner."

"Among all the Angels, you are with the most enigmatic and strongest of all, of course you are safe my dear."

"Enigmatic? what do you mean?"

"It is such a rare sight to see an ancient one, the others have been here and there on each earth throughout history, Amrafel came to Earth only, once... briefly... his presence only was strong enough for things to get solved. He did not need to do much but be here... and now, you are aware of all the things going on... and how he went from dormant to full awake, all because of you..."

She blushed and felt each word from him slowly slide down her body with a chill. Each time she heard people talk about Amra, it was almost as if they were talking of two different people. She felt flattered without doubt, and blushed smiling at Basil who chuckled and lowered his head "Oh I talk too much, my apologies dear... I do not want to overwhelm you."

"Thank you for your words, I really appreciate your warm welcoming and everything you have said to me, I really am." She leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. He took her hands in his, lifted them towards him and kissed them both "Enchanting... you have a safe trip now, we will see eachother again soon at the main meeting."

She smiled and nodded as Elaine reached them both and hugged Basil saying goodbye. Pronab was a little sad to leave the Haven so soon but he agreed to return at some point. Amra politely said goodbye to all and held Caliope's hand until they took the cars and headed towards their airplane.

As soon as they took their seats, Caliope smiled and leaned on her seat with a new found peace and serenity. It was only after the plane took off that she turned to see Amra and chuckling she asked him "Where is our next destination?"

"We are going to London, it is not going to be too long to get there."

She nodded and leaned back to her seat, smiling as the next stop was as exciting as the previous ones. And the trip was short, they arrived at London's airport a few hours later, and since Caliope nodded off part of the fly, she barely noticed the distance.

London was cold, and as soon as they left the main building and jump into the waiting cars, Caliope shivered and squeezed Amra's arms searching for warmth. He smiled at her and held her close. Elaine took a coat from her handbag and offered it to her.

"Thank you, Elaine... I guess I need to use some of the money I earned working, with some shopping."

"There is no better place to shop that London, well... except for Paris, of course..."

Pronab winked at Caliope "She can have my business credit card, I never use it..."

"And I don't know why... but yes, give it to her."

Caliope frowned "Business credit card?"

"Yes, from our organization, is generic, not under his name but of the organization, I should make one for you too but you are going to have his anyway."

Caliope shook her head "I don't need a credit card, I have enough money from what I have earned already."

Elaine Clark smiled kindly at her, noticing her reaction "You have never been to London, take the credit card just in case please... better be safe than sorry."

Even if she knew she had saved plenty of money on her time working for Elaine, she realized how true her words were. She never step foot outside her country so what could happen outside was now beyond any angelic motives. After some seconds of thought about it, she sighed and noded with a smile "Just for emergencies, ok... thank you both..."

Pronab held the credit card on his hand and handled it to Caliope, she took it and nodded with a smile. Amra chuckled as the cars started to head towards their hotel. On the road, Caliope admired the elegant buildings and felt the atmosphere was so different from their prior destinations. Even though the structures were similar, the air smelled different at London. Grey clouds covered the sky like a soft silked sheet, but everyone walked, drove, moved as no rain would ever come.

They arrived to their hotel, a tall and magnificent sky tower. Once inside Caliope could tell the opulence of which people talked so much; crystals and gold throned the reception desk, and as for the surroundings, it only became much more detailed and expensive. Caliope and Amra stood together close to the reception as Elaine and Pronab were presenting their papers and picking up the keys for their rooms.

Amra held an empty look as he glare towards them, Caliope on the other hand, was still surprised and amazed of the decoration and extravagance. She did not noticed a pair of eyes that stared so directly at her, but Amra did. He slowly turned his head and body towards the person who kept more than curious eyes on Caliope. She noticed the sudden change on him and turned her head to follow his eyes. She gasped.

The men smirked, and he got up from his comfortable chair on the waiting room and headed towards them. As he approached slowly, Caliope felt her heart pace faster, her breath became heavier, she was about to panic 'Who is he? does he know you?... you are going to have a heart attack my love...' Amra's voice echoed in her head, but she was so nervous, it took her long seconds to reply 'He... he is someone from my past... my ex boss... my ex lover...'

He took a protective arm around her as he reached to them. He was now smiling slightly and nodded his head at both, but kept his eyes only on her.

"Good evening... Caly, I am amazed to see you here, it has been a while..." His words were filled with intention.

Elaine turned her head and gasped, then left all the documentation at the desk and headed towards them. Caliope was still frozen and Amra was becoming restless. "Greetings Mister Rawer, what a strange and unusual sight to find you here." Elaine finally interfered.

He turned his head towards Elaine and nodded with a smile, then he looked back at Caliope. Amra's words echoed once more inside her 'I am here, nothing will happen, relax...' She swallowed hard and finally spoke "Hello, Derek."

"Oh you do speak! I was afraid you lost your voice somewhere..." He chuckled and she shivered, Amra could notice how much repulsion he caused on her. He took her hand and lifted it to her lips, kissing it softly. She finally looked up at him and smiled. Rawer changed his look and worked hard to keep a smile. "I am quite surprised to see you here Miss Clark, and I see you have Caliope with your entourage, are you working for her now Caly?"

Elaine rushed to reply "No, she doesnt. She is the fiance of my son, who is standing next to her."

And his face turned into a stone cold glare, with a nod he acknowledge the words and he finally looked at Amra with a defiance. He looked down to Caliope's hand and perked a brow at the sight of the peculiar ring. Amra frowned and looked at Elaine who shook her head signaling him to calm down.

Rawer barely opened his mouth to speak "A very unique women you found, don't let her go..."

"I do not need to, she won't leave... she is not running away from me."

Rawer frowned and Caliope blushed, pulling Amra's arm. The very uncomfortable scene broke when Pronab joined them with their respective keys for their rooms. Pronab nodded barely at Rawer then smiled at the others, handling one card-key to Caliope, one to Elaine and then signaling to the elevator. Amra turned around and guided Caliope, who dedicated some last words at his past "Good bye..." and Rawer made a move as if he was about to stop them, when Pronab stood between them and stared back. At the distance he saw both get into the elevator and away from his sight.

"Mister Derek Rawer, I am aware things did not end well between you and Caliope, but both have made your lives now in separate ways, so please I ask you to continue with whatever business you have here on your own, and forget about this encounter." Elaine's words were clear and direct; he looked at her with shock, probably not expecting such a direct approach to their past. Elaine smiled politely and headed to the elevator as well accompanied by Pronab.

Once the card-key smoothly slided on the security system, the door opened and Amra lead Caliope inside the sumptuous room. She was still a bit overwhelmed by the encounter and hardly paid attention to the decoration nor the guests gifts on the table. Amra dismissed the bag-handler who left their bags in the door entrance, then closed door behind him, turning and walking towards his loved one to embrace her.

She felt safe in his arms, and suddenly weak as well. Tears started to flow and her knees shaked. He squeezed her tight and then help her sat down "What did he do to you that broke you like this?"

"It was... I can't... is not just one thing..."

Amra nodded "Would you let me see?"

She lifted her eyes to look at him with surprise. He could see it if he wanted, he could see all her life if he wished, and yet he always asked first before he did anything. That is the man she always wanted at her side, someone who she could trust.

She laid on the couch and he sat on the floor next to her. She closed her eyes and squeezed his hand "Let them see as well."

As her eyes went close, darkness took over. She was not sure how she activated this strange -power- in her, but with Amra's guidance it seemed easy and safe. Her mind wandered through memories and they started to pass by in wild flashes; childhood memories, school memories, university, work. The first time she had a job interview with Rawer, the way he smiled at her and how he made her feel. The first time she had to stay at work late, and how he stayed with her. The first time he asked her out, and how nervous she was on their first date. The first time she was being polite and smiling to a client, and how he got so jealous he dismissed his meeting with him and got angry with her. The more she went deep into the memories of their relationship, she slower them down and let them show in detail. The gifts he made to her after each fight, how angry he became when she refused any of them. How jealous he became when they were out for dinner and the waiter smiled at her, putting up a big show at the restaurant and forcing the manager to fire the waiter. How he locked her in his apartment, leaving her there all day with no cellphone or any means of communication, and when he arrived late at night, he gave her a ring as present, with no apology. When she got a phone call from her former step mother, letting her know her fiance, the rich and handsome Mister Rawer, wanted to invite both of them for dinner. Her tears as her memories moved to when she was 15 and her stepfather touched her, how her stepmother accused her of telling lies.

Caliope broke down in tears as all these memories were flooding in her mind and a sudden light pulled her out of there. She opened her eyes and found Elaine in tears, Pronab was furious and then it was Amra. He was concerned, helping her sit, visibly worried for her.

Elaine sobbed and rushed to hug her tight, petting her head and trying to sooth her "If only I knew! I am so sorry my dear... such a horrible person!"

Caliope tried to speak but she was choked in tears. Amra brushed the tears away with a thumb and as Elaine let her go, he stood up and pulled her up with her, embracing her 'He won't hurt you, not now, not ever again...' he whispered to her in their private way of communication.

Pronab was furious, he had anger on his eyes and he was pacing through the room trying not to break anything. Elaine walked near him but did not interrupted either. She was frustrated as she saw so much pain in the room, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Caliope took some long seconds to relax, calming down more, and as she finally managed to draw a slight smile; she had learned back then to move the bad memories and experiences to a dark hidden corner of her head. When she saw Pronab, she walked towards him and he stopped his place, looking at her. He was still angry, but her eyes disarmed him "I am ok... I know I am safe now..."

He nodded slowly, and then walked the missing step to her and held her tight. Caliope stood surprised; the funny and puzzling Pronab never showed many intimate emotions, but he was now. She smiled and wrapped her arms around him returning the hug. Elaine walked next to Amra and smiled, relieved. When they finally let go of each other, Caliope turned around to see Amra and Elaine both smiling "Well now, you should both try to get some rest, and we will meet for dinner, if that is ok for you two?"

Amra nodded and mentioned "Yes, we shall do that, thank you... -Mom-..."

Elaine looked at Amra with surprise and chuckled, Caliope laughed as well taken by surprise. She walked to him and kissed his cheek while Pronab smirked and shook his head. Everyone found relieving that Amra was joking, as he rarely did.

After Elaine and Pronab left their room, Amra led Caliope to the bed where she easily felt asleep. When she opened her eyes again, it was dark outside. She looked around for Amra and called his name. Over the corner of another room he walked out and approached her naked with wet drops of water on his body. She blushed and smiled at him, biting her lower lip. He grinned and sat next to her in the bed "I like that..." He said as he rubbed his thumb on her lips, making her release the bite. She tilted her head to the side and looked at him confused "You like what?"

"I like seen how you react when you see me like this... because I can see you feel the same way I feel about you..."

She chuckled and pulled him to kiss his lips with passion. He held her tight as the phone rang and they broke their kiss catching air. She turned to find the phone and picked it up. After some words she smiled and hang up.

"It was your -Mom-... she wanted to make sure we were both coming down for dinner... They will be meeting us in half hour."

Amra sighed and chuckled "Ok, then we will return to that kiss when we finish dinner."

She blushed and nodded, as he got up from the bed and headed to get dressed, she went to the luxurious bathroom and took a shower as well. There were goosebumps all around her body, his proximity moving delicious feelings in her most intimate parts.




As Caliope was slowly waking up, Amra was holding her and slowly caressing her arms. They were both naked and barely covered in sheets. She smiled and turned her head to find his lips and kiss him "Good morning love..." his voice was raspy and sexy, she felt herself shiver and she ventured to kiss his body making him lay on the bed and close his eyes. It was magic on its own, each inch where her lips rested brought a sigh or a moan out of his mouth.

Later, both walked to the Hotel's restaurant holding each other's hands, Pronab was waiting for them already at a table, and both looked as Elaine in the distance was talking to a manager. After they joined Pronab and ordered something light for breakfast, Caliope was tugging herself in the coat Elaine borrowed her when Pronab pointed out the weather outside "It is going to be very cold here the next couple of days, you should get some more suitable clothes, we are staying here at least three days."

Amra looked at him "We can go shopping before the meeting."

"They are already waiting for us but I do not see why you would care much, am I right?"

Amra smirked and nodded just as Elaine joined them, smiling and putting her phone on the table "Good morning my dear ones, how did you both sleep? Did you sleep?"

Caliope blushed "At some point we did..."

Elaine and Pronab chuckled then ordered something to take on the way. Amra put an arm around Caliope and she turned to look at him with a smile. He on the other hand was a bit more serious, but his eyes met hers and his face softened some more 'He is here, Rawer... He makes me want to do bad things to him...' he admitted. Caliope responded 'No... please don't... I noticed finally yesterday, I am truly safe... I have nothing to fear anymore... my initial reaction was only because I was caught by surprise, but I am safe! I do not fear him anymore... I have you...'

Amra smiled more and this time leaned to kiss her. At the distance, Rawer took a single table and frowned as he watched the scene.

"Would you like to go shopping today sweetie? You will need warmer clothes. I could go with you and we let the boys do the first meeting."

Pronab shook his head appalled "Me? And those cold noses? I take the shopping instead, unless you are there, I could hit the face of Falshore just as a greeting."

Elaine sighed and Amra perked a brow looking at Pronab; there were not many people who brought out that side of him, especially in public.

"Cold noses?" Caliope asked with intended curiosity.

Elaine Clark smiled at her "They are a bit... special..."

Pronab shook his head "Cold noses, they believe they are the elite..."

Amra chuckled and turned to Caliope holding her tight, while Elaine raised her hands giving up "Ok, you can go shopping with Caliope..."

"Caly... you all can call me Caly..." she added with a smile.

Elaine smiled back, unable to hold herself "Caly, adorable... well, you both can go shopping and then we meet for lunch, is that ok?"

"I am not fine with leaving her but I guess we have to do some sacrifices."

"There are only two other people in the earth, besides you, with whom I would feel safe enough and one of them is going shopping with me, so I will be fine!" she tried to assure him.

Amra looked in her eyes and gave her a smile "Ok, you convinced me..." Then he looked back at Elaine "But after lunch we are not taking separate routes again, I hope..." Elaine shook her head "No, there should not be any change of plans either."

Pronab looked at Amra and smirked as he took the glass of water from the table "I don't want to miss any good shows so please don't banish anyone until I am there... specially if it is Falshore."

Elaine frowned but the others laughed. After they stood up and headed to the Hotel's front door, Amra pulled Caliope to his arms and gave her a long and deep kiss. She blushed and gave into his embrace, snuggling in his arms she could be lost for countless hours.

Two cars headed separate ways; at the distance, only two blocks away, Elaine and Amra left their sight. Pronab was smiling as he sat next to Caliope and gave orders to the driver "Take us to any good shopping mall, we want to buy fancy and expensive stuff..."


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