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The Awakening Ch. 21-30


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When that vertigo sensation finally stopped; and with it also the darkness, Caliope found herself into a familiar environment. A big field, desolated and lonely; no one around the field, and the cabain standing almost identically as the one in her dream. The place was empty, no soul to be found anywhere, but unlike before, she was unable to move. She was inside of some one's body, reliving something; looking to the left, then to the right, a sudden spin and still no one around. Caliope was becoming more conscious of what was happening. The sad song was not around, nor the scarecrow; but everything else was like her dream. She started to move unwillingly, the person whose memories she was reliving was scared and agitated. It looked down and both hands with palms up reached to cover it's face. Manly hands, she could see, and they were filled with dirt and some cuts. The man gasped and then continued to move, still looking from side to side, trying to make sure no one was around. A few steps more and then something happened; the sharp pain that cut his breath, he felt down to his knees and shuddered. A scream came out of his mouth and then he crawled a few meters before trying to get up. He looked around and what Caliope saw was something she would never ever have seen nor dreamed before. Two winged creatures slowly flying down to him, one of them was older than the other, dark Angels.

"I believe you have something of my property..."

"You should pull it and make him watch his own blood before he passes out."

"You make this no fun at all..."

The older winged creature stepped closer to the fallen man who was offering Caliope the sight. Another scream and this time she could see a spear being pulled out of him. With horror and pain, the creature fell down to the floor and she could hear both dark Angels laugh.

"I think we gave him what he deserves Belial, lets return."

"As you wish my Great General Andras, thank you for allowing me to help you in this hunt."

Both creatures faded away with laughs and mockery. Caliope was crying inside the dying body of the men, feeling it as her own pain. He was close to lose consciousness when another creature walked towards him; he was not scared, he was sad.

"Sweet traitor... sweet traitor..." he shook his head.

"Are you the one who comes to finish me, Kuan?"

"Sweet traitor, you are not going to die... I am here to give you your freedom..."

"My freedom? why would you care if I die or not?"

"I was asked as last wish, to forgive you... so you will be forgiven... you will be able to leave... but your existance will be erased and your achievements will be forgotten... you will have to endure the solitude of the decades before you are set free... you will resign to your name 'Procel Naamah'... do you accept this?"

The pain was becoming stronger, and the man was starting to lose control over his own body. He looked up and spitted some blood to the side, blue blood.

"Yes... I accept my new fate..." he whispered.

"So you are now forgiven, sweet traitor..."

The winged creature lifted his arm and with it, the man floated up. With his other hand he signaled the house and with slight move of his fingers, two big pieces of wood were teared and came towards them; he made a cross and pushed the man against it. The pain started to fade, and the man moved slowly until he finally rested there, in his pose, head low and arms pulled tight to both ends of the new made cross; some chains locked around his wrists, chains that were very familiar to Caliope. A long and last sigh from the dark Angel who was punishing him.

"These chains are your gift, use them well... farewell sweet traitor, it is written that your future will be great... farewell, and remember this moment when we cross paths again."

The dark Angel flew away without looking back, and the man finally let his head down and all his body remained hanging from the chains.

Silence, and nothing moving, the slow breathing of the man was just quiet; she wanted to know why she was still there, why she could not leave this memory. It was not like the first time, a storm of sudden memories and then going back to reality. Caliope observed the grass grow, a sign that time was moving fast, accelerated by the memories itself; and then it hit her, the scarecrow. He was the scarecrow.

"I know you are there... you can hear me..."

Caliope was shocked, it was Pronab's voice and somehow, as she heard him talk, she just knew it was his memories. And he was talking to her.

"This is part of my past, a past it should have been erased, but it wasn't... I am sorry you had to see all this, but it was the only way..."

"The only way for what?"

"What do you remember before entering my memories?"

"We were in a meeting... the General was talking, you too, everyone was talking... then Amra... Amra was glowing again!"

"He is in rage, only you can stop him..."

"Rage?! why?! I do not understand what happened, why did you brought me here? why am I dreaming of you?!"

"Dreaming of me? you never told me that..."

"You did not know?!"

"I am about to bring you back, he is furious and we don't know why, but it is safer now for you to return... we will talk about this later..."

"Wait! Pronab!"

It was too late, the visions ended, there was darkness around her and suddenly light. A strong light that almost blinded her. She could hear people agitated and scared, and as her eyes adjusted, she saw Amra glowing as he was banishing someone.


It was all she could say before she fainted. Her only word managed to make him turn his head to look at her and the glow started to disappear. He rushed to her side and held her in his arms, lifting her with such tenderness. Elaine walked fast towards her and checked her signs.

"Amrafel you are going to kill her if you continue to do these kind of things without warning!"

She had tears in her eyes, and with a hand on Caliope's forehead, she tried to heal what ever was happening to her. Amra kneeled holding Caliope in his arms and waited for Elaine to work her way to heal her. After an uncomfortable pair of minutes, Caliope started to open her eyes and recover her consciousness.

"My Asteria..."

"Amra?... why?!" she sobbed.

"Why did you collapsed? why am I holding you? why are you like this? which one would you like me to reply..." he replied to her realizing at the same time how true it was. So many questions could come out of one single word, Caliope thought it best to ponder well and finally spoke realizing everyone was gathering to see her.

"Why would you use your power like this, knowing I am in the room, and that I am not as tough as you think?"

Amra sighed then slowly helped her to stand, with strong determination yet a tender voice he replied to her "If you would die, I would bring you back from the death... I will never, ever... let something harm you or take you away from me..."

Caliope bitted her lower lip and knew other ways to reply to his heroic sentence, but she did not enjoyed the scene they were making.

"We will continue to discuss about this later, but I am not happy with you letting me suffer through all this just because you know you can bring me back from the dead..."

He frowned but said nothing, everyone else lowered their heads and understood what she meant. Elaine held her hand and helped her sit back on a chair as the others continued to discuss the recent events. As she laid her back on the chair, she crossed eyes with Pronab who was quiet and observing, yet avoiding to look at her as much as possible. She was determined to know more about his past, but right then it was not time for her to spill all out.

Basil was frowning as he sighed and asked "I need some explanations..." he sat down on his chair and locked his eyes on his fisted hands. He was angry and yet trying to keep some calm. Amra sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, finally opening them to speak "When I saw our father, days ago... he told me I would find easily the traitor in this location... and the way I would know who he was, was by how he spoke and what he said... he whispered me his exact words..."

"Gard a traitor? we had a traitor among us all this time?!" Basil shook his head, finally looking up at Amra.

The woman sat down next to Basil and whispered "I would not have believed such thing if it wasn't coming from Amrafel itself... but this is horrible... was like this in your prior destination?"

Pronab was the one who spoke this time, as Elaine and Amra focused on Caliope "we had a traitor, in a very high rank as well..."

But Elaine turned her head towards Basil and added "I think we need to take some time and try to get some rest... from all these late events... please allow me to present my condolences Basil, for your lost... and give me time to think over all of this."

Basil nodded and sighed "Thank you, Lady Clark... I need some... time as well... Elaine, please take them to their home."

"I will do, my General..." the woman replied.

She lead them in return to the houses in the street, the ones they saw at their arrival. One of the first houses near the complex was designated to them; she lead them all inside, where their suitcases were already placed on the living room "Feel yourselfs at home, if you need me, please hit this button in red next to the light switch, I will be here as soon as possible... get some rest, I will pick you all up in the morning... The fridge has food for her, and for you all. Will she need a doctor?"

Caliope smiled at her and whispered "Thank you..."

Pronab didnt part his eyes from the door as he dismissed her "No, she won't need any doctor, but thank you..."

She nodded and left the house, visibly disturbed by what happened. Caliope sat on the living room and tried to take deep breaths, Elaine sat next to her as Amra slowly kneeled at her front, taking her hands gently.

"How are you feeling my dear?" Elaine's soothing voice already started to sink in her skin, a calmness was embracing her.

"Upset, a little uncomfortable, tired, hungry..." She sighed and looked at Amra "disappointed..."

"I am sorry... I have not an easy job to do here, and I keep putting your life at risk..." He closed his eyes and sat on the floor, not parting his eyes from her.

Caliope nodded, still upset, but looking at his humble and innocent look made her melt quickly and she leaned to kiss him. The very simple act took him by surprise, he did not pulled back, he lingered on her kiss.

"I won't step in your way to save our earth... but I beg you... please... unless it is strictly necessary, do not use your power in such way... at least until we figure a way for me to get safe..."

"There is a way..." he said before she could finish.

Elaine looked at him worried "Amra..."

Caliope stared at Elaine and noticed worry in her eyes, she was looking at Amra but he had his eyes only on her. When she lifted her eyes to find Pronab, she noticed him on the window, restless.

"What way?"

"I am not so sure about it Amra..."

"I am."

"Of what?" Caliope raised her voice.

Amra caressed her knee "I will claim you and transform you my Asteria..."

"Transform me into what?" she asked almost holding her breath.

Elaine looked back at Caliope "It is a symbolic transformation, my darling... He will claim you as his partner, a ceremony would be held, and a ritual to clean you and then transform you into one of us..."

"An angel? I can be transformed into an angel?!"

"Not like that, my dear... not an Angel but a real Asteria... someone blessed by specific Angels who can endure the great power manifested by Amra at any time... the darkness you have thanks to your origins, would be expelled..."


"Like an exorcism, it is not an easy thing, nor something commonly done..."

Caliope gasped, and then remained in silence. The idea of having a way to endure all the intense power Amra had without fainting or feeling sick each time he used them, was a very appealing idea. Yet it involved a type of ritual that was not often done, and that seemed to provoke certain fear in those who she trusted most.

"Please consider it, my love..."

"I will, I promise..."

Amra stood up and held a hand to help her get up, she took it and then walked to one of the rooms where she laid in bed and quickly fell asleep.

Hours later, when she opened her eyes, she found Pronab sitting next to her, watching her. She sat down on the bed quickly and looked around trying to see if someone else was there, but no one was to be found.

"Amra and Elaine are out, the other Elaine came to pick us all and give us a tour of the recent excavation, but since you were resting I told them I would be here to take care of you."

"A perfect excuse."

Pronab nodded "As you have not shared what you saw of my memories with anyone, I thought it was needed some time for us to talk and for you to get any answer you wanted."

"That is very thoughtful of you... I guess, the first question I have is, does Elaine know? Does Amra?"

"It is a little complicated, Amra does not care about my past, I am fighting at his side and that is all he cares... Elaine knows I have a past, she does not know specifics but she knows I was with them at one point... but for them it is quite simple Caliope, if we are now here, we do not get questioned, we are welcomed, and we show ourselves with our true intentions by our acts... My acts speak for me, and that is how I have earned my place."

Caliope nodded, she had already formed this idea slowly, but now he was confirming it. Angels were not so doubtful and distrusting as humans were, they were more simple, more humble, more pure and some times, too innocents. But Pronab had a past where he was dark, and capable of all other things.

"I dreamed about you... I was in that same place, but I saw no one... only a tall and dark figure resembling a scarecrow... but it was you. At first I thought it was a scarecrow, as nothing else in my mind would be alike but, you were there, it was you... I kept hearing a sad song all along... but the song was not there when I was in your memories."

Pronab started to whisper slowly "And he waits... oh he waits... for that one beloved soul to find him..."

"That is the song!"

He closed his eyes and stood up, shaking his head. Caliope was surprised and kept looking at him waiting for some explanation. She moved closer to the edge of the bed and tried to find her shoes in order to get up when he turned around.

"During decades I was there alone, I had to endure that punishment before I was completely forgiven... I had one visitor, she saw me there and tried to talk to me but I did not replied. She was persistent, stubborn. She returned a couple of times, and when I finally moved my head to see her, I found her sad, sitting close to me. I did not realize she was singing to me, she was singing that song to me..."

"Who was she?"

He closed his eyes one more time then slowly sat down next to her in the bed, looking at her with sadness.

"It was your mother."




Caliope's eyes widened, she looked at Pronab and gasped "My mother?!"

"I didn't know until recently, that is why I never told you anything, nor mentioned it to Amra and Elaine."

"...but how? Why? I don't understand!"

"You must believe that we never planned you to meet Amra, we never planned anything when it comes to how you both met... We are still surprised how you came to our lives, Elaine followed her instinct hiring you to take care of Amra and the apartment... and then things just happened..."

"But how... what does that have to do with the fact that you met my mother? And when was this?!"

"You saw them hunt me..."

"Yes, two dark Angels were behind you, one of them hurt you with his spear..."

"That was your father... The Great General Andras..."

She gasped and put a hand towards her chest. She could not believe what she was hearing yet she wanted to hear more, and Pronab continued " first I did not understood why, but then it hit me... how would he know I was doing my time before I was finally set free? Kuan gives sentence but only the Great General would be the one to see the sentence being fulfilled. I was in one of his lands... and his loved one found me as she was visiting the field... By then they did not had met yet... He found her one day singing to me and felt in love of her... her voice was sad but beautiful... He should have punished her for being in that place but he didn't... He was curious as why she did not do anything to set me free, and why she was not scared of me or him. She said she witnessed when I got punished, and that made her believe there was a world she knew nothing about... she was scared at first but after months she got the courage to return to the same place... and then she found me... She even made up the song to try to make me company..."

Caliope started to cry and smile, hearing what Pronab was saying about her mother made her heart beat faster with joy.

"He told her I was being punished, but when my time was due, I would be set free. When she heard that, she smiled and hugged him, and he almost fell to his knees... I could see how it shocked him, he knew he found his Asteria. He made her promise not to visit me again or it would jeopardize her safety and my freedom. She nodded, kissing my cheek as a good bye... I never saw her again after that..."

"But that means this was not long ago!"

"That is why I could not believe you were her daughter until recently... Caly... my memories are over three thousand years old..."

Again another gasp, and this time she shook her head and closed her eyes, rubbing her tired and watered eyes.

"He must have claimed her the way Amra wants to claim you..."

Caliope smiled, this was one of her greatest fears. To know Amra was so eternal and she only a fraction of his existence made her sad in a way only she could understand, yet she pushed that thought many times aside. But now Pronab was telling her that her mother had over three thousand years old before she died, which meant that her transformation would give her the gift to endure the passing of time as well, and she would be with Amra until time stopped existing.

"Can I see my mother? In your memories..."

Pronab took a deep breath and held silence for a moment. Caliope was looking at him pleading with her eyes. He finally nodded and she slowly moved her hand towards him. He took her hand and she felt nothing. "You are too anxious, relax..." He squeezed her hand gently as she took a deep breath and nodded, and then everything went dark.

This time she was anxious and even enjoyed the dark void surrounding her; she knew that soon she would see the face of her mother. The darkness around her was slowly banishing when she found herself inside him again; he had his head low looking at the grass grow and dance with the wind. For a while there was only silence and the sound of the wind, then footsteps on the grass. She wanted to look up but she couldn't, she was not under control. A fainted music started to sound and she recognized the song, it was the song her mother was singing to him. For a little longer, he remained there waiting for time to pass by. Then silence again, and after a while, the song continued. Finally he started to move his head, and then he saw her; and she was beautiful, young, and so pure. She had a long braided hair to the side, and a rustic dress with no particular style. Her eyes were like honey and her smile was shy, kind and sad at the same time. Caliope was crying of joy inside Pronab's memories, she was looking at the most beautiful creature under her own eyes. Finally she saw from afar, the winged creature was coming to them; her father, she remembered. He landed right behind her, with a serious, dark angry look on his face, he walked from behind towards her, but the closer he got, the slower he moved; mesmerized by her song he stood there for a while hearing her. He had the face of a man who fought a thousand wars, but who felt under a spell. She then turned half ways to find him, and blushed smiling and lowering her head. He came to her side and looked at Pronab then back at her, asking her in some strange language what she was doing there. Just as Pronab told her, she explained how she got there and why she was there; she saw her father confused about what to do, and about her as well. Inside she smiled, it was touching to see them both.


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