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The BDSM Tourist Ch. 01

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A holiday to test the relationship. Fate has other plans.
13k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/30/2009
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As the plane circled the airfield and once again I asked myself what the heck was I doing here and was I just living a dream. This whole thing started as a way to vent my anger at women. Or rather one woman in particular I had just had a visit from Cathy my ex wife she had come to finish packing the remnants of her stuff from the flat, with the new boyfriend in tow. Things didn't go according to her plan though, I made a point of offering him a beer and we chatted like bar room buddies, once she realized it wasn't working she left with her stuff.

But it did work and short of throwing the contents of the flat around. I went onto the net trying to calm down and ended up drifting from one site to another until I came upon a BDSM site. What an eye opener that was and that's where I met Donna. Originally when she tried to talk to me I told her to leave me alone, I was simply looking around then passing through. I suppose rejection was new to her because she just kept coming back, eventually I would give her tasks to do hoping she would leave me alone.

But no, off she would go and do them, forcing me to keep my end of the bargain, at times I would demand proof that she had done them. Of course as time went on we started to exchange e-mails and eventually phone calls, I would still pose Donna problems that she always seemed to want or was it needed to solve. The pictures I have of her in situations that I have got her into even now make me wonder why she would want to continue to let me put her in these spots.

I would go back over the conversations we had and I would blush with embarrassment that I had told Donna what to do and even make demands on her. Unknown to me at the time, I was slipping into a Masters role on the site. Donna, already being a submissive, knew this and yet still kept coming back for more and now six months later I'm in a holding pattern above the airport and for the hundredth time I just shook my head and thought to myself. 'You just can't make this stuff up.'

Finally I walked through customs and onto the main concourse. I had spotted Donna a minute before; she stood apart from the other waiting families and friends. Her beautiful long blond hair now in a pony tail as I told her to have it, her mouth although devoid of lipstick was still as sensual, and her cheekbones, when Donna had first sent me a picture of herself actually performing one of the tasks I had given her, it was her cheekbones that struck me most about her face.

I smiled to myself as she looked at her wrist and then remembered that she had no watch on. It was cruel of me I know but I had told her she was not to wear any jewelry and that included a watch. Donna smiled as she finally saw me exit the customs area, took a deep breath and walked towards me and stopped two foot in front of me her eyes now lowered to my chest.

"You will look at me I have some questions for you."

Donna slowly raised her eyes and locked them on mine. Her cheeks flushed with excitement, for the last three months when we had first discussed me coming here, she had been waiting for this moment I noticed her body shudder slightly as she fought so hard to control her excitement.

"Walk with me to the carousel."

I held out my hand and Donna smiled took it and we walked, I noticed a spring in her step now. It was as we approached the carousel I suddenly realized why she was so quiet. In my haste I had forgotten to allow her to speak. I checked the board. My case wouldn't be on the carousel for another couple of minutes so I gently guided Donna to one side. I leaned against the wall of the terminal building and held her close to me. To the casual observer we looked like we wanted an intimate moment before the hustle of collecting our luggage. The flush of her checks still evident.

"You may speak now my darling little slave."

It was as though a verbal damn had now burst. Donna welcomed me and asked if I had a good flight, I watched out of the corner of my eye that she twice had to move her arms back to her sides as her body tried so hard to wrap her arms around me in an embrace. Still Donna would talk about how she had followed all of my instructions and also the ones I gave her from London just before I boarded the plane. It was then she blushed again and for a second lowered her eyes to my chest. I felt the only way to stop her talking was the old fashioned way.

So I kissed her. The sounds of silence were welcoming as she now applied herself to the task. She also knew her hands were free to do as she had wished. Slowly they wrapped themselves around my neck as her mouth willingly gave itself to me. Finally coming up for air, the added incentive was the odd passenger in the terminal telling us to get a room as they walked past.

"I'm so pleased you're here my Master. I am yours to do with as you wish."

"Open your coat."

Donna's cheeks just got a little redder as she slowly undid the three buttons on her coat. Her eyes never left mine as she held the coat and opened it. She was totally naked inside it. I took a step forward and Donna closed her coat as best she could around us both, the warmth of her body a welcome feeling.

"Are you wet my darling little slave?"

"Master I have never been so wet."

"When I step back you will close your coat, button it and join me at the carousel. My bag is here we can leave now."

Donna nodded and as I took a step backwards she closed her coat and buttoned it. I had now picked up my bag from the carousel and joined her as we walked out the terminal. Once at Donna's car she opened the drivers door lifted her coat and sat on a towel, her legs swung in and I walked around to the passenger seat and got in.

"Ok my little slave just so we are both clear about this, you are to repeat everything I asked of you."

Donna nodded and said. "I am to memorize my safe word and know that if ever I use it all will stop, no further punishment will happen, sex if any will be vanilla sex and any mention of anything regarding why the safe word was used will result in you leaving me within one hour and returning home."

I watched as panic crossed her eyes and then nodded my head that she was to continue.

"My Master told me that I was to agree to everything that was talked about while we were still in my car and had not left the airport and Master I do agree, I am your slave and pet for as long as you choose to use me."

"Is that all my little slave?"

Donna panicked now, unsure if she had missed anything and frantically reaching into the corners of her memories trying desperately hard to remember every hour of conversation we had over these last six months. Suddenly her eyes lit up.

"My Master also told me that I was to place the copy of his passport that he sent me with my lawyer and tell him that I would be unavailable for two weeks if after two weeks and three days I had not talked to him, he was to open the envelope and use all its contents to track you down."

I smiled and watched as Donna blushed.

"Do you agree to everything we talked about? This is your last chance?"

Donna nodded and for the first time looked away from me, out the window took a deep breath and again nodded her head.

"Very well, I will assume you have the list I sent you completed and in a case in the trunk of the car. There are some items I brought with me, one of them is this."

Donna looked at it and held her breath she smiled and then remembered herself. She leaned forward so I could put her blue chocker around her neck and fasten it.

"There is no going back now my little slave, you are mine to do with as I wish do you fully understand that I can and know doubt will do anything I choose to you?"

A very weak 'Yes Master' escaped her lips.

"I know this is going to be uncomfortable for you doing this here."

I stopped talking Donna looked over and then watched as I pulled out a small jar of lube, instinctively she opened her hand and I placed some there.

"Lift yourself up and place that in and around your butt."

As Donna quickly went about her task I pulled a butt plug out of its new wrapping, pushed it into what was left of the jar of lube and then smeared it around as best I could. Donna's eyes never leaving what I was doing, soon she had finished her task and held out her hand again, I placed the plug there and watched as she placed it ready and sank down on it, softly sighing as she did.

"Thank you Master."

"Your very welcome my pet. Now did you get the paperwork I asked for?"

Donna smiled and reached into the pocket of her coat pulling out an envelope. I nodded my head, gave Donna some towels to clean her hands then reached into my own pocket pulling out some paperwork and finally finding the two sheets I wanted I handed it to Donna who looked at it. One was a medical report from my doctor stating that I was in good health and had no STD's or HIV. I knew Donna's would be the same with just one exception. I told her that I will forbid any pills on this journey that were not required for her health.

So she was to have a birth control injection done at least two weeks before I arrived, her documentation from her doctor dated the day she had her injection and only one piece of medication she was on, other than that she was of sound health. I watched as Donna looked long and hard and my report, inwardly I smiled, even now she was being careful and I couldn't blame her, I was in total control of her mind and body, not something you give to someone you have talked to on the internet and phone lightly especially since we had only known each other for six months.

"Isn't the internet a wonderful thing my dear pet? Now you drive for an hour along the route I have just given you and then we shall talk some more."

To continue our holiday together I had to continue to keep her off balance. For an hour we drove in silence, I pretended to be asleep for half of it I wanted to see what Donna would do with her time alone and to my surprise she just did as I said, she drove until she run out of instructions and stopped. I opened my eyes and smiled.

We were now at a deserted petrol station, I knew we wouldn't be disturbed since I had counted ten vehicles pass us in what must have been half an hour. I ordered Donna to pull up along side the main building and get out. She was on the blind side of the road so I told her to remove her coat, this she did instantly. She really did have an exquisite body, although I tried not to look to long at her, there would be time for that later. I reached for my case and pulled out a Basque and told her to put it on, I then did it up for her making it so tight she could only just breath.

"Walk around to the passenger side and get in, I will drive from here on."

Donna's cheeks were still flushed as she replied. "Yes Master."

Originally I had worked on there being three stops before we arrived at the cabin, tormenting her body more as we traveled. But as the time for me to travel grew closer I decided it had best be only one, at the time I believed Donna and I were both new to this and I didn't want to tilt her too heavily towards panic so soon into our holiday. We drove in silence for most of the morning pulling up to the cabin mid afternoon. I simply told Donna to wait and walked to the trunk pulled out the suitcases and entered the cabin.

I knew I had to be quick, I needed to start now. Donna had been growing restless in the car but knew better than to say anything. I found everything I wanted in the case and motioned to Donna to join me, as she approached the door I told her to enter on her hands and knees. She followed me to the center of the room where I stopped and she sat back on her legs.

"I have to go outside, I want you on your back and masturbating, and I have not given you permission to cum."

I had found a clearing that would be ideal for later in the week, it was enclosed on two sides and only overlooked by the cabin. The cabin itself acting as a third cover for the clearing, I had a few ideas of what I was going to do with it and smiled. The scream of Donna having an orgasm made me rush back into the cabin. She was still in the middle of the room, but Donna was curled up in a fetal position her fingers still buried in her pussy desperately feeding off the remnants of her orgasm. By the time Donna had seen me it was all too late.

The words, "Master sorry I." had barely passed her lips when my hand swiped her ass. My hand was stinging so I know Donna felt it more than me. The shock to her body was almost instant. Donna's groan sounded like pleasure, although angry with her, I watched in wonder as her body seemed to open like a flower aching to catch the warmth of the sun. Her body straightened and her arms lifted to above her head ready for me to punish her more. I suppose I should have been mad at her, but I had seen her agitation in the car and did nothing about it other than her butt plug and that was only to keep her on a high.

But Donna had broken a rule and she knew she had. Her willingness to break such a rule as disobey her Master so soon into our holiday only meant she was testing me and the boundaries I would allow her. Again I swiped her ass. An almost guttural moan of pleasure escaped her lips, her eyes were closed and a smile on her face. Still her hands stayed above her head.

"Please my Master. Your pet would like you to punish her again."

As close as I was to angry Donna had me hooked. I wanted to punish her more but I had other plans for her disobedience. I roughly pushed her onto her front and put my knee onto her ass.

"You chose to disobey me my pet. Do you honestly think I would allow you the pleasure you would receive from me punishing you? I have other plans for you and your wanton disregard for my wishes."

She had nowhere to go as I pulled the cords that held her Basque away from the material, prized it away from her body and rolled her away from it. Donna kept quiet the whole time her arms still above her head, waiting for a command from me.

"On your knees, now." My voice had an edge to it, a tone I had never used with Donna in any of the conversations we had leading up to this.

Donna moved quickly her eyes remained focused on the floor of the cabin. I knelt next to her. My voice was just above a whisper.

"Nod your head or shake your head. You will say nothing until I permit it do you understand?"

Frantically Donna nodded her head, her cheeks flushed now and I could smell her sweet musk. I stayed where I was and inch by inch her arousal became more noticeable, her flush slowly crept down her neck and around her chest area. Her nipples became hard and I watched as she fought so hard to keep her hands on her lap. Standing and waving my hand that she was to follow I walked out the cabin, hearing Donna's padding feet on the cabin floor was sufficient for me not to look back.

Pausing at the car long enough to pull my coat out, rummage in the pockets, find what I was looking for and then head to the clearing I stopped almost in the middle and turned to Donna, she had stopped two feet from me.

"Look around this clearing my dear pet and memorize everything you see within twenty yards of you."

Donna slowly turned a full three sixty desperately taking in as much information as her eyes would allow.

"Do you need the toilet?" I asked.

A nod of her head was enough.

"You will take three paces back and squat, do what you need to do and then return."

Her face was crimson with embarrassment; Donna was in turmoil and suddenly realizing why. This really was breaking new ground for her she knew I would be watching. Donna had already been punished for disobeying me I just wondered if she would do it again, and so soon. It was then she took three paces back and squatted, her eyes closed almost trying to blot out my presents.

"You will open your eyes and look at me."

Instantly Donna opened them and looked up, her eyes misted now as she fought so many of her own demons right in front of me.

"Speak to me my pet."

"Please Master."

"Do I own you my pet?"

"Yes my Master, my mind, body and soul."

"Then you will look me in the eyes and continue to squat until you have peed, do you understand."

"Yes Master."

For a full minute nothing happened, Donna's was still in turmoil. I walked over to her. Her eyes never leaving mine and I knelt beside her, our faces less than a few inches apart. I could feel her breath on my skin and she tried so hard to control her fear. Inflicting pain on Donna was easy but she had soon come to accept that pain is also pleasure. What I was doing to her now was totally new ground to her and she was afraid.

Adjusting my position so I now faced her I told her to rest her hands on my shoulders. Our eyes still locked on one another Donna nodded her head and did as I ordered. Her weight now firmly on my shoulder, she would not fall.

"I'm going to swipe your pussy five times my pet as the fifth swipe lands you will release you're pee, your eyes will remain open throughout and looking directly at me. Do you understand?"

Donna nodded, genuine fear in her eyes. She gulped and tried so hard to control her breathing, beads of perspiration now across her forehead, her hands felt warm and clammy on my shoulders. I did feel for Donna but we were going to do this. Slowly I moved my hand between her legs, she tried desperately hard to keep her eyes on me and my hand at the same time, and she failed. Donna knew her instructions and as my hand disappeared from her view she whimpered under her breath and I suspect hoped I didn't hear her.

In one swift movement I swiped her pussy, leaving my palm against her pussy for a second and then slowly moved my palm towards me and over her pussy lips, the sound and impact of the swipe instinctively made Donna want to stand. She readjusted her position again suppressing a whimper. I watched her bite her lip, her cheeks now a rosy red color that crept down her neck and stopped at her chest. I then moved my hand upwards and in front of Donna's face.

"Lick it." My tone leaving her with no choice.

As Donna licked the palm of my hand, she again adjusted her position. Again I moved my hand under her and swiped her pussy, this time leaving my hand against her warm and aroused lips a couple of seconds longer before drawing my palm upwards to her lips for her to again lick herself from my palm. Donna was catching on to what I was doing and fear crept back into her eyes. For the third time she tried to watch my hand as it disappeared from her view and still keep her eyes locked on mine a tear trickled from her left eye and slowly crept down her cheek.

Donna winced as my palm again slapped her. Both of us hearing the wet sound it made, I knew she was getting aroused at my swiping her. It was the fifth swipe she feared the most. Leaving my palm against her pussy lips even longer now and I watched as the fear grew in her eyes. Donna had worked out what the result of the fifth swipe would be and where my palm would be when she would have to obey me and release her pee. Even more slowly now I slid my palm away from her pussy lips and she again licked my hand.

There was intenseness about Donna now. Her eyes bored into mine, the sweat on her forehead trickled down her temples and into her eyes and must have stung her, and quickly Donna squinted, shook her head and returned her gaze to me. Her eyebrow rose slightly as she watched my hand disappear beneath her and again out of sight, waiting. Again I swiped her pussy, both of us hearing the wet slapping sound. Donna's body was aroused it was her mind that was in so much turmoil.

For a full five seconds I left my hand against her pussy, her juices soaking my palm and then dragged my palm over her pussy lips. A low moan of pleasure escaped her lips as my hand again came into her field of view. Donna licked it again.

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