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The Big Tits Club Pt. 02 Ch. 13-14

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Into the Blue and Out of the Blue.
17.9k words

Part 35 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 05/25/2021
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-- CHAPTER 13: Into the Blue --


"What just happened?" I asked Sam in bewilderment, watching Eva run away from my arms in tears without any hint as to why she'd started crying in the first place.

Sam had followed us to the shoreline and didn't immediately answer, so I started after Eva for a few steps before Sam caught my arm and tugged me back.

"Let me talk to her," she suggested. "It's usually easier to talk to another girl about this emotional stuff than to talk to the guy she clearly doesn't know how she should feel about."

I sighed and nodded my acquiescence, watching my Head Girlfriend jog after the distraught damsel. But Sam was no more successful than I might've been, as I saw the two girls have only a very brief conversation with Eva's hand palm-out, evidently asking Sam to please leave her alone. And then Eva continued walking down to the far end of the beach in solitude while Sam returned to me.

Sam and I chatted briefly in speculation as to what could've possibly set Eva off. But neither of us had a really good understanding of what made that girl tick. In the end we simply had to throw up our hands and hope we'd get another opportunity later. It pained me to see a girl I had come to care about in emotional turmoil, and I felt driven to do whatever I could to help her out. And Sam considered Eva part of The BTC 2.0 - nevermind those initiation rites of passage Belle semi-joked about that Eva had sworn off - and she felt a sort of Mama Bear responsibility for the wellbeing of every girl in her personal circle of friends.

Belle and Lily were the first ones to return, but just to ask us to come over and check out their "Masterpiece Sandcastle".

"Hey, where'd Eva go?" Belle asked, glancing around.

"Went for a walk by herself," Sam answered, pointing down the beach.

"She does that a lot. Goes off by herself," Lily remarked. "You know I've got a deal with her dad to report back whether or not she's being anti-social. I'll end up telling him she went for a walk today, but otherwise she's been pretty chill with the whole group, right?"

I nodded my agreement. "So let's check out this 'Masterpiece', huh?"

"You're gonna love it," Belle enthused.

I had to admit: for a couple of girls digging in the wet sand without a single shovel or bucket, they'd made a pretty cool sandcastle. It wasn't about to win any awards or anything, but there was a central keep, an outer wall with a fair number of crenellations, and a shallow moat around the perimeter with a piece of driftwood for a bridge. Sam and I were both suitably impressed, and after noticing the four of us clustered together, Naimh and Skylar both came over and subsequently ooh'd and ahh'd over the girls' creation as well.

Eventually, the six of us returned to our beach spot and collected my frisbee. We took turns passing it around to each other in a wide circle that morphed and collapsed over the next ten minutes as one of us or another had to chase down errant tosses.

I wound up standing right next to Lily and started reaching over her to catch every toss thrown our way, teasing the little shorty in much the same way I'd long teased Belle ever since getting my growth spurt. Belle certainly remembered, because she was having a total hoot watching Lily squeal and scramble, never quite able to beat me to a catch. But then in a sudden moment of inspiration, Lily actually dragged my swim trunks down to my ankles, leaving me not only hobbled but also with my junk hanging out. And she giggled with glee as she raced over to the flying disc and neatly caught it before thrusting both arms up in victory.

Meanwhile, I yanked my swim trunks back up and blushed while glancing around the beach, hoping nobody had seen that. But of course with five scantily-clad, buxom beauties bouncing around as they raced across the sand trying to catch frisbee tosses, you can bet there were a bunch of eyeballs pointed in our direction, and I caught a couple of guys fifty yards away pointing at me and laughing.

And then I saw a pair of women in their thirties. One of them was holding her hands apart in the universal gesture for, 'I caught a fish this biiig' before miming a jacking-off motion, and the other woman shook her head while gawking at me in disbelief.

On the other side of me, Naimh seemed to be laughing at a bewildered Skylar, who had apparently missed my de-pantsing and found herself in a circle of giggling girls. Neevie clued her in, and Lily extended her arm to flash a triumphant V-sign when the English lass's head whipped towards us, before gently tossing Skylar the frisbee.

I didn't notice Eva rejoining our circle until the next time I caught the frisbee and then glanced around looking for whom I wanted to throw it to next. She'd walked into the gap between Sam and Naimh, neither of whom noticed her since their immediate attention was on me with the frisbee. But I called out her name, "Eva!" in a loud voice and deliberately sent the disc on a straight line for her.

Unfortunately, the disc started tipping on its side about twenty feet away from her and faded to the left in a shallow curve. I blame the wind. It went straight to Naimh instead, crashing into the sand a few feet in front of her. The redhead scampered forward and picked it up. But rather than toss the frisbee immediately, my Irish girlfriend skipped across the miniature dunes to Eva, handed her the frisbee, and then after a moment, she suddenly wrapped up the other girl in a hug.

I couldn't hear what Naimh was saying to Eva, but the hapa girl just sort of froze in place with her hands out to the sides, not immediately hugging Naimh back. I knew exactly what that felt like and chuckled to myself. But eventually Eva patted Naimh's shoulder lightly with her free hand, extricated herself from the redhead's hug, and then took a step to the side to toss the frisbee in the vague direction of Belle.

Beyond that, nobody asked Eva where she'd gone off to or why. We simply accepted her back into the circle as if nothing had ever happened and moved on. The seven of us remained a single large group for the remainder of the afternoon, laughing and playing and generally having a good time. After frisbee, we all got back into the water (including me this time). But after we'd all exhausted ourselves, we returned to our beach spot, dried off, and just relaxed for the rest of the day.

The sun started coming down after 6pm, with the weather cooling off. Everyone put their shirts and shorts back on, with the two Hawaiian girls (who were used to warmer weather) donning jackets as well. We ate some snacks, finished the rest of the beers, and chatted about whatever came to mind. Belle spent part of that time sitting in my lap atop the beach mat while I wrapped my arms around her, occasionally engaging in my favorite pastime by copping feels of her big boobies.

At one point, I had just finished copping a feel when Belle grabbed my hand and held it on her tit, continuing her conversation while squeezing my palm a little tighter around the globe. Lily noticed and started giggling, and then all of a sudden, Belle was sliding out of my lap while not-so-subtly pointing at me for Lily to go take her place.

The Hawaiian hottie blushed but I opened my arms and invited her willingly. The cute coed contentedly parked her cutie patootie in my lap and then physically wrapped my arms around her, with my right hand molded around her left breast. But my hand was outside of her jacket, and a moment later she redirected my hand beneath the hems of both her jacket and her shirt, tucking my palm within the cup of her bikini so that she could feel my fingers directly against her bare skin.

"I wish I didn't have to wait a whole 'nother week to have our date," Lily whispered coyly, pressing the side of her cheek into the side of mine.

"Well you don't have to wait a whole 'nother week if you don't want to," Belle murmured from right next to us, her eyebrows waggling.

I shot my impish "little sister" a warning look, and she blushed and stared down at her lap for a moment.

"The whole point of making a date for more than a week away was to not only give me time to set up a really nice date," I reminded them both, "but also to make sure Lily had plenty of space to really think things through. No pressure: remember, B?"

"I know, I know."

"And thank you for not pressuring me," Lily said, molding my hand around her breast. "It's knowing you're such a thoughtful, considerate guy that makes me feel comfortable doing this. The horny part of me wants to do it right away, but the nervous part of me is glad it's not happening just yet."

Belle giggled. "Not yet. But 'no pressure' or not, if you find yourself ultra-horny tonight after we take our bikinis off and wanna find out what it feels like to have Matty's massive--"

"B, seriously," I cut her off, rolling my eyes and shaking my head while pulling my hand out from underneath Lily's jacket. Clearly, nothing had been learned whatsoever in the aftermath of Belle's attempted... R-word... And I silently cursed myself for giving into lust with Belle crooning for me to "punish" her instead of sticking to my guns. I knew I'd basically enabled her continued behavior instead of teaching her an actual lesson, but I swore to myself it wouldn't happen again.

Fortunately, Belle piped down and let me snuggle with Lily in peace. I wrapped both arms around Lily's midsection and nuzzled her neck and cheek with my nose. The three of us went silent for a minute while the others kept nattering on about something else. But eventually, Lily turned her face to mine again and murmured, "You know, my mom always told me: Our people exist to go out into the blue."

I mused on that, my eyebrows knitted in concentration, although the meaning didn't immediately hit me.

Lily smiled at my expression and explained, "It was her way of challenging me to get over my fears. Now I'm sure she never meant it as encouragement to lose my virginity, but I find myself thinking about her words right now. 'Into the blue' is a pretty common phrase for 'into the unknown'. But more specifically, it's about venturing out into the open ocean. My ancestors set out from Polynesia on wa'a kaulua: outrigger canoes. They didn't have compasses or astrolabes. They were wayfinders who had no idea the Hawaiian Islands would be there when they arrived, but they ventured out anyway."

"I remember reading about that a while back. The whole idea of navigating without instruments was pretty cool. And it must've been terrifying for people who didn't personally know how to do it. They'd have to put a lot of trust into their guides."

Lily's smile broadened. "The way I feel comfortable putting my trust in you and Belle."

On our left side, Belle giggled and hugged both of us.

"With you two... I think I'm finally ready to make my journey into the blue," Lily continued. "It won't happen tonight, temptation or not. The idea of having a romantic date with a happy ending for both of us is too appealing for me to give in now."

"Sounds pretty nice to me, too," I agreed, nuzzling her neck with my nose again. There was something so squishably huggable about her that made me squeeze her a little tighter. Despite my resolution to not get involved in any further romantic complications, I really couldn't help myself. Lily was warm, sweet, and innocent. I'd "caught feelings" for her already, whether I liked it or not. I had no idea yet whether or not those feelings would blossom into the same kind of love I felt for Belle, Sam, or Naimh. But I found myself yearning for the time, space, and opportunity to find out.

Lily giggled, grabbed my hand, and then slipped it beneath her jacket again. I once again found myself fondling her bare boobs. And a moment later, Lily turned her face to mine so we could share a sweet kiss.

My ku'uipo and I made out for a few minutes - tenderly but not passionately. It felt... comfortable. Relaxed. No pressure. And when we finally pulled apart, I reached out to caress the white plumeria she'd started wearing every day in her hair. Lily cast a demure glance downwards before shyly shifting her eyes back to mine with a world of warm wonder...

And yes, a lot of love.

There was no mistaking the reason for her plumeria being on the left side anymore.


The next time I glanced up, I caught Skylar smirking at me. When she felt my gaze, her eyes rather pointedly focused down on my hand beneath Lily's jacket. I blushed, having momentarily forgotten she wasn't part of our inner circle and had never seen me being this hands-on with the girls before. But I just shrugged and went with it, enjoying the feel of Lily's heavy breast in my hand, and continued listening to the girls talk.

Belle and Lily got into the kind of semi-telepathic conversation they sometimes got where they were both talking so fast it seemed impossible they could actually catch every single word the other said. Eva, Sam, and Skylar got into a conversation about something else, but Naimh was pretty quiet. She fiddled with her fingers a little bit while staring wistfully out at the sunset. But every now and again I also caught her staring rather wistfully at me.

There were a few minutes left before the sun itself set when I tapped Lily's leg and then pecked her cheek. "Hey, Lil. Would you mind sitting next to Belle for a bit?" I asked gently.

"Oh, sure, no problem," Lily said, sliding out of my lap and continuing on her hyperspeed conversation with Belle as if they'd never been interrupted.

In the meantime, I glanced over at Naimh and gave my Irish girlfriend a warm, inviting smile. Snuggling together while watching the sunset had always been "our thing", and the way her emerald-green eyes lit up with delight when she realized what was going on more than offset the sun's dimming illumination.

My freckled redhead happily slid out of her beach chair to come sit in front of me on the beach mat. Within seconds, she grabbed both of my hands and slipped them beneath the hem of her shirt so that I could cup the bare skin of both boobies. At that point, the girls opened up our conversational circle so that everyone could turn and face westward across the Pacific blue. Sam was on my right, leaning against my side and setting her head down on my shoulder while reaching up to tenderly caress Naimh's arm with her fingertips. Belle and Lily sat together on my left, holding each other's hands in their laps. And Skylar and Eva remained in their beach chairs.

The conversation died down as we all watched the sky paint the clouds overhead in an array of rich colors. Dark purples formed overhead, with magenta, pink, and orange further away across the horizon. Naimh turned her face towards mine over her right shoulder, and I leaned forward to capture her lips with mine. I pinched her nipples and rolled them between my fingertips while our lips gently massaged each other. And when we parted, I found Sam staring at me with shimmering eyes only inches away, and I leaned in to gently kiss her as well.

A few seconds after that, I pulled back and Sam smiled invitingly at Naimh. My two gorgeous girlfriends came together for a sweet kiss of their own, almost playfully making out with each other until I tugged a bit on Naimh's nipples as a way of getting her attention. I didn't want her to miss the actual sunset.

Naimh giggled as she broke her liplock with Sam and gave the blonde a quick peck on the nose before turning to face forward. I spooned myself around the redhead while Sam once again set her head down on my shoulder. And together, all seven of us stared off at the horizon watching the bottom of the big yellow disc start to sink down into the sea.

A hush fell across the entire beach as everyone present went silent as well. The only sounds were those of the breeze across the bay and the unceasing surf crashing to shore. I hugged one girlfriend in front of me while another girlfriend hugged me from the side, the three of us cuddled together in a warm embrace more emotionally intimate than physical. I even let go of Naimh's tits to wrap my arms around both girls' waists, if you can believe it.

And that emotional intimacy I felt extended beyond the two girls in direct physical contact with me. I glanced to my left and smiled at the sight of Belle and Lily leaning together with an arm wrapped behind each other's back and their free hands clasped together. To my right I could see Skylar and Eva seated silently on their beach chairs, both absorbed in the beauty of nature.

It was an amazing sunset.

This was an amazing group of girls.

And I considered myself the luckiest man in the world.


The original plan was to get dinner together in Mill Valley or Corte Madera on the way back, but the girls were all tired and just wanted to go home. It was an hour-long drive back to campus, and after the winding mountain roads of the Marin Headlands gave way to the droning monotony of Highways 101 and 580, the girls started nodding off in the van.

I didn't need Sam to help me navigate anymore, so she slipped off her sandals, put her feet up on the dashboard, and reclined her seat back while closing her eyes and turning her head away from me. Oncoming headlights filled the cabin every now and again, enough to show me through the rearview mirror that Lily had fallen asleep on Belle's shoulder. Eva braced herself against the opposite corner. And Naimh's head started doing that slow, inexorable droop right up to the point of unconsciousness before jerking upright momentarily and then starting the process all over again.

Only Skylar remained fully awake for the entire journey, perhaps not quite relaxed enough amongst strangers to completely let her guard down. But she merely looked thoughtful and remained silent all the way back to her apartment.

I parallel parked my minivan in front of the apartment building's driveway and then hopped out to go fetch her duffel bag from the trunk.

Meanwhile, Skylar opened the sliding door and then stepped down to the sidewalk. The statuesque blonde gave me a warm smile as I handed over the bag and she slung the strap over her head to her opposite shoulder. She opened her arms out to me, inviting a hug, which I gladly gave her.

"Thanks for coming," I told her sincerely as I took a step back.

"Thank you for inviting me," she replied earnestly in her alluring English accent. "I can't remember the last time I went to the beach, and today was everything I could've asked for and more."

"Glad you enjoyed yourself."

"I did more than enjoy myself. Today was the best day I've had in years. Thank you."

"Well I think Neevie deserves more credit for that than I do." I glanced into the van where the redhead was conked out with her head against the side window.

"Perhaps," Skylar conceded. "Yet you're the one who made this all happen. You're the very center of this... this Big Tits Club."

I blushed and shook my head. "So weird to hear you say the full name out loud."

"The girls are proud of being The BTC. Neevie said I fit right in." Skylar glanced down at her chest but stopped short of grabbing her boobs on the sidewalk. I also glanced down at her chest before catching myself and forcing my gaze back up to her face, just in time to see Skylar smirk at me.

"I think you do fit right in," I tried to say graciously, "and it has nothing to do with your boobs."

She shrugged and gave me a shy smile.

"There's no pressure to continue hanging out with us," I told her sincerely. "You've got a busy schedule, I know, and probably other obligations I don't know about. But you are welcome to join us again if you'd like to."

She shrugged again. "I appreciate the offer."

"So..." I began while arching both eyebrows, "should I let you know the next time The BTC makes another beach trip?"

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