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The Bimbo Slut Game Ch. 02

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Simon continues to turn Maddy into a bimbo slut.
5.7k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/14/2023
Created 08/29/2023
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All characters in this story are over the age of 18.


Maddy felt strange when she got out of bed on Monday morning. It wasn't until she dragged her feet into the bathroom and saw herself in the mirror that she realized what it was. Her breasts had grown.

She stared at her reflection for minutes on end certain that she was mistaken. At the age of 20, puberty was finished with her, her breasts could not have grown. And certainly not that much overnight.

She cupped her newly grown breasts and lifted them to test their weight. They'd always been fairly heavy but now they were something else. They'd grown at least a cup size, maybe a bit more.

She knew how they'd grown and yet at the same time she couldn't quite make the thought fully form. It was like she had a word on the tip of her tongue. She knew without knowing. The answer was buried behind a cloud of fog in her head.

Although shocked at her sudden increase in bust size, she did enjoy how they looked on her small frame. They made her hands look tiny. And they felt good in her palms too. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as she admired her new curves. They were going to draw a lot of attention, a lot more than they already had before. A little burst of arousal pulsed through her before fizzling as quickly as it had arrived.

No. That's not what she wanted. She'd never enjoyed the lecherous gazes of men before. Now she was definitely going to get more. Much more. Especially wearing the clothes that Simon had selected for her. She seriously doubted that Simon would buy her larger sizes.

As she lathered up her body in the shower, her mind drifted to the incident with the builder. His hands on her body; her ass. The warm tingle she felt between her legs at the memory was no longer enough to drown out her shame. She'd been raised better than that. Her parents would disown her or lock her away if they ever found out.

She grabbed the Monday outfit from her closet. It was a very small black dress with a zip that ran down the bust. She squeezed into the tight garment and tutted when she saw that it only just covered her ass. And she'd been given a thong to wear. Luckily, it was too tight for the wind to blow it up so nobody would get a view of her rump.

Her newly enlarged breasts posed a problem when she struggled to do the zipper up. She managed to get it two-thirds of the way up but as soon as she let go her bulging breasts forced it back down. In the end, she had to settle for halfway. With any luck, Simon wouldn't call today and she wouldn't have to wear the dress out anywhere. No sooner had she had that thought than her phone dinged signaling she'd received a text.

She knew without looking that it was from Simon.

"Good morning, Maddy," he said smoothly once she had the earpiece in.

"Good morning, Sir," she replied, putting the glasses on her face.

"How was your weekend?" he asked.

"My breasts have grown," she said. The words fell out of her mouth before she'd even thought about it. She hoped -- no she knew -- that Simon had the answer as to why.

"That's not what I asked, but it is interesting nonetheless," he replied. "How much have they grown?"

Maddy brought her hands up to cup them again, once more enjoying the heaviness of them in her palms. "At least a cup size I think," she said.

Simon sighed. "I wasn't asking for your best guess. Show me in the mirror," he said.

"Oh," she said, giggling. "Of course, silly me." It seemed pretty obvious now that he'd said it.

Maddy turned to face the full-length mirror that stood next to her closet. She kept her eyes trained on her reflection so that Simon got a good view of her larger breasts.

"Take them out," he said.

"Oh, Sir," she said, pouting her lips.

"Take them out," he said, using the dominant tone that she knew not to ignore. She did as he instructed, unzipping the front of the dress and pulling the fabric open to expose her enlarged chest to him.

"Good girl," he said, practically purring. She watched her cheeks turn red in the mirror. She felt like a porn star, a slut. The thought of that made her arousal peak. Something about the situation was undeniably provocative and yet she still couldn't shake the feeling of shame.

"Very good. Your tits have grown," he said, confirming what she already knew. "Isn't it lovely to have larger titties? More to play with. More to enjoy. More to lick."

Maddy shifted uncomfortably as she felt herself getting aroused and the mushy feeling building between her legs. "Err..." she began to say but Simon cut in first.

"The truth, Maddy," he commanded. "You don't want to incur a penalty before the game has even started."

"Yes, Sir," she said, blushing deeply.

"Good girl," he said.

"Did you know this would happen?" she asked, her mouth turning into an anxious pout.

There was a brief pause before he answered. "Of course. It is one of the effects of the pills you take every day."

Maddy turned to look at the orange pill bottle that stood on top of her dresser. She'd known they were not just to keep her healthy. They obviously messed with her hormones.

"Will they make them grow more?" she asked. Images of herself stuck on her back, trapped beneath the weight of her own massive boobs flashed to mind.

"Perhaps. They will reach a natural stopping point, however, so you needn't worry about them becoming too large."

Maddy looked back at the reflection of her huge, naked boobs. They were bordering on too large already. If they got much bigger than none of the clothes Simon had given her would be able to contain them. Maybe that was what he wanted.

"What if I don't want to take them anymore?" she asked.

"Then your employment ends," he said flatly. "I trust that Nigel informed you of the termination procedure?"

Maddy's shoulders slumped. "He did." She'd lose everything except for the money she'd already earned. She had 5k in her account and another 9k for the month so far. She wasn't ready to finish playing Simon's game just yet.

"Big tits are a gift, Maddy. Not a curse," he said. "Think of the men who will admire you now. The larger they grow the more male attention you will receive. Female attention too."

"I don't know if I want that," she replied, absent-mindedly twirling a lock of hair around her finger.

"You will," he said with certainty. "Now, are you ready to hear what today's game is?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. Put your tits away and sit down on the bed."

Maddy smiled as she zipped her dress back up and sat down on the edge of her bed.

"Today you are going job hunting."

"But I work for you," she said, confused.

"Yes. And I would like you to find another job too. It's all part of the game. You will go into the city center and look around for jobs."

"What do you mean look around for jobs?" she asked. Nobody got a job by going into the city and looking around.

"You will look for advertisements in the store windows." At that, Maddy actually scoffed.

"How old are you? That stuff is all online now," she said without thinking.

A cold silence followed her outburst. It stretched on long enough for Maddy to realize her mistake. "Sorry, Sir," she mumbled, staring down at her knees.

"You just lost $100,' he said. "Jobs are still displayed in windows and on walls. Remind me how you got this job."

Maddy remembered the weird avert that she'd seen stuck on the bathroom wall in the mall. "I saw it on the wall in the lady's room," she admitted.

"Exactly. You will follow every instruction I give you on the way to and from the city. Refusal will cost you $500. Hesitation will cost you £100. Quick obedience will earn you $100. If you complete today's game to my satisfaction you will be rewarded with a prize." Last time the prize had been double her money. She'd happily accept the same prize again.

"I understand, Sir," she said.

"Good girl. For every person who ogles you, you will smile at them. For every person who compliments you, no matter how crude their compliment may be, you will thank them. If you forget you will lose $100 each time. Understand?"

"Yes, Sir," Maddy replied.

"Good. Put your shoes on and let's go. Leave your things behind. Richard will watch your apartment and I want your hands free."

Richard was waiting outside her front door and after letting him in, he went straight through to the living room and flicked on the TV. Maddy shook her head and left the apartment.

"Head toward the subway. I don't want you to walk all the way to the center," Simon said.

Maddy was relieved. The quicker she got there the quicker the game would end, and the fewer men would get to ogle her -- or worse depending on what Simon had in mind. Last time he'd made her jerk off that builder and she expected Simon to escalate things in each game.

Maddy smiled at all the men who leered at her breasts just as Simon had instructed her to, even though she doubted he would know if she didn't smile. She didn't want to take the risk. He could have cameras planted all over the city. After all, this was probably not the first time he'd played this game.

"Nice tits love!" a man wearing a dirty t-shirt shouted from the other side of the street. Maddy wrinkled her nose in disgust and avoided looking directly at the fowl man.

"You were supposed to thank him," Simon reminded her only after he was well behind Maddy.

"Oh, fuck, I'm sorry I forgot," she said quickly, turning back only to find the man was gone.

"Well, it's too late now my little bimbo. I'll be kind and I won't fine you this time. I'll give you a different punishment instead."

Maddy did not like the sound of that at all. She could always earn back $500, but Simon could have something far worse in mind. Still, she dared not argue with him; that would cost her a lot more.

"Step into that alleyway there," he commanded. Maddy did so at once, not willing to risk another penalty. "Now, I want you to remove your panties and use them to tie your hair in a ponytail. Do it now or lose money. A lot of money."

Maddy thought desperately of some way out of it. Panties in her hair would draw even more unwanted attention, and then she would be exposed to anybody who managed to get a look up her dress which only just managed to reach the bottom of her butt. But she could think of nothing and had no choice but to obey.

Reluctantly, she reached under her dress and pulled her red thong down her legs. Stepping out of it, she used it to tie her long blonde hair into a tight ponytail. She felt utterly ridiculous.

"Perfect!" Simon said. "Now get to the subway and don't forget to thank men for complimenting you this time."

"I wouldn't exactly call what he said a compliment," said Maddy as she left the alley and headed to the subway station.

"No? He said you had nice tits. How is that not a compliment?" Simon asked her.

"Well...I mean, it was the way he said it. It was like all jeery and pervy," she said. It was hard to find the words to verbalize how words that seemed complimentary could actually be used in a nasty and threatening manner.

"Would you rather not have nice tits?"

"No. That's not the point."

"Then what is the point?" asked Simon.

Maddy stopped walking, struggling to keep track of her thoughts. She wasn't entirely sure what her point was only that she didn't like the way that man had spoken to her. Well, maybe a small part of her did, but for the most part, she did not. "I don't know," she admitted, defeated.

"Aw, is my little bimbo confused?" Simon mocked.

"Yes," Maddy said, gritting her teeth as she started walking again.

"That's because you know you're wrong. That nice man complimented you and you were very rude to him, weren't you?"

"Yes, Sir," said Maddy, too mentally exhausted to disagree. She didn't even know why she'd bothered arguing in the first place.

"Good girl. And you do have nice tits."

"Thank you, Sir," she said. A little buzz of pride passed over her and she walked on with her chin just a little bit higher.

The subway was absolutely packed. It was past rush hour and Maddy had thought it would be fairly quiet, but instead, people were everywhere. She pushed her way through the throng, feeling frustrated and exposed with her hair in a thong ponytail. She hadn't expected Simon to make her do this; she felt like a fool. Her cheeks were burning as she pushed through the crowded station. Thankfully, nobody said anything about the thong in her hair.

As she managed to squeeze onto the train, Maddy saw a man staring at her intently from across the carriage. His eyes roamed over her body, lingering on her legs and chest area before finally settling on her head. She knew what he was looking at: he was looking at the panties in her hair.

Maddy felt an uncomfortable flush of embarrassment as more and more people noticed the strange sight of panties in her hair. Some of them glanced away quickly when they saw that she had noticed them looking, others stared unashamedly as if to make sure that they weren't missing out on something interesting.

Finally, the man who had been staring at Maddy for so long spoke up as he approached her where she stood: "Nice hair accessory," he said leeringly. "I've never seen anyone pull off something like that before."

Maddy clutched the metal bar tighter, feeling her cheeks burn with embarrassment. She wanted to sink into the floor in humiliation but forced herself to smile politely instead: "Thank you," she said quietly before turning away and trying to ignore him for the rest of the journey.

However, it seemed that this man was not going to give up so easily. He followed her as she tried to move away from him and stood beside her, continuing his intrusive line of questioning.

"Back in my day, a young lady would never have dared wear such a thing in her hair. Underwear was kept under, if you know what I mean." He let out a rasping laugh.

Maddy didn't know when his day was; he looked to be about fifty and most of his grey hair had fallen out. He moved an inch closer so that his pot belly was brushing against her arm. She wanted to move away but there was nowhere left for her to go.

"Stay still and be polite to him," Simon said in her ear, dashing any hope of an escape.

"It's an interesting choice," the old man said, looking Maddy up and down again. "You must be very...bold."

"I'm just doing as I'm told," she muttered under her breath, still refusing to look at him directly.

"Careful," Simon warned her, his voice taking on a dangerous edge. "You are not allowed to tell anybody about me or the game. If you do your contract will be terminated."

Maddy felt the man's eyes on her as he stared at her for a long moment. He seemed to be sizing her up, looking her over from head to toe. She resisted the urge to squirm under his scrutiny and tried to appear as uninterested as possible.

"You are a pretty young lady," he said finally. "A delicate little thing."

Before Maddy could react, he reached up and began to stroke her ponytail with his hand. Maddy stiffened at his touch but remained where she was. She had her instructions from Simon.

"How old are you sweetheart?" the man asked, still stroking her hair slowly.

"20," she said quietly. Other passengers glanced over at her but none of them asked if she was okay with the creepy old man touching her.

"So young," he whispered, his hot breath drifting over her neck. His hand left her hair and slid down her back. "You have a beautiful figure. It looks like everything under that dress stays exactly where it is even when you take your clothes off."

His words were revolting and yet, Maddy knew what she had to say. "Thank you," she said, sounding like she didn't mean it at all.

"You're welcome, my sweet little thing." His hand wandered lower, pausing when it reached her lower back, just above the waist. "If your panties are in your hair, I wonder what's under your dress," he whispered in her ear.

Her skin crawled and she suppressed a shudder. She could refuse to allow this. She could take the penalty and lose $500. Just as she was considering it, the old man's hand journeyed on, his fingers gliding over her plump ass cheeks and drifting down to the hem of her dress.

Maddy let out an involuntary gasp as her disgust started to abate, replaced by an arousal that came out of nowhere. The old man's fingers landed on the bare flesh of her thighs; his touch was electric, sending heat throughout her body and making her skin tingle with anticipation. She could feel a moistness growing in between her legs and the heavy beat of her heart in her chest. She didn't understand why or how she had suddenly become turned on by something that had been literally repulsing her just moments before.

The man slipped his hand under her dress, his fingers gripping her naked ass and squeezing hard. He let out a low growl as he continued to caress and explore her body. She found herself unable to resist the pleasure that was washing over her.

The train stopped at the next station and the doors slid open. "Get off the train," Simon commanded her. He didn't need to tell Maddy twice. She practically charged at the door, not bothering to look back at the old man who had groped her ass. When she was safely on the platform she glanced back at the train and saw the man was still on it, staring at her through the window, his face jaded by disappointment. She didn't want to think about how far he would have gone if she hadn't gotten off the train.

"Well done. I'll give you $100 for that," said Simon. "I have a new rule for you to follow from now on: you must never refuse to let somebody grope you. If they are bold enough to do so, you must reward their confidence by letting them."

Maddy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Anybody could put their hands on her from old men to teenage boys. But the rules had been made clear to her; she could refuse. "What will it cost me if I do refuse to let somebody grope me?" she said. She was pushing her way through the passengers toward the station's exit.

"You will be fined $1,000."

Maddy was too stunned to speak. That was a harsh penalty. She supposed that was the point. This was a rule Simon did not want her to refuse therefore he made the penalty so harsh that she wouldn't dare.

Maddy was wandering around the city for over an hour searching for job postings. Several times she suggested simply looking online but Simon refused to allow it. He was insistent that she apply in person. She saw a couple of postings on shop windows, but after venturing into the stores, Simon decided the environments weren't quite right. Finally, Maddy found an advert for a sales assistant position in the nerdiest store she had ever laid eyes on. It was called WARHAMMER and sold little plastic models that it looked like the buyers had to build and paint themselves.

"If you're paying for it wouldn't you want it to come ready-made?" Maddy asked as she looked around the store at the boxes and boxes of unbuilt and unpainted models. Some of them were downright grotesque. She stared at what looked like a giant melting booger with a little fat man riding on its back.

"Hello, can I help you?" said a scrawny, ginger nerd from behind the counter at the back of the store. His arms were so thin they were smaller than Maddy's.

"I'm here about the job," Maddy said. She reached the counter and stopped. On the countertop was a pile of plastic limbs that he was in the process of gluing together. She could not imagine ever building one herself.

"Really?" the guy said in disbelief. He pushed his chunky plastic glasses up his nose.

"Really. I need a job," she said. She really hoped that he was going to turn her away, but somehow, she knew that he wouldn't. She was probably the first girl that ever walked into the store, he wasn't going to kick her out in a hurry.


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