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The Bondage Secret

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Tina accepts the gift of dominance & submission.
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Part 1 of 3: The Secret

Underneath her blouse, there were trickles of sweat. She normally enjoyed giving speeches and presentations, but on that day, there was far more pressure.

They were in the conference room of the marketing firm. Tina finished a presentation for executives from Cobolt Lansing, a major corporation. With high stakes in the business world, she fielded much tougher questions than usual.

When it was done, they all shook hands and the businessmen left.

Tina went straight to her office and leaned back on a couch. She closed her eyes and breathed deep. It was almost noon and already she was thinking about getting a deep tissue massage. Her body and mind felt totally wiped out.

Her mental relaxation was disturbed by a knock on the door. She opened her eyes and saw Catherine, the president of the marketing firm.

Catherine was known as a tough boss. She was strict, sometimes ruthless, and she liked to push people to their limits. But she had a soft spot for Tina.

"You did wonderful," Catherine said, leaning against the door. "Really, I'm impressed."

Tina closed her eyes again. "I feel like overcooked steak."

"Why? Because of that grilling you took?"

"Why else?"

Catherine stepped inside the office and sat next to her friend on the couch. There was a casual vibe between them, like always.

"I mean it, you did great. Not many people can withstand the barrage of questions you took. Especially from Cobolt execs."

"Thanks," Tina nodded, looking at her boss.

"Those men are sharks. That's why their company is thriving."

"I felt like an amature in there."

"Trust me, I understand men, they liked your presentation," Catherine stated with the utmost confidence. "And they'll take the deal. I can almost guarantee it."

"I'm also an expert on corporate assholes, and I think you're wrong. They didn't seem impressed with anything I had to say."

Catherine patted her friend's leg. "I'll make you a deal. If they decide to hire our firm, I'll give you a substantial bonus."

"And if they decide to go somewhere else?"

"Then I'll fire you."

Catherine flashed her trademark bitchy smirk, stood up, and walked away. They both knew it was a joke. Both ladies had a dark sense of humor. That's why they had always been such good friends.


Days passed. Then weeks. The thing about potential clients was, you never know when they would make a decision. It was perfectly understandable, especially in this case. A deal with Cobolt would have been huge for the firm.

Tina took things hard after the major presentation. She assumed that she totally bombed with all the tough questions from the stone faced executives. She was a perfectionist. Nothing was ever good enough.

That's why she was so good at her job.

She lived alone in her nice downtown apartment. There wasn't much free time. Almost everything in her life was dedicated to her job. When she did have free time, it was usually spent with her mother and sister.

Then on Monday, it was back to work...


After the short commute to the office, Tina sat behind her desk and prepared for the day. There was always plenty to do. She loved her job in marketing. She loved brainstorming with others to create fun ideas.

Before she could settle down, Catherine came to her door. Whenever the boss personally visited her office, it was usually for something important.

"Great news," Catherine smiled. "We got the Cobolt Lansing deal. We'll be finalizing the agreement soon."

Tina's eyes widened. "Oh my god. That was totally unexpected."

"Maybe to you. I knew we had the deal all along."

Tina leaned back on her chair, stunned. "I'm still trying to process this. Gosh, I can't believe we closed that deal."

"It was all because of you. You're a marketing rockstar."

"I appreciate that," Tina humbly replied.

Catherine entered the office and sat down across from Tina.

"This is a turning point for the firm," the boss said. "This deal is huge. It'll be a game changer for us. That's for sure. Looks like a hefty bonus is coming your way. Well earned, I might add."

This time, it was Tina's turn to smile. "I look forward to it. I'll be super busy these next few months."

Catherine leaned back and stared at her friend. "You work too hard, you know that?"

"That's an odd comment coming from you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, if you need me to explain it, you have a reputation for pushing people to the brink of insanity," Tina bluntly stated. "Myself included."

"There's nothing wrong with hard work. I mean, look at this beautiful firm. It wasn't built on laziness. But you need a life outside of your career."

"I have a life. And I love it."

"A hobby, I mean," Catherine clarified. "You need a way to blow off steam. It's especially important for us women. Stress makes us age."

"There's nothing wrong with aging. It's normal."

"You're beautiful, smart, and very single."

"Now you sound like my mother," Tina quipped. "Why does everyone want to talk about my love life?"

"I'm not concerned about your love life. I want to know why you aren't fucking anyone."

Tina smiled and shook her head. "Not this again."

"I'm serious. You're a catch. You should be getting laid. Not collecting cobwebs down there."

"I can assure you, my vagina is perfectly clean."

Catherine gave a long hard stare. "Fine. No bonus for you. Instead, you'll receive something else."


"A gift."

"A gift?" Tina asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm only offering because you're a close friend. Not many people know about this. It's exclusive. Very exclusive."

Suddenly, Tina became more interested. "What's this about?"

"An unforgettable set of experiences. Why do you think I've changed so much in the past few years?"

"I don't know. A colonics?"

"Funny. But I'm being serious here. And I won't take 'no' for an answer."

"What do I have to do?"

"I'll need a copy of your apartment key, and a list of your social media accounts, along with a short essay about yourself. I'll also need a hand-written pledge of secrecy, that you won't reveal anything about this."

Tina squinted her eyes. "You're kidding."

"I'm not. I'm more serious than I've ever been. This is something that will change your life. It's worked wonders for me."

"But my apartment key? My social media accounts? An essay?"

"To bring you gifts. They need to get a vibe for your personality. Everything will be tailored just for you. That's what's so special about it."

"And who exactly are you referring to?" Tina asked.

"A group called SECRET."

Tina noted the serious expression on her friend's face. Catherine wasn't someone who played pranks or did silly things. No. Catherine was a strategic person, who calculated everything she did. How else could Catherine have become the president of a strong marketing firm?

"Okay, I'll do it," Tina sighed. "Can you at least tell me what this is for?"

Catherine gave a light-hearted smirk. "If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, would it?"

With that, the boss gave a wink and left the office.


Tina did what she was told. She made a copy of her apartment key and placed it in a large envelope. She wrote down a link to her facebook account. Then she wrote a short essay about herself, describing what kind of person she was. She also wrote a handwritten pledge of complete secrecy.

In a way, the whole thing seemed kind of exciting. It had been a while since Tina had any sort of excitement in her life. It would be nice to focus on something besides work, especially since she had been so busy lately.

Tina signed her name on the envelope and placed it on the boss's desk.


Weeks had passed. From the moment Tina returned home from work, she knew something was wrong.

That evening, as she looked around, she noticed that everything in her apartment was neatly arranged. A cold chill went down her spin. Someone had been in her apartment. She considered running out of the room and calling the police.

But then she remembered that she had given a copy of her home key to her boss. That must have been the reason.

She looked around her apartment in a meticulous manner. Everything was neat and perfectly arranged. When she went to her bedroom, she saw it.

There was a giftwrapped box on her bed, with a red bow on top. Her heart was beating and her mind was intrigued.

There was a folded letter on top.

Tina picked up the typed letter and read it:

Dearest Tina,

You don't know us, but we know you. A mutual friend has arranged this experience for you.

As always, we will begin slowly.



Tina put the letter down and tore open the package wrapper. It was a long box, and she opened it.

Inside the box were several pairs of black lingerie and stockings. The lingerie appeared to be skimpy and meant for sexual purposes.

She closed the box and wondered why her boss would arrange for something like that to be sent to her apartment. In all the years they had known each other, Catherine had never given her gifts like that before.

They usually gave each other classy gifts, like books, paintings, and things of elegance. After all, they were well-educated and professional women.

She closed the box and continued to wonder if this was a joke, or a serious gift from Catherine. The only way to find out was to ask.

Part 2 of 3: The Promise

The next morning. Tina knew exactly how to find private time with Catherine, who was always very busy. She waited outside Catherine's office, just before the boss took her mid-morning break.

The boss stepped out of her office and they locked eyes.

"Tina," the boss said. "Anything I can do for you?"

"Can we talk? In your office."


The two women went inside the large and spacious office. Catherine knew there was something personal on Tina's mine, so she closed the door.

"So," the boss said. "What did you want to see me about?"

Both women remained standing in the office.

"Someone had been in my apartment. There was something on my bed."

Catherine gave a coy smile. "Oh really? Anything interesting?"

"A vague letter and a bunch of undergarments. Cathy, is this a joke?"

"I promise you, it's not."

"Then what is it?" Tina asked.

"It's a gift from people who specialize in gifts."

"And who exactly are these people?"

Catherine gave a sympathetic nod. "Let's have a seat."

Both women sat down on the couch.

The boss continued, "You trust me, don't you? You know that I'm always on your side. Well, now I'm helping you, but in a different way. This is something outside of our normal relationship."

"I'm perfectly fine," Tina replied. "Whatever you have arranged for me, I appreciate it, but I don't need it."

"You still don't know what SECRET is yet."

"Why don't you tell me?"

"If I told you," Catherine smiled. "It wouldn't be a surprise anymore. But I can tell you that SECRET is a highly exclusive group. They only allow new members through recommendations and a careful screening process."

Tina knew it was pointless to argue. The boss was a stubborn woman, that's how she became so successful. Catherine never took 'no' for an answer.

"What do I have to do?" Tina asked.

"Whatever SECRET tells you. Every so often, a gift will be left in your apartment. Or maybe in your office. Whatever the note says, do it."

"This is all so mysterious and exciting," Tina said half-sarcastically.

"With the amount I'm paying, it should be."

"How much are you paying?"

Catherine smiled, "You don't want to know. But it's pricey."

"Can you at least give me a price range?"

"Five figures."

Tina squinted her eyes. "That much to leave gifts around my apartment?"

"It's more than just gifts. It's the fantasy. The adventure. You'll see."

"For that kind of money, I hope it's worth it."


A few days had passed before Tina received another gift. This time, there was a wrapped package on her living room table. She saw it the moment she arrived home after a dinner with friends.

There was a red bow on it, along with a red rose and a folded note.

Tina wasn't nervous or timid looking at the gift. Not like before. Instead, she looked at it as a game, which she was willing to play.

She picked up the red rose and smelled its scent. She put down the rose and unfolded the letter to read:

Sweetest Tina,

You are a beautiful creature. You are a rose waiting to blossom. Don't you think it's time to grow?

Read the note inside the box. Aren't you curious?

Be the voyeur tonight. Enjoy the show.



It was another layer to the game. Tina couldn't tell if she was annoyed by everything, or intrigued. The situation was unusual and she felt more confused than ever.

She opened the small rectangular box to find a sleek black dress and a pair of high-heels.

There was a white note on top of the black dress. She opened the note and looked at it.

All the note contained was a time and address. Nothing else. It obviously wanted her to be at the location by 10 pm that night. Good thing it was a Friday night, and she didn't have to worry about waking up early the next day.

The question then became, did she want to go?

And the answer seemed to be, why not? Tina felt the soft fabric of the dress with the tips of her fingers. It had been a while since she had dressed up for a night of elegance and class. Besides, her friend Catherine had recommended playing along, and Catherine was always right about everything.

Tina undressed and changed her clothes.


It wasn't long before the cab arrived. Tina waited outside of her apartment building wearing a long coat. Underneath the coat was the sleek black dress which SECRET had provided her. She also wore the high-heels along with the stockings she had been given before.

The cab took her to the downtown destination. Tina wasn't worried about safety because she was familiar with that part of the city.

Her mind was filled with anticipation. As the cab drove along the downtown streets, Tina couldn't help but wonder if she was making the right choice. She realized how absurd the whole thing felt. She was in a sleek black dress from people she had never met, which was placed inside her apartment without consent, and she was headed to an unknown event.

Yes, the whole thing was crazy.

But it was exciting nonetheless. It brought intrigue to her Friday night.

Once the cab arrived to the destination, Tina tipped the driver and went inside the small building. There were plenty of lights and people around. She had been to that particular building before. It was a center which groups could rent for private business events. But on that night, it was used for something else.

She noted that many people there looked like the corporate types- clean cut and well groomed. They were the social and financial elites. All of the men wore the same suits. All of the ladies wore the same sleek black dresses.

There was security inside. Tina went there, unsure of what to say, or what the instructions were.

"Is this a private affair?" she asked.

The security man looked at his clipboard, then he looked at Tina.

"You're free to enter," he said.

An employee took Tina's coat, and she entered the lavish room. There was an erotic vibe in the air. Men and women socialized with each other. There was plenty of subtle flirting and innuendos at the high class event.

A noise made Tina turn her head. It was a moaning noise. A middle aged woman was pinned against the wall by a man with his pants down. The woman's dress was lifted at the bottom, and she was being sexually ravished by the man.

The other guests at the gathering turned to look. Some just glanced at it, then returned to their conversations. Others blatantly watched.

It was clear that no one was surprised by the man & woman having rough sex at the classy event. But it was shocking to Tina, who had never seen such a thing in public, especially when it was so brazen.

For that moment in time, Tina felt that she was in an alternate universe where public sex was normal. It was a mind-bending sight to witness. It made her uncomfortable. It made her blush.

Deep down, it also made her aroused.

Who wouldn't be aroused at the sight of hot passionate sex? Tina was human after all, despite her insane work ethic to the contrary.

She turned her head away. The sight of two people fucking at a classy event was just too awkward for her to watch.

As she looked away, she saw another beautiful corporate looking woman putting a collar around a man's neck. The man got down on his knees and kissed the woman's feet and heels.

The woman lifted her dress to reveal the side of her pantiless legs. She lifted her dress even further to reveal her bare vagina.

The man leaned forward and began to perform oral sex in the middle of the room, for everyone to see.

It was the second time that Tina froze in her tracks. There were two couples engaged in blatant and graphic sex acts at the event. Where the hell was she? If it was a game, she wasn't having fun anymore. Sure, some of it was arousing, but it also made her extremely uncomfortable.

As Tina felt conflicted by her emotions, she couldn't take her eyes away from the man licking the woman's vagina. It was a mesmerizing sight.

"Enjoying yourself so far?" a man asked from behind.

Tina turned around to see Mr. Harper. He was the executive from Cobolt Lansing, the corporation she was currently doing business with. He was the same man who grilled her with unfair questions during her presentation.

She was stunned and embarrassed that Mr. Harper had seen her. It was an overall humiliating feeling, and she felt that the boundary between her work life and personal life had just been crossed.

"This is my first time here," she replied, trying her best to sound calm and composed.

"Figures, you look like a wreck."

"Do I?"

Mr. Harper gave an arrogant smile. "You do. The good kind. You look like a virgin here."

"What can I say? I have interesting friends."

"You've been given the gift, I see."

Tina nodded. "Have you been doing this long? Whatever this is."

"A few years."

"Are these parties always this interesting?" Tina asked, gesturing to the people having sex in front of everyone.

"This is tame."

"Then what's normal?"

Mr. Harper leaned forward and put his lips against Tina's ear.

"You know, I've desperately wanted to fuck you since the moment we met weeks ago," he said callously. "You're a gem. Hopefully I won't have to wait much longer."

Tina fumed, clenched her fists, and resisted the urge the smack the arrogant executive across the face.

She turned around and left the party.


Tina arrived to her apartment and tossed the heels onto the floor. She tossed the stockings in the trash can. She removed her dress and threw it on the bedroom floor.

She was angry.

After removing her bra & panties, she changed into her nightgown. She looked through the window towards the view of the city. She wondered why Catherine would involve her in such a thing. And she wondered why Catherine was even involved with the group known as SECRET.

It was all a mystery. She wanted answers. The worst part was, she didn't want this to jeopardize her friendship with Catherine, or her job.

She still wondered what Catherine's true motives were, if any. There had to be a reasonable explanation...


Since the deal with Cobolt Lansing was finalized, the marketing firm had been incredibly busy.

Tina couldn't find the time to meet privately with her boss, and she didn't want to talk about such things over text or email. It had to be face to face.

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