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The Book of David Ch. 02


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"Where else are you thinking?"

"Coupla Big 12 schools. And that's the fucking thing. You subtract Monica from the equation, and I'm taking the Texas scholarship, no question. Put her in... and I'm not sure anymore."

"Do you love her?"

"I... I think so."

"She love you?"

"Fuck if I know. I mean, I think-"

"Look, man," I interrupted. "We're eighteen. Thinking is not our strong suit. How does she feel about you?"

"I'm not sure."

"Then what the fuck are you doing here with me? Drop me off at home. Drive over to her place and find out! The last thing you want to do is choose Berkeley without talking to her and THEN find out she wants to see other people."

He was already circling around to the driver's seat of his car. I tossed my half-full can over the railing and went to the passenger door. Someday we'd learn about recycling and environmental impact. Back then we were still dumb teenagers.

Three days later, Monica mailed her Letter of Intent to Stanford and Nate mailed his to Berkeley. They were going to give being together a shot.



In late April, Nate and I pooled together our money and rented a stretch limo. Everything was arranged and we arrived at Ellie's house on time, dressed in our tuxedoed best.

As expected, Monica and Ellie were nowhere near ready to go. Ellie's mother left us in the living room and went upstairs to check on the girls.

Nate sat down on the couch next to me, visibly sweating. He kept wiping his hands on his handkerchief while his right knee bounced uncontrollably.

"Bit nervous?" I teased.

"You think?"

"What the hell for? It's just Prom."

"Yeah, well, it's a little more than that for me."

I looked at him a little funny. My cool, calm under fire quarterback was really, really on edge. "What are you talking about?"

"Dude, of all people, you should know. Tonight's PROM NIGHT."

"Yeah, so? Tonight, just treat the girl like a princess. Otherwise it's the same as being in school. It's not like you're going with a stranger. Relax."

"No, you're not listening. It's MONICA'S Prom night."

"Okay, okay. Monica's Prom night. Monica's... Holy SHIT." I turned in sudden realization.

"You mean this whole time, you and her? You haven't... uh..."

"No, we haven't. She's been wanting to save herself until her Prom night."

"But... but, you two already... last semester... in my car!"

"Yeah, well, that one she didn't want to count. I mean, obviously, it counted. But unfortunately, that night had more to do with YOU than it did with me. She's wanted to take things slowly and I didn't want to pressure her."

"Good lord, you really ARE in love with her. Mr. Stud Quarterback keeping his dick in his pants."

Nate nodded and whistled. He was absently swinging his arms back and forth, burning off his nervous energy. "She's worth it. And to be honest, my dick hasn't totally stayed in my pants. It's just stayed out of hers or any other girl's. We've got our ways..."

"Hey, no need to explain. I got it. And I take it back."

"Take what back?"

"You do deserve her. Fuck man, you committed to college without having a sexual relationship with her."

"Now you see why I'm nervous?"

"Yeah. I get it. I get it. I would have been too, if I'd been in your place."

"Guess it's a good thing you're NOT in my place," Nate told me. "Otherwise, I would never have gotten a chance with the girl of my dreams. Did I ever tell you how much I resented you for meeting her first? How we had to stick to The Code? When you two stayed together for ALL of High School I thought I'd never get my shot."

"Everything happens for a reason, including this. Now stop being nervous. You'll be fine."

I was right: Nate shouldn't have worried. In addition to the limo, we'd both booked hotel rooms for the night. Monica finally had her Prom night, and a good one at that. Ellie confided in me the next day that Monica was positively glowing when morning came. I couldn't even feel jealous, I was just proud of my boy.

Ellie and I had a pretty good time ourselves. But I did find myself thinking about the bond that had formed between Monica and Nate. I promised myself I would find out if Ellie and I could share something just as powerful.



High School Graduation had been rather anti-climactic. It was an overlong, stuffy affair. That and I was slightly hungover. And then we were into our final summer before college.

Most of our parents, perhaps finally letting go of their little children, pretty much lifted any curfew restrictions and we did our best to turn things into a 3-month- long party. And to top things off, Danielle and Cherys were home for the summer. I had high hopes for a crazy three months filled with booze, partying, and sex.

Fortunately or unfortunately, life intervenes. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of parties and plenty of booze. And with my parents out of the house during the workday, Ellie and I found an abundance of opportunities for sex.

But Danielle and Cherys both got summer internships. So they were out almost every weekday and there weren't any more wild-sexual-through-the-wall competitions like the Winter Break had been. I admit I'd been hoping to voyeuristically peek in on Danielle and Cherys doing their thing, but alas it was not to be.

In retrospect, this was a good thing. I'd finally gotten Cherys out of my system and I was appreciating Ellie for the beautiful person and sexual dynamo she was on her own. Having a half-naked Cherys around to tempt me could only have been a negative for my budding relationship with her sister.

Monica and Nate spent an inordinate amount of time alone together. They joined the graduating social clique often enough, but their relationship was accelerating rapidly and everyone could see how close they were becoming. And the fact was, I didn't party quite so hard without my wingman.

So with my major distractions gone, by default I spent some serious quality time with Ellie, a result she was quite pleased with. It's not that I DIDN'T want to spend time with her. It's just that left to my own devices, the various distractions of friends, video games, and summer parties would have naturally occupied most of my time.

Instead, for much of the summer it was just me and her. And as much as I hate to admit it, we couldn't have sex non-stop for the eight or so hours we had the house to ourselves. And after the first month or so, despite the many pleasurable orgasms, we both got tired of being cooped up inside.

So we went out and killed time together. Malls were for hanging out with friends. Instead, the two of us went on walks. Our families lived in a relatively nice area, with landscaped parks and calm lakes. As a grown teenager, I'd usually avoided noticing how pretty our town was. But that summer, those places were ideal for intimate conversations.

Besides, I couldn't complain when these romantic excursions helped to put Ellie in 'the mood'.

We played mini-golf or raced go-karts, teasing and playfully trying to distract the other. It was strange and yet exciting to just be the two of us instead of descending on these mini-amusement parks with a pack of wild teenagers. We bowled. We went to museums. We did just about every time-killing thing you could do nearby. We got to know each other outside of the school, all things I never really did with Monica.

No more jock. No more cheerleader. Just David and Ellie.

And somewhere along the way, we started to fall in love.

Only one thing held me back. In the bottom of my heart, a piece of me still belonged to Monica.



The Last Weekend.

The Last Party.

It was a late August evening, and a good number of colleges were starting their orientations during the upcoming week. True, there would be more partying up until the late-starting colleges finally began and those last incoming freshman left home. But this was the final time for ALL of us to be together.

The Last High School Hurrah began around 2pm. The parents of one of the graduating Seniors had taken the very big risk of opening their home to this final celebration. They had a big backyard, a pool, and apparently very good insurance.

Everything started off great. We all came in our swimsuits, so Nate and I and the rest of the boys spent most of the afternoon ogling Monica, Ellie, and many other girls in teeny bikinis. There were even a few hot Junior girls in attendance. The barbeque was running most of the day and by ten o'clock at night, all the burgers and dogs were consumed and everyone was running purely on adrenaline and beer.

It was still warm outside despite the late hour. This was really good since there were still WAY too many people to fit in that house. And so it was that I and my closest friends were outside in the backyard when the police arrived to shut us down. Noise complaints or something.

Laughing the whole way, we hopped the fences and went straight to my car. In quick order, Nate, Monica, and Ellie were inside and despite my inebriated state, I managed to get us out of there without crashing into anything. I don't recommend drunken driving, but on that particular night, I hadn't been planning to drive anywhere for another four hours at least.

The question became: where to go? Monica quickly offered her place since her parents were out of town for the weekend. And off we went.

Ten minutes later, I parked crookedly in the driveway and the four of us tumbled inside. No one made it further than the living room, and I quickly had a drunk and giggly Ellie sitting in my lap.

Monica produced a bottle of tequila, and suddenly it was shots all around.

We quickly went from lightly buzzed and slightly revved up from all the police business, to flat out DRUNK. We were laughing at absolutely nothing and feeling no pain.

Our inhibitions also went right out the window. First, Ellie was straddling my legs while I sat on the sofa, facing me and doing her best to cram an extra inch of her tongue down my throat. Next, her top went flying off, quickly followed by her bra, and then my face was buried in her cleavage.

"Oh, fuck baby! Tongue my nipples. Squeeze them! Don't you just love feeling my titties?"

Less than a minute later, I heard a low grunt, "Gawd damn, Monica." A wet slurping sound soon followed. "That's it, suck my dick. You are the fucking BEST!" Nate growled.

A hurried mess of french kissing and further stripping continued, until all four of us were basically buck naked and moments away from actual sex right there in Monica's living room.

I couldn't help but glance across to the other couch and ogle Monica's dynamite naked body. Her petite frame just oozed sexual power and her too-big tits were so perkily enticing. I had no complaints about Ellie's taller, languid beauty. But variety is always nice and old memories of Monica were hard to forget.

I also noticed Nate glancing over Ellie. Once upon a time, they had also been dating. Such is the world of high school romance.

Just when Ellie was stroking my cock and getting ready to impale herself on me, Monica's husky tones cracked the silence. "Hey Ellie, let's switch..."

My body tensed up in utter and complete shock. Ellie turned around, a wicked grin on her face. Unlike me, she didn't seem completely surprised.

Monica continued as she looked straight at Ellie. "C'mon, I admitted a long time ago I was still curious about David. And now? Well, we're going our separate ways. This may be my last chance."

I could feel my cock throbbing. It had resigned itself to never being truly inside of the hot redhead. But that buried part of me that belonged to Monica was still there. And now with the possibility looming, it certainly was expressing its desires. Ellie felt it in her hands, and from the smile on her face, she wasn't completely against the idea. That only left one other person.

Nate's face was momentarily unreadable. And despite my dick's desires, I knew that if he wasn't totally cool with the concept, there was no way I could do it to him. I'd given up my rights over Monica a long time ago.

Monica seemed to sense this as well. She began nibbling at Nate's ear. "Come on Nate. This is just sex. No commitment. If I don't do this then I'll always wonder for the rest of our lives what it might have been like with David. And for YOU, this might be your last chance to ever sink your cock into a different pussy than mine."

With that, Nate turned his head and planted a passionately loving kiss on Monica's bee-stung lips. "Go have fun. And then come back to me."

She kissed him happily. "I promise."

And with that, the two girls swapped places.

Monica backed her way onto my lap, her bubble butt on top of my erection where she scooted around until my rod was trapped in the cleft between her cheeks. She took my arms and wrapped them around herself while I surrounded the petite redhead in a warm hug. My arms crisscrossed over her torso before I planted my palms over her swollen nipples.

She glanced up into my face and leaned in for a short peck. "Hiya."

"Hiya back." I kissed her again. Her taste was so familiar, and yet not. It was my first real experience with nostalgia, a powerful force. I felt a rush of my old feelings coming back to me. In a way, it was a good thing we were separating so soon. Otherwise, I might have had some serious emotional demons after this night.

Meanwhile, Ellie and Nate had wasted no time. Their relationship had never been more than physical attraction and playful teasing. Right now, she was undulating in his lap, Nate's hands on Ellie's tight asscheeks while she drove his pole deep inside her snatch.

"Fuck me Nate. Shove your thick man-meat into my cunt while my boyfriend watches. Fuck me! Fuck me!" Ellie chanted in drunken delirium.

I wanted Monica in a different way than what I saw before me. Before, we had spent so much time in this position, dry humping and cuddling. But as my cock throbbed, I was overcome with a desire to do this the way it was meant to be. Ellie and Nate were having sex. I wanted to *make love* with Monica, despite the drunken haze and my dick's urgency to get inside her.

I lifted Monica's light body off of me and gently lay her lengthwise across the sofa. I paused to make sure her head was comfortable, and then I slowly trailed my way down her body, leaving butterfly kisses along the way.

It was inevitable that I would linger around her breasts. They were just too big and enticing to avoid. But eventually, my featherlight touches made it down to her crotch. And then recalling my old manual on how to please Monica, I began to eat her out.

Ellie and Nate were having their sex. Even now, my girlfriend was bent over an armrest while Nate happily drilled her from behind, nothing wrong with that. Maybe that's all I should have expected from Monica.

But she was special to me. In a way, she would always be my first. I owed her so much. Still, I knew that no matter what happened tonight, she would not be my last. So tonight was all we had. And tonight, I wanted to show her how much she had meant to me.

I laved her pussy with every trick I knew. And I brought her to a screaming orgasm, just the way I knew she liked it. I would have given her a second one as well, but Monica's urgent tugs at my shoulders told her she didn't want to wait any longer.

I moved my body above hers until I was basically doing a pushup over the sofa cushions. Monica's supine body was stretched out before me, and she spread her legs wide in invitation.

I'd waited long enough. My hands went underneath her shoulders as I supported my weight on my elbows beside her. And with Monica's hand jerking me and then guiding me, my thick cock nudged into her folds. And then her hands went to my hips and she PULLED.

I thrust just once, all the way to the bottom. It was tight, but soon I was seated inside of Monica to the root. Only then could I breathe.

Monica's eyes glittered as she cupped one of my cheeks in her hand. And she whispered, "Finally..."

There was something special in that lovemaking session. It wasn't my first time, which had been more of a get-rid-of-my-virginity-frantic-sex kind of thing. It wasn't even my first time making love. Ellie had done both for me, taking my lust as well as sharing a piece of her heart.

As our hips moved back and forth with the springiness of the sofa cushions, I realized that this was a cathartic lovemaking. It was as if there was this thorn in my soul, where all the pain and internal guilt over cheating on Monica had festered inside of me. Making love this way with Monica relieved that, and now I knew with absolute certainty that we would be friends forever. No more guilt. No more regret. No more forgiveness required. We were at peace.

Sometime after she'd climaxed and I'd cum as well, Monica and I were still cuddled together, my now limp cock still embedded inside of her. After a few minutes, it was time to let go. Monica kissed me one last time, and then I rolled off of her.

Nate and Ellie were still panting. They'd gone two rounds and were just coming off their orgasmic highs. Monica went over and took Nate by the hand. I reached out to Ellie.

Back in our dating couples, we headed upstairs. Monica let us into the guest room while she led Nate to her bedroom.

Just before we fell asleep, I kissed Ellie's nose and whispered, "Thank you. Now Monica and I are finally done."


I woke up alone in a strange room. It took a minute for me to realize I was in Monica's house and calm down. And then I realized all my clothes were still in the living room, and the panic sort of returned.

Gingerly, I made my way downstairs, buck naked. Halfway down, I heard the musical laughter of two girls. I then followed wonderful smells until I arrived in the kitchen, where both Ellie and Monica were having a great morning.

Me? I still had a mild hangover. And so it took me a few seconds to realize that under their aprons, both girls were still stark naked. The fabric obscured most of their breasts, with only occasional peeks at their nipples, and extended over their entire fronts down to their knees. Ellie saw me and pranced over. First she reached out and petted my morning wood, then turned around and flaunted her naked ass in my general direction.

To my surprise, Monica was next. She petted me and then gave a couple of good pulls along the shaft. My eyes went wide.

"Hey, last night was about the emotion," she informed me. "This morning is just about fun." And then she turned about and mimed Ellie's rump shaking.

"Go on," Ellie waved me off. "Go pee and we'll have breakfast by the time you get back."

I pointed down at my hard cock now so erect it was pressed to my own belly. "How the hell am I supposed to pee with this woody?"

"Not my fault," Ellie replied flippantly.

I thought about it for half a second. "Yes it is!"

She just laughed and then shooed me away. "Go wake up Nate or something."

"I'm gonna have to put my clothes on to do that."

"No!" Monica interrupted. "We're having a nudist morning."

I gave Monica The Look. There was no way I was going to wake up Nate while I was still naked.

Monica rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll do it. Ellie, watch the bacon." And with that, Monica jumped up the stairs. I had to watch her go.

The next thing I knew, Ellie had planted me in a table chair and she sat in my lap. I could already feel her wetness leaking out and smearing onto my thigh. She gave me one of her trademark flaming kisses. And then the crackling pop of bacon fat on the range forced her to return to her post.

A few minutes later, a sleepy-eyed Nate wandered down. He became much more alert when he realized all four of us were naked. But then it was time for breakfast.

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