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The Book of David Ch. 03


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"Soooo, looks like my little bro got lucky, did he?"

My blush gave me away, along with the sheepish grin. Nataliya grinned right back at me, relishing the innuendo.

"Hey, I'm really happy for you. I think that's the first real smile I've seen on your face since..." Danielle suddenly stopped. "Well..." Now she looked apologetic. "Sorry, didn't mean to bring that up."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm... well, I can't say I'm good with it." I sighed and briefly thought about Ellie's pretty face. But then the moment passed. "But I'm alright."

"Well, you're alright for now."

And then Danielle stood up and folded her arms over her chest, fixing me with a withering glare that she MUST have learned from our mom. "So, WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU LAST NIGHT, YOUNG MAN?"

I actually got a little freaked out and backed up two steps, staring at Nataliya, looking for reinforcements. But Nataliya's maternal instinct had taken over and she looked just as angry as my sister did.

"You didn't call. You didn't tell me you had a date. I would have been running around the campus calling everyone I knew if Kevin hadn't called me first!"

"Jeez, Dani. You're not my mom."

"No, but I AM responsible for you. If we'd been at home and you tried to pull this shit, mom would have had your ASS, and you know it."

"I thought that was half the point of going to college? No curfews. No need to inform the parentals of your evening plans."

"Yeah, yeah. But you still had me worried for a couple of hours." Danielle sighed and then opened her arms. Automatically, I stepped forward and hugged her with sibling affection.

We pulled back until her arms were straightened and yet still on my shoulders. I waggled my head trying to figure a solution that would satisfy her obligation to feel responsible and yet give me my college freedom. "Look, last night was just my first date and I hope to hell that there will be many more. Can you at least give me the overnights before you panic? As long as I'm back in the morning, you've got nothing to be afraid of. No worries. But if I'm not back by... say... 10am or don't call by then, then you have every right to go all righteous fury on my ass, okay?"

Danielle sighed and looked over at her friend.

Nataliya shrugged and nodded. It seemed fair.

"Deal," Danielle told me. Then she hugged me again.

"Too bad," Nataliya said off-hand in her exotic accent. "I was hoping that I would be the one to reintroduce you to sex." She looked at me with a sultry grin.

My mouth dropped open and my eyes went wide. The beautiful blonde with the soft eyes smiled sweetly at me. "I am bisexual. Didn't you know?"

My dick reacted faster than I did. And almost immediately it was rubbing against Danielle, who was still hugging me. It was at this point that I realized just how thin Danielle's pajama shirt was, and the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. Nataliya wasn't wearing a whole lot either. I guess the sexual part of me really was waking back up again.

Quickly, I released Danielle, who didn't say anything.

Nataliya clearly noticed my discomfort and she turned away to start packing up her things. "Goodbye Dani. I'll see you later. Bye David."

When Nataliya was gone. Danielle took one glance at the tent in my jeans before turning back to her magazine. Meanwhile, I headed off to my bedroom. I needed a shower. But first, I needed to pee. At least my hard-on was going away.

My mind was still occupied and all was quiet, so I didn't hesitate before opening the bathroom door.

Cherys was standing in front of the mirror, fully naked as she dried her hair with the towel. Her back was to me, but I could clearly see her proud tits standing up and off her chest in the mirror, capped by hard nipples in the chilling air. I was very fortunate in that the fog obscuring the reflective surface only came about a third of the way down and was quickly evaporating.

Cherys jumped in surprise when the door opened and she automatically rotated her back towards me and held up her hands over her tits and crotch. But then the most amazing thing happened.

She stared right back at me through the mirror, and I watched her eyes widening and then focusing downwards, probably towards the bulge in my crotch. And then she simply dropped her hands and went back to drying her hair. Quite deliberately, she was letting me ogle her naked body.

It was all just too much stimulation for me to handle right now. And so after a few extra seconds of memorizing her nakedness, I backed out through the door and closed it, letting out a long sigh once the latch clicked.

Danielle was standing in the hallway not three feet to my left. She just shook her head and turned around to go back to her spot on the couch. "Fucking tease..." she mumbled.

I looked down at my hard erection. Fuck. This was going to make it REALLY hard to pee.



The next month flew by faster than anything and the weather opened up beautifully. The previous couple of months had crawled along at a snail's pace. Life just feels slower when you're depressed. But now I had an extra bounce in my step and everyone noticed.

After my "date", Kevin and Jen had wanted to fish out all the gory details, but I kept my mouth shut. However, my gentlemanly discretion proved useless when Vanessa filled them in on everything.

Speaking of Vanessa, we never did hook up again. She loved to tease and she loved the initial seduction, but those were her thrills and she'd already bagged me. A couple of her Senior friends, however, began to lay the seeds for their own seductions with flirty innuendoes. I was willing to play along for a little while and to be honest, I didn't really mind the occasional one-night stand purely for pleasure's sake.

And then came the strange phone call. My parents had finally seen fit to buy me a computer for school. Of course, I was discovering the wonderful world of internet porn on it when Danielle yelled at me to pick up the phone. I closed Netscape and found the cordless receiver. "Hello?"

"Hi, David." The voice was familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"Who is this?"

"Oh, yeah. U, it's me, Elizabeth. I mean, E-Beth."

It took half a second to register. But when I realized who it was my entire day brightened. "Hey!!! How are you doing? How's your Senior year going? Man, college apps have to be done by now. You know where you're going to school next year?"

"School's good, school's good. And I'm actually going to Uni when I graduate. So I'll be seeing you around campus next year. But actually, uh, that's not why I'm calling." Her voice was filled with nervous tension.

"Yeah, yeah. What's up?"

There was a short silence on the line as I swear I could hear her trying to figure out how best to say her piece. "Well, I have a favor to ask."

"Anything. I owe you my eyesight, remember?"

"How could I forget? You were squealing like a little girl and I believe some of your shrieks reached into the ultrasonic range such that only canines could detect them," E-Beth laughed and I could noticeably feel her relaxing from her previous nervousness.

"Ouch! That's not a very good way to get me to do you a favor."

"Sorry..." Her voice was sincere, but there was still a quiet laugh at the end of it. And then her nervousness was creeping back. "Well, I was wondering if... and you totally don't have to say yes or anything... I mean, not if you don't want to... but I'd really like it if... I mean-"

"E-Beth. Spit it out."

"I was hoping you'd be my Prom date."

"Prom? Wow! Well, sure." The gentleman inside me kicked in just then. "It would be an honor."

"Really? Ohmigod, you have no idea what this means to me! I mean, really, you probably don't know. But... really?" I could hear the inner cheerleader in E-Beth as she rejoiced on the other end of the line.

"Yes, really. When is it?"

She rattled off the date.

I automatically glanced at the calendar. "That's the Saturday after next. Is it that time already?"


It was a good thing I didn't make any plans for that Saturday. And then I realized just how close she was cutting this. "So, just curious, how far down the list was I?"


"How many guys did you ask before me?"

I could actually hear her silent confusion. "N- none... You were the first."

"Really? Don't people normally line up these dates at least a month ahead of time?"

"I guess. But I wasn't sure I wanted to go until just a few days ago. And then it took me this long to work up the nerve to ask you. I've never asked a guy out before."

"Well, now you can say you've never been turned down by a guy. I'll be there."


A week-and-a-half later, I was sitting in the living room of a modest townhome, chatting with E-Beth's father. I swear the poor man was more nervous than I was. I don't think he had very much experience with boys coming to pick up his little girl. As it was, he seemed more excited to know that she was going out instead of worried over how I might treat her. It was a far cry from Monica's father showing me his gun collection when I first met him.

E-Beth's dad even admitted that his daughter was fully dressed and ready to go right up until I rang the doorbell. Then she had run upstairs in a panic.

I smiled at the image and remembered my old friend. She was so confident and self-assured when it came to our academics, and she completely fell apart when it came to social interaction. We'd never been in the same cliques, but ever since that Chemistry lab we'd been on good terms. I never thought it would lead to this, a Prom date.

And so I still had the image of E-Beth from a year ago in my head. She hadn't been the kind of girl a guy would walk around and proudly show off: 5'6", a little chunky, plain face with ordinary brown eyes, and enough hardware on her head to seem cybernetic. But she was my friend and I was happy to be her date this evening. Maybe going to Prom with a cool, college jock-type might even help her reputation at school.

So I was pleasantly surprised when she finally came down the stairs. No, I wasn't just surprised. I was shocked.

This wasn't the chubby, acne-ridden nerd I remembered. In the past year, she must have lost quite a bit of weight. Her hair was nicely styled into an elegant updo with natural curls. Plus, her acne had cleared up and without her usual coke-bottle glasses, I got my first real look at her face.

Her dad whistled, "Elizabeth, honey, you look beautiful."

I had to admit, his assessment was pretty accurate. While her features would never land her on the cover of Maxim or anything, she had a pleasant face that now looked rather pretty with the right makeup. And the Prom dress she wore was light-years beyond her matronly sweaters and jeans combo that had been her uniform while I was still in school. The silky fabric billowed nicely around her hips and legs. And the dress had some sort of wrap around her torso to obscure the few extra pounds she still carried. But while E-Beth had shed some weight, she definitely didn't lose those pounds from her breasts. Her bosom was scooped up and pressed together in VERY nice cleavage, all the more on display with the scooping neckline of her dress.

Someone had realized her tits were her best asset, and I for one was quite thankful for the view. When I stepped up and presented her with her prom corsage, E-Beth blushed and nearly started crying.

"Oh, no you don't," her mom immediately began fanning her daughter's cheeks. She'd followed downstairs after E-Beth. "We just fixed your makeup!"

E-Beth composed herself, and then we were off. My parents were just happy to have an excuse for me to come home, and my dad had loaned me his new Volvo for the night. I loaded E-Beth into the passenger side and then went around to the driver's. Her parents waved to us as we left, immensely proud of their daughter going on what amounted to her first real date.

"Thank you, David," E-Beth said, the gratitude obvious in her voice.

"I told you, it's my pleasure," I answered with as warm and assuring a smile as I could manage.

When we arrived, E-Beth at first got nervous seeing all the other couples heading in. I found her especially staring at the golden couples of skinny cheerleaders and hunky jocks. I turned and whispered into her ear. "Take a good look at all those guys. One look at your tits and all of them are going to be so jealous of me!"

E-Beth laughed, and then I finally took her inside to make this a night she would never forget.


Several hours later, I was proven to be right. Many of the other students had seen E-Beth lose weight, clear her skin, and generally grow up a bit over the academic year. But no one was prepared for how stunning she could look when she really tried. Barely anyone recognized the sweet brunette, and more than a few students did a double-take when they first saw her. I even heard one couple ask their friends "Who are they?" when they couldn't immediately identify us.

Still, I had been friends with quite a few of last year's Juniors (now Seniors) and many of them were really happy to see me now. These were some of the same guys that made fun of E-Beth back when I was still in school, but now they were indeed jealous of me and kicking themselves for not seeing how beautiful she had become. She wasn't about to win Prom Queen or even compete with the most gorgeous girls at the school. But E-Beth had definitely graduated up to "I'd want to fuck her" status.

We'd been having a fantastic evening. The food was... ok. But we danced and we danced and we were never apart for more than a couple of minutes. There was the occasional conversation with old buddies of mine or her school friends. But E-Beth spent the vast majority of the Prom with her hands on my arms as we danced the night away.

I would have been floating happily away on the romantic evening if it weren't for my own constant reminders that E-Beth was just a friend, and I shouldn't make any unwarranted assumptions.

There was just one minor hiccup when we were leaving. Mark, an old football friend caught me as we were walking out to the car. I already had the keys in my hand. "Hey, Dave!"

I stopped and turned, and the guy produced a six-pack of beer.

"Want one for the road?" he asked.

My arms tightened and I swear that ice flowed into my veins as a cold rage took over my body. He was half-drunk himself already and yet he still caught my intense expression, blanching visibly in momentary fear response.

I held up the car keys and jingled them for emphasis.

"Oh... okay... guess not..." He backed off and started to turn away.

"Hold it," I stopped him. "Hey Mark, you got a date?"

He shrugged. "Yeah."

"You driving or you get a limo?"

"Driving, why?" The poor guy looked quite confused.

"Gimme the beer." My voice was deadly quiet and my words were a command. The guy was already handing me a bottle. "No, the whole pack." In the corner of my eye, I saw Jerry, another old friend and one who I knew for certain was taking a limo. "Hey Jerry!" I yelled.

"Dave! Man, what's up!" With his date on his arm, Jerry started over towards me. I grabbed the pack away from Mark and handed the entire thing to Jerry. "What's up?"

"Have a good night." I patted him on the shoulder while he looked weirdly at Mark.

Mark looked funnily at me.

I just stared Mark down, as coolly intense as ever. "Drive carefully," I warned him sternly. And then I grabbed E-Beth's hand and headed off to my car.

We weren't out of earshot when I heard Mark ask Jerry, "What the hell was that about?"

"Man, don't you remember? Ellie got killed by a drunk driver."


E-Beth was silent until we got to my car, and she looked really nervous as we buckled in our seatbelts. I assumed her nervousness was a result of my quiet rage, and the last thing I wanted to do was ruin a perfect Prom for her.

I let my hands drum on the steering wheel as I exhaled mightily and let the tension flow out of me. A second later, I knew I was fine. I turned over to E-Beth and said, "I'm sorry about all that. I'd really hate to spoil our evening."

"Oh, don't worry," she responded immediately. "I understand completely."

I waited and watched her. "And yet... you still look a little unnerved."

"Oh! It's not that, really, it's not that. Not that at all," she stammered. She was looking straight at the floor and I knew I was going to have to dig a little deeper with her.

"C'mon, then what's with the long face? I thought we were having a great night."

"Oh, we are!" E-Beth immediately perked up. "This has been the greatest night of my life!" And then as suddenly as she'd cheered, she dropped right back down. "It's just..." her voice trailed off. This was the E-Beth I remembered. Supremely confident in her academics, pathetically shy socially. Only she'd been perfectly fine socially up until five minutes ago.

"E-Beth... what is it? I don't have to take you home yet. We can do anything you want to do. Tonight is yours."

She looked right up at me and I could see the shimmer in her eyes. "You mean that?"

"Of course I do."

"Well you see, tonight's Prom night." Her gaze dropped back down to the floor. "And... I got a room at the hotel. And I was hoping..." Her eyes went right up into mine, communicating everything she was too afraid to verbalize.

I had to admit, I was absolutely stunned. Never in a million years was I expecting her to ask this. But I realized immediately that if I expressed that sentiment, it would cripple her confidence. So with my mind racing into overdrive, I tried to think of it from her perspective.

Shy wallflower all her life. Teased for her appearance and never made to believe she was a desirable woman. Now on the Prom night that's supposed to be the most romantic evening of her life, she was asking me to make her feel like a real woman. To refuse would crush her. And I had to admit, feeling her body and staring at her tits all evening, it wouldn't exactly be a terrible chore for me.

All that thought took only half a second. Still, maybe she saw the brief hesitation in my eyes and I could already see the tug of a frown at her lips as her hopes dimmed. But then I reached out and grabbed her hands, "Absolutely. It would be my honor."

E-Beth broke into a grin, buzzing with excitement. "I can't wait."

I moved to turn the ignition, but stopped myself just before flipping it. Instead, I turned and leaned across the seat, beckoning her to me.

E-Beth blushed furiously and then leaned to meet me. My right hand went behind her ear and held her head as I pressed my lips to hers. She blinked a few times before closing her eyes and melting into my kiss. I closed my eyes as well, and all that was left was the outpouring of emotion between our lips.

When I pulled away, her eyes were still closed and her lips puckered as if she was still experiencing the kiss. But gradually, she sat back upright and her eyes fluttered their way back to awareness. "So that's bodily fluid exchange..." In a daze, she touched a finger to her lips. "I never dreamed you'd do that."

"Elizabeth, that's just the beginning." And then I flipped the ignition. She floated on Cloud 9 the whole way to the hotel.

Twenty minutes later, I followed an extremely nervous E-Beth into the elevator, a hotel room key in my pocket. I was determined to get her to relax and enjoy the moment. There was too much anticipation built up for her. So the second the doors closed, I attacked.

She let out a muffled cry of surprise as I bodily shoved her against the mirrored wall and pushed my tongue into her mouth. Her squeal turned into a happy moan as I held her tightly in my arms and had my way with her mouth.

Her hands clutched my head and held me tightly to her until the elevator dinged and the doors opened. I glanced to the side just enough to see that we had arrived at our floor, and there were no strangers staring in at us.

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