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The Book of David Ch. 03


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Cherys, meanwhile, bonded with me in a way I can't quite accurately describe. She treated me like a younger sibling in some ways, as if I was filling the empty hole inside where her little sister used to be. We talked as if we were family, without the verbal filters than unrelated people usually use between each other.

And thirdly, Danielle and Cherys were able to resurrect the physical, sexual part of me that had partially gone into hiding when I lost my favorite playmate.

Much in the same way I was a substitute to Cherys for her little sister, to me she was a substitute for my lost girlfriend. The physical resemblance was just the start. Cherys became much more casually physical around me, and I got a lot more hugs and tender caresses on my arms or legs. Also, it was not uncommon for her to cuddle up to me on the sofa when we were watching TV, resting her head in the crook of my neck with my arm wrapped around her. If not for her satisfying my cravings for basic human affection, I would have been a lot worse off.

And it was inevitable that Danielle and Cherys would return to their own physical intimacy. So once again I could hear them through the shared wall of our bedrooms.

On the Saturday evening after I arrived, the two supremely beautiful women retired to their bedroom and soon after, familiar moaning began to drift over into my hearing. Obviously, I hadn't had sex since Ellie, which was now almost four months ago. I'd barely even masturbated since then. For some reason, my magazines just didn't have the same appeal to me.

But now, hearing the two of them sent new thrills into my body. I'd been staring at the ceiling, wallowing in my misery when they started up. Unbidden, the images of both their naked bodies floated into my mind. I knew what they both looked like, having memorized their naked curves during that fateful Winter break and imprinted them into permanent storage.

My dick reacted before I did, and soon the urgent throbbing proved to be too much of a distraction. I grabbed the box of tissues and wrapped my hand around the shaft. And so closing my eyes, I surrendered myself to old fantasies half- remembered and listened to the aural sounds of feminine pleasure. And when relief finally came, it kept coming and coming until all the pent-up stress had gone away, at least for a little while. And then I got my first good night of sleep in a long while.

Fourth and finally, Danielle and Cherys were the primary reason I started to go out at interact with the world once again. Well, them and their hot friends.

Danielle and Cherys had quite the social clique orbiting around them. Both were very outgoing girls and our off-campus apartment was a popular place to be, so I was treated to a steady flow of lesbian and bisexual girls in our little living room. Many of them were pretty butch. Some even had biceps bigger than mine. But there were quite a few feminine ones among them, and some pretty ones even rivaled Danielle and Cherys for sheer beauty.

One thing I've noticed throughout my life is that gay guys frequently have straight female friends around. I'd heard the term "fag hag" quite a bit. But for some reason, lesbian girls very rarely have straight male friends. Maybe it's just that most straight guys can't handle being around girls they can't have.

So I was usually the only one with a Y-chromosome in the entire apartment. I wasn't gay. And yet, because of the depressive funk I was still in over Ellie, I wasn't even trying to flirt with the bevy of beautiful girls around.

The girls' friends found this odd at first. But once my tragic situation was explained to them, they quickly accepted me and my constant presence. Every hour I wasn't in classes I spent in the apartment.

While I stayed in my own room for the most part, I still had to go to the bathroom on occasion or venture to the kitchen to find food. Danielle and Cherys' friends got used to my frequent comings and goings and even initiated general pleasantries with me.

"Hey David." "How are you feeling David?" "Good morning, David."

My response usually consisted of "Hey Leslie (or other woman, insert her name here)" or "I'm fine" or "Good morning." Never more than a two word answer. Never a sentence that might lead to an actual conversation. I just looked at the floor and went back into my room to feel depressed. Quite a few of the girls, lesbian or not, adopted something of a mothering attitude over the poor young boy who'd lost his girlfriend in a tragic accident.

Eventually, some of them got through to me. Little by little, they would draw an extra word or two out of me. And after a while, I even began to laugh again.

One girl, Nataliya, was a beautiful blonde with soft hazel eyes and happened to be a recent immigrant from Russia. I found her exotic and she never failed to cheer me up with her thickly-accented comments about this strange and wonderful America. She acted like another big sister around me and always stopped by my room whenever she visited. Cherys even teased her, "You getting sweet on the kid? Or you just looking to marry your way into citizenship?"

I wasn't too worried. Nataliya had a girlfriend and was a lesbian, right? No point getting your hopes up. I'd learned that lesson with Cherys.

And so as time went on, while Ellie's death had sucked the emotional life out of me, the social person inside started to breathe again. For one thing, the hormones surging inside me refused to let me stay in a completely vegetative state while all the pretty girls were around. I was still far from the outgoing big man on campus I used to portray, but at least the zombie days were over.

The first few days of the quarter, Danielle walked with me to campus, even when it was out of the way of her own classes. If convenient, Cherys joined along as well. And so after a week or so, many of my new freshman classmates saw me hanging out with two of the most gorgeous women to ever grace the university. It didn't take long for the boys to start asking me about them. And when I started walking around campus with a few of Danielle and Cherys' hot friends, the males in my classes started pestering me with even more questions.

Some of my notoriety from the guys went away when the truth came out that Danielle was my sister and that I was not, in fact, banging any of the girls. But even then, many were asking me how they could get one girl or another to go out with them.

And then came the question I wasn't personally prepared for. "Hey, if she's your sister, then do you have a girlfriend? What about the other hot chicks?"

The thought caught me completely off-guard. One minute, I was walking with a few classmates to a dorm's dining hall to find lunch. The next, I'd stopped dead in my tracks and was staring at the ground. The zombie was back, even if just for a brief moment.

I stood there in perfect stillness, remembering Ellie. I must have appeared catatonic because when I blinked, there were two guys in front of me, waving their hands in front of my face. "Hey, man. You alright?"

I blinked a few more times and fought down the pain that threatened to overwhelm me. I looked up and focused on a distant point between the two of them. With all the gravity of unbearable pain in my voice, I said "I don't want to talk about it." And then I started walking off towards lunch again.

Of course, no teenager could just leave it at that. And despite being college, we were still just teenagers. So the boys kept trying to figure out my girlfriend situation, to learn the story behind it. And the mystery snowballed along in the rumor mill.

In the meantime, I also kept up with some of my old buddies from high school who were attending the University. As these things tend to do, my circle of friends began to meld into a combination of both high school and new college friends, with a relatively balanced mixture of males and females.

For at least a week, my high school friends respected my silence over the issue and the truth didn't immediately come out. But little by little, the rumor mill turned over and pretty soon everyone knew Ellie had been killed by a drunk driver just before school started.

It was a singular event that explained many of the mysteries around me. Why I shut down whenever someone asked about my girlfriend. Why I missed the first quarter of school. Why I wasn't in the dorms.

You learn a lot about people by the way they act around you in that situation. Some people just try to ignore it and behave as if it never happened. Some get all awkward and feel like they have to wear kid gloves around you, avoiding certain subjects. And some embrace it as a part of your history and just try to be straight with you.

Two such people, Jen and Kevin, soon became my best friends. Kevin had lost his own best friend in high school when a stupid stunt turned fatal. The guy had tried to skateboard down a stair railing by city hall, just showing off. He'd fallen and broken his neck. Jen had been the poor guy's girlfriend. In the aftermath, they'd found each other.

They'd been where I was coming from. And that common ground formed a bond that I hoped would last a lifetime.



"Hey dude, how 'bout her? Jean shorts, two o'clock."

I rolled my eyes. Kevin had a habit of calling everyone "dude". He even called Jen 'dude' from time to time when he was in a particular mood. It was the late 90s; at least I should be happy he wasn't using the term 'rad'.

I was struck again by how much my life had changed. In the past, I would pretty much hang out only with other jocks. Guys like Kevin would have been considered "beneath" me or something. But now, this skater boy was my best friend. The big man on campus from the high school hometown was now just another college kid.

Kevin had his little game. For the past month straight, he'd created a new habit of pointing out every hot girl we came across. It was his way of forcing me to deal with the idea of moving on and finding romance again.

At first, I resented him for it and refused to comment. I didn't want to be reminded of what I'd lost. But he kept prodding and Jen had been counseling me in her pre-Psych way. Besides, on a University campus, there were so many beautiful girls that Kevin was able to keep it up ad nauseum and I knew he'd annoy me to hell if I didn't give in eventually.

So for this day I promised to play along. I looked after the pretty coed Kevin had pointed out wearing jean shorts at two o'clock. The denim was tight enough to hug each individual ass cheek very nicely and high-cut enough to reveal all of her toned thighs. Spring was coming and with it, warmer temperatures. "I guess. She's pretty hot. But again, I know nothing of her personality!"

"Fuck the personality, dude. I'm not asking if you want to marry her. I'm asking you to look and decide if you'd want to fuck her!"

"You ask me that and I'll say 'yes' almost every time."

"He's got a point, Kev," Jen put in. She was doing her homework, but somehow she managed to multitask enough to both work on her assignment and listen to us.

I reclined back against the tree we were leaning against. We were sitting on a grassy knoll in the main quad, surrounded by academic buildings. Kevin had specifically chosen this spot to camp out because it had a high traffic volume to ensure plenty of beautiful girls. It was unseasonably warm and on a Friday around lunchtime, there was an abundance to choose from.

"Fine, dude. Let me put it this way. Is she hot enough that you'd walk up and ask her out with the express intention of trying to get into her pants?"

I took another look. The girl was almost gone by now and all I could focus on was her tight ass. I arched an eyebrow and shrugged. "I dunno. She's too far away now. I didn't get a good look at the full package."

"Alright, alright. How about... oh, just coming in. Nine o'clock. Pink sweater."

I looked to the left. I would have to describe the girl as very 'cute'. Blonde hair, colored headband, very petite. She reminded me of the young cheerleaders I used to mildly lust after even when I was dating Monica. But..."If we're judging purely on fuckability, I'd have to take a pass. Her tits aren't that great and she seems more perky than sexy." When I glanced over, Kevin was glancing at his watch and then he was back up and looking at the blonde.

"Fair enough." Kevin started scanning to the right side purposefully. "How about... herrrr!" Kev nodded. His voice purred as he pronounced the word "herrrr". He didn't give me any descriptions or even a clock heading. He didn't have to.

The girl in question was wearing some sort of plunging V-necked scoop top. I'd seen the type of shirt before, but usually girls wore an undershirt or at least some kind of tank top beneath it, lest their breasts pop out in an obviously obscene manner. This girl wasn't wearing that undershirt. As a result, her firm round tits were proudly on display, bouncing nicely as she walked. And with our side profile, I not only could see the upper curves of her cleavage, but I could even see where her breast started curving back up to meet her chest.

They might have been fake but I had to admit, those were some NICE tits. And the rest of her was pretty well put together as well. She was relatively tall, and her flaming red hair was artfully draped around a pretty face. Along with her busty chest, she had some nice curves poured into her tight jeans. Overall, she seemed to me a taller version of Monica, the kind of body I knew I would lust after. Maybe she was just a bit wider in the hips than I was used to, but the girl was a dynamite full package and definitely fit into the "sexy" category. And now that I was studying her a little more intently, she seemed half-familiar.

"I think he likes what he sees," Jen drawled. When I looked over, Jen glanced down at my crotch. I saw a bit of a bulge forming while I'd been ogling the big tits bouncing in front of me. "Looks like Kevin does, too," Jen teased, and we both saw Kevin similarly trying to hide his arousal.

And then both guys went right back to watching the redhead walk across the quad. Finally, at the last moment just after she passed us, she turned back and with brilliantly green eyes, she winked right at me.

My eyes went wide in response and her resulting smile would light up the quad even in bright daylight. And then she kept walking along, eventually going inside one of the nearby buildings.

Kevin and I both just kind of stared off into the distance. I was still drinking in the curves of the closest-to-naked woman I'd seen in a LONG time, not counting the inevitable run-ins with Danielle or Cherys between the bathroom and their bedroom. But I was used to those.

No, the redhead was still fresh in my memory. Kevin noticed my dazed state and shook me gently by the shoulder. "Well, do you want to fuck her?"

I tilted my head and waggled an abbreviated yes before finally admitting, "Sure. If given the opportunity, who wouldn't?"

"I'm not asking about other people. I'm asking about you. Can you see this girl as a sexual creature?"

"I thought Jen was the psych major."

Kevin glanced at his girlfriend. "She's been rubbing off on me. And don't change the subject. If given the opportunity," he paused after using my own phrase, "would you ask her out on a date with the express purpose of getting into her pants?"

"Fine, fine. Yes. I mean, I'd still want to get to know her befo-"

"No, no, no! You're missing the point. Who was your first girlfriend?"

I hesitated only a moment, habit from my avoidance of all things related to the term 'girlfriend'. "A girl named Monica."

"When you first met her, did you think 'Oh, what a wonderful personality. I'd like to get to know her better'?"

I cleared my throat. "Ahem... uh, well, no."

"No one is ever going to replace Ellie," Jen said quietly.

I flinched visibly at the mention of her name and glared daggers at Jen. "And why would you think I'm trying?"

"Because you keep thinking 'relationship'. That's not normal for you. Other guys, maybe, but not you. You're too alpha male." Jen shrugged her shoulders. "So if you're thinking 'I want to get to know her' then you're either mature beyond your years, which I doubt, or your mind is still hung up on Ellie."

"What's wrong with that?"

"You gotta live your life, dude," Kevin jumped back in. "Ask Cherys. Ellie would want you to move on."

I sighed and let my head lean back against the tree. "So what do you propose?"

"We get you laiiiid," Kevin made it sound like the ultimate therapy. "No relationship. No commitment. At least not the first time. Big, handsome guy like you. Just enjoy the sex. Because I know for a fact there are girls on this campus who just want to bang you. After that... well, if you still want to look for a relationship then I won't stop you."

"Fine, fine. What do I gotta do?"

He waved me off. "Let's deal with that later. For now, I think the game's over because dude, I'm hungry. Let's get some food."


I let Kevin and Jen guide me through the buffet line and then they were leading me on a winding path through the cafeteria. We passed up obvious empty spot after obvious empty spot. Those were the first signs that they were hiding something from me.

And then we came to the table in the corner. In one spot was a girl I didn't recognize. And in the second spot, sitting with a conveniently empty seat next to her, was the redhead with big tits.

"Hello, ladies," Kevin said dramatically.

Jen said 'hi' and then sat down without further theatrics.

I was just standing next to the table, holding my tray and feeling like the biggest fool on the planet. The redhead smiled up at me. Sometime between the quad and the dining hall she'd put a tank top underneath the plunging V-neck, so that while her tits were still massive and spectacular and spilling over the top, they were at least PG-13.

"David..." Kevin began before sitting down himself. "Allow me to introduce Vanessa and Allison."

At least, I'm pretty sure he said Allison. I stopped listening after the name 'Vanessa' and Kevin's wave in the redhead's direction.

Vanessa just smiled at me and I swear her green eyes twinkled, the light dusting of freckles on her face moving as her already pretty face morphed into seductively gorgeous. After another three seconds of me awkwardly staring at her, she pointed to the empty chair next to her. "Please, have a seat."

"Oh, right, right."

"I'm sorry about that little stunt we pulled in the quad. Kevin promised me it would get your attention."

I was starting to get my bearings. "And why would you want to get my attention?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Her eyelids fluttered rapidly. "Kevin warned me I'd have to come on pretty strong and be very blunt, so there's no confusion."

She was very pretty, and the hormonal part of me just wanted to go along with things. But I felt very much like I was being manipulated. I glanced over at Kevin who was miming with both hands a 'go-get-her' expression. He even mouthed, 'Ask her out'.

As if sensing my hesitation, Vanessa jumped in, "Are you doing anything tonight?"

I realized then that all three other people at the table were intently staring at us, their food forgotten. Feeling the pressure, I gulped and looked down, stirring my food around the plate in obvious awkwardness.

Kevin opened his stupid trap once again. "I believe you said something about 'given the opportunity'..."

"Look," I began slowly. "If we're going to be blunt then I'm going to be blunt right now. Vanessa, you are gorgeous. I think you know that already. And I know I'm probably not supposed to be questioning this."

"Damn straight," Jen admonished then hit me up the backside of my head.

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