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The Case of the Missing Girl

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A 750 word story for the Ode to Mickey Spillane Challenge.
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This is for the The 2021 "Hammered: an Ode to Mickey Spillane" Author Challenge. It's also a 750 word story, so... the constraints of such a short story, while still trying to get the film noir grittiness, guarantee it won't win any awards, but I hope it at least amuses you. The story is exactly 750 words after the line.


The office was dark when it started, the shades drawn, and the blues playing from the radio. I could hear the clip-clop of her heels as she walked down the hall to my office. She knocked on my door, something most folks around here didn't. I barked "Come", and she walked in.

Blonde, wearing a green dress, mint in color. Blue eyes, tall, wearing two inch heels, with her hair up in a fancy do. A small beauty mark on her right cheek, ruby red lips. Perfect nails. Legs that showed through the slit of that mint green dress, with a light fur around on her shoulders. She even had a matching handbag. She looked like sex, personified. She was trouble, and she'd crossed my door.

"I need you to find her" she said, in a voice oozing both anger and lust as she sat in the chair across from my desk, slowly crossing her long legs and showing more of the silk encased thighs. I instantly thought about how much I'd like to see of those legs. How much I'd like run my hands across them.

I moved my gaze up to her torso, and adjusted the light on my desk to better illuminate this woman sitting in front of me. She held a steady gaze at me as I looked at the ample cleavage she displayed. A quick diversion glance at her left hand showed the expensive rock on her fourth finger. An amused expression formed on her face as she saw what I was thinking.

I pushed slightly back from my desk, relaxing my gaze at her as I finally reached those blue eyes.

"Who, and where did you last see her? And when do you need 'her' found?" I finally answered, holding her gaze with a steady gaze of my own.

"Now. I need you to find her now" was her lone reply to my questions.

"Well that answers the 'when', dame, but you haven't answered the 'who'. And I need everything you can tell me." I saw the flicker of annoyance cross her face. She expected me to fawn over her. Beautiful dames could be like that. I wanted 'over her', alright, but it wasn't 'fawning' I wanted to do.

"At the park. With a another girl, and a boy, by the pond." I adjusted my tie hearing that and glanced over at my gun safe, sitting in the corner.

"When did you see them?" was the next question I had for the dynamite dame.

"An hour, hour and a half ago. I couldn't follow her then. I thought of you." the husky voice rasped. All I could think of was that I'd be thinking about her. "Like I said, I want you to find her. And I want you to bring her to me."

"Things like that don't come cheep, dame. A guy's got to have more than a glimpse of gam and a cup of Joe these days. What are you offering?" I said as I sat back in the leather high back chair.

"What, you don't think I have the goods?" she frowned. The frown was not sexy. It was not something I wanted to see again. But then she smiled, and rasped out "I think I can give you some incentive to find her. I'll definitely make it worth your while, Mr. Private Dick."

She gave me the name, and I knew who she was talking about. I agreed to take the case.

Ten minutes later, I was at the park, looking for her. She was short, blond, wearing a light blue sundress. The color set off her eyes. She was talking with a boy, tall brown hair. I saw him there, and didn't like the look of him. She was someone's princess, though, and the reported other girl was no where to be seen.

They were off in the distance. My job was simple, find and bring to the hot married masterpiece of female form who'd hired me with her promise of carnal delights. I hurried towards them, keeping to the sidewalk.

"Your mom wants me to bring you home; we have a date tonight. Come on, pumpkin." I said when I reached them.

"Oh, okay daddy. Bye Mark!" the pretty teenager told the boy. I was going to need to keep that shotgun ready for any future boys taking my daughter somewhere.

I am getting so lucky tonight.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Cute. 4.5 stars.

NoBullAlNoBullAl6 months ago

Well certainly not Mickey Spillane but definitely a fun little piece of literary achievement!! And the

Cwsmooth2000Cwsmooth20007 months ago

Wonderful and well done

๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘

EastCoaster1EastCoaster17 months ago

Not bad... but not great.

It was kind of a fun read, but as promised, the 750 word story is tough to pull off well.

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

Didnโ€™t see that one coming. Great 750 word story.

CrazyDaveTrucker60CrazyDaveTrucker607 months ago

Nicely twisted. Well done jewel of a little story. 5 stars

chytownchytownabout 1 year ago

*****Well used 750!! Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ouch! I did NOT see that one coming. But I loved it. Once again, thanks for sharing.

Five Stars


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice one! You cheated on the word count, though. Itโ€™s โ€˜nowhereโ€™ , not โ€˜no whereโ€™ ;-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Very clever.

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