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The Creators Ch. 10


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"I don't know," I answered carefully. "I haven't seen her since I kicked her out."

"I'm not sure I believe you," Willowbud whispered back, the threat lingering on her lips.

"It's the truth," I said with as much conviction as I could muster, stopping myself from swallowing the pit that had formed in my throat.

"I hope so," Willowbud trailed fingertips over my lips, down my chin, and rested them on my adam's apple, "because if I ever see her again, Brandon, I'll make a Sentient out of her." Willowbud drew a slow line across my throat, and I swallowed. She grinned at me, ran her tongue over her white lips, and slowly kissed her way down my belly.


"Are you ready?" Tera asked me. The roar of the crowd swelled around me, within me, seeming to elevate my spirits with the elevation of decibels. Stomping feet thundered in time, a cadence of simple rhythms, of ancient times, of bonfire-lit shadows dancing beneath a heathen sky. It compelled that primal urge within me, that instinct of tribal blood.

"Yes," I said with a hushed voice, not wanting to ruin the perfection of the moment. We'd prepared all we could, trained until our bodies were drained, practiced until every motion came as naturally as breathing. This was it. This was the moment.

"Alright," Tera breathed. She turned to me, that killer's sparkle in her violet eyes, "showtime."

We stepped from the shadows, and into the light; into the mouth of the beast as it roared our entrance.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, whores and johns, creationists and heretics," Mistress's voice boomed over the crowd, "after a day's delay due to... extenuating circumstances," Mistress paused for laughter, "The Pussy Palace is proud to present to you: Death Kiss, and the Avenging Angel; the future champions of the Pit!"

Two whores flanked me, making a show of stripping my armor off piece by piece. Tera couldn't resist sharing a kiss with her attendants as they disrobed her, but that wasn't my style. I stared fixedly ahead, focusing myself, breathing deeply, feeling the anticipation build, feeling the wetness between my legs become more pronounced with each part of me laid bare. Tera was certainly a spectacle of depraved beauty, but I was the main attraction, and the calls for my name grew louder the more naked I became. My breasts were released, and they jiggled from their armored constraints to the roar of the crowd. A golden chain connected them by my nipple piercings, and I shuddered to think of how it would soon be used against me. My loin strap was freed, and as I was completely exposed, the call of the revelers rose to ear-ringing levels. I raised my arms above my head and arched my back, stretching my body with purposeful lethargy to build the moment. The thunder of the masses grew louder as if controlled by the elevation of my hands. I unfurled my wings to their full span, and a blissful smile curved across my lips as the roar reached the peak of its crescendo. This is what I live for.

"Since this is a prelude to the championship, and I'm feeling like a generous god today," Mistress's chuckle sounded over the audience, "I will not be calling people up on stage. Today," I felt the platform I was on sinking down, "there is no stage, there is no line, and there are no limits! Have at 'em!"

Tera exchanged a lip-biting smile with me as the stone barriers Mistress had placed were lowered, and scores of hungry eyes surged forward. All I could do was take another breath, turn around, and fall backwards into the mass of men with a grin on my face. I didn't struggle, nor protest, nor thrash. Men in a group are animals, but they soon found their places in the pack. I let my head fall between my shoulders and opened my mouth, and it was immediately filled. I opened my hands, and there were two more. I opened my legs, and three men jostled for position, their tips pressing between my options. It was like I was in heaven, and my every desire would be fulfilled simply by wanting it. I screamed around the man ramming down my throat as two men entered my pussy, and the third forced his way up my ass. A ripple of spasms shot up my abdomen as the pleasure and pain sung their debauched harmony, and I stroked the men at my sides with a fervency, matching the desperate pace of the men ravaging me. They stretched my womanhood to excruciating levels, but I just moaned around the man throat-fucking me, and waited for my body to adapt. Surrender is the key to ecstasy, so I didn't clench, nor fight, nor even stop sucking for a moment. I let them use me, let them defile me, let them violate my sanctity freely, and in turn, they gave me the pleasure I sought. The pain in my pussy began to recede, the delightful promise kept, and I felt the tension in my nethers began to build already. Now that we'd all found our rhythms and the ice had been broken, I decided to introduce myself to my new friends. I wrenched my back into an arch, forcing my pelvis down, crying around my gag as the men inside me all reached their maximum depths. I heard a chorus of groans, felt the pulsing of imminent release, and I grinned around the man in my mouth, and flexed those lewd muscles.




And all three men thrust in turn, filling me to capacity, torturing the tender division that separated my channels, stretching my stuffed cunt wide. They bucked and heaved, and each forceful thrust caused my heart to skip, my grasping hands to squeeze, my sucking mouth to scream. In, out, in, out; my body was forced into a convex arch, my breasts the pinnacle, the back of my head level with my tailbone. Someone finally grabbed the chain between my nipples, and pulled. It pushed me over. My insides became a torrent of convulsions, my abdomen twisted and writhed in the air to expel the euphoria ravaging me, my body unable to contain it.

"God, you're so beautiful, Angel."

"I'll make you feel good!"

"Do you like it when I do that?"

No, no, no, that wouldn't do at all. A woman covered in tattoos with a pierced pussy isn't asking for fucking compliments, and she sure as shit isn't looking to be doted upon. I rewarded the aggressors, and ignored the sycophants, and the pack of dogs turned to a pack of wolves.

"Come for me, whore!"

"Scream, you fucking slut!"

"Suck it! Suck it! Swallow it all, you fucking skank!"

Much better.Their degradation only brought me to new heights, and I happily complied with their demands. Hands were all over me now, running over my convulsing belly, squeezing my breasts as they were stretched, grabbing my ass and spreading it wide for the man gaping me, holding my legs open, choking me, pulling my hair. I was caressed and abused from the outside as I was relentlessly driven to madness from the inside. I became mindless, a being of sensation, an existence of the moment. I was overloaded with touch, overwhelmed with pleasure, and all I could do, was come. I came, and I came, and I came. Each release compelled me to coil around the men violating me, to suck with more avarice, to stroke with more desperation. I screamed my gagged delight, heaving in waves that started at my shoulders and ended at my hips. My abs stretched and clenched, my breasts jutted and sank, my pelvis thrusted and twisted, greedily trying to swallow the men into my vile holes, feeling my tenderness stretch and adapt, wanting more, needing more, desperate to feel them pierce me deeper, gape me wider, ruin me, destroy me, leave me leaking and used like the hopeless piece of fuck that I was. FUCK ME! FUCK-ME-FUCK-ME-FUCK-ME-FUUUUUUUUUUCK!


I watched from my booth as Astrid and Tera performed their public services to their devoted fans. It was hard to tell, but it looked like Tera had two men in her ass, two men in her pussy, two in each hand, and two in her mouth. Her eyes were rolled back, her body was a twisting display of curves, and her motions were gracefully reactive, as if getting gangbanged was her natural state. I'd never seen a look of such bliss on someone's face before. Conversely, Astrid seemed to be in combat with herself; one side of her thrashing and bucking as though to escape, the other covetously taking-in all that she could. I decided right then, that gangbangs were not something I'd ever be participating in. They were a sight to behold, but I very-much doubted I could ever handle all that... man. Aggressive, thrusting, stinking, growling, spitting, man. Muscle all shining and glistening... hairy chests and strong hands... hot breath and hoarse groans... Brandon...

I snapped myself out of my contemplation, realizing that my hands were drifting between my legs. Beside me, Justina was snoring loudly. We'd been up all night following Diamond's progress, which meant that while I was asleep in the astral plane, Justina and Tera had been taking turns using me as a dick-tionary. I'd translated five different dead languages in as many hours, while recounting in real-time everything Diamond had learned on her journey through Sorrow's realm. Once Diamond had gone through the door, she was in the space between realms, and we'd lost contact. I didn't know how long it would take, but in the meantime, Justina, Tera and I would learn all we could from Gloria's ancient books, and see if we could help our astral spy.

"Justina, wake up," I nudged her. Justina's eyes fluttered, revealing violet irises surrounded by bloodshot sclera. She was noticeably thinner than she'd been two days ago, and carried herself with an uncharacteristic droop in her shoulders. Monogamy really wasn't for her, especially when her only source of food was a sterile hermaphrodite; it was like if a wolf decided to go vegan.

"Hmm?" she asked drowsily, almost drunkenly.

"You need to feed," I frowned at her, concerned. "And from a real man."

"What, you don't count?" Justina slurred. "I'm fine, Angela. I'll eat the leftovers out of Astrid when she's done," Justina smiled fondly at the debauchery below us. "That should keep me going for a while. Anyway, back to work." She pulled out her backpack, rummaged through it, and proffered her notes. "So far we've got the Diary of Queen Tiadoa, Tales from the Astral Plane, and Runes of Balamora translated. I've made cyphers to decode all of the hidden texts, and we'll see if there's anything useful there. Gloria's list says those three books are salient, but the most important book according it her is The Broken Bridge."

"It didn't look like we had that one. Have you ever heard of it?"

"No." Justina worked her jaw contemplatively. "I searched Drasin's record halls, and they've never heard of it either. I even contacted the library at Grundinar University, and they said no such book exists. Their campus is older than the city itself."

"Fuck it then. We don't have time. What we got should be enough." I elbowed her congenially. "More than enough with you."

"Don't do that;" she smiled tiredly at me, "don't put that kind of pressure on me. Pressure doesn't turn me into a diamond like you; it turns me into dust."

"Then you just need to blow off some steam," I smirked, and turned my attention back to the spectacle. "Hey, um..." I frowned, wondering how to phrase my question, "...how does your mom fit so many dicks inside her?"

"Like, physically?" Justina asked,

"No, I meant emotionally," I scowled.

"Succubi are really elastic," Justina smiled, hooking her left foot behind her head, and over her right shoulder. I raised my (Diamond's) eyebrows, and Justina's smile broadened.


"...look, all I'm saying, is that you and I knew each other for what, thirteen years? Real love takes time Julia. Now Diamond and Justina might love fucking each other, but that doesn't mean they're in love," I frowned as Justina did the splits across her booth, and Diamond took advantage.

"Let them be, Lucilla," Julia scolded next to me, glancing across the theatre to where her daughter was. "Good Mother, Justina is flexible!"

"Little gymnast bitch."


"I'm sorry, but since when is a succubus monogamous?" I said, like I was pointing out a contradiction, which I was. "And for that matter, since when did Diamond become monogamous? Not only that, but now half of her is celibate?!"

"Maybe she's rebelling against her parents," Julia sniggered. "She can't break the mold by engaging in rampant sexual deviance, so she does the opposite. Maybe she'll become a nun after all."

"She's been avoiding us, Julia," I frowned. "Don't tell me you don't see it."

"This is her first time interacting with new people," Julia shrugged. "She's gaging herself against others, trying to figure out who she is socially. It's just a phase, but you know if you try to interfere, she'll continue it out of sheer stubbornness."

"I don't know..." I narrowed my eyes across the theatre, staring contemptuously at the contortionist succubus; her hands gripping the railing, her knuckles pressing to her ribs, her legs spread across the wall as her torso arched precariously over a twenty-foot drop. Am I such a callous bitch that I actually want her to fall? No... yes. Yes, I am.

"How are my two favorite elves doing?" a cheery voice asked from behind. Speaking of callous bitches...

"We were doing just fine, thank you," I sneered at Willowbud. She grinned at me as she wrapped her hand in Julia's crimson strands, and shared a kiss with my girlfriend. Their locked lips parted to exchange tongues, and in the brief space between their coalescing, I saw blackness flow between their mouths. I held my breath, trying not to lose my shit with the idea that a Sentient was currently inside my beloved. Julia smirked around her kiss and drew Willowbud deeper, humming lecherously, and pushing the blackness back.

"Damn," Willowbud whispered as they parted, "I thought I'd caught you off guard."

"It's not your turn, Night Eyes. That's an infraction," Julia smiled, running fingertips over Willowbud's supple lips.

"What's the penalty?" Willowbud grinned excitedly.

"You know..." Julia wore an uncharacteristically evil smile as she pushed her fingers into Willowbud's mouth.

"Oh, come on, Sister," Night Eyes licked those fingers. "Why don't you just put it in my ass again?"

"Because you like it too much now, and I want to see you humbled."

"Well, you nuns are all about being humble," Willowbud reached between their legs, "so why don't you show me the righteous path yourself?"

"I'll have you repenting like Jade Tao," Julia smirked, and the two gods connected mouths right in front of me. I left the booth in a huff, not wanting Willowbud to see my rage. Tera and Astrid's gurgled cries of ecstasy echoed through the stone halls as I donned a hooded cloak, and stepped beneath the slit threshold of The Pussy Palace. I pulled my hood close around my face, keeping my head bowed, and affecting the gait of an old woman, not wanting to become the instant center of attention for my supposed divinity. All around me, revelers and worshippers waited their turn to be granted entrance to the divine house of sin. The line was kept orderly by the presence of Jade Tao and her Breytan warriors, who stood at stiff attention, their heads moving like swivels on strong necks.

"If you think you're fooling anyone, Princess, then you're dumber than I remember," Sara chuckled as she linked arms with me. "Jade spotted you the second you left."

"Well, no need to make a scene of it," I grumbled. "Just pretend you're helping an old lady."

"Why are you sneaking off?" Sara asked.

"Last time I checked, I don't fucking answer to you," I growled.

"Going to see His Holiness again?" Sara chuckled.

"Don't I outrank you? Shouldn't you be calling me 'Bound One,' and minding your own fucking business?"

"Probably," Sara said, taking my hand in hers, "but last time you tried to pull rank on me, you got fucked into a drooling mess," Sara pushed something against my wrist. Something cold, and sharp. "So if you know what's good for you, Bound One, you'll keep your fucking mouth shut, and come with me."


"There," I smiled at the young woman as she gawked at her legs. They hadn't been there before; they'd been brutally hacked off at the knee. Now they wiggled toes from sinewy lengths, and their owner speechlessly flexed her calves.

"Th-th-th-thank you!" she managed to stutter. She threw herself on me, and I made sure the embrace stayed platonic. I patted her on the back, and rocked her comfortingly as she wept into my shoulder. Then I nodded to Bianca, and the woman was escorted out; stumbling, but joyful.

"That's all the priorities for this morning, Your Holiness," Bianca said. I noticed she'd stopped wearing her armor while helping me attend the patients, which I was thankful for. She struck an intimidating figure in her golden shell, and I didn't need my patients anymore frightened than they already were, being in the presence of a 'god' and all. The brown valkyrie bared her toned arms with obvious pride, but covered her feminine attributes with modesty, though she could hardly conceal the bodacious nature of her curves.

"Tell the apothecaries to pick through my fields, and make sure they go easy on the poppies," I sighed, stretching my back. "I'm getting sick of healing addicts."

"Are you going to Her Holiness's show?" Bianca asked.

"Why, did you want to come along?" I grinned at her. Bianca turned beet-red, and I felt like an asshole. "Look," I said, "I know Astrid was probably your friend and all, and it must be weird knowing what she's doing, but she's not being forced into it." Not anymore, anyway.

"I was never friends with Astrid Skyborne," Bianca hissed with a vehemence that surprised me. "But it is horrible to see a warrior of her class stoop to such lows. She shames us all. Her mother was right to deny her guardianship."

"Sounds like you're feeling vindicated," I smirked. Bianca relented a guilty smile.

"Ionans are the greatest warriors in the world, and they make sure Ofanians know it," Bianca sighed, sitting down. "So when their proudest daughter makes a mockery of them all, then yes, I will admit to a little vindication." Bianca looked slyly at me, "And apparently, Astrid isn't the only one having trouble with her vows."

"How did you know about Jade?"

"Winged-warriors are the biggest gossipers in the world," Bianca chuckled. "Not being able to tell a lie makes keeping secrets so very hard. From what I heard..." Bianca leaned to a conspiratorial distance, her eyes shifting, "...Jade laid with Sister Julia, and Willowbud... at the same time!"

"No way!" I gasped. I knew that, of course; Willowbud had given me the excruciating details of everything her and Sister Julia had done to Jade Tao, but Bianca was finally showing me some personality, so I let her have her moment.

"It's true!" Bianca giggled, rocking back and forth like the words caused a reaction. "One of Jade Tao's lieutenants told one of my corporals while on watch, that Jade Tao... I shouldn't say."

"Your god commands you to gossip!" I chuckled. Bianca's face practically split with her grin.

"Well, this all just hear-say, mind you," Bianca gave herself deniability, "but from what I heard, Jade Tao had intercourse... with her anus!"

"No!" my mouth dropped in an exaggerated show of shock, much to the delight of Bianca.

"Yes!" Bianca was in fits of giggles, "I know, right? What a slut! Oh, Great Creators! I should not say such things about High Guard Tao; she is an honorable woman who was only doing what her god desired, I'm sure."

"But..." I said, seeing that Bianca had more to say.

"From what I heard..." Bianca tried to casually examine her nails, and failed miserably, "...Jade Tao was quite enthusiastic about the whole thing. You see, Sister Julia might've made her walls out of industrial-grade steel, but she forgot to shut the door."

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