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The Creators Ch. 10


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"Oh no..."

"Oh yes!" Bianca giggled. "Everyone within a hundred yards could hear her!"

"How embarrassing." I sighed, shaking my head, then gave Bianca a furtive look, and pandered shamelessly to her, "If Jade Tao can even feel shame."

"Don't get me started on the Breytans!" Bianca said dramatically, but I knew I'd just opened the floodgates. I eased back into my chair, lit my pipe, and nodded to Bianca's rapid-fire list of all the dirt she had on every sister of Iona and Breyta.

"...and Sato Tao—that's Jade's mother—she apparently got too familiar with the clan's wine stores, and they had to stage an intervention!" Bianca hissed after a half-hour's worth of gossip.

"Well," I said, "I tell you what, Bianca; thank god I got the Ofanians. You guys are the only clan who's got their head on straight."

And Bianca's beam could've outshined the sun. Who says I can't read people? No easier way to bond with someone, then to let them bare their insecurities to you through the timeless exercise of shitting on their competitors. Of course, reading an Ofanian was about as difficult as reading a picture book. I dismissed Bianca, taking a guilty moment to admire the outline of her plump backside beneath her trousers, then I locked the door, and walked to the curved wall of my office. Each of the thirteen trees that structured my arboretum were hollowed along the sides for cavernous rooms, with the core left intact to keep the tree alive. The baobabs acted as dormitories for my legion, while the Great Maple, the largest of the trees, was the public house, office, and home for me, Tera and Justina. Given the immense girth of the Great Maple, the curious mind might've wondered why there was so little hollowed-out space compared to the baobabs, and if questioned, the answer I would give would be a ponderous explanation of heartwood in deciduous trees. The truth, however, was that the very core of my maple had been hollowed, and the tree was slowly being sapped of life. I opened the bark-covered wall of my office, and recommenced my work.


"She'd taken out twenty of my best before I got to her," Sara said. "Probably would've had me in the infirmary too, had I not noticed she'd been poisoned by a succubus. Then, it was easy to get her to cooperate."

I looked around, and noticed that many of the platinum-haired high-bloods were sporting fat lips, shiners, and swollen jaws. The unlucky ones had been sent to Brandon's temple, but if there was anyone in this whole situation who was truly unlucky, it was poor Freydis Skyborne. When she broke in, she may have thought that the elves wearing habits were Julia's harmless nuns, but I guessed now she was realizing that the only thing Sara's girls had in common with the Maternal Order, was their propensity for medieval interrogation. Freydis was the subject of the inquisition now, and they were torturing her in the ways they'd learned firsthand.

She was trapped in a stockade that was level with the floor, her ankles shackled in such a way that her legs were forced apart and her ass was propped high in the air. Behind her, Sara's lieutenants were seeing just how many pool-balls they could fit inside the High Guard's rectum, and judging by the possessed look on Freydis's face, her preference would always be "one more." Freydis Skyborne looked more like her daughter than she ever had before; eyes rolling in her head, drool running down her chin, her mouth gaping and quirking in a stupid smile as she screamed. Her muscular back was clenching along the spine, and behind her, she was wagging her ass in whorish anticipation as an elf lathered a pool ball with her tongue, then slowly pushed it inside. The clamps that gripped her nipples stretched her breasts to the floor as she attempted to arch her back, a reaction that was a combination of pleasure and pain. The metal clips that pinched her labia glistened with a new shine of her secreted lust, and between her parted curtains, a squad's worth of dildos had been crammed together. I never would have guessed the woman had so much room inside her.

"She asked for me, specifically?" I asked Sara.

"She did," Sara looked carefully at me. It hadn't been lost on me that there was an empty stockade right beside Freydis's. I knew these elves were fucked-up when I first met them, but I didn't know until Sara had dispatched the imperial guard by herself how dangerous they really were.

"Freydis is sworn to me," I replied.

"We know that," Sara said, studying me. "We know everything, Princess."

"Great," I frowned, "then you can enlighten me."

"Don't play dumb."

"What are you gonna do, torture me?" I laughed, "Do you think Julia will be understanding when she finds out? Have you seen what that woman can do?!"

"I think Her Holiness will be very understanding when I tell her that her beloved princess conspired to kill Willowbud."

"What?!" I screamed.

"That's why Freydis said she was here," Sara said, turning to me and crossing her arms. "She wanted to meet with you, hatch a plan to isolate Willowbud from her protectors, then kill her."

"I didn't—I had no—why would I—"

"She specifically wanted you to make sure Julia, Brandon, and Astrid were far from Willowbud, and that Willowbud was out in the open," Sara continued.

"I—listen—if you could just—"

"She also wanted you to make the Ofanians stop hunting her."

"Sara, I—I never—"

"And she wanted you to keep Jade Tao from interfering."

"I HAD NO IDEA!" I finally managed to get out, my face red, my body trembling from head to toe. Sara regarded my outburst with mild amusement, then turned her attention to the defiled High Guard.

"It's not a bad plan, Princess," Sara mused, "but there are too many variables. Too many things have to go right..." Sara tapped her chin thoughtfully as I gawked at her. "The championship fight tomorrow night would be about as ideal as it could get. No Brandon, and certainly no Ofanians. Willowbud would want to make herself seen to the rabble she loves so much. She'd leave herself very exposed..." Sara studied me curiously. "Ok, Princess, we're in."


"I know what's inside Willowbud," Sara said. "Yesterday, I had my knife to her throat, but Her Holiness stopped me. I am loyal to Her Holiness, you must understand, but loyalty sometimes means disobedience, if obedience means destruction; I see that we are like-minded in this. I also see that I've greatly underestimated you, Princess."


"You have been subtle, carefully playing your part to perfection. I wondered why you hadn't simply stabbed Willowbud in the back, and then Freydis told me that metal can't pierce the Earth Former. It was a wise secret for Willowbud to keep, but all along, you've had an Earth Former expert on your side. It is obvious that you've plotted this course with much forethought."

I almost said 'what' again, but I stopped myself, and considered my position. Whether I liked it or not, I was a conspirator, and if I admitted to not knowing of Freydis's plan, then Sara might decide I wasn't what was best for Julia. The thing was, I mostly agreed with Sara; especially after what Julia had told me this morning. But even if Sara's treachery was born of loyalty, it was still betrayal, and having a rogue army that worked against Julia 'for her own good' was an incredible threat. I would take charge of this operation to ensure its failure, and tell Julia about it the moment we were alone.

"Release my charge," I said in my most royal voice.

"She attacked us, and we captured her," Sara replied. "I can't deny my soldiers their fun; it's bad for morale. Freydis doesn't seem to mind."

"When she regains her lucidity, Freydis will want to kill you, and the only person who can stop her, is me," I eyed Sara the same way she'd eyed me. "Freydis is invaluable to my operation, but you are inessential, Sara. If your continued breathing is a distraction for Freydis, then I won't deny my soldier her fun; it's bad for morale. I'm sure you won't mind."

Sara smirked at that, and called off her women. They groaned and complained like little girls being told playtime was over, and I suppressed the thought of what would've happened if I hadn't played my cards right. Freydis's holes were roughly evacuated, her body was unshackled, and she was left in a pool of her own lust, spreading her legs, begging desperately for more. I rushed to her side, pushing the strands of hair away that plastered her face. There was recognition in her gaze, followed closely by a look of utter betrayal.

"It wasn't me," I whispered to her. "I didn't know. I'm so sorry, Freydis."

Her eyes still burned fever-bright, but her hands moved softly to mine, clasped my fingers, and brought them between her legs. "Touch me," she hissed, and I gently obliged. Three of my fingers worked into her slit, my pinky slid down her taint, and my thumb caressed her engorged bead. God, she was wet. My digits were soaked and sticky within a second. Freydis's brow furrowed, her mouth parted in grateful satisfaction, and she cried her mournful euphoria with the gentle swelling of her chest. Her body was intensely reactive; her pelvis thrusting violently when I entered her, her hips shifting needfully with the subtle slide of my fingertips, her abdomen writhing as though trying to expel some great lust that sloshed in her belly. Her eyes were starting to glaze, their blue depths tinging to violet. If Freydis turned, she'd do anything to get to her master. I remembered the shackles in Tera's safehouse, how the heavy-gauged chains had been torn from the wall like they were nothing. I didn't have much time, and Tera was currently very unavailable.

"Bring me Justina Autumnsong." I said, then reconsidered, "And bring Diamond Glendian as well."

"But Justina is loyal to Brandon," Sara frowned.

"Did I sound like I was fucking asking?" I said with as much authority as I could muster. I was surprised when Sara clicked her heels, nodded in salute, then strode off. Huh, fancy that, I mused. Now I've got an army. At least, until Julia banishes them. Or they kill me.


I licked the last droplets of cum from Night Eye's shaft as she licked the last of the juice from my petals. Our noses inhaled each other's scents, our mouths panted each other's ecstasy, and our bodies mingled with each other's sweat. Night Eyes had refused to suck me, but she more than made up for it with what she could do with her tongue. I still felt her spit coating my lower mouth and dribbling from my flushed lower lips as my half-flaccid shaft pulsed against her chin and throat.

"OK," I said, steeling myself. I didn't want to get off her; I wanted to stay atop her, feel my belly molding to hers, feel her breath caressing the moist center of my sex. Unfortunately, I had a divine purpose to fulfill. I pushed myself off the corrupted Earth Former, offered her my hand, and hoisted her to her feet. It always struck me as odd how Night Eyes managed to loom, despite being barely over five feet. Her persona was literally larger than life.

"Alright Sister," Night Eyes said, her white lipstick worn from her lips, leaving them a pink shade of her caramel flesh, "what do you got for me this fine morning?"

"You, me, and Brandon are going to—"

"I said Brandon was off-limits!" Night Eyes snapped with predictable ferocity.

"...are going to play a game." I finished. Night Eyes studied me intently. "I'm not going to touch him, I promise."

She narrowed her black eyes, then nodded slowly. If there was one think Night Eyes loved more than anything, it was games, and her favorite part of playing, was cheating. I'd use that to my advantage.

"What kind of game?" she asked.


Since Justina and I couldn't think of a viable excuse for me not to come with, I tagged along as Sara led us to Julia's (or as I was supposed to call her, 'Mom') reflective cathedral. On the way, I tried to remember what I'd discovered about Diamond's relationship with "Aunt" Lucilla during my visits to her astral garden. It was a sexual relationship, but it wasn't the mother-daughter relationship Diamond had with Julia. It was more of an older sister-younger sister relationship. The one time I'd talked to Lucilla as Diamond had been a brief exchange of me informing her of my monogamy, and her chasing after me with a shoe in hand. So... not a great start. We stepped beneath the immense threshold of Julia's church, scaled an expansive staircase, and were atop the northwest tower after an exhaustive climb.

I'd seen Freydis Skyborne as a memory in Diamond's garden, but it still shocked me how much she looked like Astrid, sans the haircut and tattoos. She was sprawled on the floor, her form writhing as Lucilla gave her the therapy she craved. With Freydis's expansive wings flapping and her muscular limbs flexing with veins and tendons, it almost looked like Lucilla was playing veterinarian to some wild, beautiful creature. Lucilla's gaze was nurturing and concerned for Freydis, but when it fell to us, it hardened considerably. Justina squeezed my hand, her breathing elevated.

"Of all the people to be afraid of..." I scoffed at her.

"Don't underestimate her, Diamond," Justina glowered at me. "She's much more than the out-of-depth bimbo she portrays herself as. Be careful with your words."

"Right, so I'll just keep my mouth shut. Easy."

"Is Diamond a sullen introvert?" Justina looked quizzically at me as we stepped hand-in-hand toward Lucilla.

"Leave us," Lucilla called to the elves. They turned, sapphire eyes staring suspiciously at us, then they departed soundlessly from the room. Lucilla watched the one called 'Sara' with a scrutinizing eye, then turned her scrutiny on us.

"Well?" Lucilla prompted me. "Got anything to say to me, Sparkles? Not a 'hi, Aunt Lucilla,' or a 'I'm sorry I've been such a bitch, Aunt Lucilla' or even a 'get fucked you old skank, I've found younger pussy to plow?!'"

Her vehemence caught me off guard. "Hi... Aunt Lucilla?" I asked it, trying to peel Diamond's friendly grin across my face, and only managing an uncharacteristic grimace. Lucilla narrowed her eyes at me, and I realized quite quickly that Justina was right about the woman. Justina cleared her throat uncomfortably, and Lucilla's ire fell on her.

"Did you have something to say, Justina?" Lucilla snapped. "Or was Diamond's spunk just stuck in your throat?" Justina, as smart as she was, was not quick-witted. She opened her mouth, then closed it and swallowed, giving Lucilla the easiest shot in the world with, "Of course you swallow," and Justina's face paled just a little more. I had a few comebacks ready to fire, but I stopped them. Diamond wasn't one to trade words, but she was one to completely misjudge social situations.

"Yup!" I said brightly and without any irony, "Justina swallows everything!" then I leaned in as though telling Lucilla a secret, "It's because she needs sperm to survive! Since my semen doesn't have any sperm, she's going to clean out all the sperm everyone dumped into Astrid!"

Poor Freydis Skyborne let out a wail of anguish so pained I thought she was dying. Any suspicions Lucilla might've had about my identity were squashed with the master stroke of social ineptitude. I was almost proud.

"Holy shit, Sparkles," Lucilla groaned, though I could see she was trying to hide her smile. Justina took advantage of the opening, and quickly attended to Freydis. She enslaved her, then released her, and Freydis was freed of the effects Tera had laden her with. Her eyes fluttered, her pupils contracted, and she stared fixedly at the ceiling.

"Bound One," Freydis said through gritted teeth, "your fingers are still inside me."

Lucilla quickly withdrew her hand, rambling through a string of apologies. Freydis didn't seem to want to look at anyone, or even herself. She kept her gaze fixed upward, then dead-ahead when she sat up. Lucilla handed her a wet towel, and Freydis cleaned herself carefully, not daring to look at what had been done to her.

"What you said earlier to the elf, about not denying me;" Freydis said quietly, "was it a lie?"

"No," Lucilla said, placing a tentative hand on Freydis's muscular shoulder, "but not until after Julia banishes them."

I wasn't sure if I wanted to know what that was about, but whatever it was, it seemed to ease some of the tension in Freydis's shoulders. She turned back to me, and gave me a weak, although companionable smile.

"Hello, Diamond," Freydis said. "It seems you've finally gotten to see the 'ripe butt' you so coveted. I hope it's not to your disappointment," It was an awkward attempt at levity, but I guessed given what Freydis had been through, it was a miracle that she had any sense of humor.

"You look like a juicy peach!" I grinned, affecting Diamond's overly friendly voice. Freydis offered a bigger smile, which faded when she looked at Justina.

"And the one called 'Tera,'" Freydis said. "You are in league with her?"

"She is my mother," Justina wouldn't meet Freydis's eyes. She was clearly intimidated by the valkyrie. Either that, or she was mentally running through everything she'd done to Freydis's daughter.

"Please tell her to stop searching for me," Freydis said. "I am no threat to His Holiness, but if his Ofanians engage, I will defend myself."

"You have to leave Drastin," Justina said quietly, still staring at the floor. "If you die, then Astrid is High Guard of Iona, and Willowbud becomes their master. Mom won't stop hunting you until you're far away."

Freydis looked like she'd say something, then she stopped herself, and turned to Lucilla. Lucilla shook her head, and Freydis nodded slightly.

"Very well," Freydis said slowly, "I will leave Drastin today. A winged-warrior's word is bond, so you must know that I will."

Justina nodded without looking up. There was a pregnant silence between the four of us, and it hung heavily in the air. Finally, Lucilla mercifully broke it.

"Astrid and Tera's performance will be over soon, so you two better be off, or Justina will miss her... meal." Lucilla looked apologetically at Freydis, whose clenched jaw was twitching. Justina didn't feel the need for polite salutations. She hurriedly got to her feet, and dragged me with her. Lucilla's hand clasped mine, and for a moment, she held me still, her eyes pleading. Justina pulled me out of the hold, and Lucilla withdrew her hand sharply as if worried she'd overstepped herself.

"Bye, Aunt Lucilla!" I called as we left the room. Lucilla raised her hand after me, her posture bowed pathetically, the sadness evident in her eyes. I felt like a total cunt rejecting her as I was, but what could I do? One misstep, and I'd have Julia to contend with. Worse than that, Brandon would have Julia to contend with.


Goddamn, did Julia look good today. She and Willowbud strutted across the mall toward my temple wearing their best outfits: their birthday suits. I spied them from the window of my maple, and I closed the wall of my office. A funky bassline played in my head as I began to strip; the divine threesome was finally happening. About time. I had my pants around my ankles when I saw that the two goddesses had halted before my bamboo entrance, and stood naked in front of the thousands of people who camped on the mall. They unabashedly lauded their nudity to the adulation of the masses, then they stepped through my gate, and quickly threw on clothes once they were out of the public's eyeshot. What the fuck? So, the divine threesome wasn't happening; my girlfriend had just turned Julia into an exhibitionist. I sighed and hoisted my trousers up, but not before poor Bianca stepped through the door, and got another unexpected eyeful. Her brown face turned bright red, and her eyes stayed glued to my crotch for a moment, then turned downward to burn a hole in the floor.

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