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The Creators Ch. 10


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"Hi Bernard!" Tulipfall giggled at the boy.

"Hi Bernard," I echoed softly. Bernard blubbered as he wet himself, kicking his misshapen legs pathetically. I set the boy onto the ground, and dusted the rock shavings off his shirt. "Tell me," I said, watching his eyes grow wide as razor-sharp rocks grew toward his belly, "where's the rest of your team?"

"Th-th-th-th-they a-a-are... th-th-th-they..." and Bernard burst into tears. I looked over my shoulder to see that Bianca was watching me with her arms crossed. So, torture wasn't an option. I sighed, wondering how I was going to get my answers, when Tulipfall made the realization for me.

"They're in His Holiness's land!" she gasped. "Your Holiness, if they get the flag before we do—" and she was interrupted by a loud cheer from Sister Julia's side. A moment later, Sister Julia was standing atop my wall, her weight on one hip, the smuggest look on her ginger face as she dangled Brandon's flag between her fingers. Never in my life had I wanted to hate-fuck a person more.


Below us, the gods were bickering over the rules. Mistress was outnumbered by quite a lot now, and to make matters worse, Ternia and Barkmoss had both defected to Brandon's team. That left my god with four orcs, and a very young nymph girl. I frowned, pondering exactly what it was Julia was trying to accomplish here. This game was obviously just one turn in the larger game, but I couldn't see how beating Mistress in a children's contest would affect Corruption at all.

"I heard you put on quite the show," Jade said beside me, flapping her wings as we circled the mall.

"I always do," I smiled at her.

"You have become quite a sexually experienced woman, Astrid Skyborne," Jade produced a small smile. "Your prowess in the brothel is almost as infamous as your skill in the Pit. Tell me, do you enjoy the sex or the violence more?"

"They are complementary vices," I said. "The passion before a battle is more intense because of the imminent threat, and the violence after passion is sweeter because the body has been sated."

"And the audience of both vices accentuates the experience, undoubtedly," Jade replied, her smile quirking just a little more.

"If you're not careful, High Guard Tao, you too, might find yourself on display," I chuckled. "Then you can tell me how you like it."

"And I would do so without shame," Jade swam through the air, her kimono noticeably more revealing than it had been yesterday. "It is so liberating to not be bound to codes, but to the rule of a woman. I am finding that I quite enjoy these physical delights. Who knows what other discoveries will open to me? What other experiences that would otherwise have been denied by the Breytan Codes? If you were to become High Guard..."

"...I will not have this conversation, Jade," I said, neglecting her honorific. She smiled that polite smile again, but was not deterred.

"...if you were to become High Guard, would you rewrite the Ionan Codes to suit the desires of your god?"

"The Codes are eternal," I frowned, not liking where Jade's questions were going.

"But you have broken almost all of them," Jade replied. "Do you still believe that they are right?"

"You Breytans are a flexible bunch," I said sharply, "but Ionans are not so easily bent. It is our duty to guide our god down the path of righteousness, not just blindly obey her, though we will follow direct orders. Iona seeks to mold benevolence from divinity; mindless obedience does nothing to help. If anything, it spoils."

"Is this the result of 'molding benevolence?'" Jade gestured to my tattooed nakedness.

"Careful, Jade," I bared my teeth.

"You know I mean no offence, Astrid Skyborne," Jade's returning smirk held the smallest hint of threat, "but every day that Freydis does not act, her captains on Iona grow more restless. They wish to serve their god, but are held in stasis while Breyta and Ofan reap all the honor. Any day now, I suspect a liaison from Iona will come, and they will request that you take the mantel."

"And I will deny it!" I yelled, then gestured to my body. "And besides, who would ever follow... this?!"

"Iona would," Jade said softly. "When Freydis refused you the title you'd rightfully earned, and you did not protest, they saw your honor. When you took the blade you'd won, and left your peak to seek the Earth Former, some Ionans thought you were insane, but many saw your unyielding faith. Then every valkyrie of the three peaks saw your statue on the Gratoran Wall, and you became a legend overnight. Not only had you found the Earth Former, but you'd lain with him... or her, as we now know." Jade eyed me inquisitively, "Ionans are stringent in their codes, but none are more so than you and Freydis. The rest look to you two to guide them. With Freydis's standing weakening by the day, and yours growing stronger in time, it will only be you holding the codes aloft, and how will your people view them, seeing you as you are? Will they blindly follow the hypocrisy, or will they demand that you show them the path you have taken? The better path."

"It is not a better path!" I hissed. I could not deny the swell of pride I felt when Jade spoke of the opinions my people had of me, but I could also not deny the codes that had been ingrained into me by my mother since before I could fly.

"Is it not?" Jade tittered. "We've known each other all our lives, Astrid Skyborne, and I think I can count the number of times on one hand that I saw you smile on Iona. In Drastin, it seems that you are always smiling."

"Happiness and righteousness are different," I frowned. "People are inherently wicked things."

"Who says wicked is wrong?" Jade flew upside-down beneath me. "Who says wicked is 'wicked?' Who makes up these laws of morality? Who wrote your codes?"


"And her dust has become dust, Astrid Skyborne," Jade's almond-shaped eyes narrowed. "What of Droktin, or Gratora, or Feradiotus, or Hendrika? Did your people believe them to be lesser than Iona? Do you believe Willowbud to be lesser than Iona?"

"Of course not!" I bellowed, fists balling.

"Then why should a dead god's morality supersede the one you serve?" Jade still stared at me with that studious expression.

"Why do you ask so many fucking questions?" I snarled.

"Because yesterday, you and I almost killed each other," Jade said, her face relaxing into a regretful expression. "And I do not desire to cross blades with you again, old friend. The great tragedies of history were not started by great men, but by the weaker men who followed them. I do not want us to be history's weaker women."

"What are you saying?"

"I do not believe that my god will win the game she plays," Jade said, flying closer to me. "I have come to this conclusion in solitude, and am prepared for the ramifications. When Sister Julia is inundated with Corruption's gift, I will become the woman she needs me to be, and Breyta will become the army she needs them to be. I suspect we will be conquerors then, and will be expected to partake in the hedonisms of war. She has already shown me the pleasures of sex and punishment, and I know that even darker pleasures will be equally seductive to me, as they have been for you." Jade's breath caressed my lips. "I am beginning to believe that these rules we brace ourselves with are contrary to our nature. I am beginning to believe that Corruption's truth is the only truth, and I think Sister Julia is coming to that belief herself. Soon we will be allies, Astrid Skyborne, and together, we will carve our names into history." Jade pressed her lips to mine, and before I could reciprocate, she dropped away, leaving her kiss to burn its memory across my mouth. She smiled as she fell, then she turned over, caught the wind, and glided to the gods. I stared blankly after, my heart throbbing in my chest. How many nights had I lain awake, tortured by my guilt? How many times had I suffered under Mistress's punishment because I could not break the mold I'd been cast in? And Jade Tao had shed her codes easier than she'd shed her kimono. Maybe Iona's codes did need to change; maybe the codes of a dead god had no place under the rule of a living one.

"Do not be too keen to find wisdom in a Breytan's words," Bianca said above me. "They are a flexible bunch, though I doubt any of us are as flexible as you, whore."

"Were you eavesdropping, you snooping cunt?" I snapped at her.

"Your lips read just fine from ten spans away," Bianca smirked back, "even if they are exceptionally thin."

"His Holiness seems to think they're just fine," I grinned, licking my lips. Bianca's face contorted in predictable rage. She was still a woman, after all, in the service of a handsome, young god. "Tera told me you blushed like a maiden at the sight of His Holiness's cock," I sneered at her. "Did you cry while you touched yourself afterwards?"

Instead of taking the bait, Bianca wisely decided not to repeat yesterday's mistake, and flew away. I watched her with slight satisfaction, but I did heed her words. Bianca was still the High Guard of Ofan, and fools didn't become High Guard of any valkyrie peak. I would be remiss to ignore both her and Jade.


"Hey, Grok!" Bernard called, standing on legs bulging with muscle. "Why don't you come over here and try to give me a wedgy now, you fatty!" I'd outfitted all of Julia's crippled orphans with new limbs, and they stood outside Willowbud's wall tauntingly flexing them. Now that Barkmoss and Ternia were both on my team, I had a decided advantage in foresting Julia's third of the field. It was Julia's two-thirds now, since I was technically just her vassal. I supposed it was better that Julia won, because then neither Willowbud nor I could dangle this victory over the other's head, which we would most certainly do for the rest of our lives. Was that conducive to a good relationship? I didn't know. This was the first relationship I'd ever been in. Was every relationship a competition? Angela and I never really competed. Sure, we'd play games, but it never felt like a desperate struggle for power. Was it... I trailed off, realizing I was daydreaming about my sister again. One relationship at a time, player. Which reminds me...

"Hey, uh... Julia," I said, clearing my throat. She turned to me, that same kind smile creasing her red lips. God, she was hot. Sparkling freckles dusted apple cheeks that blushed beneath big, emerald eyes, one of which was curtained by a drape of crimson hair.

"Yes?" Julia asked.

"Willowbud told me about what you two are doing, and..." I twisted my lips, "...I think you should stop."

"Huh," Julia frowned, crossing her arms beneath her ample breasts. Holy shit, they were big. Almost as big as Astrid's, and on a much smaller frame. "And why's that, Brandon?"

"Why not just let things be, you know? Things are going good, so why stir the pot?"

"You think it's fine that your girlfriend is possessed by an ancient spirit of evil?"

"It's been fine so far. No reason to think it won't continue to be fine, unless someone fucks it up," I scowled back.

"What does Angela think?" Julia eyed me.

"I haven't seen her since Gloria's," I wasn't liking where this was going, "and I don't see how her opinion matters here."

Julia snorted derisively, and turned until she was facing me entirely. "You know, it's funny," she said. "When I was in Gloria's house, if Diamond hadn't told me Angela was there, she would've never existed to me. I couldn't hear her, nor see her. Then, she was suddenly part of me in a way no one has ever been. Not Passion, nor Diamond, nor even Lucilla was as close to me as Angela had been for those two minutes, because in those two minutes, I'd known all of her as though her mind was just an extension of my own. And do you know what most of Angela was?" Julia studied me. "Most of Angela, was you, Brandon."

"Yeah, she's my sister," I growled. "Gloria fucked with my head, and—"

"Who are you trying to convince?" Julia said, putting a tender, yet authoritative hand on my shoulder. I marveled at how easily she made me feel like a petulant child being lectured by his mother.

"I'm trying to convince you to stop this bullshit with my girlfriend," I mumbled.

"Are you?" Julia smiled. God, those lips! "Or are you trying to convince yourself that you still want to be with her?"

"What the fuck do you know about it?" I snapped, though with not nearly enough fervor to be convincing.

"Ask yourself why you are attracted to her," Julia said, undeterred by my dispirited outrage. "Is it because she's beautiful? She certainly is, but so are Tera and Justina, and you're not dating them. Is it because she's your equal in power? You don't really seem like the power-hungry type. Or..." Julia looked slyly at me, "...is it because she wants you, for you? Is it because for the first time in your life, someone else desires you, not only despite your faults, but because of your faults, because of your insecurities, because of your... darkness." Julia's brow furrowed a bit, then relaxed again. "Are you attracted to her because she loves you?"

"Yes," I said quietly.

"And do you love Corruption back?" Julia asked, and it was like she'd just dumped cold water on my head. It left me stunned for a moment, just long enough for Julia to slip one lethal thought past my defenses. "You're the Life Giver, Brandon; you can see the secrets of the world in ways no one else can, but you choose to be blind," Julia whispered the words, then let them trail behind her as she walked away, her fingers sliding from my shoulder. I looked at where her touch had left me, then I slowly looked across the field. Willowbud was watching us, of course, her face twisted in rage when she saw Julia touch me. But she wasn't the only one watching. It was a shadow in broad daylight, barely the hint of an outline, barely discernable from the woman it had melded with. Maybe I'd always seen it. Maybe I'd caught a glimpse of it in my periphery; at the edge of a mirror; in the distorted reflection of a wine glass; and maybe I'd pretended I hadn't seen it, but there was no denying it now. It moved out of synch with its host, as though the connection between them was malfunctioning somehow. Black skin, a wide hungry mouth, white irises burning like coals against an obsidian backdrop. Corruption looked at me from across the field, and for the first time in my life, I knew true horror.


I guessed it was an innocent, platonic touch, but it still left me burning with fury. I told the bitch not to touch him, and she'd fucking done it anyway. Brandon looked at me from across the field, then disappeared into the brush with the rest of his team, including Barkmoss and Ternia, the traitorous fucks. I ground my teeth, worked my jaw, then hopped down to my team. They were noticeably deflated, being outnumbered, and now woefully out-muscled by Sister Julia's enhanced former-cripples. Only Tulipfall seemed to have high spirits.

"C'mon guys, we can do it!" Tulipfall insisted, trying to marshal Grok and his three orcs. Grok sent an annoyed kick to Tulipfall's ass, and she tumbled nimbly with the blow, obviously used to being delivered it. It was an oddly-familiar reaction, and I was surprised at the flash of déjà vu that came with it. I shook the thought from my head, and huddled my team together.

"Alright bitches," I started, looking each of my soldiers in the eye, "I know it looks like shit out there, but believe me, the kind of shit you'll find back here is much, much worse, so don't even think about running off." Each of my soldiers averted their gazes. They were tired, afraid, and discouraged. That wouldn't do at all. "Hey, pussies!" I growled. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, or I'll cut your fucking eyelids off!" and that got their attention. "OK, here's the plan..." I started again, but trailed off. Tulipfall was staring fixedly at me, her eyes trembling and reddening in attempt not to blink, her frown fixed in concentration. Déjà vu hit me again, even harder this time.

A man holding a crossbow in his hand. "Don't even fucking blink," he says to me as he steps back. Everyone is watching, only excitement in their eyes as my terror reflects in them. I don't breathe, I don't blink, I don't even want my heart to beat. The man aims his crossbow. It's unsteady; he's drunk. "Just stay still now, you hear?" he says behind a sardonic smile, then pulls the trigger. The bolt thuds into the apple atop my head, and all the tension in my body snaps. I piss myself and everyone laughs, but I hardly notice. All I notice is the copper penny he pushes into my hand. When I stumble out of the bar, the other kids are waiting for me. One kicks me, and I tumble with it, but another has a fist waiting at the other end, and it sinks into my belly when I leap to escape. The air shoots from me, spit sprays from my mouth, and my bloodshot eyes bulge. They take my money, they buy tobacco and beer, then they run back to the orphanage, leaving me gasping on the ground. I would go hungry again that night.

I snapped back to reality, my head ringing with the unwanted memory. I had words to say, but they didn't reach my mouth any longer. There were other words in their place.

"What orphanage are you from?" I asked. I already knew the answer, of course. This was Sister Julia's game.

"Mrs. Barney's Children's Home," Grok said, still staring intently at me.

"That old cunt," I smiled fondly. "Does she still have that switch with the notches in it?"

"You know Mrs. Barney?" Tulipfall gasped.

"I lived in Mrs. Barney's home for three years," I said, "though I doubt she remembers me. I used to sleep in the cupboards and closets because my bed would always get stolen."

"The cabinet under the sink is the comfiest," Tulipfall said. "She has kitchen towels you can use as pillows."

"Yeah," I said, feeling my throat tighten slightly, "but the spiders were the worst down there."

"It's better than the broom closet!" Tulipfall proclaimed. "That one has the biggest rat in the world!"

"Scrappy?" I swallowed the knot that had formed. "Does he have a missing tail?"

"Yeah!" Tulipfall giggled. "He's so mean!"

"Unless you give him..."

"...blueberries!" Tulipfall laughed delightedly. "Then he won't bite you!"

"You're an orphan?" Grok said the words cautiously, like he couldn't believe it.

"Yeah," I replied. It wasn't true, but it also wasn't a lie. I had been orphaned by my own mother. I had been sent away with a sack of gold on a ship full of strangers, all because... I snapped myself out of the moment, and huddled my troops once again. "OK team, here's the deal: we're fucked. There is no way we are beating two gods, plus seven roided-up diggers, and nine mounts; not even if we cheat. So, what do Drastin orphans do when there's no way to win?"

"What?" Grok asked excitedly.

"We flip the fucking board."


I glanced over at Brandon. He was sitting astride his tiger, staring fixedly ahead at Night Eyes's wall. I wondered if I'd gotten to him, or if my foray into psychological manipulation had been a fool's errand. It had been a gamble, but it wasn't the endgame of this turn in the temptation game; I was merely hedging my bets. He wouldn't look at me, which meant I'd angered him, but I knew he'd get over it. Brandon didn't seem the type to hold a grudge. Night Eyes, on the other hand, seemed the type to let a minor insult fester until it was a life-defining vendetta. I wondered how she'd react to losing to people she couldn't just kill. That wasn't the only point, obviously. By now, Night Eyes had undoubtedly figured out the origin of this batch of orphans, and hopefully, it was jarring some painful memories. When I had emptied Drastin's many orphanages into my temple, I had told Sara to inquire about a white-haired nymph. Once she'd identified Mrs. Barney's orphans, the rest of my plan had fallen into place. Tulipfall had been an absolute godsend. In fact, I actually believed the Holy Mother had dropped the little nymph-girl right into my lap. Would she be the weapon that would finally dislodge Corruption? Would she be the... What in the Good Mother's name is THAT?!


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