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The Cuckquean POV

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Humiliation/cuckquean story about husband fucking another woman.
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I am a submissive wife and my husband, Ethan, owns my horny cunt. When we first met, he was generally your average passive guy, except sometimes he can be domineering and condescending to me. It caught me off guard, but I learned to love it. Ethan soon controlled all my orgasms, when I was allowed to cum and in which manner, humiliated or not. He also has the power to decide if I cum in front of him, alone or on camera (to be uploaded without my face). Sometimes, he lets another girl he is currently fucking decide if I get to cum while humiliating me for being the horny cuckquean that I am. This is a story about one of those times.

I was done cleaning the apartment when Ethan came home from work and told me that he had to go meet a girl at a bar in an hour. "Who is this girl?" I inquired, because I was horny out of my mind. He hasn't let me cum for the past 7 days, despite being edged for half an hour every night before I went to bed.

"It's just my friend from highschool. She's in town for something work related and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for you to serve her." Ethan grinned as he took his pants off. "Now suck my dick while I tell you more." I put his hard cock in my mouth, feeling the throbbing in my crotch. I inhale his scent from the base of his sex and get even hornier.

"So her name is Caitlyn. She used to have a thing for me but I was dating another girl then. Anyways, we were very good friends. She found out I moved to the city and wants to meet up. Don't worry, she's kinky. She's been around. Dad issues. Just like you, my little princess." With that, he spanks me hard and I feel the tinge of pain, then arousal, and moan on his dick.

"Are you having fun sucking my cock? Were you waiting for it all day?" He looks down at me and smiles, I smile back with his cock buried deep in my throat. I look into his eyes; at his sadistic smile. The way his lips curve so perfectly, perhaps flawed to the average observer, but the way I always thought lips should look like when I am madly in love with the face to which it belongs. "Massage my feet, it's sore." He thrusts his feet in my face, for me to worship. I caress the sole of his foot and gently massage his toes. "mmmm, good, what a good little slut." He says as he closes his eyes. "Are you excited to be rewarded with my used cock?" He smirks, knowing it turns me on to be put down that way. "Yes sir" I tell him.

"You did such a good job cleaning today. Good little slut. I am going to reward you after I get Caitlyn to suck my dick on the car. I'm going to be late. I have to leave, why don't you cook me something for when I come home drunk tonight? I might let you cum. Maybe. I might get you to hump the couch or something." He grabs his wallet, phone, keys and gives me a peck on the forehead before heading out the door.

I start cleaning the kitchen and plan what to make for dinner. My pussy is literally throbbing for release at this point. I want to touch it, but I know I don't have permission. Ethan has a way of knowing if I relieved myself, and we have been together for so long now that I do not want to break his trust. So I don't touch my horny clit or anything while he is out getting drinks with a girl that used to have a crush on him in highschool.

I started cutting up the vegetables for the stew I was going to make him, when my phone vibrated. It was a text from Ethan. He sent me a picture of the girl he was with, Caitlyn. She was a full figured, curvaceous girl with big tits. The text said "Here's tonight's cuckcake. She wants to come over if you'll cook for her, she doesn't want to spend money on food tonight. Does that sound good little sub-slut?"

I couldn't believe it. It has been a while since he last cucked me, he must have planned this. I was excited and my head was racing, I am so in love with this man, and so threatened by another beautiful woman, but I am so incredibly turned on at this exhilarating prospect of a cuckquean experience. Excited, I continued cooking, making dinner for two but I knew I was not going to be eating, except for scraps.

When I heard the doorbell, I was still dressed in my yoga pants and tank top. I didn't change because usually Ethan will tell me if he wants me to be naked, or in lingerie, or in a collar, when he comes home. But it seems today he was having a good time, he was too busy to tell me. Or he forgot. I was too horny to be jealous or threatened, and I knew he loved me so I wasn't really worried. I was more nervous, than anything. But now I was definitely thinking: shit, maybe I should have worn something else.

"What happened to your keys, Ethan?" I asked, because he never usually rings the doorbell.

"Don't fucking talk unless I give you permission, bitch." I heard a female voice. Oh, that must be Caitlyn. "Just kidding, Hi, you must be the wife. I'm Caitlyn."

"Hi" I said, shyly. Ethan follows her in the door with a twelve-pack. "So I see you girls met. I went to grab beer. We're out of beer." He comes over and pecks my cheek. Then he grabs my hair and throws me on the floor. "That's where you're going to be while we eat dinner. Which is where?"

"On the stovetop," I tell him, still laying on the floor like the pathetic cuckquean wife that I am.

They walk into the kitchen together, obviously drunk. Ethan plates her food and feeds her a bite of it. They nibble at the food then came back to where I was. Ethan puts his shoe in my face. "Lick it, show her how much of a cuckquean you are." I lick his shoe. I am turning red from the humiliation but my cunt is dripping. Caitlyn then shoves her heels in my face. "Now lick mine!" she joins in. I am so humiliated but I am loving it. I lick her shoes, then kiss her feet. She giggles. She's loving it too, I think.

"Fluff her" Ethan orders. I get on my knees, take Caitlyn's panties off. I gently rub my fingers on her clit while she moans and grins at Ethan. He definitely briefed her on my fetish during their hangout, or she was just also kinky. Either way, I was incredibly exhilarated by this experience. Ethan interjects: "With your mouth, dumb slut." I put my mouth on Caitlyn's clit and lick around it. I gently suck on her labia. I made out with her cunt while my husband watches. "Enough" He throws me back on the floor.

"Go play with your cunt on the couch while I fuck Caitlyn. Don't cum. No penetration with fingers. We want to be able to play with you after we're done so you are absolutely not allowed to cum." Ethan orders.

Then he picks Caitlyn up and carries her to the bedroom while I am rubbing my clit furiously on the couch feeling both envious and horny at the same time. I am so close to cumming that I have to slow down. I start circling my labia and rubbing up and down my wet, slippery slit.

I can hear moaning from the bedroom. I am about to explode but I pace myself. I can hear Caitlyn screaming "Fuck, yeah! FUCK. Ethan, fuck me hard." And Ethan groaning. Ethan groaning some more. And grunting loudly. I am so turned on and so close to cumming I have to take breaks from touching my horny cunt.

After what seems like ages, Ethan walks out of the bedroom. Caitlyn follows, wearing his t-shirt and nothing else. "Clean up time!" Ethan grins. I walk over on my hands and knees and put my mouth on Caitlyn's dripping wet pussy, which also smells like my husband's cum. I am so incredibly turned on, I lap hungrily at her sex eating Ethan's spunk out of her freshly fucked cunt. I want to touch myself so bad while I do it, so I start to move my one hand towards my horny clit.

"Don't touch yourself yet," Ethan commands. "Finish what you are doing, then go stand in the middle of the room." I lap of what is left of Ethan's cum out of her and wipe my mouth. I am dripping down my legs because of how horny and deprived I am. Caitlyn notices and starts laughing. "Oh my god, Ethan, your wife is so horny! Have you not been fucking her since I started texting you?"

"No, I haven't let her cum." Ethan smirks. He comes over to where I was standing and rests his index finger on my clit. "Look at this engorged clit" Ethan states. Caitlyn walks over. "Wow, it is such a horny looking clit. Damn. This is funny, Ethan. Can we not allow her to cum ever?" Caitlyn says, sadistically, and laughs. I am so humiliated to be talked about in third person that my clit starts to throb. They both see this and laugh loudly. Caitlyn begins to poke at my horny cunt to humiliate me further. I am guessing that Ethan prepped her over drinks about what I am into. He did a really good job. At this point, all I could think about was being able to cum. I was making me so horny to be treated like a submissive humiliated wife.

"Does my sub wife want to cum?" Ethan asks endearingly, then he puts his tongue in my mouth. He tasted like a woman's cunt. It made me even hornier.

"Yes please sir." I say, shuddering from being so deprived and in need of release.

"Thank me for fucking your husband, slut." Caitlyn interrupts.

"Thank you, Caitly, for fucking my husband and making him feel good in ways that I can't." I say, humiliated and horny, and loving her degrading me like this.

"Call me an uber so I can go back to my hotel. Pay for it, too. Then you can cum. Got it?" Caitlyn states, degradingly.

"Yes, ma'am." I stutter. I called an uber for my phone for the hotel she is at downtown.

"Oh before I leave, here is a present for you for cooking me dinner." She takes off her drenched panties and shoved it in my mouth. It was wet from her juices and the smell, and her treatment of me, made my crotch throb even more. "Okay, leaving now." She walks over to Ethan and kisses him passionately before heading out the door. Ethan walks her to the elevator then walks back and locks the apartment door. I stand in the middle of the room, with cunt juice dripping down my legs and a red, raw, horny pussy. I have another woman's panties in my mouth, the woman that my loving husband just fucked.

"How should I let my wife cum tonight?" Ethan asked, reciprocally. He circles his fingers around my nipples, making them erect as fuck.

"Should I humiliate you..." His voice trails off as he sucks my left nipple. Then moves on to my right. "Or should I gently stimulate you...since you were such a good sub wife cooking me dinner and cleaning the apartment." He really didn't want an answer. He just wanted me to know that he is controlling me.

"Go put your face on the floor, slut." He commanded.

I complied. My face touched the floor and I lay face down with my clit so engorged I can feel it stimulated while touching the cold, hard floor.

Ethan walked over and circled me. The suspense was making me excited.

"Hump the floor, slut." I start humping the floor because I am so incredibly horny. He brings over a pillow from the bedroom. "Now hump this pillow." He laughs, knowing it turns me on to be degraded like a stupid slut.

I hump the pillow on the floor as my husband watches. He has been satisfied by another woman, so he just wants to play humiliation games with me now.

"My little princess slut wife. My cuckquean. You can cum by humping the pillow that Caitlyn and I fucked on. Her face was in that pillow while I was fucking her. In 10 seconds." He starts counting down "10....9....8....7...."

I am so horny from being deprived of cumming in the past 7 days, and from my humiliation treatment today that I start cumming immediately "I AM CUMMING!!!" I yell, as my pussy starts spurting out cum juice, with my mouth stuffed with Caitlyn's dirty panties so it sounds like: "mmmffffffmmmmmffffffff mmmfffmmfmmfff!!!!!"

I can hear Ethan's loving laughter as he humiliates me to the point of cumming knowing that he is my loving husband who will do anything to satisfy my humiliation and cuckquean fetish.

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Wet_OrchidWet_Orchidabout 2 months ago

LOVE It! So jealous of the wife!!! Great story.

Claudia69Claudia696 months ago

Good Story, It made me horny!!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Just stupid.

SeekingcontrolSeekingcontrol8 months ago

what a great story

SeekingcontrolSeekingcontrol8 months ago

WOW really great story.

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