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The Daddy Swap


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"What were you hoping for, anyway?" Chloe asked Randy as they swam in the amazingly clear water.

"Oh I dunno, a bit of skinny-dipping, maybe," he replied with a smirk.

"Typical," Chloe laughed, "Of course I totally would have gone along with it, but even just topless might be seen as a bit outrageous and frowned upon here."

"I'm sure Alissa could get away with it," Randy suggested.

"What?" Alissa spluttered in shock.

"Well you know, 'cause you don't really have any tits, so it wouldn't be that obvious."

"Tell me that didn't just come out of your mouth!" Chloe shouted in outrage, as Alissa just stared in wounded shock.

"What?" Randy asked, clearly oblivious to the impact of what he'd just said.

"Dude, that is so fucking un-cool!" John declared. Alissa turned and swam away from them back toward the point where they'd entered the water. Chloe followed her, leaving John to deal with his friend.

"Are you okay, Ali?" Chloe asked when she caught up to her friend at the water's edge.

"Yeah I guess, it's not like the first time someone has made that observation."

"Yeah, but that doesn't make him any less of a dickhead for having said it," Chloe consoled her.

"Well, so long as I don't have to talk to him for the rest of the day, I couldn't care less," Alissa stated. Chloe knew that wasn't entirely true, though. She knew Alissa was sensitive about the size of her breasts and had seen her in a funk for days when someone had said something similar.

"I can't believe he didn't even realise what he was saying might offend you. That's one dude who's not getting any farewell sex!"

"Yeah, at least he's leaving the resort tomorrow," Alissa agreed.

"But hey, John clearly knew his friend was an ass, so that's good, right?"

"He's pretty damned special, I have to say. Pity he lives on the other side of the world."

"I'm sure you can get him to ditch Randy when we get back, and the two of you can have some fun together," Chloe suggested.

"I'll see how I go and whether I actually feel up to it or not."

"Don't let one dick ruin a good thing Ali, celebrate with the good dick, I say!" It was enough to bring a smile to Alissa's face and Chloe was happy that maybe it would be enough to see her friend not descend into the doldrums.

John managed to drag Randy over to apologise, but it was clear that he'd had to have the transgression explained to him, which made the apology feel a little hollow to Alissa. She just couldn't accept ignorance that his words were a blatant insult as a defence. She sat with Chloe all the way back, segregated from the guys by a couple of seats.

"Am I going to see you for happy hour?" John asked tentatively when they got off the bus back at the hotel, Randy having already made an exit, given that Chloe had made it clear that being so hurtful to her friend was enough to douse any hope of fun with her for the rest of his trip.

"Yeah, if you can keep Randy away I'd love to see you there," she replied.

"I'll lock him in the room or something," John suggested. "I really can't believe he was that stupid! I'm sorry again."

"No you don't need to be sorry, thank you for understanding and sticking up for me," Alissa said, before giving him a long kiss of thanks. I'm going to have a quick shower and clean up, how about we meet up again at the bar in half an hour?"

"Sounds fantastic! I'll see you there," John replied, giving Alissa another kiss before heading off in the direction of his room.

Chloe, who had stood nearby waiting, took Alissa by the arm and accompanied her back to their suite.

"Pity you said half an hour," Chloe half-complained. "That's not enough time for me to talk you into letting me take advantage of you."

"Poor you," Alissa laughed. "Are you going to shower as well? Should I use the bathroom in my Dad's room so you can have this one?"

"I can see you're not really in the mood to share and I understand why, so how about you take this one and I'll take one of the others?" Chloe replied.

"Thanks honey, you're a doll," Alissa replied to her friend. She rummaged through her clothes and pulled out some fresh underwear and a romper to put on afterward. Chloe left her to it and she didn't think any more of it as she set about getting cleaned up.

Chloe left their room and went into Travis' room. She could have used her father's shower, but she was feeling naughty and there was something about showering in the same space that Alissa's Dad used that turned her on. She stood under the flow of water, savouring the fact that Travis had been naked in there earlier in the day. It was only a matter of moments before the hand-held spout was aimed at her pussy, stimulating her body just as her imagination did her mind. She recalled the moment when she had sucked on Travis' cock to leave the lipstick on it, surprised at how much it still turned her on. She pulled hard at her nipple, teasing it and tweaking it as the flow of water jetted against her clit, taking her to a lovely, quick orgasm.

As she recovered and dried herself, she had an idea. She quickly dressed, choosing a scandalously short skirt, a bright pink thong and a loose, almost see-through top that she pulled on over a black lacy bra. She sauntered out to find Alissa sitting on the couch with the television on.

"Wait, you used my Dad's shower?" her friend asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it seemed naughtier," Chloe replied. She kept walking past the couch and into their room so she could access her makeup. After applying a bit of light makeup, she decided to pull out the bright red lipstick she'd worn when she'd sucked her Uncle Travis and put it on, squishing her legs together as the memory of sucking him was revived.

"Ready?" she called to Alissa as she popped the lipstick back in her makeup case.

"Yep, let's go," Alissa called readily.

They headed down to the bar area and found John sitting with their fathers along with two women.

"Here they are now," Max called out with a beaming smile as he saw the two girls approaching.

"Chloe, I'd like you to meet Rachel And Amanda," her father said. "Ladies, this is my daughter Chloe."

"Nice to meet you Chloe," Rachel and Amanda both said in warm American accents, extending their hands. Chloe took each as it was offered and smiled, replying that she was happy to have made the women's acquaintances, even though in truth she was less than thrilled to be sharing time with strangers when she'd thought she'd only have John to worry about as an add-on.

"And this is my daughter, Alissa," Travis introduced.

Alissa also took the proffered hands as she appraised the women sitting at the bar. She thought they looked probably in their late twenties or early thirties, so older than the two teenagers, but still significantly younger than their mothers would have been by then (and that their fathers actually were). They were both blonde and busty, though neither of their hair colours looked natural.

Alissa sat down while John went to the bar to fetch drinks for everyone and Alissa listened without committing to the conversation. It quickly became clear that Chloe had decided not to like the women from the outset, but she gave them a chance. After all, she and Chloe had been the ones to tell their fathers that they should play up their accents and find some fun! Apparently both their dads had taken up the idea, and Alissa rolled her eyes with Chloe a couple of times as they dragged out old Aussie sayings that neither of them usually used and accentuated an Aussie drawl that had them sounding like a couple of layabouts from the bush rather than the city-dwellers they actually were

Rachel in particular was lapping it up and was clearly a couple of drinks ahead of the girls. She was flirting shamelessly with Max and he was responding in kind.

John returned, and Alissa devoted most of her attention to him and only kept half an eye on what else was going on. She agreed to have dinner alone with John and could tell Chloe was disappointed. A hurried, hushed conversation as she and John were leaving let her know that although Chloe was disappointed to be abandoned to the two dads and their new friend though she was supportive and understood Alissa wishing to have an intimate dinner with John.

Chloe watched her friend leave and quickly downed her cocktail before heading to the bar for another. She knew it was rude not to ask if anyone else wanted anything, but she was feeling miffed and didn't bother. While she waited for Henry to mix the drink, Alissa's father came to stand next to her.

"G'day Henry, I'll have two mojitos and a couple of rum and cokes when you get a chance, thanks."

"Sure thing mon," Henry replied.

"You're looking particularly gorgeous today, Chloe," Travis complimented her.

"Thanks, Uncle Trav. Just how many of those rums have you had today?"

"Not enough yet," he joked.

"Enough to be dashing at least," Chloe replied, dropping her fingers onto his forearm and letting them linger there.

"Dashing you think? That's a new one for me."

"Or at least bombed out enough to throw around the sort of things a girl wants to hear," Chloe said, leaning into him a little and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Henry delivered her drink and she picked it up from the bar and took a sip, looking up at his face.

"Oops, must be one of my cheap lipsticks, I've marked you," she said, wiping it off his cheek and showing him the red on her finger. "Can't have you going back to flirt with Amanda looking like you've just been picked up at the bar!"

Travis watched her saunter away, sipping at her drink, her swaying hips setting the tiny, flirty little skirt swinging so that he was shown just the barest hint of the curve of her butt. He thought about the lipstick comment, his mind dragged back to the incident the day after their bender when he and Max had woken wearing lipstick on their lips and on their dicks. They'd kind of let it drop, neither of them really wanting to bring up and discuss the issue, but Travis remembered the colour he'd found on his cock. If it wasn't the same shade that Chloe was wearing now, it was damned close. Henry delivered the drinks and he dropped the thought while carrying them back to his companions. He found himself distracted upon his return: Chloe suddenly seemed to be competing for his attention. It was extremely distracting, especially because the setting sun was behind her and when she turned side on, the sheer blouse displayed a well-defined silhouette of her large, firm, perfect teenage breasts. And when she wasn't side on, she kept parting her legs. Once he'd caught his first glimpse of her bright pink underwear, any further movement promising to part her thighs drew his eyes straight back to where he might get another glimpse.

It seemed that Amanda had also noticed his distraction, as she seemed to go out of her way to be extra friendly to him and whenever possible, to upstage Chloe, although never going so far as to be obviously rude to her. Travis wasn't sure whether to lap up the attention from two women or to discourage Chloe from whatever it was she thought she was doing. The reality was that he couldn't help but enjoy what she was showing off, but at the same time he was trying to maintain sufficient attention on Amanda so she wouldn't feel like he was blowing her off.

They all went to dinner together and by the time it was done, Travis had lost his attempted conquest. It was clear that Max and Rachel were getting along famously and they decided to hit the nightclub, but Amanda told them she'd be heading back to her room, claiming she'd had more to drink than she'd realised.

Chloe practically beamed at the announcement. When Travis said forlornly that he might head to bed too, Chloe grabbed him by the arm, her breasts crushed against him.

"Oh come on, don't be boring," she pleaded. "Come and dance with me Uncle Trav, it'll be fun!"

"But maybe your Dad needs some time alone," Travis suggested.

"Well in that case we could go back to the bar, or walk along the beach, or just find another corner of the dance floor," Chloe suggested.

Travis gave in and replied, "Let's go with another corner of the dance floor for now," wondering why his 'niece' was being so flirty.

They all walked through to the resort's nightclub and hit the dance floor, Travis leading Chloe to a spot where they wouldn't intrude on his mate's fun. He didn't realise at first that it would also hide the way that Chloe had decided to dance with him, which he could only think of as inappropriate and sexual, but that he couldn't bring himself to forbid.

"So what happened to Randy?" Travis asked as they stopped at one point for a drink. "Not that I'm not enjoying your company."

"Turned out he was a bit of a dickhead," Chloe replied.

"And John?"

"No, he's awesome, no worries there," she assured him.

"Glad to hear that, even if I don't want to think about what might be happening," Travis laughed. "It's not easy letting your little girl grow up, you know."

"Oh I get it," Chloe laughed. "I mean, it's amazing Dad didn't complain tonight that my skirt is too short and my top too see-through. It's taken some battles, I assure you."

Travis couldn't help but glance down at the legs of the girl sitting next to him and then at her breasts as she shared her thoughts about her deliberately revealing clothes.

"I mean you should have heard how he went on the first time he found a thong in the laundry hamper," Chloe laughed. As she did so, she leaned in toward Travis, resting a hand on his thigh. It slid up toward his hip almost too far before stroking back down as she sat up again. She didn't remove it. Travis was conscious of that little pad of heat it created between them, and of the bulge growing in his pants.

"I remember that," Travis laughed. "He told me about it. I laughed at his fret until I found one in our hamper a week later."

Chloe laughed again, her hand sliding up Travis' leg again, but this time slipping in under his shorts instead of on top. "I talked her into buying it so I wouldn't be the only one copping grief at home."

"Ooh, that's harsh," Travis said.

"Makeup was a battle too," Chloe reminisced. "I think Dad called me a hussy the first time I wore this red lipstick."

"Well, it certainly makes a statement," Travis replied.

"So does my hot pink one," Chloe purred. "But that one looks better on Alissa than it does on me."

Travis swallowed, the lipstick conversation bringing thoughts back to his mind that he'd buried on the basis that he was probably better off not knowing.

"I haven't noticed you wearing much lipstick this holiday to be honest, but then I don't take that much notice of these things anyway."

"You're right though, I haven't really, just when the occasion called for it." Travis felt her hand squeeze his thigh gently and he desperately wished there was a way he could adjust his cock without being obvious.

"How about another dance?" he suggested, thinking that perhaps the dance floor was safer than the direction the conversation was going.

The first time she managed to turn and grind her butt up against his cock he knew he'd been wrong. He wasn't safe at all!

"Is that for me?" she cooed in his ear at one point, her hand sliding over his cock.

"Chloe!" he hissed in shock.

"Yes?" she replied innocently.

"You can't be doing that!"

"Why not? We're both adults, we're both single, so why can't we?"

"Because you're like a daughter to me and the daughter of my best mate!"

"Well it's not like I'm about to call you Daddy... unless that's the sort of thing that turns you on, of course."

"I really think I need to get to bed," Travis replied, trying to ignore the question and all that it implied.

"If you insist, then," Chloe said with a sigh that seemed to indicate to Travis she'd grudgingly accepted this evening wasn't going to go where she seemed to want it to.

Travis led the way from the nightclub, passing by Max and Rachel to let them know they were calling it a night. From the way they were all over each other, Travis fully expected to see something hanging on Max's door handle in the morning. He was a little jealous as he dwelled on the fact that had Chloe not scared off Amanda, he may well have been headed for some action as well. It had been a while.

As soon as they were inside the suite, Travis said goodnight to Chloe and headed for his room. With a sigh he stripped out of his clothes and decided to take a shower before hitting the sack. Once under the water, he nearly died of shock when the door to the bathroom opened and Chloe stepped in, completely naked. There was no door to the shower as such, just a half screen that separated it from the rest of the bathroom.

"Chloe!' He exclaimed, his hands quickly covering his man-bits.

"Don't hide that gorgeous thing,' Chloe rebuked him casually, pulling her blonde hair back so she could put it up. Travis couldn't help but notice the way her upraised arms lifted her breasts up and thrust them out toward him. That and the fact that she was shaved bare. He felt his cock rising at the sight despite any wish that it wouldn't.

"Chloe, you can't be in here," he told her.

"Oh shush, there are panties hanging on the door to my room, which means Alissa probably has a mouth or pussy full of cock and I'm pretty sure Dad's going to be in his room with Rachel soon, which means we'll be the only ones missing out. And we don't have to be!"

"Chloe, it's just not right," Travis protested, "And thanks for throwing such images of my daughter up! I don't need to think about that even if it's true." Chloe hadn't stopped advancing on him though and was within touching distance. She reached for his hands and tried to prise them apart and away from his cock. He held onto himself desperately.

"Oh come on Uncle Trav, I already sucked it once, you know."

"What?!" he exclaimed, caught completely off-guard. Chloe released his hands, giving up on getting to him that way and instead she wrapped her arms around him and he felt her amazing tits crushed against his arms.

"That red lipstick came off my lips, Uncle Trav. I smeared it all over them, then I sucked your limp cock into my mouth until it was nice and hard. Then I made sure the lipstick was really obvious. Then I put it on my Dad's lips as a joke so you'd think maybe he'd been the one who did it. So given I've already sucked you, wouldn't you rather be able to remember the experience?"

"You're not serious," he replied. Chloe just squatted down and looked up at him, her mouth parted seductively.

"Please Uncle Trav, I really want to suck you," she said, tugging gently at his hands. Travis stared down at her, conscious of just how hard he was behind his hands. Had she really done what she said? Surely she'd have just drawn it on if she'd actually been there. He felt himself wavering. Her hands touched his again, this time gently pulling them away from his tool, not trying to force him but insistently coaxing. He gave way, his hard cock springing out in front of him.

"Mmm, that looks so good," Chloe purred. She ran a finger along it from base to tip, lifting it up against his stomach. It twitched at the contact, the excitement of the moment combining with her touch to stimulate him. He found he was holding his breath as her hand wrapped around him and her lips, still adorned with the bright red lipstick closed over the head of his cock.

"Oh fuck!" he moaned as she sucked him deep into her mouth. He watched her pull back slowly and then suck him back in again, her red lips slipping down his shaft. She pulled up, then slid down again. Then she seemed to suck a breath in around him, swallow, and then grasping her hands on the back of his thighs, she pushed her mouth way down his cock until her nose almost touched his belly and he felt his cock slip into her throat. She held herself there for a few moments, then with a deep gasp of air, pulled back and off, saliva stringing between her mouth and his cock.

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