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The Daddy Swap


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"Now I feel like a freak," Alissa told her.

"Come to bed with me then. I'll get you even freakier."

"You already did that to me today, remember?" Alissa laughed.

"Plenty of time to do it again. I'm fucking horny," Chloe complained.

"Sorry honey, I really need to sleep," Alissa told her friend.

Sleep was a while coming, though. All Alissa could think about was how big her Uncle Max's cock was and how it had felt in her hand and mouth. She wondered how much it would stretch her pussy if she could get it in there. Then she worried about how much of a freak that made her, lying there fantasising about fucking her best friend's dad. Eventually alcohol and lack of sleep claimed her and she dozed off.


"Fuck, I think I'm gonna die," Travis muttered to himself as he stirred awake and pain lanced through his head from the daylight flooding the room and he shut his eyes against the vicious assault. He sat up, his stomach lurching with the movement, and threw back the covers, heading for the bathroom to relieve himself. He barely cracked his eyes and simply aimed and released, one hand braced against the wall over the toilet to steady his balance. He stumbled back into the room and only as he went to get back in bed realised that Max was lying there as well, almost all of his body exposed by the thrown-back sheet. Confused, he looked around the room, trying to determine which one of them had ended up in the wrong room. He spied his luggage and shook his head.

"Bloody idiot," he muttered. He glanced at Max again, wondering whether to wake him and send him back to his room, or whether to just pass out again. That was when he noticed the lipstick on his friend. What the fuck? he thought to himself and tried to scrabble pieces of the previous day together in his mind. There was nothing there that would have resulted in lipstick being applied to Max. He rubbed a hand across his own lips and was shocked to see bright pink on his skin. He slowly levered himself to his feet again and zombie-walked to the bathroom. He peered into the mirror and sure enough, he was wearing lipstick. He grabbed some tissues and scrubbed it off, none the wiser as to how it got there.

He turned on the water and bent his head to try and get some life-saving hydration into his body, which got his blood pumping but sent pain shooting through his head. He returned to the bed and propped some soft pillows up against the headboard. He sank to the bed and lay back against them, trying to achieve a balance between lying down and sitting up that would allow him some further sleep. The lipstick puzzled him for a moment longer, but he was soon out cold again.


A while later Max came awake, also with a desperate need to relieve his bladder and a sick feeling in his gut. He stumbled from the bed, eyes mostly closed against the intrusive light, and into the bathroom, unknowingly assuming the same position to pee that his mate had used an hour earlier. He stood there for some time, his right hand keeping his flow aimed at the toilet bowl. As he gave himself a shake to finish, he noticed an odd colouration on his cock. He rubbed at it and noticed that his finger came away pink. Looking closer, he thought it could be lipstick. He flushed and headed back to the bedroom, curious as to whom he might find there. Is there a woman in my bed? Trying to sift through his memories of the night before was like trying to catch water in a sieve: it simply wasn't happening. He went back to the room and looked at the side of the bed that he'd walked past to get to the bathroom without paying any attention to who was in it.

"Huh?" he said aloud as he gradually comprehended that Travis was lying there, mouth agape and snoring loudly. There were signs of a bright pink shade of lipstick having been poorly wiped from his lips that really sent his head into a spin. He was standing there naked, there was lipstick on his cock and the same shade seemed to have been all over his best mate's lips.

"Dude, what the fuck happened?" he said loudly, not really thinking about whether Travis was conscious or not. "Dude!' he said louder, almost shouting. Travis started to stir. Max stood irately at the end of the bed.

"Whoa, what the fuck man? You're still in my room? And you're naked too?"

"Wait, what do you mean too?" Max asked.

"Fuck, what time is it?" Travis asked rhetorically before looking at his watch. "Shit man, I woke up about an hour ago and went for a piss and you were like in my bed. With lipstick on, no less. And I had some on too."

"Yeah, well not only is it on your lips, but that same fucking shade is on my cock, man! What do you remember from last night?"

"Wait, what? On your cock?" Travis asked. He threw back the covers and Max realised that he too was naked. Travis looked down and found that he too had lipstick on his cock. And it matched the shade on his mate's lips!

Max watched as Travis wiped bright red lipstick from his dick. "We didn't, right?"

"Couldn't have. Love you like a brother, but there's no way I sucked that dick," Max said.

"Some epic level fucking prank? Dude, the last thing I remember is toasting the girls down by the pool and then ordering more rum."

"We did quite a lot of that I think," Max replied. "I sure as fuck have no recollection of how we got back to the rooms though. "First, I'm going to my room though, then, more sleep. Then, when I feel maybe human some clue might come to me. "

"Sounds like a plan. If I'm not out of bed by two, wake me up."

Max just waved his assent as he left the bedroom.

"Oh hey, Daddy," Chloe greeted from the couch, scaring the bejeezus out of him.

"Fuck! Shit, Chloe, you scared the hell out of me," he exclaimed, hurriedly trying to cover his nudity and dash to the bedroom. Chloe just laughed at him. He was so distracted by his urgency to hide himself that he didn't register her complete lack of surprise at seeing him naked.


Alissa woke slowly, her head heavy and her stomach delicate. She registered that Chloe wasn't in bed and made her way to the bathroom. Happy to find it empty, she hopped in the shower. Once the water was at the right temperature, she took the hand-held nozzle and sat on the tiles, holding it so the water flooded through her long red hair and down over her body. She idly pondered the events of the previous day, starting with letting Chloe eat her pussy and ending with thoughts of Uncle Max's cock in her mouth. As cautiously as possible since she felt so iffy, she shifted the showerhead and aimed the nozzle's spray at her pussy. If nothing else, increasing the level of her pleasure might take her mind off how delicate her stomach felt. Feeling no gastric ill effects, she increased the water flow and began getting herself off.

The better the spray felt between her legs, the more she thought about the size and feel of Max's cock. She could scarcely believe she'd really sucked it. What surprised her even more though, was how much she was thinking she'd like to do it again.

Ten minutes later she came, squirting only a little, figuring dehydration was definitely playing a part.

When she emerged from the bedroom, dressed in a navy blue, conservative bikini under a simple sundress, she found Chloe curled up on the couch watching television with the sound considerately low.

"Hey there sleepy-head," Chloe said happily when she spied her friend emerging.

"Hey, do you feel as delicate as I do?"

"Yep, dry toast for breakfast, I think," Chloe replied. "I saw my Dad leave your Dad's room."

"Oh shit, really? Did he say anything?"

"Nope. I think he was too busy getting over the fact that he was naked in front of his daughter to worry about that. There were a lot of 'What the fucks' coming from your Dad's room before he left, though."

"Oh God, what must they be thinking?" Alissa laughed.

"Dunno, but I think we should go have brekky and leave them guessing," Chloe suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Alissa agreed.

The two girls abandoned their fathers to ponder what might have happened and headed down to the restaurant for breakfast, where they shared a very casual and slow start to the da before heading back to the suite.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Alissa asked as she pulled a sundress on over her green bikini.

"Shopping?" Chloe suggested.

"Naah, I really don't think I have the energy for that."

"No idea then; maybe we should just laze by the pool."

"Yeah, I think that's probably about the right level of activity for me," Alissa replied. "I mean, I doubt our dads are about to get up to anything."

"Haha, that's true!"

After breakfast, the girls returned to the room to grab sunscreen, books and music and then went down to the pool where they laid out to bask in the Jamaican sun. It was near lunchtime when Randy and John found them.

"Hey, what's up sleepy-heads?" Randy asked as they approached.

"Only our consumption rate of aspirin," Alissa moaned.

"Well, can we buy you lunch?" John offered.

"Not that you'd have to pay," Chloe chuckled. "We only had breakfast like half an hour ago, but I might be able to stomach something a little more substantial by now," Chloe suggested.

"I'm happy to look at food, not so sure about eating any," Alissa commented. The girls grabbed their things and abandoned the umbrella that had been shading them and headed for the restaurant.

"So, big drinking night in the end?" John asked Alissa.

"Sure was. And if you think we're moving slow, our dads haven't even surfaced yet. I suspect they might describe their hangovers with terms like 'epic' or 'catastrophic'. We haven't even seen them yet."

The foursome enjoyed lunch together, the girls even managing to nibble a few things.

"Fancy a sunset horse-back ride along the beach?" John asked Alissa as they sat and enjoyed some ice water after their meal.

"Oh, that sounds awesome! I didn't even know you could do that."

"My treat," John offered.

"Well, now it's doubly awesome, thank you so much."

"How about it Chloe, up for some riding?" Randy asked.

"Sure, I'll even ride a horse if you like." Alissa rolled her eyes at her friend, but Randy laughed like it was the funniest thing anyone had ever said.

"So what are your plans between now and then?" Randy asked Chloe.

"More relaxing by the pool with a book, I think. Recovery, I believe it's called."

"I could give you a massage?" Randy suggested.

"I could be tempted by that," Chloe replied with a smile.

They all left the restaurant together and took up residence beside the pool. The girls let the guys put sunscreen on them and then returned the favour.

"You just let me know when you're ready for that massage and we can go to our room," Randy said quietly to Chloe.

*Cough* "Massage!" *Cough*. John teased his friend.

Alissa just smiled along with Chloe.

After all of fifteen minutes, Chloe rolled onto her stomach and pulled her bikini up the crack of her ass like a thong, using tan lines as an excuse. She only lasted ten minutes like that before telling Randy she was suddenly feeling the need to be massaged. The two of them quickly disappeared.

"She seems keen," John said with a smile after they'd left.

"Let's just say a boy named Randy is likely fate's joke on her," Alissa replied. "How about a walk along the beach?"

"I'd love that," John replied. They wandered down to the ocean and strolled along the beach hand in hand, talking of futures and nothing, of likes and loves and dreams. They left their footprints behind them until they turned around and retraced them back to the resort.

"Think they'll be finished with your room by now?" Alissa asked John. "I seem to remember someone being very gallánt yesterday and I think he deserves a reward."

"We can at the very least go check, even if I wouldn't have called myself gallant."

"Who said I was talking about you?" Alissa teased, but followed him to the room. John swiped open the door and they found it indeed vacant. It was also tiny compared to the size of the suite Alissa was staying in. It had the essentials: two queen sized beds, a bathroom, a fridge and a television, but not a lot else. One bed had clearly been used recently, while the other was freshly made.

"I'm hoping that one is yours," Alissa said, pointing to the latter.

"Yes, it is."

Alissa stepped in and kissed John, tilting her head back as he bent his down to meet her. She kicked off her flip flops and John pulled her to the bed, where they fell together in a tangle of arms and legs.

At first Alissa was content simply to enjoy John's masterful kissing, but when his hands started to wander over her body, she didn't stop him, especially pleased that despite her small breasts he sought them out. Too often with boys, they ignored her breasts as if their lack of size meant they couldn't be stimulated. That was always an instant mood-killer for her.

"Let me take this off," Alissa purred, rolling away from John to stand beside the bed. She dropped her sundress to the floor and then returned to the bed wearing just her bikini.

"I have to say, that bikini looks amazing on you," John told her as she scooted closer to him again.

"Why thank you," she replied. "I think you should take your shirt off too though, don't you? John just grinned and rolled around on the bed a bit as he dragged his t-shirt up and over his head. Alissa ran her fingers over his chest before trailing them down over his stomach toward his board shorts. John followed her lead and ran his fingers along the line of her bikini before sliding one of the triangle cups aside to expose a breast. Her nipple was stiff with her excitement and she longed to have it sucked. But before he made any further move, her hand found him hard in his shorts and grabbed hold of his cock, drawing a moan from him.

John kissed her again, then dropped his head to her exposed breast and began sucking on her right nipple. Alissa moaned eagerly in response, waves of pleasure washing through her chest. She quickly reached behind her back and released the tie holding her bikini top in place and tossed it aside before laying on her back. John rolled with her, his mouth switching from her right nipple to her left while he teased the recently-pleasured nipple with his fingers.

"You have such lovely nipples, Alissa. So suckable!"

Alissa almost melted at the compliment. She could feel his hard-on pressed against her thigh and couldn't help but think that it was being wasted there. She allowed John to continue to suck her tits for a couple of minutes before pushing him back so he was lying on his back. She climbed on top of him and kissed him, her unbound long red hair falling all about them. She ground her pussy down on his erection before gradually scooting back as she worked her face down toward it with a series of licks and kisses.

When she reached the waistband of his board shorts, she attacked the tie with her fingers and dragged them off. She let them fall to the carpet at the foot of the bed and quickly moved back between his legs. She stood his cock up with her hand, loving how hard it was. She pulled down on it so that the uncut foreskin revealed the head of his cock and then she dropped her mouth over it and sucked at it. John gave a pleasured moan in response. As she took him deep in her mouth she remembered the night before; she remembered having her best friend's dad's massive cock in her mouth. She shook the memory from her mind.

Alissa took her time sucking him. Up and down she worked, occasionally stopping to run her tongue around him or along his length. She held the base with one hand, stroking gently at certain times and more aggressively at others.

She could feel him thrusting at her as she built the pleasure. When she'd first offered to 'make it up to him' a head job had been as far as she was considering going, but in the moment she wanted more. She kissed her way back up his body before rolling off him and onto the bed. He groaned in disappointment until he realised that she'd done it so she could pull her bikini bottoms off.

"Damn, you really are a true redhead," he grinned when he spied her little red landing strip.

"No kidding," she laughed. "But it means that tanning for me is like a slightly darker shade of pale.

"White is still sexy," John told her.

"Until you're hanging out next to a big-titted, bronzed, blonde goddess-like Chloe."

"Not everyone thinks airbags are sexy," John told her.

She gave him a grin and went to mount him, but John took control and moved on top of her.

"This is okay, right?" he asked as his cock nudged against her slick pussy lips.

"Most definitely," Alissa replied as she felt his cock slide inside her. She lost herself in the sensations of sex as John slowly fucked her. It wasn't overwhelming or particularly brilliant, but it was fun and it felt good. She met his thrusts and moaned happily when he thrust in just the right ways to really turn her on.

Once again, her mind threw up the memory of how big her Uncle Max's cock was and how much sucking it had turned her on in ways she hadn't expected.

"Let me roll over," she groaned, pushing against John's chest. John's cock slipped from her pussy and she rolled onto her stomach. "Fuck me hard, John."

She spread her legs to give him access and John moved in behind her, driving his cock back into her pussy, his thrusts pushing her into the mattress. Even though it felt good and it was turning her on, all Alissa could think about was how much bigger it would feel if it were Uncle Max.

Minutes later, John announced he was going to cum and Alissa demanded that he let her suck it from him. He pulled out of her pussy and she flipped over and took his cock in her mouth, sucking her juices off of him. John thrust and with an elated cry, exploded in her mouth. Alissa swallowed his entire load hungrily.

"Damn, that was awesome," John said quietly as he lay panting on the bed, recovering.

"Uh huh," Alissa agreed, her body satisfied, but her mind distracted. She started to worry that she'd never get the thought of Max's cock from her mind.

John pulled her close and snuggled with her a while, before Alissa suggested they should check in on her dad and then they could go and find the other two. The pulled their clothes on and John followed Alissa back to her suite. They found Travis and Max on the couch, watching the cricket.

"Have you two even left the room yet?" Alissa quizzed them bemusedly.

"God no," her father answered.

"Only got as far as thinking about it," Max informed her.

"Come on then, you two need to get in the pool. It'll help revive you."

They protested half-heartedly, but it didn't take too much to convince them. They each disappeared to pull on board shorts while John and Alissa waited in the living room. As they emerged, Alissa couldn't help but glance toward her Uncle Max's crotch. How have I never noticed that big bulge before? she wondered idly.

They trooped down to the pool where they found Chloe and Randy already laid out on a couple of lounges under an umbrella. They grabbed spots adjacent to them and Alissa commanded the two dads into the water. She pulled off her sundress and joined them, John quietly following suit.

"Better?" she asked once they were soaking together.

"Actually yes," her father replied.

"Good, I'd hate for you to miss too much of the holiday. Oh, by the way, John is taking me horse-back riding along the beach later, but I'll catch up with you after dinner if you'd like."

"You have fun, I'll be fine just hanging here. I think I'm going to have an early night. Just be responsible, okay?"

"Always Dad, always." Travis held his arms out and Alissa happily stepped in and hugged him. He held her close and all she could think of was how safe and content he made her feel.

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