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The Daddy Swap


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"It is indeed mon, that's why there's no Bacardi; that swill isn't made here."

Max looked shocked and Travis laughed at him.

"What's the local rum then?" Travis interjected to rescue his embarrassed mate.

"Appleton, my friend," Henry replied, clearly enjoying himself.

"Let's have two of those with coke then, thanks."

Henry poured the drinks and handed them over.

"Thanks mate, always nice to start off with a foot in the mouth," Max said.

"No problem mon, you're not the first one to make that mistake. I'm Henry; I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot of you both."

Max and Travis introduced themselves and sat at the bar out of the sun for a while, keeping half an eye on the girls, what they were up to and how much they were having to drink.

Late in the afternoon the girls wandered back over to where their fathers were.

"We're going to go shower and get ready for dinner; are you two going to join us or are you planning on keeping Henry employed for the rest of the night?" Chloe asked.

"I think dinner is a fine idea. Then we might keep Henry employed for the rest of the night," Travis answered.

"So which one would you fuck?" Chloe asked as she and Alissa entered the suite and headed for their own bathroom.

"What?" Alissa asked, having not heard the question properly.

"John or Randy. Who would you fuck first?" Chloe asked.

"I'm not about to fuck either of them, we only just met them a couple of hours ago!" Alissa retorted.

"I'm not saying you should," Chloe laughed. "I'm just a bit buzzed, a bit horny and curious as to who you prefer. I mean, John has that nice square jaw and stubble, but Randy looks like the fitter of the two."

"Is that all you think about?" Alissa laughed. "Okay, well since you asked, I think I prefer Randy's body and I like the fact that his hair is lighter. And he has those nice blue eyes."

"Yeah, maybe if John had blue eyes instead of brown. Man, they'd look so hot with his dark hair."

"You want first or second shower?" Alissa asked.

"I think I need first," Chloe all but moaned.

"God, you are horny aren't you?" Alissa laughed.

"Hell yes. I mean I got wet just from putting sunscreen on your bum, let alone from sitting in the sun flirting with those guys and thinking about fucking them."

"I have to admit, your hands on my bum felt really fucking good," Alissa laughed.

Chloe pulled the ties of her bikini and let both halves fall away to the floor of the bathroom and Alissa took the chance to ogle her friend's large breasts as she stepped into the shower.

"You could join me in here, you know," Chloe offered.

"Nah, you're okay, that showerhead is a personal friend of mine and he promised me he'd give you what you need."

"One day you'll say yes," Chloe laughed.

"Probably just to give me a chance to play with your tits again, though," Alissa agreed, thinking back to the time they had kissed each other on a dare to tease some guys at school. Afterward Chloe had wanted to try a bit more with her, but after happily copping a feel of Chloe's tits for a while, Alissa had chickened out from pushing the envelope any further.

"That would be fine by me. I wouldn't mind a chance to play with yours the next time."

"Mine? What's the point ... there's nothing there. I mean I don't even look like I have nipples!"

"Well, I think your nipples are sexy as fuck," Chloe called back from the shower alcove. "I love the way they blend in with your pale little titties and they're so tiny and neat! I'd even call them suckable, miss Shy Girl!"

"Freak!" Alissa mocked her friend as she often did when the conversation turned lewd. All she heard in response was a moan from near the floor of the shower. She shook her head and called out to Chloe that she couldn't believe she was doing it with her just outside. She retreated to the bedroom and left Chloe alone.

Alissa stood in front of the mirror and removed her bikini, surveying her body while envying Chloe her curves. Alissa felt all angles; her hips barely flaring from her narrow waist and her breasts barely sloping from her chest. She lamented the fact that when she lay down it was like they disappeared entirely. She gave her little nipples a squeeze and a tug, happy that they were sensitive at least, even if they were so pale as to be barely distinguishable from the rest of her breasts. 'Ghost nipples,' one of her past boyfriends had called them, although not unkindly. She glanced across the room and noticed the bra her friend had laid out to wear that night. It was black and lacy. She picked it up and held it against her chest, sorrowfully examining the significant empty space between her breasts and the cup of the bra. She checked the tag to note that it was a double D cup. Typical, she sighed, even though she already knew her friend's size. She often joked to Chloe that they were both double cup sizes, but she always wished hers weren't the double A's.

She dropped the bra back where she'd taken it from and flopped back down on the bed to wait for Chloe to finish in the shower.

"All yours," Chloe announced as she walked naked into the room but for the towel around her blonde hair. "Damn, you trying to get me all worked up again, laying out there all bare and gorgeous like that?"

"Huh! Hardly!" Alissa laughed, jumping up off the bed to claim the bathroom.

"That little red landing strip is so fucking sexy, Ali," Chloe moaned teasingly and slapped her friend's butt as she passed her. Alissa just laughed and made her way into the shower. She gave serious thought to using the showerhead as her friend had, but couldn't bring herself to do so when Chloe followed her into the room and resumed talking to her.

When she was finished, both girls dressed in flirty little rompers and made their way out to the living room where they found Max sitting with beer in hand.

"Hey girls," he greeted them with a slight slur to his words. "Guess I should get ready for dinner, too."

"Yep, you and Uncle Trav need to clean your asses up so you'll be fit to be seen in public with your two knockout daughters," Chloe agreed. We'll be at the bar waiting for you. When you make it that far, we'll all go to the restaurant.

"No problem mon," Max slurred in a poor imitation of Henry's laid-back Jamaican accent.


There was no sign of Randy or John at the bar, but by the time Henry had fixed a couple of cocktails for them, another group of American men had joined them to make their acquaintance.

Max and Travis joined them just as they finished their second drinks, and the four of them headed to the restaurant together.

Over the course of their meal they planned out their activities for the following day. The girls said they'd arranged to go snorkelling with Randy and John the following afternoon, and agreed to do a half-day tour with their fathers in the morning.

After dinner they went back to the bar, grabbed some drinks and sat around the pool to watch the sunset.

"I think I'm done for the night," Travis announced at about ten. "If I stay here any longer I might end up hung over in bed all day tomorrow."

"Amen to that," Max agreed. "You girls coming up?"

"Yeah, I think I am," Alissa replied. Chloe hesitated, but after a glance around at who was left, decided to join them.


The following day the four of them went on a tour around the local area before returning to the resort for lunch.

Chloe suggested, "You know, you two should chat up some of the American chicks. They'll dig your accents, you know. And we'll even give you lots of space so we don't cramp your style."

"Yeah, well we'll just see what happens thank you, no need to go pimping out your dads," Max responded with a laugh.

The girls left their fathers at the bar and went up to their room, quickly changed into their bikinis and then strolled down to the pool where they met up with Randy and John.

"Behave," Travis called out to them from the bar as they walked away.

"Of course I will," Alissa smiled at her dad, "But she probably won't!"

Travis laughed at the look on Max's face at the suggestion.


They all went down to the dock together and found that they were the only four people signed up for the afternoon's trip, giving them plenty of room in the boat.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" Chloe shouted enthusiastically as she jumped off the side of the boat that had taken them out to a local reef. Alissa shook her head and took her time, making sure her flippers were fitted correctly before stepping off the side of the boat and dropping into the ocean.

They spent a good hour snorkelling around the reef, admiring the otherworldly environment the myriad of colourful fish called home. It was obvious to Alissa that the boys were spending as much time admiring the girls as they did the fish, several times catching them swimming behind or above both her and Chloe where they would no doubt have a perfect view of their asses or between their legs.

Chloe for one certainly didn't do anything to discourage them and Alissa was happy enough that she didn't make a scene either. It wasn't like the guys were trying to touch them inappropriately or anything.

When they'd had enough snorkelling, the four of them stretched out on the front of the boat, away from the eyes of the operator, who discretely busied himself with stowing their gear. Chloe had suggested that he give them a half hour to just enjoy being on the water and he'd been happy to oblige. Chloe and Alissa lay next to each other and Randy and John took up positions flanking them, Randy next to Chloe and John next to Alissa.

They chatted about nothing in particular and after a while Alissa felt John's fingers brushing over hers. He was a genuinely nice guy and the touch was such that it offered no threat, so Alissa turned her own hand over under his and clasped his fingers slightly, butterflies alighting in her stomach. Although she'd said after the first day that Randy would have been her target, she'd reassessed during the course of the afternoon. Living up to his name, Randy was a little more brash, aggressive and outgoing than John and just seemed more suited to Chloe. As she thought about that, she turned toward Chloe and was surprised to see Randy half leaning over and kissing her friend. She quickly turned back toward John instead. He smiled at her and stroked his fingers up and down her forearm.

What the hell, she thought to herself. She was on holidays and would most likely never see the guy again. What would be wrong with a little fun? She leaned in toward John and he leaned toward her, bringing their lips together gently. Soon they were melded together, their tongues sliding over one another as they experimented with their first kiss. Alissa enjoyed it. He wasn't too forceful, didn't rush; he kissed her tenderly without being demanding and used just the right amount of tongue. He was a good kisser.

By the time they all returned to the dock Chloe and Randy had been all over each other. Alissa was a little more circumspect with John, but they were holding hands and her green bikini bottoms were wet with her excitement. As they'd kissed on the front of the boat, John had had his erection pressed against her thigh. She was pretty sure she'd caught a glimpse of Chloe rubbing her hand on Randy's crotch, but she hadn't been prepared to go that far herself. As they approached the area where they could be seen by her father, she dropped his hand, subtly letting him know she wasn't quite ready for any questions such familiarity may provoke.

"Chloe! Get over here and give ya dad a hug!" A clearly drunk Max called out to his daughter. With a grimace, she went over and let him embrace her. "Geez Dad, how many have you had?"

"Not enough yet!" he boasted loudly.

"Damn straight. Henry needs the work and we're looking after him," Travis joined in.

"God Dad, remember what you told me about the daiquiris catching up to me? I think the rum is already well ahead of you," Alissa said to her father when she realised he was as drunk as Max.

"It's why we're here, remember?" Travis reminded his daughter, laying one finger against his nose like he was letting her in on a big secret.

"I think we should leave them to it and fetch them with a wheelbarrow later," Chloe suggested, stepping away from her father and grabbing Randy's hand.

"Probably a good idea, though God knows what we'll come back to," Alissa agreed. "We might need giant spatulas instead."

"What was that all about?" John asked Alissa as Chloe led them in the direction of their suite.

"I'll tell you when we get upstairs," Alissa told him.

"Nice rooms!' Randy exclaimed when they were led inside. "Damn, look at that view!"

"Shits all over our tiny little room out in the back of the resort," John agreed.

"You haven't seen the bedrooms yet," Chloe told Randy eagerly, dragging him in the direction of her father's room. The door closed behind them and Alissa heard a delighted squeal from Chloe. She shook her head, pretty sure she knew what was already transpiring.

"So what's with the booze fest downstairs?" John asked, bringing her attention back to him.

"Let's go sit down and I'll tell you," Alissa said quietly, leading him to the couch. "It goes to the whole reason we're here. Five years ago, my Mum and Chloe's Mum were on a road trip together and well, the short version is that they were killed in a car crash."

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay," Alissa said with a wan smile. "Or kind of. But today is the anniversary. They were like the bestest of best friends and our Dads were the same and still are. The two families: Mums, Dads and daughters were inseparable. Those of us still alive still are. I mean in a lot of ways Chloe is more like a sister to me than a friend. Max feels like an uncle to me and Chloe feels the same way about my Dad. But this anniversary week always knocks all four of us for a loop.

"Anyway, we each deal with it in our own way and for our dads that usually involves a mammoth binge. I'll no doubt have a nice long cry later on and Chloe, well, she's probably dealing with it in her own way right now."

"That's a lot to process," John said, taking Alissa's hand and holding it in both of his.

"Yeah, our dads decided that maybe if we came to the other side of the world there'd be less to remind us about it and we'd be too busy to over-think it this year. It's mostly worked, but today was always going to be tough for them... for all of us."

John didn't push himself on her and Alissa was thankful for that. But the reminder of why they were here had seriously dampened her mood and her lips began trembling.

"I'm really sorry John, but I think I need to be alone right now," she apologised, trying to keep it together. "I think that big cry I mentioned is about to hit me."

"Of course; I'm sorry I was the one that brought it on," John tried to reassure her.

"Not your fault at all. I really appreciate your being so understanding. I'll make it up to you tomorrow." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek as she rushed him to the door and closed it behind him. She stripped off her bikini, climbed into bed, pulled the covers over her head and fell apart with a gut-wrenching sob.

About an hour later the door opened and Alissa peeked over the covers to see Chloe coming in, wearing nothing but her bikini bottoms.

"Randy's cum and gone. You okay honey?" she asked as she walked over to the bed and sat down.

"Yeah, I just needed a big cry," Alissa told her.

Without asking, Chloe pulled back the covers and climbed in with her friend.

"Um, boundaries much?" Alissa laughed.

"Just thought you could use a hug," Chloe replied and pulled her friend into her arms. The fact that Alissa was naked didn't seem to deter her at all.

"Well I could use one, but you could have hugged me through the covers, you know. What with me being naked and all."

"Yeah, but I'm not naked, I have my bottoms on," Chloe laughed.

Alissa let it slide. After all, it wasn't like she didn't enjoy the feeling of Chloe's enormous breasts crushed against her. "So you had fun then?" she asked.

"Oh yes. It wasn't earth-shattering, but it was fun. That boy has a thing for licking ass!"

"Really?" Alissa laughed.

"Oh yeah. His cock was okay too. Not circumcised, about so big, a good handful with enough left over to suck. He pretty much threw me on the bed as soon as we were in the room and made short work of my bikini. Then, like most boys, he went straight for my tits."

"Well that's understandable," Alissa giggled, jiggling slightly against those same mounds of flesh.

"Huh. Anyway, I let him suck and play for a while, but I could feel his hard on against my leg and I really wanted to fuck, so I got rid of his board shorts and grabbed hold so I could pull him up to my mouth. He moved willingly and then knelt beside me as I sucked him. God, I love sucking cock, but you know that. Anyway, he suggested that we sixty-nine, so he turned around and straddled me, going on top. We did that for a bit until I told him I really wanted him in my pussy. He certainly didn't object to that, so he got off me and stood at the end of the bed, and I started working my way down the bed toward him. Instead of sticking me with his cock though, he lay back and had me drape my legs over his shoulders. He went to town eating my pussy again, which was awesome. Then, just when I thought he was going to make me cum, he pushed my legs up and started licking all around my asshole: I even felt him pushing his tongue inside. I can't say it's something that I'd do for a guy, but it sure felt good on the receiving end. He stuck a couple of fingers in me and finger-fucked my pussy while he did it, and that was enough to give me an orgasm. He certainly has skills in that department!

"Then, while I was still pretty much flopping around and cumming, he jumped on top of me and shoved his cock in. Now that was awesome."

"And where did he cum?" Alissa asked, warming to the telling of the tale.

"On my tits of course," Chloe replied.

"Eww, and now they're resting against me?" Alissa exclaimed, pushing her friend away.

"Oh relax, I washed it all off, of course," Chloe reassured her. "Shit, it's not like we only had sex once. I got him to do me doggy-style and then I rode him as well. He still came on my tits again, though. I wasn't going to trust him to shoot inside me, condom or not."

"They are really nice tits," Alissa assured her.

"Wanna play with them?" Chloe asked.

"Maybe just a little," Alissa replied. "Just to help perk me up a bit."

"Oh I can feel how perked up you are already," Chloe laughed, running her fingers over her friend's pale nipple.

Alissa lifted her right hand and reached across her friend's body to take her left breast in hand and Chloe rolled onto her back to accommodate her. Alissa squeezed playfully and teased at the nipple before deciding she needed to sit up. She threw back the covers and straddled her friend, her naked pussy resting on Chloe's bikini-clad mound.

"Just a little, hey?" Chloe asked teasingly.

"Well yes, but long enough to ensure I enjoy it properly, please," Alissa grinned back at her. She took both of Chloe's breasts in hand, squeezing and smooshing them, playing around, marvelling at how big they were compared to her hands. She felt Chloe reach up for hers and didn't stop her, happy to let her have fun as well. At least she didn't simply ignore them as if they weren't there like most boys did!

"Can I suck your nipple Ali?" Chloe suddenly asked.

"Um, I dunno," Alissa replied nervously.

"Oh come on, you can close your eyes and think I'm anyone you like," Chloe suggested.

"God, all right then," Alissa conceded. The look of delight on her friend's face made her feel immediately better about having agreed. Chloe pushed Alissa back slightly and sat up, her mouth going to Alissa's left nipple.

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