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The Daddy Swap


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Alissa couldn't help but moan and even watch, as her friend's tongue teased the tip of her nipple and then sucked it into her mouth. The tongue continued to circle and tease even as Chloe's mouth widened and took in as much breast as she could. Instinctively Alissa ran her fingers through Chloe's silky blonde hair, playing and holding her head as her friend switched breasts and feasted on the other nipple. She couldn't quite bring herself to make her stop; it felt so good. Without even thinking about it she ground her pussy down on her friend's. A moment later Chloe collapsed back down onto the bed, panting.

"What an ab workout!" she giggled.

"I have to admit Chlo, that felt amazing!" Alissa smiled at her.

"You should suck mine, Ali," Chloe gushed.

"Okay, just this once," Alissa smiled down at her friend. She wrapped both hands around Chloe's right breast and squeezed so that the nipple rose above her hands, and then she lowered her head. She ran her tongue around the outer edge of her friend's broad areola then flicked the tip of it back and forth across the nipple. When it was feeling nice and stiff she sucked it into her mouth and tugged on it with her lips. She swapped to the other breast and worked that one back and forth, enjoying the fun she was having and the moans of pleasure she was drawing from Chloe's lips.

She paused and looked down at the expression of pleasure on Chloe's face and felt an over-whelming need to kiss her. So she did exactly that. As surprised as Chloe clearly was by the move, it did nothing to lessen the passion with which she responded. Eventually Alissa rolled off her friend with a gasp, then lay with her chest heaving as she sucked in air.

Chloe sat up and Alissa saw her looking down at her with a massive smile. "That was unexpected and awesome," her friend exulted. "Looks like you're kind of excited by it, too."

"What gives you that impression?"

"Um, maybe this," Chloe said, pointing to her own bikini bottoms. They glimmered where light reflected off the point where Alissa's pussy juices that had coated the fabric.

"Oh, that's so embarrassing, I slimed you!" Alissa cried out as she blushed.

"Don't worry, I think it's hot. I could help you with that, you know."

"With what?"

"With an orgasm. I'd love to give you one, Alissa." It wasn't the first time that Chloe had offered (or a couple of times even begged) to do such a thing, but for the first time ever Alissa actually considered it. She felt Chloe's fingers gently caressing her little red landing strip, creeping slowly towards her pussy. She was horny enough, but she'd always told herself she wasn't gay. She wasn't sure why, but this time she wondered to herself if that really mattered. She hesitantly nodded her agreement, parted her legs slightly and Chloe ran a single finger lightly down one of her bald pussy lips. It moved down one and up the other and down again, circling. On the fourth rotation, instead of trailing up on a pussy lip, the finger slipped down between them and Alissa gasped. She studied Chloe's face and saw nothing but hope and joy there. The finger wiggled and worked around in Alissa's ample juices. It pushed inside. Alissa bit her lip but said nothing. The finger wormed deeper and was soon joined by a partner and Chloe was working both of them deep inside her friend.

"Fuck, do it Chloe, make me cum," Alissa groaned, all hesitation washed away.

"Can I really?"

"Fuck yes, just do it honey," Alissa gasped, "I really want you to!" She expected the fingers to work up toward her clit, but instead, Chloe scrambled down between her friend's legs and without warning or ceremony, thrust her tongue deep into her pussy before flicking it up over her clit!

Alissa clutched the bedsheets with both hands and arched her back, thrusting her pussy at the suddenly intense pleasure. She felt Chloe's hand slide in under her buttocks and cup them as her tongue worked her clit. She reached down and spread her lips for her friend, encouraging her whenever she was doing exactly what felt best.

"Oh fuck Chlo, I'm gonna flood my fucking cum all over your fucking face!" Alissa cried out when she felt her orgasm nearing. Chloe responded by pressing her tongue even harder than she had been against Alissa's clit, sweeping it back and forth with wild, rapid movements.

"Fuck! FUCK! Yessssssssssss!" Alissa wailed, her body thrashing on the bed, copious juices squirting from her pussy.

"Whoa! Holy fuck!" she heard Chloe cry out. "You're squirting!"

Alissa didn't immediately answer, being too caught up in her own rapture. Eventually she came back to earth. "I did warn you I was going to cum all over your face," Alissa giggled.

"How come you've never told me about this?" Chloe demanded.

"Too embarrassed," Alissa sighed.

"Embarrassed? Why would you be, I think it's fantastic!" Chloe laughed.

"It's messy is what it is," Alissa replied. "So many sheets to wash."

"No wonder you like masturbating in the shower so much."

"Exactly." Alissa glanced at her watch. "Do you think it's time we checked on our reprobate fathers?"

"After dressing perhaps," Chloe replied.

"Well, duh."


"So have either of you drunkards given any thought to food?" Chloe asked the pair when the girls found them at the bar, still managing to sit upright, but requiring the support of the bar to do so.

"Our good friend Henry here forced us to go see his good friend André over there who delighted us with the best jerked Philly cheese steak I've ever had in my life," Max slurred.

"The only one you've ever had too, right?" Alissa laughed.

"He's not wrong, though. Spicy like a mother fucker, but tasty as all hell," Travis informed his daughter with as much dignity as possible, which wasn't much.

"Language!" she reprimanded him.

"Oh yeah, shit, sorry, and well, shit, sorry again," Travis offered.

"Right, well it's dinner time, so you need to eat again," Chloe told them.

"Philly cheese steak for me," Max replied.

"Heavy on the jerk sauce and the fries," Travis agreed. "'Cause that shit goes perfectly with rum!" The girls rolled their eyes at each other and decided that they too would eat from the all-day grill that was operated a little further around the pool from the bar. They dragged their dads with them, managing without wheelbarrows, and made them drink water with their meals rather than more alcohol.

"Hey, where'd you put that boy you had with you?" Max asked his daughter around a mouthful of cheese steak sandwich.

"I told him I'd likely be looking after your asses tonight and that I'd catch up with him tomorrow."

"See, just like her Mum, too fucking good to me," Max bragged to Travis.

"I'll drink to that," Travis offered.

"Not with this shit though," Max countered, suddenly realising he had water in his glass. "Hey Henry, be a legend and bring us a shot of rum each? We don't toast our wives with water!"

And off they go again, Alissa sighed to herself, though without any animosity. She knew they needed to work through the day, just as she had done in her own way.

Henry arrived with two shots of rum.

"Hey, don't forget the girls Henry, they need vodka! Please," he added belatedly.

Once the additional shots had been graciously delivered, Travis raised his and said, "To Jenny and Lucy. Too good for us by far and gone way too fucking soon."

"Fuck yeah," Max agreed.

"To our Mums," Chloe and Alissa joined in with more propriety. They all tossed back their drinks.

"You girls are going to drink with us, right?" Max asked.

"At least for a bit," Chloe agreed.

They finished their meals and took seats around a table near the bar.

"Have I ever told you how much she looks like Jenny?" Max slurred to Travis, indicating Chloe with a nod of his head.

"Maybe," Travis laughed, "She's definitely just as fucking sexy."

"Dad!" Alissa objected.

"It's okay, 's true," Max laughed. "Hell, if I were younger and like not related ... well, 'nuff said."

"Good God Dad," Chloe laughed, slapping her father. Not hard, but making a point.

"You're pretty fucking sexy too you know, little Lissy," Max added to Alissa with drunken generosity.

"Damn straight! Good fucking genes from her mother.'Cept the hair went that funny colour," Travis replied with a wink.

"Yeah, plus she forgot to leave me her tits," Alissa lamented. "God, you two are really hammered."

"But at least we get to drink with the hottest girls in the place," Max grinned.

"Oh give it a break, Dad," Chloe told him.

"'S true," Travis slurred, "We did a survey thing. You know, a poll. We ... Shit ... We asked all the blokes and they said it's definitely true."

"Geez Dad, anyone'd think you were trying to pick us up with lines like that. Either that or hire us out!"

"Don't have to do one or t'other," Max replied. "'cause we know you're coming back to our rooms anyway!" He laughed uproariously, slapping his knee and high-fiving Travis, who responded in kind.

The girls shared a glance that spoke volumes but returned tolerant smiles to their dads.


Much later that nigh the two girls supported their fathers through the door to their suite. Alissa steered her barely coherent dad into his bedroom and he fell onto the queen-sized bed face down.

Chloe tried to steer her father to his room, but he kept trying to go into Travis'.

"Not that room, Dad."

"Ish too. Thish ish mine," he insisted. Alissa went to help, but at 6'4", Max was a solid man and he just dragged them with him as he crashed onto the bed next to his mate.

"Peas in a pod," Chloe laughed. Both girls were pretty drunk as well, though nowhere near as bad as their fathers.

"We could just leave them here. Who cares if they share a bed?" Alissa suggested.

"Or," Chloe began, an evil glint in her eye, "we could take their clothes off so when they wake up together they'll be naked!"

"You..." Alissa assessed, swaying slightly on her feet, "...are an evil genius!"

Chloe bowed and nearly fell, stumbling a couple of steps before righting herself.

"That's those big tits of yours; throws you off balance," Alissa observed.

"What? These?" Chloe asked, pulling her top off to reveal her bikini before pulling the triangles apart to flash her friend.

"Yep, but see if you have these little nothings..." Alissa replied, pulling her top off to reveal that she'd been wearing nothing underneath, "...balance is not an issue."

"Didn't hear you complaining when you were sucking on 'em," Chloe accused.

"Didn't say there was anything wrong with them, just that they affect yer balance," Alissa laughed.

Pretty sure that's just the alcohol I drank," Chloe declared, poking a forefinger into Alissa's breast and giving her a slight push. Alissa stumbled back a couple of steps. "See? Yer just as bad."

"Could be right," Alissa agreed. "Now, how 'bout this evil genius plan? You really wanna see your Dad naked?"

"Doesn't bother me," Chloe said. "But I could do yours and you could do mine?"

"Ooo, a Daddy swap!" Alissa drawled.

"Sounds kinky when you put it like that," Chloe giggled, "Let's do it."

They walked around the bed where their fathers had slept through their entire conversation and each stood next to the other's dad. Chloe started with Travis' t-shirt, struggling to work it up over his head. "He has nice chest hair," she commented.

"Nope, not even thinking about it," Alissa announced as she started with Max's shirt, undoing enough of the buttons so she could get it over his head.

"Then you don't want to know how it feels when I do this?," Chloe teased, running her fingers over her friend's father's chest.

"Lalalalala," Alissa sang childishly, though she glanced over to see that Chloe really had run her fingers over her father's chest. She ignored her friend and went to Max's feet, pulling off the one flip flop that hadn't already fallen to the floor, before starting to work on his pants. As they started to slide down his legs she glanced across to check Chloe's progress. She too was pulling Travis' board shorts down.

"Time for the big reveal," Chloe announced, as she grabbed hold of Travis' boxer shorts.

"Can't believe we're doing this," Alissa giggled.

"So floppy," Chloe said with a sigh. "Circumcised, I bet."

"No details, please," Alissa giggled even though she did sneak a peek at her father's cock as it was revealed and saw that Chloe was correct.

She pulled at Max's boxer briefs and let an "Oh!" of surprise escape from her lips.

"What?" Chloe asked, even as she looked across. "Oh! Oh my!"

Both girls stared down at Max's astonishingly large cock.

"I guess it's not just the tits that grow big in your gene pool," Alissa admired.

"That's um, pretty impressive, isn't it?" Chloe said, looking at her father's flaccid cock as it lay draped down along his thigh.

"Bigger than any floppy one I've ever seen," Alissa replied.

"Me too," Chloe said. "You should touch it."

"What?" Alissa exclaimed in shock. "Did you just say I should touch your Dad's cock?"

"Well yeah, obviously I can't, but I reckon I totally would if I could, just to hold it."

"Oh, so like if I said, 'Hey Chloe, why don't you touch my Dad's cock?' you just totally would?"

"Probably, yeah," Chloe giggled.

"Go on then, I dare you." Chloe looked from Alissa's face to Travis' cock. She hardly even hesitated before reaching out and taking it in her hand, moving it back and forth and up and down as if examining it. "Oh my God, you freak!" Alissa hissed.

"It's just a cock, honey," Chloe laughed, letting it flop back down. It may be older than all the other's I've had, but it's still just a cock. Nice and thick, though."

"But he's like an uncle to you!"

"Like an uncle, but totally not an uncle, though. So what's the deal, you've never thought about being with an older man?"

"Well I've thought about it, but like, not with your Dad," Alissa claimed.

"Bet that's gonna change now though," Chloe predicted, her eyes shifting back to her father's enormous cock.

"Maybe it just doesn't get much bigger," Alissa mused.

"If you touch it we might find out," Chloe mused aloud. "I touched your Dad's, so you should touch mine, it's only fair."

"I can't believe how much you want me to do this," Alissa laughed, aware of how drunk she was, but still far enough gone to override any cautionary thoughts and give her the courage required to just charge ahead, come what may.

"So you're going to do it then?" Chloe asked excitedly. Alissa didn't answer, but instead reached down and wrapped her hand around Max's cock. She lifted it, feeling the weight of it. Her hand suddenly looked small.

"How's it feel?" Chloe asked.

"Well, it's floppy, but um, it certainly feels big," Alissa replied, "And heavy." As she spoke, she wrapped her second hand around it and gave it a bit of a stroke up and down. She watched, mesmerised, as did Chloe. She nearly dropped it in shock when it started to harden.

"Oh my god, it's growing,' Chloe exclaimed happily.

Alissa didn't respond, but just continued gently fondling him, her hand stroking up and down as the cock continued swelling in her grasp. Its girth spread her fingers until they no longer even met.

"It's like the size of your fucking arm!" Chloe gasped. "Below the elbow, anyway." Alissa lay it down along her 'Uncle's' stomach. It reached several inches past his belly button.

"How have we never noticed this before?" Chloe asked Alissa.

"Well, he's your Dad, so I had no reason to go looking, nor did you."

"Yeah, I guess that would be it."

"Right, so let's get them under the covers before one of them wakes up," Alissa suggested.

"Yeah, I guess so," Chloe agreed, but first stealing another look at her father's cock.


"Hey Ali, know what would be even funnier?" Chloe whispered a little later.

"Are you still thinking about our fathers' cocks?" Alissa responded.

"Don't tell me you aren't," Chloe replied, "Because I won't believe you. Anyway, imagine if they woke up wearing different shades of lipstick and with the other guy's smeared on their own cock?"

"Holy shit, how depraved are you?" Alissa asked.

"We should totally do it, shouldn't we? It would be piss-funny. Come on, let's go make this prank perfect!"

Alissa felt a hand reaching under her covers for her and went with it rather than have Chloe drag her out of the bed (which she knew she totally would have done). Chloe went to her bags and rummaged around until she found a bright red and a bright pink lipstick. She handed the pink one to Alissa and headed out in the direction of the snoring resonating through the suite. They each went to their own father and put lipstick on each of their mouths, then smeared them a bit with their hands so it wouldn't look too fresh. Then they swapped dads and pulled the covers down.

Alissa went to pick up Max's meaty cock and draw the lipstick on, but Chloe stopped her with a hiss. Alissa looked across to see her friend putting her lipstick on her own lips.

"You are not going to suck my Dad's cock," she gasped in shock.

"It has to look realistic," Chloe explained.

"We can just smear it around with our fingers," Alissa suggested.

"Nope, not good enough; has to look like it rubbed off a pair of lips," Chloe said, still slightly slurring her words. Before Alissa could protest again, she bent over the bed and sucked Travis' cock into her mouth. "Mmm," she mumbled around it, looking across to Alissa with mischief in her eyes. She kept sucking for a bit before releasing it long enough to announce , "It's growing," with a look of delight.

Alissa was torn. She shouldn't have been turned on, but the reality was that she was. It was so kinky seeing her friend sucking her Dad's cock that she felt she couldn't not watch. When his cock was fully erect, Alissa watched Chloe work her lips in a band around his cock, smearing the lipstick deliberately in one place, and well down on his cock too!

"Show-off," Alissa giggled when Chloe released him.

"Wha?" Travis mumbled, stirring. Alissa froze. Her heart pounded. She looked at Chloe standing over her father, still topless. She expected to see her drop to the floor or something, but Chloe nonchalantly leaned down close to him and whispered, "It's okay Uncle Trav, just go back to sleep."

Unbelievably, that's what he did!

"I am not doing that to your Dad," Alissa hissed when it was clear that her father was deep asleep again.

"Well you can't leave me to do it!' Chloe insisted. "Come on, it's just a bit of harmless fun, Ali."

Alissa looked back down at Max's monster. She remembered how it had felt hardening in her hand. She wondered if she would ever see another cock that big. She wondered what it would feel like if it grew while she had it in her mouth and realised that she actually wanted to know. She started applying the lipstick to her lips and Chloe silently jumped up and down, tits flailing everywhere as she made as if to clap her hands together.

"This is going to be so hot!" Chloe hissed.

Alissa took hold of Max's cock again and held it so it was angled to the side of the bed. She knelt down and ran her tongue around the head before sucking it into her mouth. It felt big even with only the head inside. She worked up and down a little, having to open her jaw wide to accommodate it as it grew. She stroked with the hand that was holding him, feeling him growing again. For a moment she forgot she was only supposed to be smearing lipstick on him, she was too caught up in how good it felt to have the smooth skin of his cock expanding in her mouth. She finally did remember though. She worked her mouth around to ensure there would be a good smear of pink around his girth, then released him.

"Didn't look like too much of a chore," Chloe teased her as they crept back out of the room.

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