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The Dark Star - Aftermath Pt. 03


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Flicking the all but spent cigarette across the garden I keep to the shadows of the hedge row and walk away. I think to myself in reflection that in many ways if I never saw this place again, I wouldn't be disappointed.

Passing the Van, I head straight down the street dropping my head as a Taxi heads slowly heads up the street. I spot Spider in the back seat as I step into the shadows; someone else possibly a girl, maybe even Song, sits alongside him in the back but I can't make them out for sure. I don't care.

I walk on

I don't look back.


"My plan to punish you didn't work out Alison my dear".

Chloe thrusts the newspaper pages under her nose.

"This bullshit is why you need punishing... Although I must say you cut quite the little victim don't you Alison".

She watches the brunette focus on the pages, her screams lost into the ball gag that sits tightly secured in her mouth. The bluey administered hours ago appears to be fast wearing off Chloe notes. Which is good.

Alison pulls her wrists against the ropes that hold her to the crude pillory on which Chloe had kept her.

"My Ordeal at the hands of Double Murderer." Chloe reiterates the pages Sub Headline to her then throws the paper across the floor of the container.

"I've no doubt you were paid handsomely for your story." Chloe crouched looking her in the eyes, "Did they lie for you or did you lie for them ...your torture, your coercion into betraying your husband, the fear you felt if you didn't do as he wanted."

Alison hollered into the gag tears streaming down her face.

"See the version of events I read..." Chloe reaches out her hand squeezing Alison's jaw "... was the opposite ...you were quite the little submissive."

Chloe stands heading towards a ruck sack she dumped against the far wall earlier.

"Always two sides to a story but ... He ... Logan ... fell for you and you ... Alison ... you fell for him... he still wore those cuff links you bought him until the day he... well, you know what happened to him."

Chloe's reaches into the bag. She chuckles menacingly.

"Of course, your husband had the biggest fall...15 ...16 storeys weren't it?"

Alison frantically screams attempting with every last bit of energy to escape.

"You moved on though ... you found yourself a new life... a new man." Chloe walks towards her; hand behind her back clutching the item taken from the rucksack. "Not so well off this one though is he ... Sam Ward."

Chloe crouches back to her eye-line.

"He's not a bad fuck though," she chuckles again.

"A little needy ... wanted me on top ... wanted to see what I looked like when he came, he said... does he do that with you?"

Alison shakes her head refusing to believe her.

"What's that tattoo say on his chest... love and honour," Alison falls silent in realisation. "Does he love you? ... I dunno ... does he honour you? ... given that he came in me three times in one night I'm not so sure."

Chloe slips her hand from behind her back causing Alison to scream louder into the gag.

"I'm sure it'll be a lovely Wedding though ...you'll look great in the photos ...so pretty".

Chloe's thumb slipped over the button of the hairdresser's clippers she held in her hand the device hums loudly to life.

Alison screams her face contorted around the gag. Tear stained eyes wide with fear.

"I knew Logan too Alison ... he was a monster ... but not the monster you made him out to be in that article."

Chloe grabs her jaw firmly "Hold still for me ... oh, and if you don't like the look trust me it grows back... eventually."

Chloe hacks at silky brown hair, long strands of hair falling in chunks to the metal floor as Alison Matthews screams and struggles locked into the pillory.

"Jack didn't want you ...and I gotta be honest I'm not sure anyone will for a while."


"We'll have to keep the noise down" Lyndsay flashed me a devious smile pressing me against the door as I closed it behind us. "Everyone's in... we only just got back."

She surreptitiously snuck me in through the back door in the kitchen and upstairs to her room.

"Should I ask where he is?"

"Fuck knows ... Two words... Free Bar" Lyndsay rolls her eyes.

"Toxic combo" I reply not really caring as I pull her close to me. Tubs loss was most certainly my gain.

The room is lit by a single reading lamp on the desk on the far corner. I don't need that to see Lyndsay is a little inebriated herself though. As she kisses me, I taste drink on her. Not that it bothers me. As we embrace my hand slips up her back to find the zipper of that little black dress.

"You're so naughty," Lyndsay teases breaking the kiss and pulling away just as I manage to lower the zipper to the small of her back. I watch her step away from me; her hands slip the shoulder straps of the dress off her slender frame. Watching transfixed as she peels the dress down her body until it falls from her hips bunching around her ankles, leaving her in only a black suspended belt, holding up black stockings.

"Can you blame me," I shake my head and pounce. She gasps as I pull her into me, my lips falling to her neck and shoulder.

"Show me your naughty," she whispers.

Turning her, I push her onto the bed, face first, she crashes down heavily.

"How naughty?" I tease as I peel off my T-Shirt and unfasten the front of my jeans, watching her lay face first her across the bed her dark hair obscuring her face. I briefly think of Chloe's friend Alison. I kneel on the bed behind Lyndsay my hands firmly run from the backs of her thighs up over and firmly on to her ass.

"As naughty as you want to be," Lyndsay softly whispers but doesn't look back.

Pulling her ass cheeks apart. I lower myself over her, "I can think of something very naughty."

Lyndsay draws in a deep breath.

"I've only ever..." she utters on a slow exhale "you'll have to be..."

"I will be," I respond lining my dick almost immediately against her.

Lyndsay whimpers softly, her body tensing as I press myself against her. Stretching her hands out across the bed she grips the pillow beneath her tightly as she draws in a pained little breath. Her mood changes, her body tenses, her confidence drops.

I don't say a word breathing deeply with nervous anticipation. I look down her body as I slowly penetrate her ass.

"Fuck ... fuck Jack be gentle please...please..."

I press my hips slowly forward heeding her request and Lyndsay finally succumbs; I feel her tight little ass give. She feels so unbelievably tight around my swollen length.

Lyndsay cries out a short sharp yelp that had built slowly within her.

"Shit ...oh fuck Jack," she grimaces as she looks back at me now, her hands now gripping the top of the mattress. "Slowly ... slowly"

"Ok ...Ok" I whisper "I underst..."

A gentle knock at the door.

"Lynd's are you Ok?" I recognise the voice of her housemate Natalie.

"Fine," Lyndsay replies her breath heavy as she accommodates me. "I'm fine."

"I thought I heard you ... thought you'd hurt yourself."

"I stubbed my toe," Lyndsay answers. "So, fucking clumsy."

"That'll be the cocktails... Goodnight drunkard." Natalie giggles.

Slowly and gently, I start to thrust my hips. Lyndsay relaxes a little following the distraction, holding down a conversation while I start to slowly fuck her right little ass.

"Night Nat," she states.

"Night Lynd's," the reply from the other side the door as I hear footsteps pad away across the landing.

I slip my hand around Lyndsay's mouth as I increase the thrust from my hips.

"Keep the noise down," I reiterate her earlier comment as she lays herself back across the bed.

Lyndsay inhales sharply as with my hand over her jaw she submits.

Giving up her anal virginity to me.

********** **********

Tears came to Mica's eyes, tears that stream down her face.

She pulls at the cuffs that hold both her wrists to the metal frame headboard; the skin already red raw from her attempts to gain freedom.

She felt him leave her; a moments reprieve, but only that, immediately replaced with another heavy brutal thrust as she was penetrated for the fourth time.

Mica cries out in anguish.

"Please don't... please no more ... please just let me go ...let me go."

"Fuck me... you've got a lovely tight little cunt" her unknown attacker sneers in her ear.

Alex Russell had betrayed her. She'd come to the Party with him of his insistence after having headed out earlier in the night for a meal and the Cinema. Their third date. He'd insisted she come meet his friends. The minute he'd led her to the bedroom she knew it was a mistake. Four of them waiting for her. Four of them had literally pounced on her. They'd shackled her leg at first before manhandling her; tearing her T-Shirt and denim skirt from her as he watched; watching as his friends held her, degraded her. She'd pleaded and struggled as they'd run the barbaric metal shackle around her left ankle. Locking it clamped over her pink fishnet tights just above her ankle boots. Spider they kept calling him. She'd begged him for help. She'd fought them but she'd been too easily overpowered. Pinning her to the bed they'd cuffed her wrists to the headboard. Restraining her she knew all too well what for. Alex had raped her first, goaded egged on by his accomplices. Mica knew what to expect and they'd all now taken turns. Using her against her will.

Dark memories flooded back to Mica mind; how he'd handcuffed her; how he'd taken her. Compared to the brutality she suffered in the last half an hour being cuffed by Logan Hughes paled into insignificance.

"Please Alex ... please ... I'll do anything ...anything" Mica craned her head around looking for him, only to find her head forced back down into the dirty mattress on which they'd restrained her.

"Someone gag this Bitch I can't concentrate."

Alex appeared in her eyeline; a red ball gag stretched between his hands. Mica locked her jaw, forcing her lips together. All the while her assailant fucked her. Exhausted and pained Mica continued to weakly fight back.

Alex spoke but she could barely concentrate on his words "... you're such a disappointment". He reaches out and pinches her nose between his thumb and her forefinger. Mica struggles holding her breath as she's fucked. Eventually her need for air forces her to succumb. As she gasped aloud Alex, Spider, whoever the evil rapist cunt was forced the gag into her mouth.

Mica sobbed as the gag was secured over the back of head through her straightened hair. Hair straightened at his request. Clothes chosen in preferences he'd subtly mentioned. Had he primed her for this, had she been that naive? She sobbed and dropped her head giving up, giving in to the constant invasion of the thick dick ramming hard between her legs.

Whoever he was he was the first to cum in her. Micas body ached by time they'd all used her to gain their vile climax. She was left in the darkness as they left the room laughing and joking while the noise and music of the intimate little party, he'd brought her to on the floors beneath them carried on unabated.


She woke with a start.

She couldn't believe she'd slept. Mental and physical Exhaustion had claimed her body.

Still cuffed, still face down across the mattress she's suddenly aware of someone sat on the bed. Mica raises her head slowly. Her jaw aches, her mouth still stretched around the gag. She could barely make out more than his silhouette.

He brushed hair off her face gently.

Blinking Mica screamed out on finally seeing his face; white skull markings daubed on to a black balaclava like mask that he wore over his face.

"Shhhh." He placed a finger over his own lips which were obscured by his mask. "Quiet now beautiful."

Mica shivered at his words.

"Oh, Spiders done well... I had no idea he was pulling you into his Web ... although I shouldn't be surprised really."

His hand slips down her face onto her shoulder on to her back.

"I'm definitely taking you with me," the masked figure states,

Mica James sobs as his hand runs further down her back. She fears for her life. She fears for the life she'll leave behind, Grace her beautiful daughter.

Her tears fall down her face to the mattress below.

She braces for what's to come, so brutally unaware of what the future holds for her.

Chapter Two; Beth

Waking with a start.

Bleary eyed I reach for my phone on the bed side table.


The dark black out curtains mask the daylight from outside the glare of the phone lets me know it's twenty-three minutes past nine. Or twenty-three minutes after my shift had started, to look at it another way.

Just before I set my phone down a WhatsApp from Simone who I work with flashes up on the screen.

SENDER: Simmie; Where are you? Fat Larry is well fucked off.

I put the phone down, fuck Fat Larry, I didn't need his zero hours contract bull shit anyway. Not that he was my boss; technically he's just the head of my department. Still the power of mediocre middle management at a high street sports chain store has gone to his head and he revelled in the perceived authority. Since I'd let the flat go money worries had subsided substantially to be fair, something that was of great relief, of course moving in with Chloe had helped. Despite my insistence she'd not take contribution towards rent or bills, not a bad situation to find myself in for the cost of contributing a few takeaways, a couple of pints of milk and a loaf or two of bread a week.

The money I was being paid from The Phoenix was more than I was getting from 25hrs a week at Pro Sports. The event scheduled for the coming weekend promised a bumper pay out. Chloe hadn't mentioned again how serious she was about getting out of Phoenix events since we'd discussed it last Saturday night, but even if Chloe wanted out of The Phoenix, I'm sure there were roles I could still undertake in order to draw in cash. Money makes the world go around after all. It was the one side to her retirement I don't think Chloe had truly considered.

Pausing for a moment, not for the first time, I consider the irony of Fat Larry being a department boss at a Sports Store. I can just picture him wheezing about the second floor, damp wet patches under the arms of his sports fit Tee. Bitch tits chaffing at the stitched logos across his chest. The wheezy fucker probably couldn't run a bath without breaking a sweat. Fuck him I don't even bother phoning in to let him know I've quit. Pay day tomorrow, payroll run, with a bit of luck I'll keep the wages due to be paid until the end of the week.

Besides me she stirs; stretching her body across the bed as she wakes.

Lyndsay rolls over in the bed next to me looking up at me from under dishevelled hair, "Morning... what time is it?"

"Coming up on half nine" I respond.

"Fuck," she sits up immediately, "Fuck Jack I've got a lecture at Ten".

The difference between her reaction and mine to oversleeping markedly different. She sits on the edge of the bed grabbing for her clothes which lay strewn around the floor.

"I thought you were getting up for work?" she states a little frustrated as if to blame me.

"Yeah ...I thought about it" Rolling over I wrap arms around her slender frame and pull her back towards me. "Come here."

"No Jack," she doesn't struggle but breaks out of my playful grip. "I can't... some of us can't afford to ignore our responsibilities."

Sometimes her sensible can be quite condescending and I'm not sure she realises. I fall on to my back and stare up at the ceiling in the dim confines of the room. Moments later Lindsay's face appears in my eyeline she drops herself gently over me and kisses my lips.

"Will I see you before the weekend?" She enquires as she heads across the bedroom.

"Hope so..." I state, "...Things could get busy with The Phoenix but I'm sure we can squeeze some time into our busy schedules" I smile as she looks back at me before disappearing out of sight.

Instantly her head pops back "Oh and Jack ... make that bed properly ...it looks like you've been fucking someone in it all night."

"Me..." I state tapping my chest "...Not Guilty your honour".

Lyndsay shakes her head smiling before she disappears again. Moments later I hear her heading down the stairs and door latch heavily behind her.

My phone starts to vibrate on the bed side table. Reaching for it I stop myself, not even looking at the screen expecting it to be Fat Larry I'm ignoring.

Moments later it vibrates again the short sharp vibrate of a message.

That'll be easier to handle. Holding the phone above me as I lay there. The message from Chloe not Larry.

SENDER: Chloe Mob; Hey U. Gonna head 2 Phoenix from Nessa's. Soo much 2 do. Have U remember my Sister is coming 2 stay 2night? UR on Sofa lover boy. Tidy Up. No drugs shit anywhere!! xx

I had forgotten. It was no bother, but I had forgotten, and the place would need a good fucking tidy up. Time to become a domestic God, and it was on reflection possibly a good thing that I had missed my shift. Still time for a little snooze though just an hour or two.

As I'm setting the phone back down, I spot the missed call, on the onscreen call register. The missed call was not from 'Fat Larry' but from Bernadette, Mica's Mum, and was the third call in as many days. Whatever she wants from me it can't be good. I delete the missed call.

"Leave me a fucking message or fuck off," I state aloud.

Rolling over I bury my head back into the Pillow, turning onto my back in no time at all, I'm restless, it's only a matter of time before my hand slips under the duvet and I start, despite a night of carnal satisfaction with Lyndsay to masturbate.

In my mind I start to play out a fantasy trying to decide if It's Chloe or Lyndsay that's going to be the beneficiary of my self-pleasure. As I close my eyes, my mind soon fixes on Song dressed in black bent over on hands and knees before me. I rest my head back into the pillow, my eyes screwed shut as I imagine her little whimpers while I enter her slender body and fuck her.


Bar 36 could only hope for as many punters as the number in its title on a dull Tuesday night I think to myself as I walk into the dimly lit bar a little after five thirty. Barely half a dozen patrons enduring the loud club music that was probably supposed to entice punters in. It was obviously failing, miserably.

To be fair to the venue it was early evening but even a casual glance to the bar staff offered an insight, a vibe, that suggested they knew full well it was destined for a quiet night at the venue as they stand around, mostly idle.

Although on the upside it made spotting Beth Macready so much easier, although to be fair I think I'd have worked it out had the place been busy. There was more than a passing likeness I thought as I approached the semi-circular booth in which she sat with her head metaphorically buried in her mobile phone, a clear glass of liquid sat on the table before her. Her hair wasn't as blonde as Chloe's, she had the same shape face though and big blue eyes as she looked up at me as I approached, a familiar looking smile passed her lips.

"I'm guessing that you're Jack ...or I'm about to get hit on," she chuckled looking me up and down.

"Sorry," I state a little bemused.

"Either you're Jack Hughes or you're going to come over here and try it on with me... of course, you could be Jack and you're still going to try it on with me ...in which case you'd better be quick because my Sister is due anytime now."

"Well, I am Jack" I offer my hand which she shakes in her slender hand then leans forward to kiss me on both cheeks.

"And Jack ...please don't try it on." she smirks "My response might be interesting."

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