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The Dark Star - Aftermath Pt. 03


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Chloe gasps at the sight of his motionless body. Crouching down next to him, immediately pressing two fingers into the side of his neck. She looks up at me her wide eyes grow wet with fresh tears. She shakes her head.

"Jack you ...you've... he's..." her left hand comes to her mouth. "Oh, my fucking God he's..."


Lyndsay pushed her way through the crowd of people towards the bar.

Reaching the end of the bar she slips the ivory colour business card from the pocket of her little black denim skirt. She'd made an effort tonight, not that Ian had noticed or not that he'd passed comment or compliment. Not like Jack would have done.

A tight back vest over a red bra, alongside her skirt and patterned tights. She wore newly purchased knee length boots with a high heel so unlike anything she'd ever bought before. She felt good, felt empowered, she knew why. Jack. The situation with Jack and Ian being friends was always going to be ugly, but she knew what she wanted. Irrespective of any hardship it caused.

Which did nothing to explain why she was so intrigued by the little ivory card she'd kept since that night at that house party. Her emotions mixed by what she'd done that night, how she'd allowed such things to happen to her. Pulling her brown hair back off her face she ties it back into a ponytail. As a dark-haired barman passes, she leans over and taps his arm.

"Excuse me" she shouts to be heard "What does this mean?"

She passes him the card. He shrugs and holds up a finger. Walking away he approaches a blonde girl showing her the card. She nods and plucks the card from his fingers walking back towards Lyndsay.

"Where'd you get this?" she questions Lyndsay almost suspiciously.

"I was given it by someone who works here," Lyndsay answers as confidently as she can.

"You know what it's for?"

"Platinum privileges" Lyndsay answers back trying not to sound sarcastic.

"I'll take you," the blonde nods taking a two-way radio hung to the back of her jeans. She speaks into the handset, but Lyndsay can't make out what's being said.

"Follow me," the blonde instructs as she walks out from the behind bar. Picking her way through the crowd Lyndsay follows her she briefly looks back to wear Ian stands before losing him as she's swallowed up by the crowd.

Her intrigue had gotten the better of her. Something gnawed at her, the slightest of reservations amongst her genuine intrigue it made her slightly nervousness. Not looking back as she followed the blonde, she could only hope she wasn't making a huge mistake.


Stumbling through the main room the glare of the light rigs around the room temporarily blinds me as I crash into a tall black guy.

"Hey man watch where you're fucking going".

"Fuck off," I state pushing him in the chest.

From behind him another guy grabs him and holds him back. Pulling him away as I put my head down and nonchalantly make my way towards the bar.

"Brandy ...the bottle" I arrogantly bark at the attractive young Asian girl who approaches me. I slap my Access All Areas pass on the bar to signify I'm part of the set up. A Wolf as Chloe had informed me earlier. Barely an hour earlier when things seemed so much more straight forward; so much more simple and so much more fun.

I look around; instantly questioning what all this is about. My new life so far removed from my old life. So far removed that if I'd been told even three months ago half of what I'd done I'd have laughed, denied it even we're even possible. I'd lost everything. I thought I'd gained so much more than I had actually gained. I'd been caught up in an alien world of debauchery, drink, drugs and illegal activity. I look down at my hands I still feel I can see the blood on them. Blood that has stained my hands whilst trying in vain to resuscitate Spider.

Chloe had physically had to pull me from him as I'd attempted chest compressions despite the side of his skull being caved in, blood pouring from the open wound congealing in heavy puddle on the dusty wooden floor. She'd pushed me away. She'd told me to get out of there. Go home and wait for her; had she blanked out, had she forgotten the fire and the rage of our argument prior to him attacking her, prior to my saving her. Prior to my killing him. Nothing seemed to make any sense.

I was a murderer. Like my Father before me I'd taken the life of another man. As the Barmaid sets the bottle and a tumbler before me, I push the tumbler aside. I thought I was being Jack the Lad. Drinking, taking drugs, fucking. Chloe was right. Although I wasn't like him, I'd become him. I reclaim the tumbler and pour the dark amber liquid over the ice cubes. I knock back a heavy swig almost draining the contents of the tumbler. The harsh liquid burns my throat and does little to sooth my inner turmoil.

"Drinking to forget?" The soft voice next to me says.

"Something like that," I bluntly reply without looking to my left at her.

"Doesn't seem like the right environment."

She's right as the lights sweep the hot sweaty room, as the base line of the music rumbles before a klaxon sounds causing hundreds of voices to cheer, I turn my head over my shoulder looking past her. A double take as through the crowd I see Lyndsay following a blonde girl in a bar uniform. It'd be futile to call out over this incessant noise. What's she even doing? Where's she going?

"Stressful day." I state bringing my attention back to the girl to my left, I recognise her instantly. What's that phrase about of all the bars in all the world?

She smiles weakly; "Perhaps you need to just let go and enjoy yourself."

"Perhaps I do" I smirk "And you are?"

"Sarah" I know the answer before she even speaks.

"Well Sarah" I say with a grin "I'm Jack ...will you join me for a drink?"

"Only if you promise to come dance with me".

I grin, I'm not a fucking dancer; but as I look out across the sprawling mass of The Phoenix, I realise that I don't have to be. I mime a request for another glass from the Barmaid.

Pouring a glass for her I chuckle as she screws her face up as soon as she takes a sip.

"That's fucking awful" she states.

"It's like me ... it's an acquired taste."

"Maybe I'll get used to it then," her eyes look up at me from the rim of the glass as she takes another longer sip.

"Maybe you will" I reply.


Tubs held his mobile in the air but for the life of him couldn't get any reception.

Lyndsay had gone to the bar to grab overpriced drinks an hour ago. Jack hadn't turned up. This place was shit he thought to himself. The incessant dance music that had been playing all night long was now properly doing his head in. He wanted to leave. Only problem was he had no idea even how he'd get back home from the middle of fucking nowhere.

He looked around for Lyndsay everywhere again, a seemingly increasing futile gesture in the swamp of people even in his line of sight.

"Alright mate," A tall guy in a red Adidas track top with a crew cut shaved head spoke to him "You want any pills... you want any coke ... what you want?"

"For you to fuck off" was Tubs sterile response as he took to scanning his surroundings once again.


The sound of her high heeled boots echoed along the dark narrow corridor; the click clack click clack of the pointed stiletto.

The corridor was cold, and damp lined with six metal doors, three to her left three to her right.

Her hands were cuffed behind her, a thick leather collar attached to a chain ran around her neck. Ahead over the shoulder of a thick set man, dressed in black, who held the chain attached to her neck she saw a further metal door. Behind her strode another equally heavy set black clad figure. Both wore balaclavas.

They'd cuffed and collared her the moment she'd stepped through the door to which the blonde barmaid had escorted her when she'd handed over the ivory-coloured card.

She'd stepped through the door of her own will. A long red curtain had been pulled back to reveal a similar dark metal door to the ones on either side of her now and the one to which she approached. The letters VIP had been crudely scratched into the metal door. The luxury she'd imagined the title to possibly symbolise was far from the reality.

She'd been led down several flights of rickety metal stairs to get to here. From upstairs the sounds of the music filtered through the ceiling and walls; the bass seeming to make the old brick walls vibrate.

She should be scared; she wasn't.

Lyndsey was intrigued her breath fast and heavy with nervous anticipation.

As they approached the door at the end of the corridors her assailant from behind brushed past her and opened the door to a dark room; a cold stale draft exited the room as the door swung open. Lyndsay shivered feeling goose bumps break out on her exposed skin. The chain around her neck was pulled harshly, as though she'd try to escape. Lyndsay stumbled as a consequence losing her balance as she was pulled into the room.

As the door locked behind her, she felt heavy hands on her upper arms. A dim light illuminated over a macabre looking device. A padded black leather seat across which lay open buckled black leather straps. Two stirrups attached to the baseplate on which the chair was bolted to the concrete floor; the chair would look medical we're it not for the dark damp surroundings. There was no need for words, no need for explanation. Lyndsay was expected to take the seat she knew that.

The handcuffs were removed from her as she stood there her eyes adjusting to the gloom. Not that there was anything else to see. Each of her arms taken in a strong grip.

"It's OK...it's Ok" she shrugged gently out of the grip on her right arm "I get it".

She stepped forward towards the chair her left hand running over one of the stirrups. Her breath heavy she turned to face the pair of them. Their faces obscured they watched as she sat up on the soft leather backed chair. Lyndsey leant back facing up at the dim bulb in the ceiling. They worked swiftly taking turns to draw the leather straps across her chest and midriff tightly, her arms held to her sides her wrists soon inserted into leather shackles drawn so tight she could not move. Her upper body fully immobilised as she was effectively restrained. Still, she did not protest.

Her left leg was unceremoniously pulled to the left stirrup, the back of her boot covered calf resting in the semi-circular groove of the stirrup. Further straps buckled around her ankle and just below her knee.

Lyndsay's chest rose and fell restricted by the tight belts strapped across her vest top. She bit the inside of her lip and looked back up to the ceiling as her right leg was secured into the right stirrup.

The device held her; the cold damp of the room filled her lungs as she lay there now completely immobilised. She closed her eyes.

A leather gloved hand pressed a tablet to her mouth.

Lyndsay held her mouth firmly shut she shook her head. The hand moved away.

She didn't watch them leave but she heard the creak of the door as it was pulled to and shut heavily. She heard the lock bolt shut just as the light bulb flickered and died.

In the darkness that surrounded her Lyndsay inhaled deeply awaiting her fate.


Chloe watched as The Wolf pulled down the metal hatch door. The orange white glow of the furnace beyond filled the room casting long shadows as they stood there. The searing heat made her take a step back.

"You're getting too familiar with this process," he turned to her, the annoyance in his voice all too clear.

Chloe simply silently nodded.

"He was a good man," The Wolf stated.

"By your standards," Chloe replied "He was arrogant... he was getting careless ... he thought he was beyond reproach."

"I should put you in there with him," his cold tone let Chloe know this wasn't a dark joke. This was The Wolf mourning the loss of one of his own, one of his most trusted.

"You ...you wouldn't" she shook her head taking a step back away from him and the body of Spider at her feet.

"After what you just told me ... I fucking well would. You aren't indispensable Chloe."

Chloe shivered despite the heat from the furnace "Jack killed him that anger in him ...everything I've done in the last".

"You can't claim full responsibility ... that apple simply hasn't fallen far from the tree, but the apple was picked." The Wolf reprimanded her.

"Just like his Father."

"Maybe" The Wolf pondered "But don't worry Chloe I'll find suitable punishment for you... you can wear that outfit and those boots when I do."

His eyes cast up and down her.

Chloe swallowed hard. She'd survived the worst of his punishment to date; she'd survive whatever sadistic and no doubt sexualised punishment he'd have in store for her.

The Wolf grabbed Spiders prone body under the arms and dragged him towards the open furnace.

Chloe watched as Spiders body slid through the hatch into the white-hot heat of the gas fired burners beneath. The smell of charred hair and flesh spewed into the room before the Wolf closed the hatch.

Walking up to Chloe he ran his fingers through her platinum blonde hair.

"Cell 5 is vacant".

"No ..." she knew not to argue and stopped herself but warm tears at the prospect of incarceration filled her eyes.

"And I'll finish what poor Spider didn't get chance to... you're fond of a Pillory aren't you".

Chloe closed her eyes, there was no idle threat to his words. He didn't speak them to share her, he spoke then to cruelly taunts her as to what her immediate future would be.

His face sneered in the gloom as he pulled her head back harshly by her hair, Chloe grimaced as she stifled a gasp of pain.

"You've set us back Blondie ... Looks like I'll have to go after Jack the Lad myself... rip out his heart and destroy him."

The Wolf let go of her hair.

"Then we'll see the real Jack Hughes".


I watch as she peels her top up over her head and she straddles me. Her toned naked body is amazing.

She smirks. "You like Jack?"

"You're beautiful Sarah," I state, and she blushes as she pushes blonde hair behind her ears.

Completely naked myself I look down between our bodies just as she leans over. Taking the little silver square from the bed beside me I watch as she tears open the wrapper and pulls the condom out. I feel her nimble fingers roll the contraceptive over my erect dick.

My hands at my side, I wrap them around her as she lowers herself over me. I feel my dick graze against her as we kiss. Her right hand slips back over my dick; she holds me to her and raises her hips a little before lowering them and pressing down. She inhales a deep shuddering little breath as I push my pelvis up to meet hers, my hands slide to her hips as she straightens her back.

Sarah takes me deep into her as she sits back, her breath heavy, she bites the corner of her lip.

No words uttered as she slowly gyrates her hips and her eyes softly close.

My eyes watch her intently as she rides me, I watch her perfect body straddling me, letting her take control for the time being at least.

She feels so good.

She looks so good.

I slowly thrust my hips to match hers.

"Slow Jack..." she whispers pressing a hand down on my chest, "Slow... We've got all night."


Footsteps heavily approach.

She could have been there in the total darkness for minutes or hours; she didn't know. The sounds of music had seemingly long fallen silent though.

The door swung open silhouetting his powerful frame.

Lyndsay's eyes squinted as the bulb above her slowly illuminated once more.

Closing the door behind him he simply stood there watching her from behind the mask she instantly recognised. The white skull on a black head cowl that completely obscured his face. As he watched her Lindsay raised her head forward slightly as he approached. Stepping between her restrained legs his right hand reached out and stroked the left-hand side of her face softly.

"I knew you'd come" his words echo around the room.

Lyndsay tried to respond but her lips and voice were dry. Her mouth fell open slightly.

His hands pushed her skirt up on to her waist. She tried not to flinch as she felt him rip open her black patterned tights. Lyndsay's eyes closed as she rested her head back against the padded seat she was secured to. She simply lay there her heart beating heavily in her own chest as she waited. Hearing the sound of him unzip his fly.

"Who ...who are you?" Lyndsey finally uttered.

His erect dick slid firmly into her she clenched her whole body, his girth parting her with ease as he claimed her. The unbelievable sensation of him back in her, she gasped in pleasure as he filled her, pressing his hips up against hers. He fully impaled her restrained body. She was his to use as he pleased.

"I'm the Wolf," he stated, "Welcome to my lair."

SoftKtty24SoftKtty24about 2 years ago

Loving it! Who is the Wolf, what does he have to do with Logan...

SoftKtty24SoftKtty24about 2 years ago

So dark so twisted. Chloe, into the darkness, poor Mica avoiding the dark world for so long...willJack stop and think or continue falling down the same path of evil, drugs and debauchery. Every chapter has me on edge. The Dark Star series 🌟 ✨️✨️✨️✨️

Dark_Logan_Dark_Logan_over 2 years agoAuthor

Depends if you came here to get yourself or not - there’s always Porn Hub if you’re left feeling frustrated

upyoursixupyoursixover 2 years ago

Wow the sex scenes really crashed and burned didn't they

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