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The Dark Star - Aftermath Pt. 03


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There's something playful about her tone but she's immediately caught me off guard. The similarities to her sister aren't just physical.

"I can see you're as much trouble as your Sister," I pull my wallet from my pocket. "Can I get you a drink?"

"Vodka lime and soda." is her quick response, "Double."

Headed to the bar I fire a WhatsApp to Chloe; letting her know I've arrived and met up with her sister. Choosing a double brandy and coke for myself I grab the drinks and head back to the booth. Beth once again locked into her mobile screen, tapping out several messages before stowing her phone in her bag. She doesn't offer an apology for leaving me waiting or any gratitude for the drink from which she immediately takes along sip from.

"So how long have you been seeing my Sister then Jack?"

"I'm not sure technically we're seeing one another" I offer a little half smile after I take a long sip on my own drink to contemplate my response.

"Friends with benefits is it then?" Beth chuckles to herself, "That's so Clo".

"Yeah... it's something like that," I offer.

"But you're the reason I'm on the sofa tonight I guess, "Beth states following a further sip of her drink through a slim black straw.

"Actually, I'm the one on the Sofa apparently," I raise an eyebrow.

"Good...Blood before Boys," Beth promptly responds. "Unless we squeeze you in between the two of us."

Her smirk is devilish, but I only respond with a surprised expression at her latest flirty response.

"Oh, don't worry Jack" Beth teases "Clo and I have never been able to share... and I'm in a relationship."

Relieved a little I take another swig of my drink. Over the next hour we sit and chat, one drink leads to another which leads to another. All the while despite further messages and even a missed call to her as I head to the toilet Chloe is nowhere to be seen and seemingly uncontactable. My phone starts to vibrate as soon as I slip it into my back pocket grabbing it, I step aside from the doorway of the Gents. I cancel the call immediately when I see Mica's Mums number again on the caller display. Contemplating sending a text I forget that idea and head for a much-needed piss.

Washing my hands, a toilet attendant, with an array of aftershaves stands to my left, he hands me a paper towel in which to dry my hands.

"What'll it be kiddo" he asks casting his hand over the various bottles while smiling broadly.

"I'm alright thanks mate," I offer back to him politely enough.

"No splash no gash ...No spray no lay" he cheerily states bringing a wry smile to my face, so I sling a pound coin in the pot next to him regardless.

"Not that kind of night my friend" I offer.

"It's always that kind of night," he replies chuckling to himself as I walk past him.

Walking out of the toilets I head back towards the booth. The place is far busier than I'd thought it would be in consideration; especially compared to when I'd walked in. Beth stands from behind the booth. I notice a party of girls hovering behind her, hesitating towards making a move towards the vacated seats. Unsure if Beth has technically vacated the seat. As am I.

I look Beth up and down as I approach, a tight white sweater clings to her upper body, a short red, black and white tartan effect skirt covers the tops of her legs, which are adorned by black tights. She wears white Converse pumps which make the outfit appear more casual. She holds her black denim jacket in one hand and hangs her bag over her shoulder with the other hand. She's a slightly fuller figure than Chloe and possibly a little taller, despite being 3 years younger.

"I'm bored" she offers.

"Thanks" I respond pretending to be wounded.

"Not with you Jacko" she mocks "With this place... why don't you show me what the rest of this pretty shitty city has to offer?"

I nod I can see her point. I'd finished my drink anyway.

"Sure" I say without a fucking clue where to head to

Behind us as we walk away the group of girls pounce on the empty booth like vultures on a carcass in one of those nature documentaries.


On the second attempt I manage to turn the key in the door. Practically falling through the door, I head up the stairs. Beth follows behind me as drunk as I am for sure. She must be.

"Chloe... " she shouts up the stairs ahead of us. "Chloe Evelyn Macready are you here?"

The fact that the bed sit is in darkness is clue enough for me to realise Chloe isn't, she hasn't answered her phone all evening and none of the messages sent bear the two blue ticks to indicate she's even seen the messages. I'd be worried, if this wasn't a usual trick for her; she could go missing for a day or two then walk in through the door like nothing had happened. Usually passing off the absence with a claim of stopping over at a friend's, a name of someone invariably I hadn't met. I held no illusion that she was more than likely off with another guy for a casual fuck. I'd learned to park such suspicions; questioning Chloe only seemed to anger her. It wasn't worth poking the wasps' nest with a stick.

"Where the fuck are you bitch?" Beth laughs as she stumbles towards the living area peeling off her denim jacket. That white jumper accentuates her tits as it hugs her figure. I then find my eyes casting up her legs. Damn she looks good.

"One of her disappearing acts," I state as I crash down onto the sofa.

"You're used to them are you ...14 months was the longest I've known."

I was shocked, perhaps I shouldn't have been knowing Chloe or at least thinking I knew her. I decide against pressing her for detail, I just nod as if to indicate I'm fully aware.

"Mum and Dad were besides themselves ... first year at Uni she just dropped out disappeared. She come home at Christmas saying she'd met some new guy at a coffee shop and then not long after she just disappears... if I was to pull half the stunts my sisters pulled... Jesus".

"She's an enigma ... or so I tell her".

"You wouldn't have her any other way, though would you?" Beth chuckles, a familiar little chuckle that belongs to Chloe.

"I wouldn't... fancy a drink?"

"Well, it's been nearly half an hour... don't suppose you've any Brandy...I love Brandy."

"You're in luck," I state getting up from the sofa and looking back at her as she tucks those legs up under her body as she sits on the sofa.

Headed to the kitchen I grab a full bottle of brandy from a shelf and crack open the bottle top. As I reach for two glasses from the cupboard, I glimpse two familiar looking blue grey pills in a little clear bag at the side of the cupboard. My earlier clean up obviously hadn't been that comprehensive. I take the bag in my hand, briefly contemplating their perceived influence and Beth as she sits there on the Sofa. Instantly I reprimand myself for even contemplating such a thought.

"Neat or with Coke?" I call out.

"Neat suits me..." her voice directly behind me, catching me by surprise. "I might I ask what the fuck these are doing tucked behind the cushions ...or should I steer clear for fear of the inappropriate."

Turning I clench the bag of pills into my hand. Beth stands there behind me holding up the pair of steel handcuffs. I did a really fucking piss poor job of tidying up I start to realise.

"Well, um ... here's the thing..."

Beth raises an eyebrow, "Inappropriate then I guess."

"Well, I could tell you or I could show you" I grin trying to dodge the awkwardness realising I only make things worse with my attempt at quick humour.

"Total inappropriateness Jack Hughes." Beth tilts her head.

I start to prepare the drinks as Beth walks away, placing the cuffs on the low coffee table sat before the sofa. Slipping the bag of blue pills into my back pocket I pour out two neat generous brandy's.

Totally inappropriate I consider. Her words echoing playfully around my mind.

Totally inappropriate.


Beth's slender hands and wrists pulled instantly at the cuffs. Pulling them against the metal headboard as I locked them tightly over pale skin.

"Oh god we shouldn't be..."

Her eyes were wide, glazed, she bit at her lip as I placed my finger to her dark red lips.

"Trust me".

She nodded, she continued to nod as my hand pressed down across her toned stomach her tits held up in a white satin bra as she lay there flat on her back. Her breath shallow as I slid my hand up under her tartan skirt and pulled it up around her waist.

Taking my hand from her mouth I knelt between her legs. Silently she watched as I peeled off my polo shirt.

My hands claw at the gusset of her thick black denier tights, the sound of them ripping seems to fill the room. Beth gasps, shaking her head gently as her eyes slip shut. She wears no underwear under the tights, and I trace my fingers along her smooth little slit.

"Jack..." Beth quietly states aloud but does not follow up on whatever she's thinking.

Unbuckling my belt, I slip my jeans and boxers down the backs of my legs kicking them off as I lay back on top of her.

"I've got a boyfriend" she finally utters towards the ceiling unable to face me "You ... you're..."

I lower my head towards her, my lips met hers once more and she kisses back despite her verbal protests. She kisses with passion as I pin her elbows and press myself against her, the sweet taste of brandy still lingers on her lips.

Beth breaks the kiss craning her head back into the pillow with a whimper as I enter her.

I press my hips forward with a slow steady thrust, slipping fully into her. I'm greeted by a tight warmth as I start to take her handcuffed to the bed, just as I have her sister in the past. Taking her in the same bed in which Lyndsey had been lay less than twenty-four hours earlier.

Beth takes me her legs wrap around my waist and my hands grip the backs of her thighs. Pulling her legs up higher around me granting me deeper penetration.

"Hard" she whispers, looking at me her mouth parted on deep breaths.

I nod.

"Hard ...and fast" she instructs as her eyes close as with every thrust I draw a satisfied little gasp of breath from Chloe's beautiful eighteen-year-old little sister.

She feels good, this feels good, not even the alcohol in my body dulls my senses. I'm Jack the Lad. I take Beth harder and faster.

"You're not wearing a ..." she suddenly tenses, her eyes wide.

"It's alright..." I reassure, "...it's alright."

Lost in the moment our bodies entwine. She relaxes as we slowly begin to fuck. I can't believe how good she feels around me. As I build momentum, she pulls at the cuffs but in frustration at not having her hands rather than with any kind of anxiety.

"Don't cum in me"

"I won't"


They'd not heard her.

She'd slipped into the darkened bed sit barely a minute ago.

She watches. Her jaw set firm, her top teeth grinding against her bottom teeth.

"No Jack don't ..." she hears her sister beg.

"No Jack please don't cum ..." her voice raises.

"Don't cum in me ...please don't..."

Chloe watches helpless from the darkness as with his right arm extended, pinning her cuffed wrists, Jack arches his back, he shudders, he groans. She watches on helpless as he came despite Beth's whimpers and pleas. His body relaxing, his breath hard and heavy as he climaxed between her sister's legs as he clutched hold of the back of her right thigh; her legs limply parted around his waist as he held her to the bed. He'd trapped her wrists in handcuffs through the metal headboard. He's naked she's practically fully clothed. There was no physical protest there was no reaction, as his body ceased writhing on top of her, as she succumbed to him, to what he had just done to her. He'd impregnated her. Jack had impregnated her, her sister, her little baby sister.

"Jack... oh fuck Jack"

"I'm sorry" Jack uttered a weak, pathetic apology, "I'm sorry Beth..."

Beth hadn't wanted him to. She'd heard her words clearly. She'd asked him not to. She'd practically begged him not to but had no choice. How had they even? Why would Beth even? The symptoms, the side effects, instantly recognisable to Chloe. Jack had bought her little sisters' compliance, Beth didn't know what she was doing, Jack had taken advantage of Beth. It was abundantly clear; Beth was under the influence of a 'bluey'.

Anger built in Chloe. Anger at his deceit, his treachery. Everything she'd done for Jack Hughes in the last few months and this was how he'd repaid her. Chloe's fists balled in her jacket pocket as she stood there mortified. Her hand clenching a familiar object in her pocket. She took one silent step forward. Then despite her rage Chloe turned, she fled; heading straight back down the stairs as silent as she could, unable to cope with what she'd witnessed. Tears welled in her eyes. It was her fault. She wanted revenge but she couldn't take that revenge. She couldn't jeopardise what The Wolf had tasked her with. Why Beth though? Why had she become collateral damage?

The cold night air hit her as she near stumbled into the street, pulling the door quietly too behind her. She had no idea how to react.

What had he done?

What had she done?

Poor Beth the innocent victim in all of this, like so so many others. Chloe's feet kept taking her forward she had no idea where she headed, grabbing a pack of cigarettes from her inside pocket she took one out. Patting her pockets, she couldn't find a lighter. She held back tears as frustratedly she searched pockets she'd searched before with the same outcome. Refusing to believe she could possibly have lost her lighter amongst everything else. Her mind races.

"You need a light girl?"

Chloe looked over, pulled to the kerb was a Silver BMW. The heavy bass line of Rap music is turned down slightly on the stereo as he looks over at her; Chloe only then realising it had been providing dull thudding soundtrack to her walk along the street. Sat behind the steering wheel was a young Asian guy. Black hair slicked back as he grinned up at her Chloe caught sight of a gold tooth amongst an array of slightly crooked teeth.

"Farooq's got a light come here" and he held aloft a red lighter. His eyes looked her up and down none to subtly. As she approached the Car Chloe could smell the weed that hung heavy in the air. She leant forward to the open window with the cigarette between her lips. He reached the lighter up to her and lit it his face briefly illuminated orange by the glow of the flame.

"Man, you is beautiful baby girl" he stated as Chloe inhaled a lung full of smoke. In return she fixed him with a cold stare. "What's a girl like you doing out here all alone?"

"Looking for some space," Chloe stated the truth quietly.

"Space ...is you sure that's what you need?" he exudes an utter lack of class. A cheap wanna be gangster vibe about the fucking prick. Was this an attempt to pick her up? Did he find this approach often worked?

"And what do you think I need?" Chloe towed the line, responding to his less than ambiguous tact.

"Farooq thinks you need more than space Girl ... maybe you want weed ... pills ... I get you coke ...you want some coke?"

"What about 'bluey's'?" Chloe was genuinely in no mind for this. but the cheap fucker entertained her, distracted her. The jumped-up little prick, who kept referring to himself in the third person, sat behind the wheel of his pimped-out car and really thought he was something. Believed he was someone special. Fucking idiot.

"Blues?" Farooq said, "What are they?"

Chloe held off rolling her eyes. She knew he wouldn't know; to date only their exclusive supply could get Blues. It wouldn't always be that way, it probably wasn't that way, there must've been other suppliers. While in limited supply there was however an inflated street value that would facilitate the markets flooded with cheaply manufactured imitations within months. She was relived he had no idea of what she referred to. The evil little pill that currently dissolved inside her sister. Claiming her mind while Jack claimed her body. Although to be as mentally out of it as a 'Blue' could provide would actually be a welcome reprieve right now. On reflection perhaps a little coke might help though.

"Don't worry," Chloe blew out another lungful of smoke into the cold night air. She smiled at Farooq who grinned back. "Maybe a gram of coke would be good."

Farooq nodded and grinned "All good baby girl ...All good" he leant forward a little "We need to drive to my Man's place for that though... Farooq don't have it on him ...you know what I'm saying?"

And there it was, his cheap little trick, his none too subtle gimmick. Chloe knew how this played out. Knew what would happen if she got in the car. How many other girls had made the same error of judgment?

"Is it far?" Chloe asked.

"Not far baby girl... half hour and I'll have you back."

"Half an hour?" Chloe played along further.

"Yeah, girl half hour max."

Chloe looked over her shoulder back to the bed sit. The street was empty in both directions, there was no CCTV in the area. She knew this and for all of the fucking idiot that Farooq was he knew this.

Chloe smiled at him, "Ok let's go."

The car engine started as Chloe walked around the front of the car, her high heeled calf length boots click clacked heavily on the tarmac as she opened the passenger door and slipped into the leather covered passenger seat. His eyes falling immediately to her legs as her short skirt rode up fishnet clad thighs.

Farooq couldn't keep the dark grin off his face as he pulled the car away from the kerb and headed away into the night.

Farooq grinned as he drove his trap sprung. Just looking at her he felt a stir in his groin. He knew what he had in mind for the little blonde.

He had no idea what the night held for him.


"That's it Bitch... awww man that's fucking it...keep going... keep going you little white slut".

Chloe choked hard on the dick that invaded her mouth. His hands pressing down hard on the back of her neck and head as he held her down while fucking her mouth.

She could barely breath. Bent over from the passenger seat her hands gripped his thigh and the door handle of his door as she braced and let him use her.

The play had been as obvious as she'd expected. The offer of free cocaine, which no doubt involved a wrap of baking soda cut with fucking sherbert if she agreed to suck his dick in the romantic confines of his saloon car, in the even more appealing run down looking industrial estate that he'd driven her to.

He probably couldn't believe his luck when, without protestation, Chloe had obliged. She knew how he wanted this to play out. His mind no doubt already on the unceremonious fuck he believed he'd be giving her on the back seat of the BMW.

He played into Chloe's desire, she played into his to gain what she wanted.

"Harder bitch ... suck Farooq ... suck Farooq harder... C'mon... C'mon"

His grip didn't relent as he abused her mouth. Chloe had handled worse abuse. If anything, she needed this; needed this more than the desperate fucker who's dick harshly slid back and forth in her mouth. It felt cathartic to be used by him; she knew full well what would follow. Her next act that she'd perform. He was just a phallus; he thought he was using her when all the time she was using him. Her climax would be memorable.

"Fuck yeah," he begged practically. "Oh, fuck yeah."

He was close. Chloe gripped the door handle and his thigh as his strong hand tightly gripped her. Holding her down. His body strained forward pushing deep against her throat. She felt him shudder, heard him groan and then tasted the fowl salty warmth of his ejaculate as he came in her mouth. Chloe swallowed taking all of his putrid tasting seed into her, trying not to wretch as she swallowed him. Mercifully he'd not lasted long.

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