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The Dark Star - Aftermath Pt. 03


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"Fuck me... You suck dick like a fucking pro," his blunt appraisal of what he'd just gained from her.

He released his grip. Chloe raised her head until she sat upright back in the passenger's seat. Looking at his grinning face with a timid expression.

"Did I do ok?" She meekly asked wiping her bottom lip.

"You did good bitch ... sucked that dick real good".

"So, can we go get the coke now?" She continued to play along.

Farooq looked Chloe up and down "There's no rush is there girl ...my man'll be there all night."

Reaching over he turns Chloe's head to face him.

"Let me fuck your pussy hole... get in the back and let Farooq fuck you."

'Direct' Chloe thought as she mustered a smile as her foresight began to ring true. 'So romantic as well'

"Do we need to get in the back?" Before he could answer Chloe clambered over the gear stick and the hand break to straddle his lap, squeezing her legs either side of his. Lowering herself so close she should feel his dick, wet with her own saliva, graze against her fishnet covered thigh.

Chloe hitched her skirt up fixing him with a seductive gaze; "Why don't you let me ride that huge fucking length of yours Farooq".

His eyes lit up; when once again he should've questioned the ease with which she gave herself up to him.

"You're a naughty little Whore," his charm offensive continued. "You gonna fuck Farooq?"

"I'm the filthiest broken little whore you'll ever meet," Chloe purred placing her right hand into her jacket pocket at the same time. "I'm going fuck you Farooq...but insist on protection".

His face dropped, obviously none too keen at that prospect.

Just as he made to protest Chloe placed a finger to his lips.

She shook her head, fixing him with a seductive gaze. "No protection ... No fuck."

His eyes glanced down between her legs, his hands gripped her ass pulling her against him and his erect length. Farooq nodded his understanding as Chloe slipped her hand from her pocket.

"Meet my protection."

Her sleight of hand was swift. His eyes bulged a gargled sound escaped his lips as his right hand shot to his neck.

"Told you I'd fuck you Farooq."

Chloe watched as dark blood slowly trickled through his fingers even as his left hand applied further pressure over his right hand. Turning the blade in her hand with force she stabbed Farooq repeatedly in the chest as he sat there helpless still clutching his neck.

Her hand clutched for the door release and she practically fell from his lap out of the car.

Face down on a grass verge on a side road of a dark industrial estate Chloe curled up into a foetal position under the clear night sky. She lay there for several minutes calming herself, composing herself. The cold ground seemed to burn into her.

She snapped her mind back into the present, pulling out her mobile she dialled a number.

"Sorry to call" she shivered "I need your help... I did it again."


The White Van pulled up alongside of the Silver BMW just as the flames in the back seat started to take hold.

Not even looking back Chloe climbed up into the passenger seat of the Van.

He pulled away at speed. Looking back in the side mirror Chloe could see the car now engulfed in flames. Farooq's body would be charred to a crisp and the car would be a smouldering wreck by time anyone had spotted the fire on the abandoned Industrial Estate. Let alone by time the Emergency Services arrived.

"Spare me the details ... but is this going to be a problem?"

"No," Chloe said shaking her head, "No problem ... he was nobody."

He didn't wear his mask, but a black cotton snood covered his lower face. His eyes bore the same intensity as she'd first spotted in them, years ago now. An intensity that never seemed to wane.

"No problem" The Wolf repeated back to her.

"From what I've seen tonight..." Chloe stated coldly, "Jack Hughes is the fucking problem".

As she recounted the events of earlier, despite her emotion over the fate of her little sister from beneath the scarf she could tell he smiled, a thick wide smile that became a knowing dark chuckle on the shake of a head.

"Sounds like things are coming together Chloe... well done Blondie".

Chloe looked out across the City in the window to her left, the constant orange glow of lights that illuminate the darkness as the van drove through the night. Her mind drifted back to her sister; what was happening to her right now. A tear formed in the corner of her left eye, she let it fall down her cheek.

She turned back to the Wolf holding off the break in her voice.

"We've created a monster".

Chapter Three; The Phoenix

I couldn't believe the sight before my very eyes.

Stood next to Chloe on a balcony looking down across the large Warehouse that was near full of bodies, all writhing and dancing the bars set up around the perimeter of the improvised dance floor four or five deep almost everywhere. The place was alive. I had no idea how many people filled the space and still they came in through the wide-open hanger doors at the far end of the warehouse.

The sights, the sounds, the air felt electric as the DJ dropped yet another heavy dance beat into the mix. Heavy smoke machines benches cloud out across the room.

"This ...this is fucking amazing" I say turning to Chloe.

"It's not bad," she said fairly non plussed. "Yeah, it's not too bad."

"How does this all even come together... where does this all come from?" I ask genuinely intrigued.

"Hard work... dedication and occasional investment from wealthy benefactors," Chloe raises her voice to be heard over the din. "Everybody always underestimates it..., the role the Wolf plays ...the experience that's what makes it happen."

"Best bit is" Chloe continues "We all get a cut... bar takings, ticket sales, even the cheap cut cocaine... the proceeds are tallied with fifty percent profit ploughed back in and the rest shared by seniority."

"How much?"

"Minion like you about half of half a percent" she smirks. "Me a nice big juicy six percent."

"You told me the Wolf wasn't real." I state my brow knitting with the confusion of her earlier comment.

Chloe chuckles "There is no Wolf ... individually there is no Wolf... I'm the Wolf... Spiders the Wolf... the guy selling fucking burgers and fried chicken down there... he's the Wolf... We are all the Wolf."

I get it, I think, like a pack all operating with a common goal to make sure the best night possible is pulled together. I now get how enthusiastic Chloe's been for weeks. Now I see it. I understand the buzz and the attraction.

My phone buzzes in my pocket distracting me. Instinctively I respond to the buzz, a message from Tubs on the screen.

SENDER: Tubs; Where are you? This place is too fucking busy and the music's shit. We're by main bar on left side.

I look out to where I assume him, and Lyndsay will be. They couldn't be any further away, provided I'm looking at the right bar on the right wall. It'd be good to see them I ponder, despite Tubs miserable disposition to anywhere that isn't the Black Swan, in truth I know it'd be good to see Lyndsay. Maybe later. Maybe.

Slipping the phone back into my pocket without replying I look Chloe up and down; she looks fucking amazing. A black strapless leather top holds up her tits perfectly, a little pleated back leather skirt accentuates her legs in her best spike heeled thigh length black leather boots.

She catches me looking at her; spots the lust in my eyes. "Easy Tiger," she smirks. "It's not that kind of night."

I lean over drawing my head level with her ear, "Then you shouldn't have worn that skirt with those boots. I just want to..."

Chloe pulls away a glint in her eye that I recognise "You..." she bits her lip a little, "...follow me."

She takes my hand pulls me away from the balcony. Leading us as I clutch my denim jacket in the other hand through the much smaller crowd assembled on the balcony. Many of whom I recognise from the house parties including the drug dealer Nessa. I spot Spider engrossed in conversation with a group of males I don't recognise. Song doesn't appear to be with him; I haven't seen her since that night. If Chloe is aware of my dalliance with Song, then surely everyone around Spider is. He'd been non fazed, there'd been no confrontation when he'd approached me in the matter but when all's said should Songs absence be a concern I briefly ponder.

Spiders eyes follow us, follow Chloe truth be told as she leads me towards the staircase we'd come up on arrival. I give him a nod and a wry smile. I've never been able to ascertain if he and Chloe have a past or not, but he's obviously attracted to her. She's mine you slippery fucking cunt I think as I look back across the backs of Chloe's legs in those boots as she leads me away, she's mine tonight and she always will be mine.

Chloe continues to lead the way. I don't look back again. Heading down a single flight of stairs Chloe pushes open a door that leads from a short landing. Instantly the room feels cooler I hadn't noticed the heat in the main room until we'd left it behind. The door leads to a narrow corridor and a second door propped open by a heavy looking rust covered steel bar, the doorway we reach opens on to a dimly lit room with broken windows, a large boardroom style table sits bizarrely in the middle of the room; coated in thick dust, a relic of this buildings past maybe. Chloe pushes the bar out of the way with her boot covered foot. As we step into the room the door closes shut.

Looking into her eyes I push Chloe up against the back of the door her arms wrap draped over my shoulders instantly as she pulls me against her. She kisses me and I kiss her back. I sling my jacket to the floor. A vicious combative kiss transpires, she tries to push me away, but I pin her using my strength to pin her back against the wall, my hands clamp on her hips.

She breaks away from the kiss. Breathless she looks up at me "If I say I want you to stop ...will you still make me?"

"What?" I say quietly a little confused by her question.

"If I say I don't want to fuck you..." I let Chloe break from my grip as she walks across the room, "...Will you force yourself upon me ... Will you handcuff me maybe... force a 'bluey' down my throat and hope I'm so fucking spaced out I don't know what you're doing to me when you're raping me?"

"What the..." I have no idea what she's on about, where this comes from, "Chloe you've ... you've fucking lost me."

"I told you Jack" she stabs a finger through the air in my direction "I told you I get to know everything you get up to".

"You ... you knew about her ... you were downstairs with those two..."

"Not her Jack... not house party girl" Chloe's face is flushed red with anger "Not that blonde slut you gang banged... My little sister Jack ...you drugged and raped my little sister."

I take a step back. Realising that she knows but not sure how she can possibly know; equally where's the base of her accusation that I'd forced myself on her. Had Beth said that? No, no it can't be possible.

"I ... I didn't" I utter shaking my head.

"Oh, you just fell over and slipped your dick deep in her on my bed, did you?"

She's making no sense, there's no point denying it but she's wrong. She's so wrong about what happened.

"It wasn't ...it wasn't like that...it was ...it was consensual ... we were both fucking hammered but we both knew what we were ..."

Tears run down her cheeks "I heard her Jack ... I heard her beg you not to..."

She turns her back on me; facing the table her hands reach out to support her body weight.

"There are two ... there are two fucking 'blueys' missing from the kitchen cabinet." Chloe sniffles, "Don't fucking lie to me Jack ...don't you fucking dare lie to me".

"Chloe it wasn't like that ...we shouldn't have ... fuck I know we shouldn't have..."

"Then why did you?"

"I don't know we just... one thing... one thing led to another" I'm floundering I can't compose myself enough to justify myself to her.

"She begged you Jack... I walked in to my flat to find my little Sister handcuffed to my bed ...and she was begging you ..."

"No ...no..." I realise what she refers to "I ...I came... I wasn't supposed to ... I wasn't wearing a ..."

I feel sick at the accusation while realising how much I've betrayed her. The other girls she knows about, even if she knew about Lyndsay it wouldn't be a betrayal like this. I crossed the line. Beth and I crossed the line. I'd slept with her Sister.

"You're a cunt... you're a lying fucking cunt Jack Hughes," Chloe sneers.

"I promise you," I state calmly and clearly, "I promise you that's what happened."

Chloe shakes her head "Your Father had a thing for Sisters... what you doing Jack living up to his legacy?"

How the fuck does she know that. My hand instinctively slips into my back pocket for my wallet. I feel the outline of the memory stick sat there between my debit card and my provisional driver's licence. In my pocket I feel something else. Suddenly the focus isn't on Chloe's wild accusation though.

"Think I didn't know that Jack".

"How?" I bark stepping forward towards her. She doesn't turn around. She keeps her hands flat on the table, her tone changes.

"I know everything that's on that fucking memory stick. everyone one of his sordid fucking tales... but I know who your Father was... Oh I know full well who your fucking Father was because he fucked me up as much as any of his victims".

"You ... you read the..."

"Hide something properly if you don't want it found Jack," Chloe sneered.

"You ... you and him..."

"Yeah ... prime little target for Logan Hughes, blonde... young ...willing... Our first little dalliance is barely mentioned" she turns to face me "C from the Coffee Shop... I don't expect you to remember me... Not amongst all the other lives he destroyed."

In my mind I recall what I can; Beth's comment echoes through my mind recalling how Chloe had met a new man at a coffee shop prior to disappearing for over a year. My mind races trying to piece together what was captured. What in the jumbled mess or poor grammar, initials and debauchery made sense.

"The same C..." Chloe stares at me her eyes burning into me with the rage that consumes her "The same C he fucked in front of hundreds of people having shaved the hair from my fucking head while I begged and pleaded for him to stop... maybe that rings bells."

"No," I firmly shake my head, "No that can't be true".

"It's all true..." Chloe composes herself "...I'm glad that Cunt died a slow horrible death... rotting away in a bed sit... so much so they could barely recognise him when they found him... I heard a cat had been chewing on him... frankly though I feel sorry for the cat".

I feel tears in my eyes now. "You're fucking deranged Chloe".

"Certified... Bi fucking Polar another unwanted side effect of the impact of your Father... If only you knew Jack," she smirks, "If only you knew what I've gotten away with".

"You're... you're..."

"Yeah, and you're a filthy fucking rapist... like Father like Son."

I snatch the little clear bag containing two blue grey coloured pills from my back pocket, I'd forgotten they were even there, tonight being the first time I'd worn these jeans since Tuesday.

"I've known too many victims of these fucking things in too short a space of time."

I slam the pills on the table beside Chloe with such ferocity she flinches.

"Sarah ...the girl at the party... Lyndsay ...my best friends' girlfriend... all victims ... no one truly knowing what they were doing under there influence... Nothing happened to your Sister on them as she never took them... Do you still maintain nothing happened to Miss ...to Leah Davis after they were fed to her?"

I walk away.

"Can you..." Chloe goads me, I shudder just thinking of that evening at this very location. How we'd verbally abused her, tormented her in her confused state. How scared and unhinged she'd been when I'd last seen her.

"My conscience is clear... you crazy fucked up Bitch... my conscience is clear."

I head for the door, just as I reach it the door swings open and Spider steps in. I barge past him dropping my shoulder and pushing him physically backwards as I head through the door.

"Oh ... Trouble in Paradise is there" he mockingly states.

"Fuck off you Cunt" I glare back at him and for a moment see him with his defences down as I catch him off guard verbally just the same as I had done physically. Spider wasn't used to people not complying with his obnoxious bullying nature.

The heavy door swings closed behind me.


I stub out my third cigarette in what seems as many minutes as I pick up the bottle of vodka, I'd made the Barman leave on the bar. As I take a heavy swig my mind blurs, I can't think straight. Not so much from the vodka but from the insanity of what's just transpired.

The memory card sits on the top of the bar before me. It seems to speak to me I hear it whisper my name.

Mica was right, Mica had been right. No good will come of discovering what's on that stick. I take the bottle and smash it down hard on the memory stick. The loud crack as the memory stick shatters heard by everyone even over the constant noise of the music. I realise the bottle has smashed in my hand I hold only the neck of the bottle. A waste of good Vodka. I set the broken neck on the bar.

"Fresh air needed" a burly security guard in a yellow high viz tabard states coming up to my shoulder.

He attempts to take hold of my right arm. I shake him off and stumble away back through the bar area on the balcony. Time to go home, but where the fuck is home. Lyndsay I'll go find Lyndsay. The Vodka clouds my mind. Perhaps I had had too much to drink.

Heading down the stairs. My jacket where's my fucking jacket. I love that Jacket. Where the fuck did I. My sudden realisation that it's in that room.

Stumbling down the steps I hear something as I push open the first door. Voices. Not raised voices, but angry voices none the less. I push open the second door.

Chloe lays bent over the table as Spider forces himself upon her. Face down she struggles, his hands pin her shoulders as he fucks her from behind. Looking back at me her wet eyes meet mine she pleads with me silently.

The haze the Vodka holds on my mind seems to clear instantly. Crouching I pick up the metal bar at my feet, stepping forward I tread lightly and cross space between them and I.

"You're just fuck meat Chloe... A filthy little fucking ..." he sneers as he commits the unspeakable act I witness as Chloe struggles beneath him.

"Spider" I call out loudly my booming voice filling the room.

As soon as he looks up, I swing the bar and catch him clean across the temple, a sickening crack sound fills the room.

Spider stumbles backwards his hand reaches for his temple but doesn't make it as his legs give way and falls heavily backwards looking to all intents unconscious before he hits the floor with a heavy thud.

Chloe picks herself up off the table. She throws herself against me, her face wet with tears as I hold her against me. Her body trembles. I drop the metal bar and my hand instinctively reaches up and begins stroking her hair.

"Thank you, Jack," she sobs, "Thank you."

I hold her there tenderly against me momentarily until she pushes away. The juxtaposition to the conflict of our earlier situation all too painfully obvious. Even I can't begin to contemplate what's gone on. Stepping back, she nearly trips over Spiders outstretched leg.

"He... he..."

She can't bring herself to say the words. Her slender arms draw around her upper body.

"What do we do with him?"

"Leave him for the rats," Chloe says kicking Spider over with the sole of her boot as he flops on to his back the right-hand side of his face and hair is soaked in dark red blood. His dick still erect exposed through the fly of his jeans would be darkly funny were the situation not so dire.

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