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The Dark Star - Aftermath Pt. 05


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The petite blonde lay there face down softly breathing her body still wrapped in the lingerie he'd chosen for her. Restraints still held tightly over her ankles, thighs, wrists and upper arms.

As he sat on the bed next to her, she raised her head a little with a touch of a weak smile. Almost sleepy her eyes looked up to meet his as he brushed light blonde hair from her face.

"Could ...would you" she uttered weakly "My shoulders are ..."

The Wolf nodded reaching out his right hand he released the leather strap that held her upper arms firmly.

"Thank you," she croakily whispered.

"Water?" The Wolf offered as he turned to place the strap on the bedside table. Picking up the bottle from the bedside table he unscrewed the cap and held it to her lips as she lay there face down. As she attempted to drink as much of the contents spilled down her jaw over her chin on to the duvet beneath her as she managed to drink but as the contents emptied, she offered a further weak smile of appreciation.

"You're welcome" The Wolf stated to acknowledge her.

"Wh... what now?" She asked looking up at him.

"Now..." he rose from the bed, "...Now young a Sophie we make you disappear ... but we start your new life".

"My... "her response stifled as he placed a finger to her lips.

"On reflection I should never have let you go."

The quiet exchange interrupted by a strong knock at the door. The Wolf didn't look back to her as he walked the short narrow passage to the door of the room. Knowing full well who to expect he opened the door with a nod of recognition; stepping aside letting them enter. The two males pushed a laundry trolley into the room. As he followed them The Wolf watched Sophie immediately begin to squirm, obviously uncomfortable on the bed and exposed by being simultaneously partially dressed and restrained.

"What ...what the fuck are you...?" she gasped.

"Quiet my dear" the Wolf raised a finger and she fell to a stunned silence. She looked from him to the two males and back again her eyes began to grow wet her face drawn with fear as she struggled in her restraints. "My friends here are just going to help ... with transporting you"

"No... No..." Sophie shook her head unable to do little else but thrash upon the bed "I'm not going back there ...I'm not going..."

Taking a ball gag from the side table as the two males dressed in matching navy polo shirts and dark trousers watched on whilst they removed a number of sheets from the trolley. The Wolf straddled Sophie's prone body as she thrashed, reaching his arms over her head with the ball gag drawn between his hands he pulled the gag sharply against her lips. As she protested the moment, she inevitably went to speak he pulled the ball gag tightly into the young blonde's mouth and secured the gag swiftly.

"There there ...you'll soon learn to appreciate" The Wolf stated as he climbed from the over her, no sooner had he done so the two males, without request, pounced one of them grabbing the blonde's ankles and while the other secured her beneath the arms. Her futile struggle was impressive, given her restraint, as she was lifted from the bed and carried towards the waiting laundry trolley.

The Wolf watched as she was dumped unceremoniously into the Trolley her muffled protests somewhat silenced her movements swallowed by the number of sheets and towels that lined the trolley. He watched on as the additional sheets that had been removed were dropped into the trolley on top of her hiding her from sight. The room had been specified when booked given its proximity to the Service Elevator on the opposite side of the hallway.

"Take her straight back and let her get acclimatised" The Wolf asked of the tallest male whose name he couldn't remember. "I've some unfinished business to attend to while I'm here so won't be at The Mill until the morning ...feed her and make sure the others are taken care of".

Further nods exchanged The Wolf watched as the inconspicuous looking laundry trolley was pushed through the room and then out through the door. He couldn't suppress the grin that crept across his face as the door swung shut behind them.

Five minutes later as he set about tidying the room, gathering her belongings into the suitcase she'd brought with her he glanced out the window to see the inconspicuous White Van head away from 'The Manoir' a trail of dust drifting up in the sunlight as the vehicle headed down the gravel driveway.


Cheryl Williams knew well the rules about fraternising with Hotel Guests.

Rules she'd upheld for the two years she'd worked at The Manoir.

Rules she'd never broken until tonight.

In the relative darkness of the room her uniform lay strewn across the floor, where he'd slowly confidently undressed her peppering her body with kisses his hands exploring her as he'd done so. Now naked spare for the natural coloured hold up stockings that have all but ridden down her thighs.

She threw back her head, her long auburn hair spilling down her back. She groaned feeling him deep in her as she rode his thick hard dick. His hands running over her breasts his rough treatment of her sensitive nipples causing her to audibly gasp.

He'd tied her hands behind her back with his necktie, she'd worried at first, but the semi helplessness coupled with the way he made her feel exhilarated her; she could feel her climax close as his hands now gripped her hips and pulled her down on to him, pushing himself deeper into her she shuddered and ground her hips atop of him.

The man, Jack Macready, she'd checked in only hours earlier and exchanged barely small talk with across the day now held her so close to orgasm she longed for the moment to last. She stared down into his deep eyes off set in that rugged face. Mid-forties she'd placed him but fuck he was experienced, his touch, his demeanour, his control.

Moments later Cheryl Williams shuddered to an exhausted exhilarating climax then felt the stranger cum deep in her wet warm sated pussy.

"I knew you were trouble the minute I set eyes on you" she grinned as she leant forward and kissed his lips firmly.

Chapter Two; Confrontation and Consequence

As the bright morning sunshine streamed through the window Sarah McAllister stood at the kitchen counter gazing out of the window, the mug of coffee she clutched in her hand had passed from tepid to cold some time ago. Her mind, as it had been for as long as she could remember clouded, thinking of only one thing. One person. Where was Fee, where was her little sister?

Placing a finger to her mobile, which sat in the counter, she powered up the screen. She knew it wasn't possible that she could have missed a text, a WhatsApp, a Facebook Message but she was at the point she trusted nothing or no one. Sophie had slipped away a little over a week ago now. They'd discovered a small suitcase had been missing from a wardrobe in the spare bedroom and Sarah had meticulously gone through the clothes that she knew Sophie kept at her house, several garments she was sure should be here simply weren't.

It wasn't that she hadn't heard from her exactly but two short text messages in that time and no social media updates just didn't seem right from a girl usually plugged into one platform or another updating her status, even with the most trivial of detail. Entering her messages Sarah pulled up the last message received and read it for what felt like the thousandth time.

SENDER: Fee; Sis I'm OK just please give me some time. I need to get used to so much that's changed, and I need to do this myself. Love you always. Fee xxx

The message looked like it came from her; was in keeping with the texts that's she'd sent previously but Sarah's intuition, or was it her paranoia, kept her looking between every one of the thirty-one words that constituted her last known communication.

She'd notified the two Detectives; Callaghan and Parsons when the texts received had landed. They'd paid her cursory response, barely lip service if truth be told, in suggesting that as the messages didn't indicate that Sophie appeared in any distress or harm that she should be patient; that she should sit tight and wait for her sister to get back in contact. Sarah couldn't do that, the constantly twisting knife of anxiety in her stomach couldn't let her relax. Her mind in overdrive as time after time she envisaged the worst-case scenarios in which her young Sister could be.

She'd always looked out for Fee, even more so since their parents messy divorce and then their Fathers death. A little too much care and attention some had suggested but she felt a duty a near maternal instinct since their Mother had turned increasingly to alcohol to deal with the trauma that had started seven years ago when Sofie had been Ten, despite Sarah only being seventeen herself. She felt she failed Sophie and it tore her apart. Whatever had happened to her that night at The Phoenix, Sarah felt now that she had barely scratched the surface on the truth. She knew she didn't want to know the truth, but she knew it may hold many clues as to what fate had since befallen Fee.

Equally she had no genuine remorse in reporting the matter to the Police in the first instance despite the fall out of Fee's reaction. Such simple questions asked, when they'd come to the house that evening had astounded her as she sat there listening unbelievably to her sisters' lack of cooperation. Fee had all but refused to cooperate, had refused to discuss any details and had frankly made Sarah feel like everything had been a waste of the Detectives time.

It was something Jack had said after she'd ushered the male and female detective out that night that stuck in her mind "Why would they send Detectives when Officers could've taken basic statements". Was there something they weren't bring made aware of. Had Fee potentially been the latest victim of a much bigger issues.

She'd taken a lot of her frustration out on Jack when he'd only done his best, in the circumstance. He'd offer nothing but assistance and comfort. She'd implored him to contact old friends and people he knew associated with the Phoenix; he'd packed all reticence, but he'd frustratingly not been able to make contact with anyone he'd only last been in touch with barely six months previous. She knew Jack had turned his back on his association with the Phoenix, she knew from what he'd said that he'd been in an awkward relationship that he wanted to move on from and forget. He'd apparently even tried to contact her but had been ignored.

Driven by her paranoia more than anything else Sarah had herself offered to contact the same people, in the heated exchange that followed Jack dialled number after number on his phone on speaker for her to hear only to be greeted with a dead tone indicating the consecutive numbers no longer existed. Sarah believed Jack but she couldn't accept; he'd told her how in his capacity he'd only sold tickets for the event through contacts he'd made. He'd explained he had no direct dealings with the events or the venue beyond that. Surely there was someone left he could contact or even turn up there himself. Something about his mystery connection to the events or the people who ran the events she still didn't trust, but she dare not upset him further.

"Fuck" she cursed aloud slamming her hand against the kitchen counter causing cold coffee to spill from her mug; she couldn't help her own paranoia turning her against the one person who in truth couldn't have done more for her at this time. She loved him but simply didn't tell him enough.

Sarah sat herself down at the kitchen table calming herself trying to think straight on all of this. She needed to stay on top of this, but she needed more so to keep it together. She couldn't face another day of this gnawing uncertainty. She couldn't cope with the mental anguish and the subsequent anxiety. Try as she might, she couldn't switch off her frantic mind.

Jack couldn't help her, the Police wouldn't help her, so it was time to start pushing back. Acting purely on impulse Sarah's hand snatched at the car keys that sat in the middle of the kitchen table.


D.I. Rose Callaghan took a large swig of the scolding hot coffee from the takeaway cup that sat on her desk. Not enough sugar being the first thought that ran through her mind.

Setting the coffee down she stared at the four head shot photos the faces of whom seemed to fill her every waking minute.

Leah Davis, Mica Wise, Alison Matthews and now Sophie McAllister. Other than the slight physical resemblance between Davis and Matthews the four couldn't appear any different. Aged between 18 and 27 there was no noticeable correlation between them, their lifestyles, their backgrounds nothing seemed to be linking them together. Not that there had to be a common link but there was something gnawing at her conscience that Callaghan couldn't ignore something pulled them together a running thread that would associate each girl with one another. She was certain, it was more than a simple Detectives hunch.

Picking up the photo of Sophie McAllister taken from the then seventeen-year-olds Facebook profile she stared into the young girls bright blue eyes, no doubt the manipulation of a photo editing app but her smile was innocent and true.

They had no proof Sophie was connected to the disappearances but Davis, Wise and Matthews who had been missing for over six months. Six months with no evidence of even their existence, six months that would soon roll to seven or more. Sophie McAllister had been missing for days by comparison. If she was connected finding her was key. Callaghan had played down her disappearance to McAllister's anxious Sister when she'd first contacted them. She hated herself for keeping the investigation from Sarah McAllister and effectively using her young sister as bait. Although were she genuinely bait to help lure out the beast, they'd have an idea who they were trying to hook.

Callaghan tied back her hair and lifted the receiver from her desk phone dialling extension 716. With a lack of genuine leads every avenue had to be explored. Sophie McAllister had been at The Phoenix an illegal venue that had emerged in recent months. The phone dial tone sounded in her ear as she picked up the file from her desk containing the initial interview notes, not that the youngster had cooperated a great deal.

"Parsons," the male voice answered her call.

"It's Callaghan," she replied setting the file back on her desk "Did you manage to pull together everything we've got from all departments on those warehouse parties?"

"The Phoenix," Parsons energetically interjected. "As it happens, I think I've just had the last of the files land on my desk."

"Good," Callaghan stated rather bluntly "Bring the files to my office ...and bring coffee we could be in for a long day."

Rose Callaghan set down the receiver not extending the conversation further pushing all the files on her desk back together ready to trawl through the details of a long-overlooked problem in hope of some miraculous association.


Sarah pulled her car up to a stop and yanked on the handbrake. Peering out through the windscreen the place looked so different in the daylight, the imposing derelict buildings looking more menacing in the day light than on the handful of occasions when she'd visited under night fall and they were illuminated in a myriad of colours and shadows.

Stepping out of the car she looked around the seemingly abandoned buildings. Two white vans parked alongside one of the three buildings suggested someone was likely here despite no signs of life, and if not, the security cameras which dotted the buildings must serve some purpose. What was the worst that could happen that she'd attract police attention? Would that be so bad?

Reaching in through the wound down window of her little Ford she pressed the palm of her hand on the centre of the steering wheel and sounded the Cars horn which blared through the empty courtyard and echoed off the high sided buildings.

Two minutes later a confident looking blonde opened and stepped through a wooden double doorway her hands immediately on her hips as she stood there in a black short leather jacket, short black denim skirt with black tights and black ankle boots; the outfit seemed a little unseasonal given the searing heat of the middle of the day. She was flanked by two shaven headed individuals one in a navy Adidas tracksuit the other in a plain grey T-shirt and navy jeans.

"Can we help?" The blonde girl enquired over the continued shrill of the horn.

Sarah took her hand from the car horn and stepped confidently forwards herself as a stiff breeze whipped through the courtyard chilling Sarah as it passed her exposed legs beneath the navy summer dress she wore.

"I've come to speak with whoever runs this place," Sarah stated aloud, "Whoever's in charge."

"Well, I guess that's me," the blonde replied slightly dismissively as she stepped a little further from the doorway into the courtyard. "Normally we'd ask you book an appointment but fortunately for you my schedule isn't too busy at the moment."

Her nonchalance was already grating with Sarah; whoever the fuck she was.

Before she could retort the blonde turned and headed back towards the open doorway flanked by the two males.

"Why don't we talk in my Office?"

Grabbing her denim jacket off the back seat Sarah hurried after the peroxide blonde, she let her lead the way through the building along a myriad of narrow corridors that skirted large open derelict rooms. The two disgruntled looking males dropped back and followed several paces behind Sarah. At the end of one long hallway, they all headed up two flights of stairs; the blonde didn't offer conversation, she barely looked back before heading up a mezzanine flight of stairs and through a door painted a dark shade of green. The door which opened on to a large room in which sat a number of dilapidated looking tables and desks; on most of which sat a bank of printers. The room was cold and slightly damp suddenly the blonde's thick tights and jacket made some sense. Suppressing a shiver Sarah slipped her exposed arms through the sleeves of her light blue denim jacket.

The blonde headed behind a relatively clear and tidy desk and sat back in scruffy looking leather clad office chair. She looked up at Sarah and offered a weak smile.

"Chloe Wolf," I'm Deputy Manager of The Phoenix.

"Sarah McAllister" Sarah formally responded, "I'm sorry to bother you but I'm looking for information on my Sister".

Sitting back in her chair Chloe looked up at Sarah "Right ...so we can help you how?"

The blonde behind the desk couldn't appear less interested which irked Sarah immediately. She was acutely aware of the two males who'd followed them into the room, without looking back she sensed they loitered at the door into the filthy ramshackle looking room.

"Sophie was here at the last event ... she was ... well from what she said she was..."

"She was what?" Chloe leant forward in her chair a look of impatience crossing her pretty face.

"She was here with a friend and claims she was abducted."

"Abducted?" Chloe looked on raising her brows perhaps a little to patronisingly "Sounds like the Police should be involved not us ... you mean the last event... the one three weeks ago?"

"Yes... well..." Sarah stumbled over her words losing composure and she wasn't sure why. Something felt intimidating about this; why did she feel to be the one under suspicion?

"She was here that night ...and she ...she said that someone attacked her while she was here... we've got the Police involved but they're ... well to be honest they're fucking useless".

Sarah spotted the none too subtle glance of Chloe's eyes to one of the shaven headed males stood behind her. She suddenly sat a little more upright in the seat.

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