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The Dark Star - Descent Pt. 07


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"That stage show?" she shakes her head. "Where do you even find these people?"

"You saw it?"

"Jesus..." she exclaims "That girl...Lola was it?... who'd allow that to happen? ...I mean yeah like I said where do you find these people?"

"I missed this one ...busy with a problem" My turn to shake my head offering a lie to add to the web of deceit I hold Hannah in, "But we find these people in all sorts of places."

'I found this one having a meal with her family in a shitty little Italian restaurant at back end of last summer,' is the honest answer bouncing around my devious mind.

Locking the office door I walk towards her and run my hand over the smooth toned flesh of her right hip just above the line of the black lace detailed panties.

"Thought I'd surprise you," she bites her lip.

"Interested in becoming a Dark Star girl are you Miss," I say adopting a playful tone. "Wanting to audition?"

Reaching up I place my right hand on her left shoulder. Hannah obliges by gently dropping to her knees on the office floor, like so many others have before her. She looks up at me; my eyes lock with hers, I'm instantly hard for her as she pries down my zip fly.

"Why would I want to be a Dark Star Girl ...I'm Logan's girl"

Chapter Two; Jessica

I inhale harshly feeling the crystals of the white powder sting the inside of my nose.

Unrolling the bank note in my left hand I slip it back into my wallet

Static fills my ear from the earpiece connected to the Clubs Communication network. Errol's voice follows. "Heads up ...Trouble Makers in Booth 3" the statements followed by a deep chuckle.

Instinctively I roll the mouse across the desk top bringing the monitor to life and the high res images of the clubs new CCTV fill the screen. I click on camera B7 which covers booth 3; instantly recognising the blonde in question.

Grabbing my jacket from the back of my chair I stand and head out the office into the bowels of the club.

"Bottle of Veuve...3 Glasses ...Ice Bucket." I bark to the closest Bar Girl to me beckoning her to follow. The heat, the sounds and the smells hit me as I pick my way through the Friday night crowds approaching the booths.

"Give you a night off and you still turn up here." I state loudly over the loud dance music.

Jessica greets with a wide smile "You always say it's addictive like a drug ...besides the girls wanted to see what the hype was all about."

I look over her shoulder to the two brunettes, sat nursing cocktails, they both smile making eye contact.

"Nikki, Jo ...this is Logan," Jess introduces me "My Boss," she flashes a smile again as she reverses the introduction. "Logan this is Nikki" she points to the brunette wearing a blue halter top. "...And Jo" a smile comes to the face of the petite girl sporting a silver sequin dress.

All three of them look amazing. "So what do you think?" I ask sweeping my hand around the room

"Interesting" Nikki answers bluntly

"Not to everyone's liking is it Lo?" Jessica rests a hand on my forearm as the Bar Girl clumsily sets down the bottle of champagne in an ice bucket before setting out glasses "...I did tell them it's an acquired taste."

I flash her a grin "A bit like the owner". Wondering how her friends will react to the stage show due to commence in less than an hour.

"I'm taking a night off ... will you," Jessica mockingly scorns me but with a teasingly raised eyebrow at my previous comment.

"Not when you're dressed like that."

I cast an eye over her again. A fitted sleeveless red dress with a wide black belt around her midriff was complemented by over the knee suede black boots with a vicious spike heel as she sits at the edge of the booth with her left leg crossed over her right.

"Oh Logan," she shakes her head.

I'd near given up on the idea of Jessica the untouchable yet flirtatious Senior Bar Steward but I rarely gave up without getting what I want.

"With my compliments," I change the subject casting a glance at the bottle of Champagne "Let me know when you run dry... I'll leave you to it."

"Awww thanks Logan," she gushes sincerely.

"No trouble though alright?"

"Trouble... me" she mocks as I walk away.

"That's the problem." I say to myself as I head back towards the bar. "You won't let me get you in to trouble."


The main lights of the club illuminate to a collective groan as Security move through the club ushering everyone towards the main doors.

Jessica and her friend in the Silver dress stand at the end of the bar, immune from the exodus.

I'd witnessed the recluse trio increasingly blend into the debauchery of the club across the night. Fueled by the constant supply of Champagne. On the dance floor I'd seen Nikki approached and eventually willingly coerced away under the arm of a muscular black guy around an hour ago. Jess and Jo had continued cavorting on the dance floor for the remaining hour. At one-point Jess had found herself willing sandwiched between two guys whose hands wandered while she laughed and smiled. She teased though as one of the guys tried to pull her gently away she'd pulled back shaking her head making excuses to him. I knew exactly how he felt.

She knew she had a power over men; used it playfully and powerfully to her advantage with me, co-workers and with male patrons every night she worked. All the while she held the control, never letting anyone in and refusing to take the flirtation beyond anything more than teasing. At first I'd assumed she was in a relationship but that hadn't been the case, Jessica kept herself single and yet seemingly forever unavailable. I'd watched as her perfect body in that red dress writhed and moved on the dance floor only able to vividly imagine if she could fuck as well as she could dance.

"You stuck it out for the night then..." I say approaching them from behind the bar "...Although you appear to have lost someone."

"Nikki got lucky," Jess drunkenly giggles looking over at Jo before she hitches the left boot back up her thigh.

"Not going to find her locked in one of the devices in a private room am I?" I quip.

Jo looks confused at the context of my dark humour from behind the hazel brown hair that frames her face. She wasn't unattractive herself, but she paled compared to Jess. Being more than aware of the reference Jess simply laughs aloud "Oh my God no ...that's so not Nikki's style."

"How do I ever make any money when I let Librarians through the door..." I shake my head grinning " for the road girls?"

"Shhure" I notice Jess slur a little as she places a hand against the bar. Turning my back I mix Brandy, an Orange Liquor, Lemon Juice and my secret ingredient pouring the cloudy orange liquid into 2 cocktail glasses before turning and setting them on the bar.

"I'll get you an Uber when the crowds have died down out there"

"You could drive us yourself Mr Hughes," Jess leans a forward over the bar towards me. "You can find out where I live that way."

"The HR is shit around here..." I joke, "But I believe we do have your address on file"

"So how come you've never visited me." Jess smirks and raises an eyebrow.

"How come you've never invited me."


I switch off the engine watching as the Taxi pulls up to the kerb a little way ahead of me.

Jess spills out of the back of the car stumbling on her heels as she stands unsteadily. There's shrieking laughing, even from this distance, as her friend Jo follows her out of the car; she pulls down the hem of her tight fitting silver dress which catches reflection in the street light. As the cab pulls away I slip from the driver's seat and climb from the car watching both girls stumble up the pathway towards a terrace house as I stand in the shadows of the tree line.

From my pocket I take a pack of cigarettes, extract a cigarette and go to light up, frustratingly I have no lighter on me.

I strain to hear their drunken conversation then hear the telltale sound of a bunch of keys being dropped followed by more loud giggles. Eventually I hear a door pushed open and close moments later. Having found a lighter in the car five minutes later I approach the property; The heavy chill in the cold night air having caused me to slip black leather gloves over my hands and pull my collar around the back of my neck. I'm a little concerned that the building sits in relative darkness, I look around then make my way to the front door.

I'm just about to test the door handle when in the dim light through the tree line something catches my eye. Reaching up I find a bunch of keys still set in the lock. I shake my head and simultaneously smirk; realising how foolish they'd been.

Turning the key and lowering the handle the door swings open without making noise. There's a light on upstairs but no lights on downstairs at all

Creeping along a hallway, a flight of stairs sit immediately in front of me as I look along a corridor into what appears to be a kitchen

Two rooms line the hallway approaching the doorway of the first I find Jo slumped on the sofa. She doesn't stir as I briefly enter the room. Checking the remaining downstairs room I find no sign of Jessica.

Heading back along the hallway I make my way up the wooden staircase cautiously, grimacing each time I took a step up as the wood creaks beneath my boot covered feet. Reaching the illuminated landing I find a bathroom in front of me and two bedrooms. In the bedroom that overlooks the street I find Jess face down across a pastel grey duvet. She rests on her forearms and looks up at me, the red dress hangs from a hanger on a white wooden wardrobe.

"Oh," she feigns shock. "An Intruder."

I smirk thinking of the devilish dark role play that Alison and I had once played out at her request. My hearts beating in my chest as I enter the room and gently push the door shut behind me, meaning that the room is now only illuminated by the orange glow of streetlights from beyond the window

Walking up to Jess she lifts herself up into her knees. I tilt her head up with a gloved hand resting against her jaw. Her eyes narrow "I'm going to regret this aren't I?"

I don't respond, stood at the edge of the bed watching her, looking into her eyes in the dim light of the room her breathing hitched, her exquisitely breasts rise and fall. I watch her briefly smelling the alcohol gentle on her breath. I start to turn her away from me and she complies. Placing my left arm across her flat stomach I press my right hand between her shoulder blades. I push her down towards the bed.

As she comes to rest I place my hands on her firm hips I maneuver her body towards the left-hand edge of the bed. The boots still adorn her legs but have slipped a little closer to her knees. I lightly draw her toned legs over the bed until they come to rest on the floor so as she's left bent over the edge of mattress. Parting those incredible legs slightly before I peel the little black panties she wears across the back of her legs. She shivers as she lets me. I hear her then softly draw a long deep breath as face down her blonde hair obscuring her petite face I step closer up behind her and kneel between her parted legs.

Hurriedly I unbuckle my belt, pop the button on my jeans and ease down my zipper I pull my already hard dick and run my hand up and down it gently as I align myself with Jessica; all too conscious of the animal I was in danger of becoming.

"One day," I whisper to Jessica the line I'd said to her so many times in the past, "One day."

I groan as unopposed I finally slide my dick past the soft warm folds of her flesh.

"And today of all days," Jessica whispers not looking back.


Peeling off my shirt I slip and dropping down my boxers shorts I slip naked into bed.

Hannah stirs beside me, "What time is it Lo?"

"Just gone three ...I think." I lie to cover my tracks as she moves over and drapes a hand over my chest. Playfully her finger nails immediately scratch across me as she lifts her head.

"I tried to stay awake for you" Hannah purrs and before I know it she pulls herself up and straddles me slipping the black short night dress up over her head. I admire the curves of her perfect body.

"Did they get you anything at the Club?"

"A small gift." I whisper as she lowers herself impaling her tight warm slit on my hard dick.

"You can wait until the morning for your presents until then... Happy Birthday Logan," she leans forward kissing me firmly before gently biting my lip as her hips slowly begin to roll.

Chapter Three; The Demonstration

I place the half empty glass of brandy down on the kitchen counter as the echo of chime of the doorbell fades audibly from the main open plan expanse of the apartment.

With a cursory glance over to the bedroom door as I make my way to the front door. I look to my watch. 10pm exactly; Perfect timing, she was learning. Every time we met she was learning something I smirk to myself, her reaction to tonight's lesson come test would be intriguing. I cross the apartment and open the door to find the young platinum blonde stands there waiting, greeting me with a smile of genuine warmth.

"Good evening Ari."

"Good evening to you as well" she states as I step aside and she enters the lavish apartment for the first time. "Well fuck me," she states as she looks around. Instantly drawn to the floor to ceiling window that constitutes the far wall; it's impressive vista affording views far out over the City. I watch as she walks straight over to the window the spike of her black ankle strap heels echoes through the apartment. Platinum hair pulled back into a ponytail which bobs side to side as she paces. Her black lightweight jacket, belted at the middle falls just above her knee. The seam of the stockings I knew would be underneath, as I'd instructed, ran perfectly up the back of toned calf muscles

She shakes her head as she stands before the window "And why have we been meeting in hotels?"

I walk up from behind her from the door stopping at the central island of the kitchen area as I simply watch her staring out across the city at night. She captivates me, I'm in awe of her in so many ways. "I like to keep some things private...personal"

Turning to face me on those delightful heels. Raising an eyebrow with an acerbic little smirk. "Including me... how's my Sister I haven't heard from her in a while?"

"Busy" I state almost matter of factly. Arabella's inner brat bubbles under the surface I've yet to work out over months of illicit meets if she does this for effect or genuinely has no notion of when she's being obtuse. She knows I've asked her not to remind me of the connection to the other women with who I share my life. Framed by the window behind her I pick up the unfinished brandy and heavily knock back the dark brown liquor.

"The jacket ...take it off," I request.

"Such a cliché by the way," she smirks playfully before falling silent as I watch her intently. Slowly, with her eyes never leaving mine, she unfastens the belt around her waist before unbuttoning the black jacket. The jacket falls open a little before Ari slips it from her shoulders, letting it drop heavily to the floor.

Fuck she looks perfect.

A black lace detailed bra through which I see her erect nipples, a matching black suspender belt, that holds up perfect dark denier stockings and matching lace crotchless panties. I walk up to Arabella who stands there in silence now, not daring to break our agreed protocol. I walk up to her around her savoring every inch of her perfect soft pale skin, inhaling I smell the now familiar floral scent of her perfume.

Stepping back in front of her I look into those ice blue eyes "You're going to be tied on your back to the bed optional ball gag will be hung around your neck...I don't expect to have to use it'll will be subjected to an experience the likes of which I can assure you that you've never had in your life... Do you understand?"

Obediently not even challenging my use of the words 'subjected to' Arabella nods delicately 3 times.

I take from my back pocket the same black leather collar that has adorned her neck since our first night together. Ari tilts her head back a little as I draw the collar tightly around her throat and fasten the buckle, "Good Girl."

Taking from the other back pocket of my black jeans a black ball gag that I also fasten around her neck. I wasn't sure of her silence knowing what I had in store for the 20-year-old.

"Shall we" I state looking into her eyes again but giving her no chance to reply as I take hold of the top of her left arm in my right hand. Nor does she say a word as I take her left hand in my right and lead her back across the apartment away from the window and towards the double doors that lead to the spare smaller guest bedroom of the apartment. Her heels fall with heavy click clack along the way. Opening the door with my right hand I let it swing open revealing a darkly lit room illuminated only by the flickering of several large wide candles on candle stands placed around the room.

Against the left wall side on sits a black metal frame bed. Affixed to each corner of the bed, which is stripped to a black sheet over the mattress, are leather wrist and ankle restraints attached to chains. Arabella looks up into my eyes as we enter the room.

"Trust me" I say softly letting go of her hand as I push the door closed behind us.

"Gentlemen meet Arabella."

A look of confusion starts to cross her face before she's grabbed away from me in the near darkness of the room by 2 pairs of black leather gloved hands. She gasps panicked eyes wide as she's dragged on her heels, turned and her light frame is physically lifted from the floor and dumped onto her back in the centre of the bed on one brutal and swift moment. I can't help but grin; the severity and swift action knocks the air from her lungs as she yelps.

Dressed in black long sleeve T-Shirts, black jeans and boots near identical to what I wear, the only difference in their appearance being the gloves and the black balaclavas that obscure their faces. A third unknown assailant steps up alongside me, again wearing almost exactly the same attire.

Before she can react I grab her right ankle. The two initial assailants take her wrists and the masked man to my right grabs her left ankle. Swiftly the leather restraints are secured over wrists and ankles as she starts to struggle. Petrified at what unknown fate awaits her

"Logan what... who are..." her panicked voice shakily returns.

I simply place a finger to my lips to hush her

"No Logan ...I don't like this ...I don't like this... please ...please Logan."

Crouching to her right hand side as in vain she pulls at the firm restraints that are now applied tightly to her limbs. "I won't let you come to any harm."

"No Logan please," her voice near breaks. "I don't like this please,"

Toying with the gag around her neck I look into her eyes "Trust me ...just trust me."

She looks only at me as the 3 disguised males move around towards the base of the bed. I look over to them with a subtle nod "Gentleman if you will."

A small table procured from the darkness and placed at the base of the bed as Arabella struggles not truly conscious of what's happening in the confusion of her panic. Her focus on the futile need to escape. I've never seen this side. Her overconfidence normally compensating for any trepidation at whatever I've asked of her. Looking to my right I watch as a large black box is lifted by two masked men on to the table. The third Male approaches with a long steel bar attached to the end of which is a large flesh coloured silicone dildo.

Her attention suddenly focused on what's playing out before her as she falls still and cranes her head up off the mattress looking down between her legs as the end metal bar is slid into the box and the dildo lined up between her toned bound legs.

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