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The Dark Star - Descent Pt. 07


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"How's it feel... knowing what your pussy was really made for?"

She doesn't respond. She's near catatonic.

"No substitute for a good dick is there?"

As I pull from her tight slit I drop the wand from her and back away, letting her brace her weak legs to support herself. Moving quickly I drop into a crouched position and free her ankles before taking a small key from my pocket and unlocking the cuffs over her wrists, letting them drop noisily to the floor.

Vanessa's hands reach out and grip the frame of the pillory to support her body weight as I set to freeing her neck, swinging the top bar back open from over her.

Stepping away leaving her there bent double I watch as she eventually stands upright while hitching the tight little denim shorts up from the backs of her thighs.

"You felt so good."

She doesn't react. Slowly she painfully begins to peel the tape away from her mouth as she faces me while I hold out the jacket I've retrieved from the floor.

She peels the last of the tape from her jaw, that's marked red from the abrasion of the industrial strength tape. She turns on weak legs and snatches up her jacket.

"There's... there's... a girl... a fucking girl down there."

She looks down at the drain cover in the centre of the room. She'd reacted not long after I'd started to fuck her, I knew she'd seen her.

Looking down through the drain cover as I slip my suit jacket back on I see the platinum blonde; her mouth dissected by the red ball gag looking up at us from heavy tired eyes.

"Meet Arabella" I casually state.

Before she can comprehend let alone respond I take the top of her arm and lead her from the Dungeon.

Headed back up the flight of wooden stairs, at the top of which I push open the bar of a fire-door and march the broken, used Lesbian drug pusher into the Alleyway at the side of the Dark Star. The chill of the night hits her as she stumbles into the Alley. Overwhelmed by what's just happened to her, she pulls her tight-fitting leather jacket around her frail broken body.

"I'd say don't come back but... well one you might need time to contemplate coming in the short term... given the excitement that's damp in your crotch and two ...I think I'd genuinely like to explore further."

Looking up squinting my eyes as a silver car with blacked out windows parked at the end of the alley suddenly floods the narrow space with its headlights. I pull her close to me by the collar of her jacket.

"You made the right choice."

I stuff the packets of drugs into her jacket pocket as she looks up at me visibly shocked.


"My DNA's in you and dried all over your face for a start ... they slit your throat and dump you in a ditch I'm the one under suspicion" I coldly state.

Vanessa remains silent.

"Get out while you can," I step back reaching into my jacket for the pistol and place it on her right hand. "You keep shit like this out of my club and you tell them they're not welcome."

She nods her understanding at me.

"You ever want a job come speak to my colleague Jamie ...I believe we need a Head Bar Steward at the moment."

The car, an older version BMW 5 series creeps down the Alley pulling up behind her. Her sunken eyes fix on me as the back-passenger door opens, a black kid no more than 18 steps out looking me up and down, sucking air harshly through his teeth.

"Where you been bitch?" He addresses Vanessa as she silently slips into the back seat of the car. The youth climbs in alongside of her and the door closes. Blacked out windows make it impossible to see what's transpiring inside. The car speeds away the red glow of its break lights illuminate the alley way as it briefly stops at the junction to the main road and turns left without indicating.

I lift the lid on a wide wheelie bin and drop six brass coloured bullets into the bin

"What is the world coming to?"

Chapter Six; Slip Knot

Ari stands there shivering in the Dungeon

Dressed in only hideously ripped fine denier tights and black thigh high boots

The ubiquitous leather collar sits around her slender neck.

A little short of Forty Eight hours since I'd brought her into the Dungeon for the first time, she's now frail and weak through lack of sleep and malnutrition. Her wrists bear the raw marks of chafing, her platinum hair is disheveled, looking duller than usual and what make up remains on her face is smeared or washed away. Walking up to her I kiss her lips viscously and she barely musters a response, I let this slip.

"You've out performed all my expectations Ari... I don't know why I'm surprised because I should've known you would."

"Who ...who was she?" Ari croaks.

"Who was who?" I answer her question with an attempted confusing question.

"The girl... the girl you put in the ...in that," she points to the Pillory where in the early hours of the morning I'd fucked the drug dealing little slut.

"You're the only girl that's been in there," I lie but the confusion etched across her young face is enough to convince me that I have her doubting herself.

"Black... black hair" she stammers shaking her head "She ...she had short black hair."

"I've no idea what you're talking about Ari," I state calmly as I head to the workbench and procure a pair of steel handcuffs which Ari's eyes fall upon. I turn and walk back towards her, there's no resistance not even a flinch as I move her no doubt aching arms from her side into the small of her back. My eyes fall on her pale ass exposed through the ripped open hosiery. I'd viciously taken both her ass and her pussy several times while she had been locked time after time into the Pillory since I brought her here on Friday evening. I lock the steel cuffs tightly around her raw wrists.

"One last test" I state on a whisper into her ear. Reaching up I begin to remove the leather collar, "For which you won't be needing this."

Dropping the collar to the ground I walk away and from the far corner of the room I pick up a low three leg wooden stool and place it on the floor in the middle of the Dungeon. Ari watches intrigued, stepping up on the stool briefly myself I reach up and unhook a length of rope from one of the thick wooden beams that runs the length of the ceiling.

I watch Ari's pale blue eyes open as wide as I've ever seen them as I step off the stool and the thick rope noose hangs swinging from the beam. Slowly, silently I walk back to her

Not a word spoken as I take her upper right arm and lead her towards the stool.

"Step up," I state calmly.

Ari turns her head slowly across her right naked shoulder to look at me, breaking away her petrified fixation on the noose.

"Step up" I reiterate

Barely seconds pass before she raises her left boot covered leg first, stepping up hesitantly her right leg automatically follows and she wobbles before finding her balance on the stool which sits on the uneven dusty floor. I don't hesitate myself as I reach up and silently pull the noose over her head and secure the slipknot around the back of her neck, over her platinum hair. Her breathing quick and shallow immediately.

"Logan," she hesitantly utters on a nervous exhale

"Trust me," I simply whisper back. "I won't let you come to any harm."

She closes her eyes and swallows hard

"It'll be over in no time...I won't let you..."

I don't finish my own sentence but I can't understand why. Taking a step back myself I don't take my eyes from the beautiful blonde; she doesn't open her eyes as she stands there practically naked balancing on the heels of those delicious thigh boots on the low stool; almost serenely at peace.

"Three," I softly state aloud

"Two," I continue the countdown.

"One." Allowing the briefest of pauses I kick the stool away.

Ari's body drops immediately and there's a creek from the rope pulled taught by her weight as the stool skittles noisily across the floor. The rope catches her neck and tightens drawing seemingly another creek. Her eyes spring open bulging as her body jerks harshly.

Instinctively I hear her wrists pull against the cuffs as she dangles there swinging a little under her own momentum. Her arms pull in vain at the biting steel that cuffs her, that will not yield. I hear her gasping for breath. Her boot covered legs begin to kick furiously with vicious little kicks

I realise I hold my own breathe while the noise of stool subsides, as it comes to rest.

Edging closer to her I watch as Ari's eyes start to flicker as I hear her gurgle trying to draw breath but the tight rope around her neck prevents her.

Her legs start to fall still.

I panic. What the fuck am I doing. Ari hangs motionless.The Step-Sister of the woman I love and share majority of my life with. The girl

who over months I've broken down all barriers of acceptable with, the girl who I've led down an increasingly destructive path. Restrained in so many different ways as she's repeatedly submitted to me, given her young body to me, allowed me to fuck her, without question, without hesitation. She'd become my toy she'd become everything I'd wanted Gemma and Alison, who'd come before her to be. She trusted me and in my own way I worshipped her.

Why was I doing this?

There was no gratification in this

There was no need for this

Ari hangs deadly silent and still by the noose around her neck

Panic and a raging sense of morality finally grab me by the shoulders and shake me into existence.

I move quick and wrap my arms around her waist, lifting her frail lifeless body up several inches. Keeping my left arm wrapped around her waist I reach my right hand up and pull at the rope. It gives but not by much, not by enough. Frantically I pull again and then again; the coarse twine burns my fingers with friction.

Eventually the noose opens, I loosen it enough that I can clumsily slip her from the cruel rope which I leave dangling above us.

Her body falls against me limp.

I stumble as my fear grabs me mercilessly my own legs give sending me crashing to the floor heavily with Ari in my arms.

Rolling over I lay her on her back, resting her on her still cuffed wrists.

Checking her airways the panic keeps me in its grip as I don't even feel the faintest of warm breaths on the side of my face.

What have I done?

"No Ari ...No." I beg. "Oh please please please"

I pinch my fingers over her delicate nose pull open her jaw and begin mouth to mouth resuscitation.


Clenching the polystyrene cup of stone cold coffee I've nursed for the last half hour I watch through the round glass window of the left side of the double doors that lead to the recovery room. My mind a broken wasteland unable to concentrate, unable to of little more than her well-being. I can't comprehend my actions, my thought process, I can't think why I would have risked even putting her at such harm.

Under the stark strip bulbs of the Accident and Emergency ward lighting I watch as Ari lays on a trolley bed connected to an intravenous drip and various monitors that I've no idea what they truly measure. Occasionally her tired sunken eyes open and look around or watch a nurse check a reading or scribble a note down. She nods weakly as she answers their questions

"Mr. Hughes?" an abrupt voice sounds from behind me.

Turning I offer a croaky, "Yes."

Standing before him dressed in a black polo with the Dark Star logo embroidered on the left breast the bespectacled pasty red haired Doctor approaches me; complete with cliché stethoscope around his neck. He looks me up and down suspiciously, but I don't bite, I remain calm.

"I'm Doctor Chambers... it was you who found Miss Walker-Smith I understand."

"That's right," I nod while looking back through the window over my shoulder.

"And you're her..." he checks the notes on his clipboard, "Her Sister's boyfriend?"

"Step-Sister," I don't know why I pedantically correct him.

"I see... have you any idea why she'd look to take her own life?"

I silently shake my head. I swallow hard and bring my hand to my face. "I just found her there...in the garage ...when... when I pulled my car in," I quiver my voice to hide the lie. To reiterate the lie rehearsed in my head over and over again. As she'd sat there slumped in the passenger's seat of my car I'd reiterated to Ari the need not to say a word, not to anyone.

Even as she sat there gripped with fear, shocked at what I'd done to her I bullied her and manipulated her. Justifying my actions I'd assured her that I'd handle the inevitable questions that would come our way. Even in the intermittent streetlights that shone throne the car windscreen I could see the harsh bruising the noose had already drawn around her slender neck.

"I'm sure it must've been truly horrific for you ...have you contacted Miss Walker-Smith's next of kin?"

I was composed now, I drew in deep silent breaths, unclenched my fists.

"Not yet..." I shake my head "...it was the middle of the night ...I wanted to wait ...to make sure she was...that everything was Ok."

"She's as OK as we can expect ...lucky escape you seemed to arrive in the nick of time ...the resuscitation saved her life," he grimaces. "And mercifully she didn't appear to fall from a great enough height ...normally it's the neck breaking that..."

Doctor Chambers stops himself short. "She's going to be in some pain, for some time I'd guess... we'll prescribe morphine and then pain killers...There are another number of other minor superficial injuries that I can't explain and Miss Walker-Smith didn't want to elaborate on."

He rattles through his further diagnosis I zone out a little on his dull tone but also clinging to the only reassurance that I wanted to hear; Ari will be fine. I feel the tightness in my own chest begin to subside.

"She's asked to leave immediately ...I don't recommend this but I can't prevent her from leaving." He pushes his glasses on to the bridge of his nose, "She needs full bed rest but she also needs to be monitored for other obvious reasons... to that end I'm also going to recommend she attends a psychiatric evaluation given the circumstances."

What have I brought upon her is the thought that runs through my head.

An hour later Ari unsteadily walks by my side. My arm around her waist her head leans against my shoulder. The dark bruising already marking the skin around her neck. She draws looks as we pass through the hospital; dressed in my suit jacket over my white shirt, which barely covers her, the thigh high stilettos boots looking horribly out of place.

Emerging from the main entrance of A&E into the gloomy skies early afternoon I take out a cigarette, offering one to Ari she refuses.

"Where are we going?" She offers on a weak painfully croaky voice as I light up and inhale the calming smoke.

"Come to mine... to the apartment," I offer. "Stay as long as you want."

"But what about..."

"She's not even back from Spain until Friday" I interject second guessing her protest. "We can deal with it from there."

I watch with a pang of guilt as Ari shivers in the cold early morning sunshine. Flicking the barely smoked cigarette across the lawn to my right I embrace her wrapping her tightly to me.

"I'm sorry," I state. "I'm so sorry."


"So did you miss me?"

"Of course I did," I reply sincerely looking into her brown eyes. Sat on the sofa I watch her stood there before me in brown knee-high boots a mid-thigh length denim skirt and a cream coloured V-neck sweater. It's unusual for her to come to the apartment but she'd come here straight from the airport.

"How much?" Hannah asks sounding intentionally needy as she flashes me a grin.

"Come here and I'll show you." I tap my right hand on my lap. "You can show me your white bits."

She steps forward and straddles me before she lowers her lap on to mine while kissing me deeply. As we kiss she kneels over me allowing me to open my jeans and pull them down the tops of my legs. Taking my dick in my right-hand Hannah lowers herself down on top of me.

"No undies" I grin.

"Had a feeling," Hannah gasps as she lowers herself, impaling herself onto me. Her hips start to grind and gyrate as I fill her. Peeling the sweater over her head revealing the ivory coloured bra that contains her ample breasts and accentuates the lightly tanned skin. Hannah kisses me biting my bottom lip as her hips continue to bear all the effort as my hands squeeze her breasts through her bra.

15 feet away behind locked closed doors Ari lays there restrained to the spare bed. The fifth day of her recovery. No doubt she hears her Stepsisters cries of pleasure as she straddles me and fucks me; a quick hard energetic fuck making up for the week we've been apart.

SoftKtty24SoftKtty24about 2 years ago

Ok, Logan has truly gone deep inside the rabbit hole. I guess he had this fantasy of moving into the sadistic side of Bondage games. While I understand that they have given themselves over as subs, how can you ever trust your Dom after they actually were attempting to kill you. He is no better than Ballock. No words

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