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The Dark Stone Pt. 09


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"What time is it?" Sam rolled over onto his back.

Through the covers, Joyce could see his enormous morning wood. She wondered if Paul had noticed the package his son was carrying around. Sam had so many erections, it was hard to miss. Heck, it was hard to miss even when soft. If Paul had noticed, he hadn't mentioned anything to Joyce. Not that he would. "It's half-past-seven, time to get up." Her son's penis tempted her, as it tented his covers, but Joyce was sure she could resist. Today was going to be a productive day. Also, Paul and Bex were downstairs. Joyce felt her vagina moisten, nonetheless.

"Shit." Sam opened his eyes and looked up at his lovely mother. Her modest dress couldn't hide the swelling roundness of her boobs, or the flare of her hips. "I overslept? Help me up."

Joyce stepped toward the bed. She bent down to brush his matted, brown hair from his forehead. Sam pulled the covers aside. He'd slept naked, and his throbbing monster stood out in the open, leaking some clear liquid.

"No, Sammy. Absolutely not. Your father and sister are eating breakfast downstairs." Even without touching the bed, Joyce could feel the heat of the rock rising up from under the mattress and flowing through her. "I'm taking a break from all that stuff today."

"Come on, mom. I'll be quick." Sam reached up, gently captured her left hand and guided it to his dick.

"Sammy ..." Joyce watched her fingers try to encircle that veiny shaft. They couldn't quite get all the way around. She squeezed and felt her son's spongy flesh press back at her. She dropped to her knees, next to the bed.

"Aaaaahhhhh. That feels good, mom." Sam leaned his head back on the pillow.

"The door ..." Joyce looked back at the open door behind her. Such optimism, leaving it open like that. So foolish in retrospect. "We can't -" Sam's left hand found the back of her head and guided her pretty mouth down onto his penis.

And there she was. Sucking her son's penis like it was part of her morning chores. While the rest of the family enjoyed her pancakes, Sam enjoyed her warm mouth. Joyce moved both hands up and down his penis while she sucked and licked for all she was worth. She needed to get the sperm out of him before someone wandered upstairs.

"Oh, mom." Sam kept his hand behind her head, fingers entwined in her curly hair.

"Joyce?" Paul called up from downstairs. "Joyce? Do you know where my green tie is?" And then there was the sound of feet on the stairs.

Joyce pulled her mouth off Sam. Her eyes were wide and her cheeks white. She threw the blanket back over Sam, but that wouldn't do because his penis was comically visible as a tent pole. "Turn sideways, Sammy," she whispered. "Before he sees you." Joyce stood, wiped her mouth with the back of her right hand, and smoothed out her dress.

"There you are." Paul stopped in the hall outside Sam's room. "What're you doing?"

"Sam overslept. I'm just waking him up." Joyce looked down at Sam. Mercifully, he'd rolled onto his side and hidden his monster erection.

"Oh." Paul looked back and forth between Joyce and Sam. "Well, have you seen my green tie?"

"Yes, dear. I'll show you." Joyce walked toward her husband.

"Um." Paul pointed to his chin. "You have a little toothpaste or something on your chin."

"Thank you, Paul." Joyce wiped her chin with the sleeve of her dress. Very unladylike. But then again, not as bad as what she'd been doing a minute before. "How silly of me." Joyce stepped past Paul and headed for their room.

"Don't forget to be at the party at five-thirty, sport." Paul looked into the room where his son still lay in bed. "And don't be late for school."

"Right, dad." Sam made no effort to get up.

"Great." Paul followed his wife toward the missing green tie.


When Sam got home Friday afternoon, he was disappointed to find that Lakshmi wasn't there. Even worse, his mom was out too. She'd left a note that she was running errands and that she'd be home around four-thirty. That wouldn't give them much time before they had to leave for Paul's office party.

He went to his room and wasted some time on video games. He thought about fapping, but maybe it'd be better if he went to the office party with a full nutsack.

A little after four-thirty, he heard his mom coming up the stairs.

"Mom, can you come in here?" Sam reconsidered his earlier decision. Maybe he didn't need a full nutsack after all. He paused his game and caught a glimpse of his mom as she moved past his room down the hall.

"I can't right now, sweetie. I have to get dressed for the party," Joyce called back to him. He then heard the thump of her bedroom door.

"Oh, well," Sam said to himself. He started the game back up.

Thirty minutes later, Sam got bored. He turned off the game, got up, and walked out into the hall. He walked to his parents' room and slowly opened the door. Joyce was in front of the full-length mirror, turning from side to side. "What do you think of this dress, Sammy?" She wore a beautiful black, sparkly dress. The hem stopped at the knee and up above the cut was somewhat generous with her cleavage. She'd applied some makeup, the faintest hint of lipstick, and she'd straightened her hair.

"You look beautiful, mom." Sam stepped into the room.

"Thank you, honey." Joyce turned to look at him and blushed. "You need to wear something other than that t-shirt. This is a fancy party."

Sam pulled off his shirt, showing off his skinny chest. "What about my jeans?"

Joyce eyed him cautiously. "Yes, you'll need to put on some nicer pants."

"Okay." Sam unbuttoned and dropped his jeans around his ankles. He kicked them away. "I probably shouldn't wear briefs either. You think dad would mind if I borrowed a pair of his boxers?" Sam pulled off his briefs and his dick sprung out before him, hard and straight. He stood only in his socks.

"Um, sweetie ..." Joyce's gaze ran up and down her little man. "Go get ready. We need to leave in ten minutes."

"What about the socks, mom?" Sam walked toward her across the carpet, his dick swaying back and forth. "Can I wear these socks?"

"They're fine." Joyce could feel her vagina leaking. What was her kid doing to her?

"You look so pretty like that, mom." Sam playfully smacked her right butt cheek. It jiggled a little, but the dress was tight enough to restrain it some.

"Now, Sammy." Joyce's breathing had quickened.

"We've never done it in your bed." Sam reached for her left hand, grabbed it, and pulled her toward the king-sized bed Joyce shared with Paul.

"You need to get ready." She tried to put some steel in her voice, but they both knew she was defeated before it had even begun.

Sam lead her to the bed and gave her a little push. Joyce fell onto her hands and knees. She hung her head. Sam lifted the hem of her dress up over her butt and rested it on her lower back. He pulled her panties down to her knees. She felt the bed move as he got up behind her.

"Don't get anything on my dress." Joyce bit her lip as she felt the head of his penis rub up against her vagina lips.

"I won't." Sam lined himself up and slid in. "You're my girl, mom." His hips moved and he began to pound her.

"Uh ... uh ... uh ... yes ... sweetie." Joyce felt the waves of her first orgasm start to wash over her. "I'm ... I'm ..." She shook all over.

"You're my bitch, mom." Sam held her hips firmly and pulled her back onto his dick again and again.

Joyce shook her head, but said nothing.

"You're my bitch." Sam slapped at her ass with his right hand.

Joyce let out a little shriek of surprise.

"My bitch." Sam slapped at her ass again. His hand left a red imprint on her white skin.

"Ruff, ruff, ruff," Joyce said.

It wasn't what Sam was going for, but he'd take it. "Nice." He reached up with his right hand a took a handful of her straightened brown hair and pulled her head up so that she was looking forward, toward the upholstered headboard. "I love you so much, mom."

Twenty minutes later, Sam still pounded Joyce from behind. He'd let go of her hair, and she'd hung her head, watching her boobs dance under her, tucked as they were inside her party dress. Joyce moaned and whined and squealed.

The phone rang on the bedside table.

Joyce's head snapped up. "My ... uh ... goodness. What ... time is it?"

"Almost ... there ... mom." Sam kept pounding away at her pussy, watching her butt ripple and shake.

"It's ..." Joyce tried to focus on the clock by her bed. "It's five-forty-five. We're ... ooooohhhhhh ... late." Sam was hitting somewhere deep inside her and it was sending sparks through her nervous system.

The phone stopped ringing.

Sam kept pounding.

The phone rang again.

After a while, it stopped ringing.

"We're late ... uh ... uh ... uh ..." Joyce reached for her phone. She grabbed it and brought it in front of her. She propped herself on her elbows, while Sam plowed away behind her. She managed to open her messaging app.

"Dad's wondering ... aaahhhh ... where we are? He doesn't ... uh ... uh ... uh ... know I'm about ... to bust in your pussy. Text him that," Sam said.

Joyce ignored Sam. She texted Paul, traffic, we're coming, and sent it. She immediately regretted the double entendre and tossed the phone to the side. It beeped at her as Paul texted something back. Probably something worried, or thoughtful as his son nailed her. She was such a bad wife. And he was such a dumb husband for leaving her alone with their animal of a son.

"Take ... my ... cum." Sam mauled her pussy.

"Sammy ... you're going to make me ... again ..." Joyce trembled and her vagina convulsed around her son's penis. The bed shook and banged against the wall like never before.

Sam held her hips firmly and pulled her back for several final thrusts. "Take it ... aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh." Sam unloaded deep inside his mother.


When all was said and done, Joyce and Sam were about an hour late for the company party. Sam did look smart in a nice button up shirt and slacks, but Joyce shuttered as she watched her son politely shake someone's hand. Here she was playing the role of the faithful, dutiful wife at her husband's party, while Sam's little swimmers made their way deep inside her. Maybe they'd find her egg at that very moment. She shivered.

"Cold, honey?" Paul walked up behind her and put his sportscoat around her shoulders.

"Thank you, dear." Joyce smiled at him. After her copulation with Sam, she'd had to touch up her makeup and fix her hair. Then they'd raced over here in the minivan. Thank goodness there wasn't any traffic.

"Sounds like you hit pretty bad traffic." Paul rubbed her back. "Well, I'm glad you're here. Tonight's a big night for me." He waggled his eyebrows at her.

"Yes." Joyce thought they might very well need the money from Paul's would-be promotion if Sam managed to plant a new baby in her womb.

Sam watched his parents carefully. Everything was cool. "I'm going to go mingle." Bex was somewhere in the party, but he wasn't looking for her.

"Behave yourself, sport," Paul said.

"I always do, dad." Sam gave him a thumbs up and wandered off.


Mallory hid in her office like a little girl. She knew Sam would be there tonight, and she couldn't face him. Especially while Bob was there. She kept telling herself these things happen. But it was hard to put it behind her. So, she'd told Bob she had a little work to do, and that he should go have fun. He was out there, somewhere, shaking hands and telling jokes. While she hid in her office.

One of her coworkers popped his head in her door. "You coming to the party?"

"A few more minutes." Mallory smiled at the man from her desk. She typed on her keyboard, trying to look busy. "I just have to get this proposal out."

"Okay, see you out there." The man left.

Mallory stared at her monitor and let her mind wander. She reached up and fiddled with the little silver cross hanging around her neck, praying that it would give her the strength she'd need. That teenager had such a way about him. And such a monstrous penis. What would she do when she saw him again?

The sound of her office door closing and locking brought her out of her reverie. She looked up expecting to see Bob.

"Hello." Sam stood just inside the door. A goofy grin on his face.

"I ... I ... I ..." Mallory tried to compose herself. The room suddenly felt hot.

"Don't get up." Sam walked toward her desk. "You look so cute working away. And I like being taller than you. If only for a minute."

"You can't be in here." Mallory looked around the room but found nothing to save her.

"I'm sure it's okay." Sam stepped around the desk. "Oh, pretty dress. You look really nice, Mrs. Stevens."

"Don't call me that." Mallory leaned back in chair, instinctively moving away from his approach.

"Mallory?" Sam cocked his head.

"Don't call me that either." Mallory's eyes widened. "Just don't talk to me."

"Okay." Sam's fingers undid the button on his pants. He lowered them, along with the borrowed pair of boxers he had on. "No talking is fine."

The penis was only inches from Mallory's face. A rich, bountiful smell wafted over to her. She recognized it from the time he'd visited her house and covered her in cum. "Oh, no." Her knees trembled. She leaned forward in her seat and gave the purple cockhead a quick lick. She didn't have the strength after all.

Ten minutes later, her head bobbed slowly on his cock. Sam had a hand behind her red hair, keeping up her pace. Her office was filled with slurping and gurgling sounds. She never thought she'd see the day.

"I'm gonna ... cum, Mrs. Stevens." Sam looked down at her smooth skin, covered in pretty little freckles.

Mallory pulled off of him with a gasp. "No, I can't possibly swallow it." She tried to catch her breath. "It'll get everywhere. Everyone will know."

"I hadn't thought of that." He really hadn't. Sam didn't want them found out. But he was so close. "Okay. I have an idea." With some effort, he lifted her out of the chair and sat her on the edge of her desk. He roughly spread her legs, riding her dress up to her hips. He pulled her panties to the side. "It's the only way," he said. "No one will know if I cum in your pussy."

"You can't." Mallory was jelly in his arms. She could have overpowered him. She should have overpowered him. But instead she watched dumbly as he shoved his huge penis inside her pussy. "Oh," was all she said as he entered her.

"Almost ... ah ... there." Sam slammed into her with long strokes. He placed his hands under her thighs and lifted her legs slightly for better access.

Even though she was wet, her pussy strained mightily against the invading monster. There was a brief flash of pain and then pleasure surged through her. "You're ... stretching ... me ... out." This was a new feeling. Sex with Bob was good, but this was something else. "Please ... don't ... do ... this ... ooooohhhhhhhh." And out of the blue an orgasm flooded through her. Who was she kidding? She needed this teenager's cum. Why had she been avoiding him? Nothing she ever felt compared to that first orgasm on his young cock. She flung her arms around his scrawny shoulders.

Watching her spasm on his dick was too much for Sam. He let out spurt after spurt deep inside her. He hadn't saved all the day's cum for Mallory, but the second load was usually pretty close to the first.

Afterwards, Sam pulled out with a plop and pulled up his pants. "Wow, thanks Mrs. Stevens. I needed that."

Mallory watched him tuck that grotesque, amazing penis away. She shakily scooted herself off the desk and onto her feet. She pulled her panties into position and wiggled her dress back into place. "Not a word of this to anyone." She needed to go to bathroom and get something to line her panties. She remembered how much cum this teenager had. Then she needed to find her husband and do something nice for him. This was a freak thing and she was still a good wife. She counted days back to her last period. She was good. She was safe. She fingered the cross around her neck and thanked God for the timing.

"I won't say anything." Except to Bex. And his mom. And he'd probably brag to Lakshmi too. Sam smacked her butt firmly, like he'd seen Bob do at their house.

Mallory squeaked when she felt his hand on her butt. This kid was treating her like his girlfriend. "I'll leave first. You wait five minutes before you leave. Got it?"

Sam smiled up at her. "Got it, boss."

She turned and without so much as looking back, snuck out of the office and down the hall to the bathroom.

Sam sat down at her desk and looked at her monitor. Maybe she had minesweeper or something.

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blackknight314blackknight314almost 3 years ago

Although I like your writing, this story is becoming more and more like a non-conscent story. Though Mallory allows Sam to do what he wants, she really doesn't want him to do the things he does.

It's the same with all of the women in his harem. I'm a 'consent' kind of guy.

herojabherojabalmost 4 years ago

I don't understand why rawlyrawls decided to end this series. It's so good and still has lots of potential. I for one would become a supporter of his/her writing if this was continued. Chapter 12 please! Add a level for supporters where you write a story of their choice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Please continue the storyline.....with Sam getting the best of these wives....and husbands losing their wives to Sam. The ownership and anatomy change theme as wives no longer desire husbands is fabulous:)

Please continue. Great work.

rawlyrawlsrawlyrawlsover 5 years agoAuthor
New Chapters on the Way

New chapters are on the way to literotica. There's also a new story that should drop here any day now.

If you'd like early access to my stories, or want to vote on plot-lines, you can check out my page here: />


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Love the story and how it progresses the characters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
love this story

Hate to see this end as this is so decadent. Would love to see this explore male bisexuality

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

It's taking me longer and longer to read these chapters. I really dislike the character of Sam, which makes me take a break much too often. Sure, he's an inconsiderate teenager but it's his only character trait. I'm starting to hope he gets caught and crucified by his Dad, who inherits the Stone and the perks that go with it.

At this rate the next chapter will come out right about the time I finish reading this one.

dmarqt2000dmarqt2000over 5 years ago
Love This Series

I am sad the series is coming to an end. I've enjoyed it so much. Having new chapters on a regular basis is great.

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