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The Daughter Seducer

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Mom plans the seduction of her staid, but sexy, daughter.
14.5k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/17/2023
Created 10/22/2022
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There is a time, for teenage girl, where they move from gawky adolescence to voluptuous adulthood and for Ashley Danes that time had arrived with a vengeance; or so at least thought her Mom, Melanie, as she entered the kitchen to see her youngest daughter making breakfast. It was just a shame the eighteen year old had to hide her curves under a frumpy cardigan which reached down to her thighs and a pair of jeans so loose and wide the seventies were desperately calling them back. However, even dressed like a bag lady, it was impossible to disguise the sexiness of the teenager, the round curve of her rump, the hourglass curves of her hips, the large, magnificent bosoms, which were designed for sucking.

"Good morning," Melanie stepped into the kitchen announcing her presence to her daughter.

Ashley turned, pushing her thick-rimmed glasses up her nose, as she did so. They didn't ruin the beauty, but they did detract from it, Ashley not yet have taken up her Mom's hints about contact lenses or at least some thinner framed and more fashionable glasses which would fit her face. "Morning Mom," she replied with a smile which was unknowingly sexy.

Her Mom leaned forward to give her a morning kiss, something they had done regularly. Though she hoped her daughter didn't, at least consciously, notice that as she did so the Milf's hand brushed over the teen's butt, only for a second and lightly, but enough to confirm how round it was and imagine it's bounciness. She didn't linger, not long enough to be suspicious, but instead pulled back and took the cup of coffee her daughter had poured in readiness. She sat down on the nearest stool and asked what her daughter's plans were for the day.

She half-listened as her daughter listed them, though they could be basically boiled down to going to school and studying -- the Senior Year might be the last of her school ones, but it was the most important if you wanted to get to a good University. Practiced in raising two daughters Melanie knew when to nod and say "Yes" or "Go on" like she was concentrating on the conversation whilst in reality her thoughts were elsewhere.

In this case seducing her teenage daughter and having sex with her...

She had been waiting for the last year, ever since Ashley had begun to really sprout, for the teen to announce she had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Her elder sister, Hazel, had been dating since she was fifteen, but she was both more out-going and an earlier developer -- Melanie didn't want to know too much detail of what she was doing now she was away at college, but she doubted Hazel was being chaste. It was now well into Ashley's final year and she still hadn't shown any signs of romantic or sexual partner; her friends were as studious as she was and none of them seemed interested in a social life that moved beyond the library or the classroom. If no-one else was on the horizon, Melanie didn't feel guilty about fucking her daughter herself.

When she had been a teenager Melanie had had a long time affair with her own divorcee Mom and it had been the best sex of her not sexually inexperienced life; she'd fucked plenty of women and some men (including being married for several years to the girls' father), but none could compare to fucking her Mom. Whilst she had never mentioned it to her daughters she hoped she had brought them up in a way that they'd be open to lesbian incest and not judgemental about it, though society being what it was there was a lot of pressure the other way with the countervailing social mores about not banging with your Mom. Still, Melanie was relatively confident that with the right approach Ashley would be open to a sexual relationship, though it was equally important to plan it right so that if she looked like the teen wouldn't countenance it Melanie could pull back before her daughter noticed her Mom's plays weren't as innocent as the teen had supposed.

She sipped her coffee and waited for Ashley to finish describing her day before putting the first part of her plan in motion, "You're free this evening then?"

"I was probably going to do a little more study, but otherwise yeah," her daughter replied.

"Can you put the study off until tomorrow? I need a favour."

"Sure," Ashley replied.

"You know the dinner I was going to tonight? The one that one my big customers had organised for their suppliers?" Melanie had talked it up for the last few weeks and made it seem much more important than it was.

"Yes, what's the matter with it?"

"My date just sent me a text and cancelled," Melanie lied, there being no such date, "and these dinners are very much couples things, so I was hoping you could come as my plus one."

"Yes, I can do that," Ashley replied, because she was always, helpful. But then because she also preferred study to social events she immediately started with the barriers, "But as plus ones don't they normally mean a partner or date, not your daughter."

"They don't specify, anyway no reason to tell them, let them just assume you're my younger date," her Mom replied.

"I've not got anything to wear, not for a proper dinner," she came out with her second objection.

That was certainly true and a key part of Melanie's plan, "I've got your measurements so I can quickly go into town and pick up something suitable," she replied, though what she thought was suitable and what Ashley would think were two different things.

Seeing there were no more excuses Ashley nodded her agreement, "Okay then, just don't make it green, I can't do green."

"No green," repeated Melanie glad that was her daughter's only stipulation, "Just make sure you're not too late, about six." That would be after the shop's closed, so too late to return and change the dress for something else.


It was six on the dot when Ashley returned home, not wishing to reduce her time in the library by being home early nor be late and inconvenience her Mom. Melanie smiled, she loved her daughter, but she could be predictable; if she had come earlier she might have had a chance to look at the dress beforehand; now it was too late.

"I'll just take a quick shower," Ashley said.

"I'll leave the dress in your room," her Mom replied.

That done, she returned to her own room to continue applying her lipstick and styling her hair, making sure she was just in her panties and stockings, with the gown open when Ashley arrived. It seemed a long time until she got the knock on the door, her daughter having obviously showered and dried her hair before looking at the dress. "Come in," Melanie called, waiting until the door was open to close the gown, allowing her daughter a quick flash of her naked bosoms. It probably wouldn't do much on its own, but every little bit helped in the seduction.

"This dress..." Ashley started as her Mom turned.

... had turned out even better than Melanie had hoped for. It was a silvery hue, half-way down to her daughter's thighs -- she was sure Ashley would have preferred ankle length, but it was far from mini. However the cleavage was savagely cut, on a smaller girl it would have been fetching, but with Ashley's large bosoms it was even more revealing and enticing, barely managing to cover the nipples and showing half the ample sides. Outwardly Melanie gave a cluck of concern, "It didn't look quiet so low in the shop." Inwardly she couldn't believe how sexy and hot Ashley looked.

"I can't wear this," blushed Ashley.

Her Mom looked at the clock, "You'll have too, we don't have time to go to the stores, even if they were still open."

She held her breath mentally, she was ninety nine percent sure, (well ninety percent) that Ashley, being the good girl she was would acquiesce and accept there was no choice, but there was still a small chance that she'd be too embarrassed and cry off; in which case Melanie's plan would have broken at the first hurdle because she'd been too ambitious, too soon.

"You're right," Ashley sighed, trying to tug the dress closer together and failing.

"Let me see," Melanie wasn't one to let an opportunity slip. She got up and tried to tug the dress over the cleavage, she failed to make a noticeable difference, but her fingers did skim over her daughter's flesh in the attempt. She took a step back and regarded her daughter appraisingly, "You know though, I don't think it's that bad, now you're a woman it shows you well and it's not like you're actually exposing anything apart from some side boob."

"Side boob is bad enough," grumbled Ashley, but she seemed to have accepted the position.

"Let me just get into my dress," Melanie turned away from her daughter and dropped the gown. Ashley could only see her from the rear, but hopefully she was getting a good view of how sexy her Mom looked, especially as Melanie sashayed over to the wardrobe subtly swinging her hips and wiggling her sexy behind. She stopped in front of the mirror, aware that it allowed her daughter a near perfect few of her bosom -- it might not have been as large as Ashley's but they were still round and bouncy, and gravity had not yet done it's damage, especially given she would not see forty again (or forty three for that matter).

"Zip me up," she said, allowing her daughter another close-up look at her naked back, before turning to show her, "What do you think?"

She'd gone for sexy without it dropping into slutty (unlike her daughter's dress which certainly had) though she hoped it showed enough of the top of her breasts and shoulders that she wouldn't be mistaken for a celibate.

"It's nice," said Ashley, looking her Mom up and down. She continued to look as Melanie struck a pose, pushing her ass out a little more than was strictly necessary to model the dress. Her teen daughter nodded adding, "It suits you."

"I think your dress suits you as well, more than you think," Melanie said, pleased that whilst Ashley blushed she didn't contradict her; hopefully she was getting more used to thought of being out in it. Which was lucky as looking at the clock... "The cab will be here in ten minutes, just time for us to have a glass of wine before we go out; as a starter."

They didn't normally drink at home and whilst Melanie was sure Hazel had a fake ID well before she was eighteen she was also equally sure Ashley didn't and wasn't used to alcohol. She was therefore careful to not pour her daughter too much, she wanted Ashley relaxed not drunk. Luckily (or perhaps not given her daughter's overabundance of sense) the teen only sipped it sparingly, so that when the cab arrived she'd drunk less than a third of a small glass.

"Let's go," Melanie slipped her arm through her daughter's, "On our date."


It, of course, wasn't a date - not even a pretend one, but a proper dinner with speeches, sales talk and deal-making. However, Melanie made a mental note, whether or not she got to fuck her daughter (and she was hoping that was what the future held) she'd definitely take her along as a plus one again, instead of some the other real dates she'd brought. On arrival, she'd allowed her Mom to slip her arm through hers, perhaps more out of nervousness at being separated in a crowd of people she didn't know and had gratefully taken the drink an attentive waiter brought over immediately. For a few moments, Melanie had worried that Ashley was so nervous she was going to down it, but she needn't have been, as after one gulp, the teen had returned to more sedate and slow sipping.

A colleague had come over with his wife and Melanie had introduced them to Ashley, without mentioning she was either date or daughter. The teen had made a few stuttering and shy remarks and then allowed her Mom to quickly talk business, whilst she stood on, not looking bored like the other wives, husbands and partners, nor trying to butt in or even worse start a conversation of her own with the other half. Melanie had wanted to talk to six people before dinner and thought she'd manage four, with Ashley at her side she got five and one was the CEO of a firm which was interested in speaking to her about a sub-contract for a large development they were working on.

Sitting down for dinner her daughter was equally an asset, managing to make a few moments of small talk before drifting back as the conversation turned to business. Nor when the speech start did she keep trying to ask her Mom what the speaker meant whenever he made an-in joke about one of the attendees nor look obviously bored and start re-reading the menu and make loud sighing noises whenever the speaker paused for breath. Over pudding she even managed to ask one of the other people on the table a couple of intelligent questions about his firm, which pleased him immensely and allowed Melanie an opening to suggest she send him some material on how they could work together.

After dinner there was dancing, but, no matter how much she would have liked it, Melanie thought it was too early to take her daughter for a spin -- at least without freaking her out. However, she slipped her arm through the teen's, glad that Ashley didn't resist and worked the floor, speaking to a few more colleagues and potential partners, and lining up a number of future meetings, some of which were sure to pay off.

As the night drew to a close, Melanie was sure it had been a success. She finished the last conversation and drank the rest of the wine in her glass, "Are you ready to go?" she asked Ashley.

"Yes, if you are," the teen replied, not that her Mom had been expecting her to suggest they prop up the bar to the small hours.

For the last time that night Melanie slid her arm through her daughter's, taking a moment to quickly glimpse down at the exposed bosoms; they looked yummable. They went outside, joining the queue for the cabs, "I enjoyed our date," Melanie said.

"Me too, even if the dress wasn't what I'd have chosen, it was good to have an evening doing something different with you, instead of us just sitting on couch watching TV," Ashley said.

"I think you looked very beautiful in the dress," Melanie grinned.

"Stop it," her daughter blushed, "I didn't."

"You have a great body," her Mom replied, "Why not flaunt it?"

"You have to say that," Ashley said, but her Mom could tell she was pleased with the compliment.

She quickly moved the conversation on, striking whilst the iron was hot, "We should go on another date soon."

"I'd like that," Ashley replied.

"Perhaps a dinner at a swish restaurant, just the two of us," her Mom carried on.

"An expensive one if you're paying," Ashley grinned.

"Then it's agreed, next Saturday, I'll book us something," Melanie said before her daughter could object. "You should wear that dress again."

"I'm not sure," Ashley said, fidgeting as if she just remembered how much of her cleavage was exposed.

"You should," her Mom insisted. "Here's our cab."

Arriving home Melanie prepared to enact the last part of the plan for the evening. Closing the front door behind them she stepped in front of her daughter, innocently at first. "Thanks for coming out this evening, I had a great time."

"Me as well," replied Ashley, then her eyes widened in surprise as without warning her Mom's lips descended on hers.

This was the most risky part of the plan, Melanie needed to keep her lips locked on her daughter's for long enough that the teen felt some hidden stirrings but not so long that it couldn't be dismissed as just a goodnight kiss from her Mom, even if it was longer and more sensuous than most familial ones. She counted the seconds, one, two, three, still no reaction from her daughter, no pulling away or pushing back, four, five and off. Melanie lifted her head, smiling and appearing the like she felt the kiss was nothing out of the ordinary even if inside she felt both her stomach jumping with nervousness and her pussy warming with lust. "Well, goodnight," she said, "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah," for a moment Ashley still seemed stunned, but she quickly recovered her equilibrium, "See you tomorrow Mom, sleep well."

"I will," replied Melanie as she headed for the stairs and a masturbation session as soon as she was under the covers.


"I can't believe, you've brought me here, isn't it really expensive?" asked Ashley.

It was, but worth it if it helped Melanie seduce her sexy daughter. She said, "It's affordable; anyway it's worth it for our second date."

Her daughter laughed, thinking Melanie was joking -- the older woman had, all through the week, kept calling it a date, outwardly making the teen think of it as a bit of an in-joke whilst hopefully subtly planting some seeds that Melanie was going to germinate, starting now. "I'm so glad you decided to wear that dress again, it really does suit."

It was the same dress as last week and whilst a more fashion conscious teenager wouldn't have been seen dead wearing the same outfit two Saturday evenings on a trot, that wasn't why Ashley fidgeted and looked uncomfortable when the dress was worn, "You insisted..."

"Persuaded..." her Mom corrected, though strongly suggested would be a better description.

"I still don't see the attraction," Ashley replied, obviously never having looked in the mirror, as the two attractions couldn't be more obvious to Melanie.

"It makes you look sexy," the Milf responded.

"I don't want to look sexy," Ashley said plaintively, "I want to be appreciated for my brains and personality, not my body."

"I appreciate them," grinned Melanie, "but I also know that a great body attracts; hot guys and girls won't see your body and mind if you're tucked away in baggy suit and with your nose in a book."

Ashley fidgeted, uncomfortable that the conversation was moving toward social interactions with other people. Her Mom saw her response and gave a smile, "We're on a date I supposed to be complimenting you and all I'm saying is you have a beautiful body, in fact I wish I had a rack like yours, I'd be flaunting it."

Ashley did blush red this time, "Mom..." she moaned.

"Okay, if you don't want me to compliment you, you need to compliment me instead."

"You're my Mom," the teen.

"We're on a date," said Melanie, "Pretend we're not."

"Um..." her daughter, looked at her, trying to think of a compliment, a natural flirter she was not.

Luckily Melanie was on hand to help her out. She reached under her boobs and pushed them upwards, so that whilst they didn't quiet break out of the dress, there was certainly more flesh on display than before, "What about my tits? Say something complimentary about them."

"I like how you do your hair," her daughter said desperately, looking up so she didn't have to stare at her Mom's popping bosom.

"Eyes down here young lady," Melanie teased, "So what do you think? If you were on a date with a hot older woman like me."

"They're nice?" said Ashley questioningly, as if she wasn't sure whether that was the answer her Mom was looking for or not.

Melanie released them, grinning widely, "You'll have to do better than that if you want to get lucky on a date."

"So what would you say?" challenged a still blushing Ashley.

Her Mom fixed her stare on the teen's ample bosom, "Those are the most succulent pair of titties I've ever seen, I could just gobble them up." She licked her lips seductively and gave a small flick of her hair, coyly looking at the teen as Ashley went even redder.

Laughing Melanie straightened her face, she had pushed her daughter further than she had hoped, but didn't want her to be so-off put she clammed up; time to move in another direction. She topped up her daughter's wine glass, she didn't want her to be falling down drunk, but if she was less than sober her inhibitions would be lower. "Don't worry, it's not real."

"What do you mean?" her daughter asked, taking a bigger than advisable gulp of wine to regain her composure.


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