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The Daughter Seducer Ch. 07

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Why have one daughter when you can have two?
11.7k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/26/2023
Created 10/22/2022
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Taking her relationship with her daughters to the next, ultimate, level required lots of preparatory work by Melanie Danes. She had spoken to Hazel, her eldest, when they were in bed together for the first time, after fucking at a hotel -- unsurprisingly, as Hazel was (to take a positive position on her sexual morals) up for anything, the teen was extremely supportive of the idea of a lesbian threesome with her Mom and sister. However, Ashley would be much more skittish about the idea -- whilst she was now a lesbian nymphomaniac, that was only with her Mom and to get her there had taken weeks of careful seduction; getting into a bed, with her sister also in it, wouldn't be the result of a quick chat over breakfast.

"Now remember," Melanie reminded her eldest daughter for about the tenth time, "There can be no hints from you, no clever remarks or little put-downs. Ashley can't know I'm fucking you and she certainly can't know we both want her to join us in a threesome."

Hazel pouted, rather prettily to be honest (though she'd been practising that same expression since she first got bosoms and realised the power that hot girls can wield), "Honestly Mom, I won't breathe a word."

"Nor flash your tits when you think she's not looking or bend over and wiggle that cute ass as I pass or try and sneak into my room -- anyway I'll be busy most nights."

"We've gone over this," Hazel moaned and looked out the window as another set of suburbs flashed by.

"It is important," her Mom reminded the nineteen-year-old.

"Yes," agreed Hazel with an exaggerated sigh as if she'd been asked to tidy her room so as not to conspire with her Mom to have sex with her sister. She remained silently looking out the window for all of ten seconds before she spoke again, "You know I'll be absolutely jonesing all week for some Mommy fucking."

Melanie smiled, "You'll just have to please yourself in bed."

"Hmpff," snorted Hazel, "Knowing you're fucking Ashley just down the way... I know what I'll be thinking about as I slide my dildo deep into my hot tight pussy," she said the last three words slowly and seductively, knowing the impact they'd have on her Mom.

Melanie licked her lips in lust, "Don't wear yourself out," she said, not that this was likely, Hazel was almost certainly as insatiable as her sister and Mom were, "Leave something for next weekend."

"When you're away for a works convention" Hazel raised her fingers to make the sign of speech marks for the last two words.

"And you're out of town with some college friends, I believe," Melanie grinned back. That of course was what they were telling Ashley, so they could sneak away and fuck from Friday evening to late Sunday afternoon. Having an affair was actually quite exciting and in some ways Melanie was disappointed the secret sexual dalliance would only last for a short while; however, the thought of having both her daughters servicing her pussy with their lithe tongues meant the illicit excitement of an affair was second best. "I'm looking forward to it."

Hazel grinned, flicking her hair back coquettishly, "Will you be thinking of me when you're banging Ashley?" she asked.

"That would be telling," her Mom smiled back, "But I don't play favourites so if I'm thinking of you when I'm fucking your sister, I may be thinking of her when I bang you."

"Who will you think of if we're in a threesome?" the teen teased back.

"I'll be too busy to think," Melanie said and pulled up at a bus stop a couple of miles from their home.

"Couldn't you have chosen a nearer one," grumbled Hazel as she undid her safety belt and her Mom popped the trunk.

"You can't be arriving home at the same time as me, Ashley would be suspicious," Melanie said, "Anyway it'll give me half an hour alone time with her; which gives me a chance to start work on her."

"I suppose," said Hazel, "Goodbye kiss?"

"Of course," said Melanie and leaned in for a lip-locker, their mouths opening in unison and their tongues dancing forward in passionate tango, hands sliding up and around the waist and up to the tits, as if they hadn't spent the last few days exploring every nook and cranny of they each other. They stayed like long enough for a bus to appear and then disappear, before Melanie reluctantly disengaged.

"You won't forget me?" giggled Hazel teasingly.

"Don't worry you won't be far from my mind, especially as I'll see you every day," her Mom replied.

"You'll keep me up to date with sis's seduction?" Hazel opened her door.

"Don't worry, I will and in a few weeks it'll all be out in the open," said Melanie; now she had just had to hope her new plan worked as well as her original one had.


There was no time to waste when she got home, Ashley was already up and waiting by the front door as her Mom came in, a half-opened book left on the coffee table beside her. "I missed you," she said, coming in for a quick kiss, as Ashley wasn't around to interrupt.

Melanie grabbed her daughter's waist and dragged her in for a longer one, her tongue driving deep into the teen's willing mouth and her body pressing firmly against the teen's so she could feel the large bosoms of her daughter squishing against her as she greedily grappled with the round rump, kneading it brutally with her fingers. Ashley kissed back just as passionately, standing on her tip-toes to get her head level with her Mom's and battling back with her own tongue as her hands reached down and squeezed at her Mom's ass with the same fierceness that her Mom was groping hers.

After half a minute Ashley pulled her head back, forcing her face into a sensible expression, "We need to stop Mom, Hazel could be back any moment."

They had thirty minutes, Melanie knew, and she wanted to enjoy them. She reached for the bottom of her daughter's pullover and hoisted it upwards, "She's not here yet," she replied.

For a second Ashley resisted, sense and sensibility winning out over passion, but only for a second before she raised her arm and allowed her Mom to pull off the top, revealing a bra which was barely managing to hold in her massive melons. As she reached around to undo the black lace garment, Melanie reflected, how, even a few months ago, her daughter's bras would have been much more sensible and attractive, it was only with her Mom's coaxing and prodding she'd gone for bras which were as much about showing her bosoms to the best advantage as comfort and practicality. The bra dropped to the ground, where Melanie left it as she instead moved in to suckle at her daughter's tits, her tongue flicking out around one nipple until she felt it hardening and then to its partner to give it the same treatment.

"MMnnn," Ashley moaned in appreciation as the tongue sped over and round her nub, "But Hazel..."

There was no risk of interruption, even if Hazel did arrive home quicker than they'd planned, she'd strict instructions not to intrude in the sex and to pretend she had seen and heard nothing, as Melanie built her youngest daughter's confidence and willingness for the semi-public sex which a threesome entails. Opening her mouth she started to swallow and suck the large tits deeper, first one and then, as her daughter would let out a gasp of pleasure, the other. The nipples were stiff and hard within Melanie's mouth, firm enough to nibble on briefly before she'd widen her jaw and slurp in the titty deeper. "Ooohhhh," Ashley groaned again to tell her Mom to switch breasts, "Oohhhh, yes, ooohhhh."

The Milf hands continued to squeeze at Ashley's sexy ass, the round cheeks jiggling within the jeans the teen was wearing. She could hear the moans and groans of the younger Danes and knew that she was losing her reason too her desire, her appetite for risk rising as she got more and more turned on. Pulling her head away Melanie looked at her daughter, with a wanton smile, "God, I so need you to eat me now."

"Here...?" Ashley squeaked and whilst it would have been tempting, Melanie didn't think that Ashley would have given the pussy the attention it deserved as she feared being discovered (also Hazel might find the temptation to make her presence known too strong to resist).

"No my room," she gripped Ashley's hand and pulled her towards the stairs.

"My bra and top?" the teen gasped as she allowed herself to be dragged upstairs.

"Don't worry about them, Hazel will just think you've been playing with your titties whilst enjoying some alone time," her Mom lied.

Up the stairs she closed the door behind her and, kicking off her pumps, began to quickly undo her pants, whilst instructing her daughter onto the bed. Ashley obeyed willingly, though she didn't take off her own jeans, just unbuttoning them to slide her hand under her panties, her fingers finding her moist cunt. By that time Melanie had also removed her underwear and was only wearing her blouse as she almost jumped onto the bed and on her knees waddled to where her daughter was lying. She lowered herself down, pressing her pussy at the teen's eager mouth, "Eat me," she ordered.

Ashley was quick to obey, her lithe tongue immediately out and licking at the crease of her Mom's cunt. The Milf gave a groan of anticipation and wiggled herself so that she was driving the cunt at the tongue. Her daughter's hands were clutching at her thighs, as she lifted her head up at the same time, her tongue speeding along the crack from the mons up. "Go on, baby," moaned Melanie, "I want to cum from your tongue so bad."

Her daughter's tongue went faster, pushing between the labia to find the soft, moist flesh of the twat hole. Melanie shivered with pleasure, Ashley's cunt lapping skills had come on from her enthusiastic amateur early bouts to the skilled, but still eager, of today; so much so that she would have been hard-pressed to say whether she or her sister were more talented with their tongue -- not that it was a competition of course. She gave another groan to show Ashley how well she was doing and reached forward to grasp the teenage tits, pressing her fingers into the soft flesh and squashing them together. It spurred Ashley to even greater efforts and her tongue started to go faster and harder than a piston in a finely tuned engine.

"God, yes, eat me, baby eat me," Melanie gasped excitedly, her entire body quivering as her daughter's tongue continued to hammer at her. There was no reply beyond a muffled grunt from Ashley as she kept at her task with enthusiasm. "Oh fuck, keep at it, stuff your tongue up my twat, mmmnnn, go on you sexy thing, make me squirt all over your pretty face."

She gritted her teeth, as an orgasm hit her, determined not to cry out and let her daughter hear her cum, though the way she shuddered and increased cum filling her pussy and hence Ashley's mouth probably gave the teen a clue. Still, Ashley carried on, her tongue driving as hard and deep as she could force it, seeking out her Mom's sensual spots and slamming at them until they were numb and her Mom was rocking, barely able to speak, her eyes jammed close.

"I'm home," yelled Hazel at the top of her lungs and probably not a moment too soon, as Melanie would have been unable to contain herself.

Below her Ashley immediately stopped licking and began to try to get up from under her Mom. Melanie put a hand on the teen's chest, not forcefully, but definitely firmly, to keep her in place as she took a deep breath to clear her head and make sure her voice was loud and firm, with no trace of passion in it, "I'm just getting changed, I'll be down in a couple of minutes."

"Okay," Hazel yelled back as if she wasn't only shouting to her Mom, but also the occupants of the Spacelab, "I'll watch some TV for a while." A subtle actress her eldest daughter was not.

"Make me cum quickly, I need to cum now," Melanie said to her youngest daughter.

"But Hazel..." Ashley's voice was muffled but still audible.

"She downstairs, she won't be up, make me cum quickly, I so need it," her Mom persisted as she wriggled and ground her wet cunt into her daughter's face.

Perhaps recognising her Mom wasn't going to raise until she'd cum and making her orgasm was less risky than continuing to lie there Ashley's tongue resumed. Melanie had thought her daughter had been going fast and hard before, but she was going like a rocket now, licking so quickly Melanie could almost hear the tongue humming like the eponymous bird. It was long before Melanie was shuddering again, her cunt almost afire, as she teetered on the edge of cumming. Quickly she grasped one of the bed cushions, stuffing it over her face, so screams and cries of pleasure were muffled enough that only Ashley could hear them. The teen's tongue carried on slapping away as her Mom rocked above her, cum squirting from her pussy into her daughter's mouth and over her face, leaving her dripping and soaked. Only when she'd finished squirting did Melanie roll off.

Immediately Ashley was sitting up, almost in a panic, "Hazel's downstairs."

"I know," Melanie said and stretched contentedly, hoping her aura of relaxation would transfer to her youngest.

"She almost caught us."

"She didn't," Melanie got up off the bed and began to undo her blouse to replace it with a casual sweater as her topless daughter got up and looked around for anything with which she could cover her large breasts. Eventually, she saw her Mom's blouse was on the bed and quickly struggled into it, even though it wasn't a great fit. Her Mom continued to speak as she changed, "It was pretty hot though."

"What was? My eating you?"

"Yes, but especially when Hazel came as in, there was an extra frisson knowing she was downstairs, wasn't there?"

Her youngest blushed and muttered something about it being risky and what if Hazel had caught them, which only made Melanie grin more, "It turned you on as well, I could tell, thinking about Hazel catching us whilst you ate me, you enjoyed the danger."

"I did not, well, only a bit," Ashley replied.

Her Mom smiled, "It adds spice doesn't it, especially when we've not been able to fuck as much as before."

"A little," admitted Ashley blushing, "I was so desperate for your cum and the thought of Hazel catching us was less important than making you orgasm."

"We better go downstairs, me first, you can pretend you were reading in your room and didn't hear her come in, actually you probably should say you ignored her, half the neighbourhood must have heard her shout." Her daughter nodded her agreement and then blushed as Melanie said, "Let's take some more risks and do it again, I don't think being celibate when Hazel's home is something we can keep up."

"Small risks," Ashley agreed, which was as much as her Mom could hope.


For the next week, Melanie continued build-up her younger daughter's appetite for sexual risk; whether it was a quick make-out session while Hazel was in a neighbouring room or sliding her foot secretly, but sensually, over the teen's calves as the three of them were sitting for dinner or, the one she was most proud off, goosing Ashley's sexy butt when they were out for a walk with Hazel and her eldest daughter had walked a few paces ahead of them. Sure Ashley had given a quick squeak, but Melanie covered for her by saying they had just seen a field mouse scrambling across the path -- Hazel's grin, which her sister didn't notice, showed that she knew exactly what was going on and Melanie's smile back, was that it was all going to plan.

After dinner, they'd watch a movie, not porn, which was what Ashley and Melanie, would often view together when they'd be alone as a prelude to a hot and heavy night, but certainly something erotic -- Last Tango In Paris, Basic Instinct, Blue is the Warmest Colour. All designed to make Ashley more comfortable with watching sex with Hazel. The younger teen squirmed at first, especially when Hazel made a few suggestions about what the actresses might want to try next, but by the end of the week she seemed much more relaxed, not even turning away or blushing at the most explicit of the scenes.

Then at night, after exchanging texts with Hazel to make sure she was in bed and wouldn't be popping out to get some crisps or wine from the kitchen, Melanie would get undressed, slip on the biggest strap-on she had, lube it up and then go to Ashley's room with a ball-gag to fuck her insensible. The teen was nervous about being discovered, but horniness trumped her anxieties and allowed Melanie to fuck her daughter, so hard that if Hazel hadn't been into the secret already she would have discovered it. By the end of the week, Ashley was almost sated, more open and ready for part two of Melanie's plan.


It was a Thursday night and Hazel was out for the evening with her old High School friends; Melanie and Ashley were on the couch having a hot and heavy make-out session, their tongues battling for supremacy as their hands squeezed and slid, exploring each other's bodies, sensually wrapping together.

Breaking the kiss Melanie looked at her daughter, "What do you think of Hazel?"

"What do you mean 'what do I think of her?' She's my sister what am I supposed to think of her?" Ashley replied.

"I mean do you think she's sexy?"

"I guess, she's certainly, um, popular with the guys and by the sounds of it girls, as well," Ashley said.

"But do you think she's sexy? Does she make your pussy wet when you see her?" her Mom continued to press her.

"She's my sister," Ashley avoided the question.

"I'm your Mom, and don't say I don't make your cunt soak as I know I do," Melanie grinned.

"That's different, well a bit different, certainly not the same," Ashley said, her brain was quick but not quite quick enough to think up an answer. However it was speedy enough to shift the conversation around, not that Melanie minded as her daughter asked, "What about you, does she turn you on?"

"You know I don't play favourites, so if I find one daughter sexy, I do the other," grinned Melanie.

"Oh, so you find her hot?"

"Yes, I do, I think she's very sexy, like you," Melanie grinned and to show her daughter she meant it she leaned in to kiss her, for several minutes, her hands squeezing at Ashley's breast until the teen was wriggling under her and kissing her back just as passionately. Now she'd shown Ashley she had nothing to be jealous of, she pulled back, "but we're talking about you, not me, so would you fuck Hazel."

"That be cheating," said Ashley frowning.

Melanie shrugged, "Not if I was okay with it, so would you? Do you think she's hot?"

"I guess, I'm not sure, yes?" Ashley blushed red, "I think she's sexy and can see why she's so popular."

"Would you fuck her?" Melanie grinned.

"I don't know, this is all hypothetical, isn't it? I would, if you were okay with it," admitted Ashley.

"Mnnnn, that makes me so hot," Melanie grinned, "Let's go upstairs before your sister get's home and you can pretend it's her pussy you're eating out."


Melanie waited until the next Saturday to move to the final stage of her plan, giving time for Ashley to think sexually about her sister, now the seed had been planted and to make sure Hazel herself was ready for it -- which unsurprisingly she was.

Over dinner, Melanie had suggested opening a bottle of wine, not saying it was to loosen Ashley up (Hazel didn't need any further loosening). Taking the still half-filled glasses into the main Melanie made sure she took the single chair, leaving the couch for her two daughters, Ashley taking a seat beside her sister with no premonition of what was planned.

Casually Melanie started the conversation, "I was talking last week to Ashley, Hazel, about whether she thought you were hot."

"Mom!" blushed Ashley, taking a quick gulp of her wine.

"Really? What did she say?" grinned Hazel looking at her red-faced sister.

As it was obvious Ashley wasn't going to reply her Mom spoke for her, "She thought you were." Her youngest muttered something about 'right light' and 'passable', but Hazel just laughed. After pausing for a few moments, just in case Ashley did say something eligible, Melanie continued, "So what do you think Hazel? Is your sister also hot?"

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