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The Decision Pt. 02


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As the memory faded, Brittney's footsteps quickened. Thaelor might have given her this test to check her will and break her spirit. But Brittney LaShey Walters was made of tougher stuff than that.

At Gate 11, her mind wandered back to her last threesome. Ryan and Thaelor proved to be the best lovers she had ever had. Brittney had been sexually active with some of the best-known rappers and video vixens the entertainment industry had ever produced.

" Lil Rollo," "Southern Fox," "Cash Homie," Stefanie Banks and Rashida Washington had all shared her bed. High off one substance or another, they had all proven to be, for lack of a better term...lousy.

All except Rashida. She was good. But then she was a full-on fem lesbian. But, she too was off. She had the attitude of a player/diva mixed. And her assortment of toys, never satisfied Brittney. When Brittney found out Rashida had fucked one of her friends behind her back, that was the end.

But the sibling cousins, Ryan and Thaelor had been completely different. For a man, Ryan was everything she thought a man should be in bed. Soft and sensual. Building to the climax. Never rushing for the end. And his dick felt exquisite. No strap-on or dildo or even vibrator felt so good as when he was inside her walls. Feeling his muscles contract as he rammed her tiny 5',4" framed pussy over and over.

Thaelor however was the diamond. She claimed to have never been with a woman before, but if that were true, she definitely had given thoughts to it and studied. Where Ryan was hard, Thaelor was soft. Willing to learn, eager to please. Even better than the first woman that took her cherry. Lori Gaston was her lawyer's secretary and was absolutely beautiful.

One day when she went for an appointment, her lawyer was gone, and Lori was just closing shop. After Brittney complimented her on her dress, Lori asked if she liked girls. When Brittney answered "yes," it was on. She locked the door, took her into an empty office, and turned her out. But, as good as Lori had been as her first, Thaelor was 10 times better. What exactly did she have to lose? Thaelor was a woman of her word. Plus, her devotion to Ryan was undeniable. She needed that type of devotion and caring. And if there was one man that she had met that was worth trusting, Ryan was SO worth it! The arms, that back, the shoulders, the dick, and especially; the heart. She had seen the rest, why not try the best? Just for once?

The disembodied voice broke through her trance. She was just getting to Gate 13. The announcer saying that Flight 1155 was landed and disembarking First Class passengers. She let her legs go from a trot to a gallop. There was a man on the flight whose heart she wanted. She only hoped he would accept the responsibility of healing what had been broken so long ago.

She saw him at the luggage carousel. Tall (at least taller than her), chocolate skinned, meticulous goatee, and dressed like a runway model. He had a black attaché case in his hand and was just laying his other hand on his luggage. Brittney's heart fluttered. This man was well worth the chance.


Brittney bounded at him at almost top speed. Jumping up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. As she kissed his face, her nose was filled with his scent. His aftershave and cologne game was on point. Unlike some other men she had dated, Ryan's arms were strong. He held her off the ground almost effortlessly.

"Uuuuuuhhhhhh, thank you....but can I put you down????!"

By now, Brittney's antics had started a bunch of spectators. Including the attention of a couple big, burly Airport police officers. Brittney let him go, grabbed his attaché case and reached out for his other hand. To her surprise, Ryan grabbed it like it was the most natural thing in the world. As they walked toward the exit, she tried to interlock their fingers to test his willingness to act the same. Again, Ryan set up no protest. This was the feeling she had yearned for. Acceptance, wanting and true love. For the last 48 hrs. she hadn't left cloud nine.

Upon exiting the airport, they saw Thaleor arguing with another airport officer. When Ryan got to the vehicle, he took total control to the situation. Before it was all over, he had changed the narrative of the argument, going so far as having the officer apologizing vehemently instead.

Thaelor gave her brother a huge hug and all 3 kinsmen climbed in the vehicle and took off. The car was silent until they crossed onto the highway.

"Hey baby!! How was the trip?" Thaleor asked.

"Uuuhhh....sis...what exactly the FUCK is going on!!?"

"OK...I can understand you might be a little upset; but there's a reason for this." Said Thaelor. "I just need you to take a breath and hear us out."

"US?!" asked Ryan.

"So, hear me out; Brittney and I spent a little time together. We went shopping, eating, hanging out, etc. We really got to know each other really well. She told me so much about herself and her past. I'm sure I know things about her I'm sure You don't know about."

"This sounds really good and everything, but is there a specific reason why our LOVELY and EFFIRVECENT cousin is here? No offense."

"OK, listen Ryan. Brittney is just like us. She has been used, abused and thrown away. Kind of like we have. Do you know that our sister tricked her into a lesbian tryst and let everybody watch?"

"I remember. I was there. I told you about it, remember?"

"I sure do" chimed Brittney.

"I also remember you having a girlfriend back then; correct?" asked Ryan.

"That's the thing, there's more to that story you don't know. That was just a friend. Not really her girlfriend." Replied Thaelor.

"Honest to God truth." Brittney added.

"Well, that's all well, good, fine and dandy. But, I fail to see how that has anything to do with us."

"Anyway, she's all alone. Her family has basically abandoned her."

Wiping his face with the palm of his hand, Ryan could feel one of his infamous migraines coming on.

"Please tell me there's a point in all this." He said in exasperation.

"I'm getting there..." Thaelor switched lanes, passing by a truck that was going too slow.

"Anyway, when we asked her to join us for the threesome, it not only took her by surprise, but made her feel some kind of way. She's especially jealous of you. The way you feel about me and the way I feel about you."

"Here it comes..." Ryan said shaking his head.

"So...we wound up making love again. And...well...Brittney has kind of fallen in love with me..."

"And there it goes..." replied Ryan. A pang of pain zinging through his brain.

"And...I think I've kind of fallen in love with her too." Thaelor said in almost a whisper.

Ryan's eyes grew wide as saucers. The look on his face was illuminated by the light of the dashboard, and it wasn't all nice.

"Are you fucking SERIOUS?!!!" asked Ryan. "OK...OK...I've been understanding long enough. This is bullshit!!!!"


"NO!" said Ryan in a voice that shook the windows. "You've had your it's my turn. First of all, how the fuck are you going to pledge your undying love for me and then when my back is turned, you're fucking another chick!? Family or not, you just pulled the same crap as those 2 assholes at the cabin! Now that I think about it, your offense is worse! I fell in love with YOU! But, that's the part that hurts most. You had the nerve to tell me you FELL IN LOVE with this other person. Hell, you didn't even know that other person drew breath until about 2 months ago!"

" know I'm sitting back here." Brittney chimed in.

"As if THAT'S supposed to make the situation any better? You didn't really "KNOW" her Brittney. But you definitely knew ME!! And you not only FUCKED my girl....KNOWING HOW I FELT ABOUT HER!!!! But, you claimed to have fallen in love with her too?! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!?"

"But...Baby..." Cried Thaelor.

"OK...." Came a small, meek voice from the rear seat. "Don't yell at her. Her tears will kill us all. And I don't think she's explaining it well enough."

"Well SOMEBODY better do some better FUCKING explaining!!!!"

"You're absolutely right cousin. You have every right to be angry. I betrayed you. WE betrayed you. But, you can't blame her. If you want to be angry with angry with me. I can take it. But let me finish my explanation. Once upon a time, a female cousin tried to rape and betray me. 1 year later, my Dad and brothers finished the job. I've been away from both my parents since I was 17. So, yeah...I've got some man issues and some female issues. I just thought that everyone just fucked. Then I met you and Thaelor. I saw something different in you guys. Honest, pure, love. And then when we had that threesome, no man had touched me like you did. And no woman had touched me like her. But, even better than the sex...was the way you looked at her; and the way she looked at you. It wasn't just a fuck look. You care for her. So, yeah....I was jealous. I wanted some of that. I wanted to be adored; like she adores you. So, I tried her. I told her all my woes. About my family problems, about everything. But she never judged me. She loved me; she cared. But as much as she cared, she loved you more.

But you want to know the freakiest part? She gave me a challenge. She said for us to ever have a chance to love...I had to love you. Unconditionally and on my own, I had to find myself being in love with you. So, she gave me a choice. If I could love you, I had to collect you, with no malice. If not; I could walk to the cabs and go back home: WITHOUT HER in my life. Ever. I had to choose...alone. Let me tell you Ryan....that was the longest walk I've ever taken. By the time I decided for sure, I saw you...and I was in love with you. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. But, I felt happy. Free. Because I had a chance to have what you have. But I see now, that was wrong. I didn't think of your feelings. WE didn't think of your feelings. I'm sorry."

Ryan's migraine spread. The pain radiating from the front of his skull to the base of his shoulders.

"OW! FUCK!!!!"

Thaelor looked at her brother, she could see the stress of the conversation was having its toll on him. Watching him close his eyes tight, rub the back of his neck, and breath deeply, she prayed it wasn't one of his infamous migraines.

"Move your hand sweetie." She told him. Reaching across the car, she placed her hand one the back of his neck. It was boiling hot to the touch. "Fuck." She spit. Thaelor hit the gas, the truck sped forward topping 88 mph.

"What's going on?" Brittney asked.

"We got a problem." Thaelor said. "Our little indiscretion is causing Ryan to have a severe migraine. If it goes on too long, he might black out, then we got to get him to a hospital, not a good thing at all." Seeing the next off ramp with a gas station, she pulled the truck off the main highway. Stopping, Thaelor hopped out of the truck and ran into the building. Coming back, she had an ice cold caffeinated "pop" and a quart of ice cream in her hand.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Brittney asked, concern dripping in her voice.

"Hop in the other seat and let him position his seat all the way back."

Reaching in her purse, she took 2 tiny pills out and handed them and the pop to Ryan.

"What's that?" Brittney asked.

"It's his migraine medicine. I carry some extra in case he can't get to it in time. You have no idea how painful these things are for him."

Turning the truck back to the highway, Thaelor turned the radio off and opened the window. Ryan took the plastic bag with the ice cream and placed it on the back of his head. "Ahhhhh.." he said.

Brittney looked in the rearview mirror. Thaelor's face was covered in panic. Whatever this was, it had her on pins and needles. The rest of the drive was quiet. Only the sound of the wind rushing into the vehicle broke the utter tomb like silence. Twenty-five minutes later, Thaleor pulled the truck into the driveway of Brittney's home. Hopping out, Brittney saw a side of Ryan she had never dreamed of seeing before. Leaning on his sister, she saw him weak, almost childlike as Thaelor guided him into the house, up the stairs and into her bedroom. Ryan was stripped of his clothing down to his boxers. His skin was ashen, and his continence frail. Thaelor stripped off her clothing too and lay next to her brother. Her hand quickly began to massage the base of his neck, every couple of minutes, she had to release it because he was so hot. Brittney stripped as well, laying on the other side of him, running her hand up and down his back. She flinched. She had never felt a man's body so hot before. His fever turning the palm of her hand red. But she wanted to help none the less. Placing it back, she let her tiny hand rub all over his back. The muscles within his chocolate skin, flexing responsively as he received their healing touch.


" doesn't matter right now love. Just Rest." She whispered.

Eventually, the heat from his body cooled to almost normal levels. The rythum of their touch and the magnitude of the situation made all of them sleepy. Ryan was first too, reaching the plain of slumber. Finally looking over to her cousin, Brittney saw her mouth the words; "Thank you. I do love you. We'll discuss this in the morning." Brittney smiled. Her mission was tenuous; but accomplished. Interlocking her fingers with Thaelor's, was the last thing she remembered, before she too fell sound asleep.

Thaelor's fitful slumber was interrupted by the clanging of metal. The din was low, but there. Her eyes still closed, she reached across the bed, feeling for some semblance of familiarity. She touched a hand. Tiny, soft, and pliable. Opening her eyes, Thaelor saw the small, prone form of her cousin Brittney. Her round, chocolate breasts, rising and falling. She shook her lightly, awakening her from sleep. Both ladies put on their shirts from the night before. Ryan no where to be seen. Cautiously, they padded semi-naked down the stairs. The strong odor of coffee greeting them before they reached the landing.

Walking down the hall leading to the kitchen, they both jumped when they saw Ryan sitting at the dining room table. In front of him were two steaming cups of coffee, a milk carton and a bag of sugar finishing the scene. Without putting his cup down or saying a word, Ryan motioned for the ladies to sit. His face a blank mask.

Brittney sat first. A look of apprehension on her face. "Good morning Ryan. Did you find...."

Thaelor stopped her in mid-sentence. Her finger calling her to be quiet. She had known her brother long enough to realize...questions asked before coffee, were met with disdain.

The ladies doctored their drinks to taste in silence. Waiting patiently for Ryan to caffeinate enough to have a viable conversation. Ryan took several sips of the hot liquid. Each one causing his eyes to open. A visage of calm coming over his face. When he finally spoke, it was in a tone that would give shivers down the spine of a hardened soldier.

"'s my turn to speak. First off sis, I called Dad and let him know I got in safe, he says "Hello." Second of all...I can't possibly say I'm surprised at the turn out of this situation. Honestly, I feared something like this might happen. I know all too well the type of woman I have, and the thought of another person wanting what I hold dear is something that doesn't catch me off guard. The fact it would be with our COUSIN....that's what threw me. I will say however, I am slightly disappointed. You hurt me sis...I can't lie about that. To know that the two of you had sex while I was big deal. Brittney's a fine woman and given the opportunity, I might have done the same. But your heart? I thought that was mine alone."

Thaelor was about to speak, when she stopped. The look in Ryan's eyes told her better than to protest. In that moment, he looked more like his father than at any other time she had ever seen his face.

"But thinking it over, I know the kind heart that you have. Under any other circumstance, this probably never would have happened. So, after last night....I'm over it. But I have one simple, easy question that only requires a simple yes or no answer. Are you in love with Brittney too? And please...just tell me the truth. I think I am owed that much."

Thaelor's eyes dropped. It was time to make a serious decision. She had played a game with 2 hearts. Something she should have known better. Something that she should never have let happen. But it did. She couldn't betray Ryan twice. Yet, she couldn't lie to Brittney anymore. It was time for the truth to have its way.

"Yes. I wish I could say it was only about the sex. But that would be a lie. She has a part of my heart my love and I can't deny that. You're right. You deserve better and so does she. Whatever you decide, I'll take it."

Ryan's eyes narrowed. They shot across the expanse and looked dead at his diminutive cousin. Catching Brittney in mid-sip.

"I take it you, feel the same?!"

Brittney almost chocked. Taking a second, she composed herself. "Uh...yeah." She said, wiping the coffee from her chin.

Ryan sucked down the rest of his coffee in one big gulp. The liquid burning its way to his stomach.

"Sis..." Ryan said, touching her hand with his. "Do you still love me the same or is this what you really want?"

"Oh God Ryan...I'm so sorry!" Thaelor said, tears running down her face. "I never meant to hurt you. This just happened. I swear! I never want to live without you. I meant everything I said when I told you that I love you more than life itself. I meant it when I said I wanted to bare your children. I meant it when I said that nothing and no one means as much to me as you do. But I fucked up. I met someone else who I thought I was helping, pulling them up out of the pits of despair. But while I helped her, she helped me. She helped me heal some things you hadn't, because you couldn't. I was wrong, and I hope to God that you can forgive."

Reaching up to her face, Ryan wiped away her tears with the thumb of his hand. Looking back to Brittney, he asked; "Did you mean what YOU said last night?"

"Which part?" Brittney asked,. A tear running down her face as well.

"The part that you loved me too and wanted what we have."

Brittney was on the verge of heaving tears. She felt so alone and could feel her love slipping away. She couldn't go back to being by herself. She had finally found everything she had wanted and was watching the one thing she ever might have believe in; dissolve in front of her very eyes.

"Yes Ryan. I loved you back when we were kids and I love you now as a man. But if my being in you guys lives means that Thaelor loses you...I'll step off. I love her and you enough to know better than to interfere any further. I didn't want to cause a rift between you two. I just wanted a small part for myself."

"Well...that's fine. But I don't need you falling on your sword or anything. I just wanted to know if you meant what you said. I can be all kinds of disappointed in my love, but I will never give her up. I was wondering if you wanted to join WITH US?!"

Both ladies mouths dropped open. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"What are you getting at sweetie?"

"I'm saying that our relationship is illicit as it is. What harm could it be to change it a little more. I too love you Thaelor and if having Brittney in your life makes you whole, then who am I to deny that too you? Brittney...I had a crush on you since way back when. Still do to a point. But that point is only because so much has happened since then and now. I would love to be in love with you and am totally open to exploring that option. Thaelor shouldn't be the only one to benefit from knowing you so well. I propose that our couple become a triumvirate. Three, where only two were before. As of right now, I love you, but I'm not IN love. I want to be....only if you and Thaelor can agree."

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