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The Devil and the Sea Ch. 11

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Mistress X finally takes complete control. Jen is enslaved.
7.1k words

Part 11 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 02/12/2022
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[Recap: Anya wants to learn how to top Jen so with Henry's help they've concocted Mistress X, an online domme profile, played by Anya in black latex. After arranging for Jen to meet her fantasy Mistress in the flesh, they think the game is finally over, but instead Jen wants to become Mistress X's slave. Henry and Anya are left with one final desperate roll of the dice to save their relationship.

You can read 'The Monogamists' for the backstory if you want to find out how Henry, Jen and Anya met.]


Jen and I were on the balcony, leaning on the rail and catching up on what had happened in our days, when Anya found us. She smiled at us both and held up her phone.

"That was Tana," she said.

"Everything okay?" Jen asked.

"She's having a rough time. The little terror isn't sleeping. She sounds at her wits end."

Anya joined us at the balcony rail. "Would you mind if I went over there for the weekend?"

"Sure," I said, "If you think it would help your sister. When would you leave?"

"I was thinking Friday night," Anya replied.

"Ah shit."


"It doesn't matter. I was gonna go out with the guys and leave you two to a romantic evening," I said. "Danny was going to drag us to the casino."

Jen piped up, "You can still go. I don't mind."

"It would be a real late finish," I said.

Jen stood up and crossed her arms. "I don't need babysitting. Go and enjoy yourself. I'll just chill here."

She flashed us both a dazzling smile, her cheeks dimpled.

"Okay," I conceded. Anya nodded agreement. It was done; we'd scripted the scenario and Jen had leapt at the chance. She now had a perfect window of opportunity on Friday night and wouldn't have to tell either of us anything.


I kissed Jen and headed out the door, Anya following with her little travel suitcase.

"Don't blow your wad," Jen cautioned me as I left. I just waved and scooped up Anya's luggage for her.

Once we were outside, we ground to a halt.

"What time is it?" Anya asked.

"Six thirty," I replied.

Anya doubled over suddenly.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," she wheezed.

I dropped into a crouch next to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. When she straightened up, her lovely face was grey and drawn.

"Henry, I don't think I can do this," she gasped. I could see tears in her eyes.

I knew there was nothing I could say, so I wrapped her in a hug and held her, standing out on the kerb in front of our home.

Finally, I disengaged and took her face in my hands.

"If there's anyone who can do this, it's you," I said. "You're the planner in the team, and we've rehearsed it all."

My hands drifted down to take hers. Anya looked at me for a long time, but there was nothing more to say. Either Jen would choose her Mistress tonight or us. By tonight, we would know if we all still had a future together.

Finally, she said, "Let's get it over with."


I sat in the hotel bar, ensconced in a quiet corner with a view of the main doors. I had located a power point to plug my phone into. On the little screen, I could see a figure fussing with a small suitcase.

"How you going?" I said into the headset, "Testing."

The screen showed an empty room, suddenly eclipsed by a slick, black mid-riff. The body dropped down and a pair of gorgeous, full, glossy black orbs descended into the frame. I felt my cock twitch involuntarily in my trousers. A face came into view, close up, filling the screen. Shiny black latex, unreal blue eyes and a slash of crimson red lipstick, but otherwise featureless, expressionless and inhuman.

"I can hear you," said a sultry voice with a lilting French accent.

"How're you feeling, though?" I repeated.

"Nervous," the voice replied, "Weird. Angry and horny. Henry, I'm all over the place. Wearing this makes me so turned on, but then I think about Jen and I just get...."

Anya broke off her sentence and just clenched her fists. She stepped back from the camera until I could see a full body shot. Anya had insisted on a new purchase, an expensive full body latex catsuit. The tight, slick material shaped and moulded her already gorgeous proportions, pulling her bottom into a gleaming black pillow and lifting and shaping her breasts into shiny domes. With the hood on and the blonde fake ponytail emerging from behind the glossy black head, Anya was completely unrecognisable.

"Am I fuckable?" she asked.

"The truth?" I asked.

The glossy black statue nodded emphatically, making the fake blonde ponytail bounce.

"If it was me in the room, I would fuck Mistress X in a heartbeat if she wanted me to."

One glossy black arm inched down her sleek, shiny torso until her hand was hovering over the zip to her crotch. The fingers danced there for a moment, tracing the pussy lips beneath the slick, black latex.

"That's just the thing Henry. I would never, but she might just let you," Anya replied.

I felt the blood rush to my groin. Anya was not into men; our relationship worked because we were both into Jen. Even the three of us naked together, I had never so much as run a hand over her, or she me. I began to contemplate what it would feel like, my eyes fixed on her latex-clad fingers slowly circling the shiny black material covering her slit. I could see now how Mistress X, the fantasy figure that we had concocted for Jen, had come to mean something to all of us. She was beginning to seduce all of us, a fourth person in our lives. It was certainly changing Anya's character, transforming her from the diminutive, shy, organised, slightly neurotic dynamo in our lives into a sleek, assured, in-control dominant for Jen to worship and fantasise over.

More than that, her words told me that she was falling as deeply into this dominant persona as Jen was into her submissive one, two black holes spiralling in towards each other. A little voice in my head was telling me that this was a mistake, but I didn't listen. I should have.

There was movement in the foyer, and I looked up from the screen. Jen had come through the doors and was making her way to the reception. She had a jacket wrapped around her that stopped at mid-thigh, showing off her long, sleek, sculpted legs. She stood at the desk in her highest stiletto heels, asking for a keycard, her feel elevated almost to tiptoes, shaping her calves and showing off her toned runner's legs. It did nothing to help my raging hard-on, and the thought crossed my mind of just following her up to the room and pressing both women onto the bed. The little voice in my head went into overdrive.

Jen picked up the keycard and walked out of my field of view, stilettos clicking on the polished stone floor.

"Heads up," I said.

The figure on the screen was suddenly in motion, rearranging the suitcase slightly, smoothing down the sheets on the bed.

"How does she look?"

"Achingly fuckable. I nearly intervened."

"Easy tiger. What's she wearing?"

"That short jacket of hers."

"It's good that you didn't intervene then. I had her come here dressed in that jacket and nothing else."


"She's completely naked underneath."

The thought of unbuttoning her jacket in the middle of the foyer to reveal Jen's pert breasts and smooth, waxed pussy came unbidden into my mind. I should have released the pressure valve before I arrived. Too late now.

The figure on the screen walked out of frame and I was left with an empty scene. The camera angle showed curtains covering floor-to-ceiling glass windows on the righthand side and a king-size bed to the left of frame, looking up from the foot of the bed, and a space in between where the table and chair had been pushed back against the wall to create a little stage for tonight's performance.

The black latex figure strode into view from the left, followed by a second figure in a short jacket and towering heels. I felt the nerves buzzing in my stomach.

Mistress X wheeled Jen around so that I had a side view of both women: Mistress X with her back to the window and Jen with her back to the bed. Each woman contemplated the other silently for a few moments.

Mistress X broke the silence, her voice lilting in a soft French accent. "Before we begin, you need to understand this. Against my better judgement, I have decided to take you as a slave. I do not do this thing, ever, and I have often wondered to myself why. When you messaged me, it forced me to think about why, again."

Mistress X paused for effect, her hands settling on the smooth, shiny curves of her hips.

"I was concerned about the impact," she continued, "Not to my subject; she would have little or no choice by the time I was done conditioning her, I would quite easily and happily reduce her to my mindless fucktoy and not think any more of it. No, I was concerned about what I would do to me."

Mistress X reached out with a hand and began to unbutton Jen's jacket.

"The temptation of having a living human being under my complete control," she said, flicking another button.

"The ability to unleash my darkest fantasies." Another button.

"Finally, not needing to hold myself back." The final button.

"To leave the comfort blanket of consent and safewords behind, and mould another person permanently to my deepest desires." She slipped the jacket from Jen's shoulders, and it fell to the floor.

"I never considered what it would do to her, since it's obvious that she would become my unresisting toy," she stepped closer to Jen. "But the questions is what I would do if I had everything I ever wanted."

Her hand reached out to caress Jen's breasts. I could see her nipples were standing firm on the soft curve of her chest.

"And then you came along."

She leaned forwards and kissed Jen on the lips, a slow, tender kiss. Her fingers traced down Jen's body until the latex fingers grazed her clit. Jen, now completely naked save for her heels, shivered.

"The question is, are you really ready to leave your old life behind? Your life with your husband? Are you ready to let me shape you into a mindless toy, responding only for my pleasure?"

Jen swallowed and licked her lips. "Yes Mistress."

"We will see. Let's start with something easy for you."

Mistress X walked over to the suitcase and retrieved a small bottle and a cloth. She handed both to Jen.

"Polish me," she said.

Jen took the cloth and tipped a quantity of the liquid into it as Mistress X turned around to present her back to Jen.

"Start here," she said.

Jen applied the cloth in slow, circular motions, applying the liquid to the black material, polishing Mistress X's body until she was coated in a deep, glossy shine. Jen worked her way over the pert, heavenly buttocks until they were slick and featureless. She worked her way down one leg, applying more liquid as she went, and then up the other until Mistress X's lower body was slick, reflecting the room lights like a mirror.

I took a sip of my drink, more to wet my tongue than anything. My mouth had gone completely dry and the pressure in my pants was almost unbearable.

Mistress X turned so that Jen could polish her front. Jen worked her way over Mistress X's head, down her neck to her chest.

"Take particular care here," Mistress X said. "I need to shine. Your lack of attention to detail will be noticed and will increase your punishment."

The little voice in my head piped up again. Something in that statement wasn't right, but all I could do was watch Jen apply a little more liquid to the cloth and began to polish the firm, ample latex spheres of Mistress X's breasts. I followed the cloth intently as it traced around those curves, watching twin points emerging in the front of the shiny black domes. Jen brushed the cloth back over these, gripping slightly and then circling them. Mistress X allowed this and smiled broadly.

"Good girl," she breathed. "How does it feel to polish your Mistress?"

"Amazing, Mistress," Jen replied, her eyes on her Mistress's engorged nipples.

"Are you wet?"

"Very, Mistress."

Mistress X allowed Jen to continue circling her breasts and nipples with the cloth. Jen understood that she wasn't allowed to move further down, yet.

"While you work, let's set out my expectations," Mistress X said. "I don't care about your wants and needs. It seems you talked your unfortunate husband into letting you go, though I can't personally see how he could stomach it, watching his own wife allow herself to belong to someone else. But let's set expectations. You're here because you give me pleasure, both to see you submissive in front of me and because I can put your talented tongue to good work. If I get bored with my toy, I'll throw it away. If I break my toy and it can no longer please me, I'll throw it away. Hopefully there will be someone who still loves you enough to take care of you afterwards."

Mistress X paused, but Jen continued to polish her breasts, eyes fixed firmly on her task, expression unreadable. But even from the distance of the camera, I could see the flush of arousal in her cheeks.

"You may continue with the rest of your task."

Jen dutifully began to polish the taut, black latex that enclosed Mistress X's waist, circling ever closer to her crotch. She sank to her knees, automatically spreading her legs. I watched, mesmerised, as the cloth dipped down between the black latex thighs, finally sweeping over the crotch zipper. Mistress X spread herself slightly to allow Jen proper access to her groin. She remained motionless while the kneeling, naked woman beneath her used the polishing cloth to caress her most sensitive parts through the slick black material.

"Good enough," Mistress X said, reaching down to pluck the cloth from Jen's fingers.

She dropped it on the floor and her fingers returned to the crotch zipper, aligned directly with Jen's eager face. Gripping the zip, Mistress X slowly brought it down and the shiny black latex split open to reveal a neatly trimmed square of blonde pubic hair. The zip descended further, allowing swollen pink lips to protrude from their latex enclosure, finally exposing Mistress X's pussy fully to the other woman. Jen's eyes were fixated on the pink folds, and I could see that she wanted to give Mistress X some intimate attention but knew that she wasn't allowed. The need burned deep within her as she forced herself to wait.


Jen bent forwards, nuzzling her Mistress's hood with her nose, breathing in the heavy musk of her new owner's wetness. She began to kiss the folds lightly, working her way up and down the moist slit. She stretched out her tongue and probed into the hood, searching for the nub of Mistress X's clit.

I watched the shiny, black-clad figure react. Her posture relaxed as the submissive woman kneeling between her legs began to service her needs. The black gloved hands reached back to grab her own shiny buttocks and she splayed her hips wider to allow Jen deeper access to her pussy.

"I have to say," Mistress X continued, "You're taking all this pretty calmly. I just told you that your marriage is over because I expect complete loyalty to me, and that I will break you until you are a helpless, obedient toy at my disposal."

Her hand reached out to caress Jen's cheek softly.

"Maybe you think we're still playing games. Maybe you didn't think I meant it."

The movement was quick, almost too quick for me to see. Mistress X struck a stinging slap across Jen's face. Jen jerked back, eyes wide, staring up at the other woman. Mistress X raised her hand as if to slap Jen again, but instead replaced her hand on her buttock. For a moment, she stood perfectly still, legs splayed, hips forward, towering over the cowering woman before her.

Neither woman said a word.

"Anya," I breathed, "What the fuck was that?"

Mistress X didn't move or acknowledge that she had heard me. Her icy blue eyes continued to stare down into Jen's, mercilessly.

Then Jen leaned forward and began to slide her tongue into Mistress X's pussy again, this time with more intensity. I watched a latex-clad arm reach up and tug the blonde ponytail emerging from the back of her hood.

"Yeah," I said. "Damn right we need to talk."

Mistress X turned to look at the camera, her movement safely hidden while Jen's face was pressed into her groin, Jen's tongue busily working away inside her. I could see an expression on her face, even under the shiny latex of the hood. It was something in her eyes. I understood. Neither of us had expected Jen to go back to the task. Even in the depths of her submissiveness with me, the Jen I knew would have told me to fuck off if I had attempted that.

"I'm thinking," I said. "Buy us some time."

Mistress X looked down at the kneeling woman.

"I need an orgasm," she said. "For me it will be the first of many. For you, it's going to be the closest you get for a long while. Show me that you're worth my time."

I watched Jen's reaction. She shuffled forwards to get a better angle and brought her hand up, teasing fingers around her Mistress's pussy lips, then slipping a finger inside her.

"Better," Mistress X cooed. "I need to cum. Don't disappoint me."

Again, I was taken by surprise as Mistress X landed another slap hard across Jen's face. Jen's head jerked back and I could see her cheek was red with the sting, but this time her eyes remained on the other woman's pussy and her finger continued to slip in and out of the sopping pussy lips. Jen bent forward again and resumed her task.

I could tell that Mistress X was close. Anya had told me that Jen had an instinctive knowledge of her pussy, and it seemed she was following the same rulebook. It obviously never occurred to Jen to question why her technique worked so well or brought about such a result in a complete stranger. In retrospect, I realised that it simply deepened the connection that Jen felt towards her new Mistress, that she was able to service her so intuitively.

Anya had packed an assortment of equipment into the suitcase in case we needed to divert from the script. What did Anya have to hand that she could use? I began to race through the possibilities, Jen's no-go zones; one of them should work. Deep down, there was a nagging doubt though. I thought back to how she had been after I collected her from Mistress X the first time: compliant, submissive, unquestioning, vacant. What if she was too far into this already? What if she no longer had limits? What if she never called out her safeword and drew the line?

"Two things," I said into the headset. "First, how about you get a load off your mind and clear your head. Then I think we try anal play. She's never done it and it's one of her limits. It should be enough to make her think."

Mistress X placed one hand on the back of Jen's head and spread the other hand across the cheek she had just slapped, black latex covering reddened skin. She began to grind herself into Jen's face, forcing the other woman to give her pleasure.

"More," she scolded, "Do better."

Jen began to stroke the other woman's clit with her thumb, while her tongue darted deep inside her. Mistress X began to moan.

"Good... girl," she said.

Jen switched, taking her Mistress's clit and hood fully into her mouth, working her tongue against the swollen nub to devastating effect. Her fingers slipped deep inside Mistress X's pussy, searching for her most sensitive spot and beginning to stroke it.

I could see the tension building up in the black latex body. Mistress X began to arch her back, pressing Jen's lips hard against her clit, hips now gyrating in little fucking motions of their own volition. Suddenly she bent forward, releasing Jen's head, shuddering, thigh muscles trembling under the shiny black latex.

"Ahh...," Mistress X exhaled, "Good."

She disengaged from her slave's face and took a step backwards, catching her breath. Her latex-gloved hand smoothed itself down her slit and she gently played with herself for a few moments, watching the kneeling woman in front of her.


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