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The 'Do Nothing' Option

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A man realises his wife has a secret.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 01/06/2023
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In April 22, a new law came into effect in the UK that allowed no-fault divorce at the request of either or both parties. There is no longer any need to prove abuse or infidelity. There are apparently few, if any, practical grounds to contest and the whole process can be done on-line and could complete in 7 months.

BUT I'm not a solicitor so this isn't actual legal advice. Just saying.

All participants in this story are over 18.


It was Sunday Evening and twenty six year old Pete was driving Tina, his wife of three years, home from the pub. She had been for a night out with friends, phoned him for a lift, and he'd picked her up. She told him she'd enjoyed catching up and shared a bit of mildly racy gossip and then became engrossed in something on her phone. She tutted in apparent disappointment.

"Something wrong, Love?" Pete asked, looking briefly across at the petite, twenty four year old, brunette sitting next to him.

Tina gave a little start. She hadn't realised she'd done it. "No. Well, not really," she explained hurriedly. "I was supposed to meet Emma for a drink on Thursday, but she's just cancelled." She looked at him and smiled. "You'll do nicely instead though."

Pete smiled back, but she'd already gone back to her phone. At first he was going to pursue the issue, but remembered some of his father's advice. "When you're faced with a number of options, the first thing to consider is doing nothing. Compare all of the likely outcomes of your actions against that, before you decide what's best to actually do."

Pete's problem was that Emma had 'Friended' him on Facebook last year, to find out Tina's favourite perfume for the office Secret-Santa, and he knew from her most recent Facebook post that she had just arrived in Lisbon for a long-planned two week break. There was no chance she had made and broken the arrangement Tina had just described. Why the lie?

Tina started squirming in her seat. "Christ! That last glass of cider has gone straight through me. I really need a wee!"

"Shall I pull over somewhere?" He asked.

"No; I think I can hold it until we get home," she replied. "But don't dawdle, for God's sake." She went back to her phone.

When they got in, Tina dashed through the kitchen to the bathroom, dropping her phone onto the granite worktop as she went. Pete adored his wife but he really wished she'd take more care of her stuff: He'd replaced three screen protectors for her already this year, and it was only June.

He picked the phone up and turned it over to check the screen; it was fine. But, what the fuck was that? In the last second before the screen went into Sleep-Mode, the image he'd briefly seen was a profile page for some website called Infinidelity, and he was sure the thumbnail picture was Tina, but that wasn't the name on the profile.

The rest of the evening was subdued; Tina on her phone and Pete sitting quietly, pondering. Eventually, she stood up. "I need the loo again and I'm knackered. I'm off to bed. See you in the morning." She left him to his thoughts.

Pete was up earlier than usual the next morning and Tina was only just coming out of the bedroom as he was about to leave the flat. "Didn't sleep well last night," he explained. "Thought I'd get up and get an early start rather than disturb you." He kissed her goodbye.

He wasn't exactly in a sour mood when he got to the warehouse where he managed the local distribution department, but neither was he particularly happy: so, when he heard Jason call out, "Hey, bum-boy, get your gay arse over here and help me clear this stack." he stopped, turned round and walked back into Goods Reception.

"Jason! My office. Now!"

Pete stormed into the office block and calmed down enough to ask Jenny, their Admin, Secretary and basically the heart of the business, to phone the security desk and ask for someone to join him in his office asap.

Jason arrived a few minutes later, followed by Dave, the most experienced security officer; ex-military, straight as a die, hard as nails. Pete nodded to Dave then looked at Jason. "Jason, you're suspended. One week; no pay and, if I have any say in it, you will not be re-instated."

"What the fuck for?" Jason exploded.

"You've been warned too many times for bullying and harassing colleagues. What I heard this morning was the final straw."

"Was just a bit of fuckin' banter," protested Jason.

"Bum boy, get your gay arse over here," parroted Pete. "That's sexually aggravated harassment and I won't have it on my watch. Dave will see you off the premises. Do not come back unless you're specifically told you're reinstated and do not contact any of your workmates to try to get them to cover for you."

Dave spoke up quietly. "I served alongside men who liked other men. They fought and bled, and some died, just like the rest of us. Every single one of them was a better man than you'll ever be, you mouthy little piece of shit!"

Pete smiled as Jason slouched out, muttering under his breath. He stopped smiling when he remembered the paperwork involved in sacking and replacing even a useless twat like Jason.

After lunch, Pete called the Goods Reception Team into his office; there were only three remaining with Jason gone. He looked at Lee, the recipient of Jason's 'banter'. "Lee, I'm sorry that you had to put up with that." He glared at the other two. "Did it even occur to you to call Jason out on the way he talked you your mate?" Both looked sheepish, but said nothing. He dismissed them and got on with his work.

It was turned three o'clock before he had a moment to look at the website he'd noticed the evening before. "Infinidelity," said the splash screen. "The site for extra-marital excitement." His heart sank as he read on, "The place for singles to meet married men and women for no-strings-attached sex." His heart felt as though it had been wrenched from his chest. Actual, physical, pain.

He tried to log in to the site, but it wouldn't allow casual browsing. Users had to register with a photograph and pay for membership by card. He couldn't risk his name or photo appearing on the site. He needed a believable proxy, a young, good looking avatar. In fact, he realised, he needed Lee. He left his office and walked to Goods Reception. The team didn't notice him at first; they were working together, quickly, quietly and efficiently. He realised that they had got twice as much done without Jason. Good!

"Lee!" He called. They all looked up. "Lee can you spare ten minutes when you're finished there?" Lee gave him a thumbs-up.

At five to four, Lee knocked on the office door. "The guys said they'd finish off without me. I think they are trying to make amends for not sticking up for me."

Pete stood up. "Come on. I'm treating you to a quick pint. I need to ask a favour. Have you got all your stuff?" Lee nodded.

Ten minutes later they settled down in a quiet corner of the local in front of a couple of pints. "Lee, I need to ask you some personal stuff. I'd like you to be honest and, when I've finished, you can tell me to fuck off and you have my word there'll be no repercussions. All I ask is that whatever we say in here tonight stays between us."

"First of all, you aren't actually gay, are you?" Pete asked.

Lee hung his head. "No," he spoke softly, his eyes filling up. "I'm just no good at talking to women."

"So," Pete guessed. "Because you don't come into work every morning bragging about non-existent shags like the others do, Jason decided that you were gay?"

"Pretty much," Lee agreed.

"I assume you don't have a lot of family, if you're that shy."

Lee sighed. "Only child, mum died young, dad drank himself to death. I live with my gran now. She takes good care of me but never really taught me how to, you know, socialise."

Pete considered how far he was prepared to go. Fuck it! "Lee, I think my wife might be cheating on me or, at least, preparing to." He explained about the website and showed the home-screen on his phone. "I can't register as me and there's no point in grabbing some guy's photo off the Internet, in case Tina asks for a different photo in a suit or at the gym or something. I'm asking you if you'd be prepared to register, and see if my wife," Pete paused and took a deep breath. "If my wife asks you to fuck her."

Lee sat back, stunned. "Really?"

"I hope I'm wrong, but I think she might have been hoping to meet someone on Thursday, but they cancelled. If we get you a profile on line this week, I think you might be next in her sights."

"But what if she does ask to meet me?" Said Lee.

"If that happens, then all I ask is that you give her every chance to change her mind. If she decides to stay with you, to have sex with you, she's not my wife any more. Do whatever you like. She's an amazing lover. If she's prepared to let you have her, then make the most of it. You have my word, I won't care any more."

Lee thought for a full five minutes. Pete sat quietly, not wanting to put the lad under any pressure. Eventually Lee spoke. "So you'll help me put my profile on this site?" Pete nodded. "And I just register with my photo and pay with my card?"

"Yes," agreed Pete. "And I'll repay you with cash."

"Then, if your wife contacts me, you help me with my replies."

"Exactly. And, if she offers to meet you, I'll even pay for some smart clothes for your date."

"And, as long as I ask her if she's okay cheating on her husband, if she still offers to fuck me, you won't hold it against me at work? I don't think that I could do that in your place."

"Lee, it hasn't happened yet, but we're saving up to buy a house to raise our children in. If she fucks you, when she should be at home with me, she'll never be the mother of my children and I'll want her out of my life."

"And if she doesn't contact me?"

"Then I'll try to help you to become more confident around people in general, introduce you to our friends, that sort of thing. I won't help you to fuck another man's wife though. That's a line I won't cross and neither should you."

Lee looked thoughtful. "But it's okay with your wife, because if she chooses to do it, you're through." He shook his head sadly. "This must really suck for you Pete."

The two young men finished their drinks and went their respective ways.

Tina was preparing tea when Pete got home. "Sorry I'm late Love," he apologised. "I had to let someone go this morning and smooth a few ruffled feathers this afternoon."

She shook her head. "I can't complain. You're doing so well being a manager already, at your age. Our savings for the house are piling up because of you, so don't apologise." She gave him a big hug.

After they'd eaten and cleared away, they sat cuddled together on the sofa watching Netflix. When the film finished they looked at each other, grinned and said, almost at the same time, "Early night!"

The first time was energetic and sexy. Tina came while Pete was fingering her, and again, at the same time as Pete, while she was bouncing on his cock. The second time was slower, more sensual. They teased each other with their mouths and their movements, once Pete had slipped inside his wife's vagina, were long and slow and tender. Tina came twice again, with Pete's second orgasm of the night not far behind her. Despite his fears, it was all but impossible to believe that the woman who could love him like this would cheat on him.

The following lunchtime, Pete called Lee to his office. No-one thought it odd, given recent events. In fact, hardly anyone noticed. Together, they completed Lee's Infinidelity membership application. Pete used Lee's phone to take a passable photo, being careful to avoid any indications that they were at Pete's place of business. They even made sure that the Georosa-blanca.ru were switched off first, just in case.

They gave Lee's name as Alexander (Alex for short) Hill. Alexander was his real middle name and Hill was the name on his bank card. He was nineteen, six feet tall, well built and fit from manual work. He described himself, accurately, as well read, polite and well spoken. He described his awkwardness with women and hoped that in this, more intimate, setting he would find women who would consider his natural shyness endearing and perhaps help him to overcome it.

His ideal woman would be between twenty and twenty six, petite, have long brown hair and brown eyes. Big boobs were not required and he preferred the cute girl-next-door look to bee-sting lips and lots of make up. In fact he, more truthfully Pete, described Tina exactly.

He stressed that he didn't have a car, so he would prefer his matches to be local or the woman must be able to travel. He also made it clear that his accommodation was not suited for amorous liaisons, so any meetings would probably best be at hotels.

The two men sat back, satisfied with their efforts. Lee looked at the profile he'd posted and considered that he was a better prospect than a lot of the other guys at work. Perhaps all he needed was to believe in himself.

"Thanks Lee. I appreciate this," Pete told him. They had to wait now. The site rules only allowed the married members to scroll through for partners, to reduce the risk of outing themselves as cheats.

"Sure. I just hope I don't get any matches," Lee replied. "How long will you wait before you're satisfied that your wife isn't planning to cheat?"

Before Pete could reply, Lee's phone pinged. He already had a notification from Infinidelity. A woman called Little Miss Annie had matched with him. His relief when he saw that it wasn't Tina's name evaporated when he saw Pete's stricken expression.

"What's wrong? This message is from Annie, not Tina."

"Lee, we used your middle name on your profile. My wife's name is Christina Annabelle; she's named after her Grandma Annie."

Lee anxiously read the message. He sighed. It was an automated response to let him know that one married subscriber was an excellent match to his preferences. The message assured him that his details were already on their way to her.

The pair realised that this was the whole point. They knew Tina had an account, and Lee had just described her as his ideal woman. The issue was how Tina would respond if she was, in fact, Little Miss Annie.

It was just after four that afternoon that Lee tapped on Pete's door. Pete called him in and then felt sick at the look of pity on the other man's face.

"Little Miss Annie sent me a personal message through the app about an hour ago." He passed his phone across the desk.

**Hi cutie!!!**

**U sound like a really nice guy and ur pic is SOOO sexy!!!**

**given u access to my profile so u can see what im offering**

**hope u like what u see cos im getting wet just looking at ur pic**

**send me a pic with ur shirt off. Annie wanna see sum skin!!!**

**PM me if u wanna play!!!**

Pete looked up. Lee pointed at the screen. "Swipe up. That takes you to her profile. Please tell me that's not your wife."

Hands shaking, Pete swiped his finger up the screen. The text slid up to show Little Miss Annie's profile page; and Pete's entire world imploded.

Pete was in turmoil on the drive home. Lee had screenshot the message and the profile page and sent them to Pete's phone. But now there was a decision to be made. Did he confront her with her lies about meeting Emma and the message she'd sent to Lee? If he did, how would he respond if she claimed that it was just a naughty drunken prank with the girls, and nothing had ever actually happened?

If he did nothing, he'd have to act as though nothing was wrong until she did, or did not, meet up with Lee. Was he that good an actor?

In the end, he decided that a confrontation was pointless. He wouldn't believe anything she said and, even if she promised it was a stupid, one off, mistake, how could he trust her again? No. Her only chance of redemption was to choose not to cheat, and that would only have any meaning if she was unaware that she'd already been exposed. He chose to do nothing.

Pete never really understood how he got through that Tuesday evening. He made up a story, about Jason contesting his dismissal, to explain why he might seem distracted. Tina didn't seem suspicious, indeed she seemed distracted herself, spending a lot of her time checking her phone. At ten past eight she announced, "Oh, that's good! Pete, Emma can make Thursday night after all. Is it okay with you if I go to meet her?"

"Fuck," thought Pete. Lee had agreed to send a topless photo to 'Annie' at about eight. He was also to see if she was free for an assignation on Thursday, after work. If she'd refused, he would have told Pete. In fact, twenty minutes later Lee sent a text saying he'd had a very enthusiastic acceptance.

Pete had sat and watched his loving wife claim to send a message to 'Emma', agreeing to meet on Thursday; but it was, in fact, a message arranging to meet a stranger for sex: and she did it while he was actually sat in the same room. Her brazen behaviour and lack of guilt left him perplexed. Did she believe she could live her entire life like this? With him never finding out? Or did she just not care?

The following day was a nightmare. Lee showed Pete the photo he'd sent and Annie's enthusiastic and graphic reply. It was obvious, reading her message, that she fully intended to fuck 'Alex's' brains out on Thursday evening, and then go back to her husband without a care in the world. By Wednesday lunchtime Annie had booked a room, 154, at a local Travelodge. She gave Alex clear instructions on how to get there and what to say at reception. This did not seem like her first rodeo.

Now it was time to take action. By doing nothing, Pete had learned just about all that he needed to about his wife. If she turned Lee away, then he'd let her try to explain herself, otherwise, this was the end.

After lunch, Pete sought out the Depot Manager. He explained that he had discovered that his wife was having affairs and was intending to divorce her. To be fair, he used the expression, 'ditch the bitch', but his boss got the idea and told him that the business would cut him some slack while he sorted his life out.

That afternoon was spent on the gov.uk website, filling out the online forms to begin the divorce process. He didn't need evidence of infidelity to proceed, but it fit with his sense of fairness to hold back on submitting the completed application and the substantial fee, almost £600, until she had actually fucked Lee. After that, all he had to do was live separately for twenty weeks and she'd be his ex.

That evening, he told Tina that he had some paperwork to do, which was true. He emptied their joint account and cancelled the two cards in their joint names. They both had separate savings accounts and he left them alone. He made sure the bills were paid and checked the terms of the lease on their flat. Four weeks notice and an additional month's rent if they left before their agreed rental term. He thought that excellent value for money to be free of the slut.

On Thursday, Pete and Lee hit the shops at lunchtime. Pete paid for new jeans, trainers, t-shirt, and a jacket for Lee. The fact that he was buying the items so that Lee looked good enough for his wife to fuck was an irony not lost on Pete.

That afternoon was the worst that Pete had ever experienced. He almost threw up when he tried to eat the lunch he'd packed that morning. He checked that his phone was fully charged and organised the images in his phone's gallery, then he went down to the packing department and scrounged some boxes.

Tina had sent him a text to say that Emma wanted to meet early to get something to eat. Pete could just imagine what Tina was looking forward to eating that evening. He replied to say he was still trying to deal with Jason, so he'd be home late. It almost killed him to close the message telling her to 'have a good time'.


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