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The Empress' Body Double Ch. 02


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"Who sent you? What kind of ruse is this?" She yelled.

"Nobody sent me!" Henrietta protested.

"Look, she has the word 'whore' branded on her. Maybe she is just a desperate slut." A nearby man observed through tears of laughter.

"No woman is this degenerate." The woman looming over Henrietta spat. "This is some sort of trick. Those hypocrite Templars cast a portal spell on this woman and sent her into our midst. Tell the guards to be on alert. I'll question the whore."

The woman who had taken charge of the situation grabbed Henrietta under her arms and dragged her towards the entrance to the tent. Every so often Henrietta would feel an errant slap land on her, making her feel even lower than the helpless whore she had been made into.

As the woman dragged Henrietta outside, she found herself being thrown at the feet of Chief Heldar, who had come to check out the commotion.

"What do we have here?" He asked impassively.

"I don't know. This bitch crawled into our party and tried to whore herself out. Could be some kind of trap or distraction." The woman suggested.

"I see, I will take her to the prisoner's quarters and apply a truth spell to her for interrogation. While I do that you organise the guards in case this is a distraction for an attack." Heldar announced, taking possession of Henrietta's body and dragging her away into the night.

The moment the Chief was convinced the woman was out of earshot, he dropped the empress to the ground and burst out laughing.

"Did you really think us savage pagans with an orgy on every corner? We're people like you. Just because we use magic doesn't mean we aren't going to be disgusted by a horny mess parading her filthy body around begging to be fucked." He explained, each word cutting Henrietta deep. "You claim Templar civility, but I wanted to show you that you are the degenerate."

Henrietta crawled to heel next to Chief Heldar, hiding the tear that ran down her cheek.

"Unfortunately your night is not over just because I taught you a lesson. Even when I tell the others that you are just a poor confused soul who thought us the answer to your deviant designs, they won't accept me letting you go without punishment. So I have an idea." The chief reached into the tent that he had been leading the empress to and pulled out two lengths of chain and a horse bit. "Want to see something really innovative?"

Heldar once again moved his hands with the practised movements of the portal spell and Henrietta felt the familiar tingling around her tits. She then watched as each breast was transplanted onto the end of one of the chains. Heldar then took the leather straps of the horse bit and threaded them through Henrietta's nipple piercings. Henrietta then felt her face snuggled between her tits as he forced the bit into her mouth.

She couldn't look behind herself, but felt the other end of the chains being attached to something, their weight evenly shared between whatever was behind her and her nipples. Then she was given an almighty swat on her bottom and bid to move forward.

The weight of whatever Henrietta was pulling jammed against her teeth and pulled on her nipples. She screamed and gurgled with humiliating torture as Heldar directed her back towards the tent she had just come from.

"Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please." He announced as Henrietta once again saw the room full of eyes turn towards her. "I can confirm that this woman is not part of any ruses by other kingdoms, she is simply a sick Fourth Kingdom whore who thought she could get a fuck out of us. Her punishment is to serve you all drinks before going back to her pathetic life. So move bitch."

The Chief gave Henrietta another swat and she slowly crawled, screaming with the growing heat in her nipples. Every so often she would feel the cart tug behind her, deducing that it was some kind of drinks cart, and she would let out yet another moan of painful humiliation.

Worse still, the whore who interrupted their party today was treated with nothing but disgust by the guests. She was swore at, spat on, and kicked as she labouriosly dragged the drinks cart around. The party seemed to go on all night long but eventually the guests thinned until Henrietta was alone with the Chief.

"I guess it's time I unclipped you." He sighed, releasing the trolley, before unweaving the spell and allowing Henrietta to collapse on the floor.

"Please... please fuck me." Henrietta stammered. The chief could tell she was desperately trying to finger herself but her fingers were with the rest of her arm back at the mannequin.

"How about this?" Chief Heldar replied, once again reweaving the portal spell. In the blink of an eye Henrietta felt her arms return and immediately pressed them between her legs.

Her fingers made contact with wood.

"I'm going to keep your pussy for now so you won't be able to relieve yourself. If negotiations go smoother tomorrow, maybe I will allow you that orgasm you are craving so badly." Heldar explained handing Henrietta her cloak. She whimpered with frustration but this did nothing to soften Heldar's resolve. "Have a good night, Empress Henrietta the Chaste."


Henrietta spent most of that night clawing at her crotch and screaming into the pillow. The next day her face was pure thunder and everyone around could see it. She curtly sat down at the negotiating table, her puffy billowing formal dress reducing her to a shapeless angry blob, and growled with frustration most attributed to the lack of progress on the talks.

Chief Heldar arrived cockily late and took his seat opposite Henrietta.

"Alright everyone, I think we can all agree that at this pace the talks are going to take forever..." Henrietta began, as she did so Heldar made some movements with his hands under the table and Henrietta felt a tingle of the portal spell being altered. "...and we have all been away from our kingdoms long enough as it... as it is"

Henrietta's stammer was due to a sudden new feeling, her nipples being sucked while she tried to run a meeting. Heldar quietly made some more movements and Henrietta found her body being covertly rearranged as she continued to conduct business.

"So we have 2 options ahead of us, we can either start sucking up some truths and come away with an imperfect deal we can live by, or we dwell on the unreasonable and the region descends into war." the Empress explained as her arms were suddenly replaced with wooden arms. She then felt someone leading her hand stretch out as far as it could and when she was at full stretch, she felt her finger brush against her desperate pussy.

"Personally I feel only one person is being unreasonable here..." Teles complained, shooting an angry stare at Chief Heldar. Henrietta couldn't care less, she was tantalisingly close to her pussy that had been begging for stimulation since last night.

"I know you are an honourable Templar." Henrietta snapped out of misplaced frustration. "So could you please enlighten me as to which of the virtues your exceptionalism comes under? That you do not like the outcome of a law applied fairly does not mean those expecting you to abide are behaving unreasonably."

Heldar approved of this outburst and to show his appreciation he expanded the portals around Henrietta's tits so they could be fondled by his far away assistants as well as kissed and sucked.

"Here is my starting point for today's discussion. That the emperor will not be able to assume the throne for another 10 years, but will be able to begin taking on measured responsibilities in the next 5. So I propose a ruling council be formed. Senior members will be the current acting Regent and Chief Heldar, there will also be a junior member who cannot propose policy but is only there to break ties. When the emperor reaches the age of 13 he will take over the tie breaking vote." Henrietta suggested to everyone's disapproval. Chief Heldar showed his dislike by returning Henrietta's breasts, leaving her without any stimulation barring her continued frantic clawing at the edges of her labia.

"This is absurd, you expect me to share my rightful power with that illegitimate pretender." Both men wailed.

"I expect you both to do what a Regent is meant to do, lead by example in instructing the future Emperor in how to rule." Henrietta stated, drinking in the furious stares from the two men at disagreement, while noticing in her periphery that the other kingdoms approved of something that could prevent the region falling to war. "The only sticking point I feel is the designation of who should be the tie-breaking vote. With apologies to Chief Heldar, I believe it should be a senior member of the Templars."

This was met with more fury that impotently echoed around red faced malcontents until lunch.


"What the hell do you think you're doing? I'm not sharing power with that windbag." Heldar sneered the moment he got Henrietta alone.

"If you were made Regent, you would face a rebellion and foreign invasion within the week." Henrietta stated.

"But no templar is going to side with me on anything." Heldar replied. "I might as well become a decorative painting."

"You get access to the future Emperor. In my experience you are excellent at persuading people around to your way of thinking." Henrietta replied.

"Oh, you think you're frustrated now. I'm going to bury your pussy deep in the woods where nobody will ever find it." Heldar threatened.

"Or, if you let me orgasm before this meeting is over, I will add a twist that will make the deal very favourable to you without the others even knowing." The Empress offered.

"Seriously! You're doing all this just because you're horny. You're using international relations to set up a booty call." Heldar stated, shocked at Henrietta's deviant smile.

"I haven't had a proper orgasm since you killed the emperor. At this point I would invade the Fourth Kingdom myself if that's what it took. But for now this seems like the best solution. I am so fucking horny and I will greatly reward whoever finally makes me cum." Henrietta splurged. Heldar stopped deep in thought.

"You have an incredibly warped sense of morality, I can see why the Templars claim you as their own." He observed before leaving.


The Empress squirmed uncomfortably as she waited for the meeting to get started again. Everyone was present except Chief Heldar and the tension was palpable. After an amount of foot tapping to almost put a crack in the stone floor, Chief Heldar arrived to muted commotion.

"Most generous for you to make an appearance." Teles sarcastically drooled.

"I apologise, I had some arrangements to make in service of a risky course of action I have decided upon." The Chief cryptically began, others were confused by this announcement but Henrietta understood entirely, her arms had been whisked away by the portal spell to a location where they pressed against her pussy. "I have decided to trust Empress Henrietta."

"I have decided that Empress Henrietta's proposal of a royal council is an acceptable one. Her commitment to balance through her leadership of the Third Kingdom is inspiring and I will defer to it in the crafting of the Fourth Kingdom." Heldar elaborated. The gathered were shocked by this concession, Henrietta had talked down the unyielding exiled royal into a compromise. While the looks of shock and amazement abounded, the Empress tried to look magnanimous as she began to relentlessly finger herself at a second location.

"Well I'm glad you have compromised on the wholly unacceptable suggestion, but I still will not abide it." Teles objected. Henrietta's moans of arousal mixed into the sighs of exhaustion from the gathered leaders.

"Both of you feel... equally strongly about my proposal... but only one of you..." The Empress tried to reason, her gasping breath mistaken for mortification that her proposal would fall at the final hurdle rather than her being at the final hurdle to a fall of her own.

"I think she's upset at your intransigence." One of the other Emperors observed, seemingly confirmed by Henrietta crying out in frustration. He wasn't to know that her hand had been relocated away from her pussy.

"Teles, let me lay out to you what you have missed in your arrogance." Henrietta shouted, pulling all her anger and frustration to the fore. "Your claim to regency is not supported by the law of the land, but we allowed it because you seemed like a man of Templar virtues. Your very presence here is not supported by right, but by your character. If we get to a deal that all of us agree to but you, then our estimation of your character goes down and we begin to wonder if your kingdom can produce somebody whose personal attributes would make them more suited to ruling. There is a deal on the table that the undisputed rulers of six kingdoms agree with. Do you really want to piss them off since they have been so nice to you?"

Teles' resolve melted in the presence of Henrietta's scouring attack. Heldar surreptitiously made some hand movements under the table and the Empress felt the familiar tingle of the portal spell being altered.

"If I were to accept the deal, we would need to talk terms." Teles admitted to a thunder of cheers. Henrietta's voice joined the chorus but only because she had just felt a cock ram itself inside of her and began relentlessly pounding her pussy. She collapsed back and bit down hard on her dress, hoping everyone took her jubilation in stride.

"I look forward to a productive working relationship." Chief Heldar announced as Henrietta became rocked by an incredible orgasmic release, feeling no let up from her fucking.

Teles droned on about making the deal work, but Henrietta barely heard any of it. By the time she felt her pussy being pumped full of semen, she had spent the entire time stringing together one orgasm with the next to seemingly give her uninterrupted pleasure. When she managed to clear away the orgasmic brain fog, the discussion had once again gotten heated on the subject of the tie breaking vote.

"...a Templar priest who has ministered you since baptism is not going to be an unbiased observer just because he is of a high rank within the church." Heldar concluded about Teles' candidate.

"Then who would you choose? Which Templar would be acceptable to a tree dancing pagan?" Teles sneered back.

"I can think of one." The Emperor of the fifth kingdom interjected. A young ruler who had been mostly silent this whole negotiation and so easy for Henrietta to manipulate behind the scenes. "How about Empress Henrietta, she seemed to conduct herself well this week and I doubt you'll find a Templar more permissive of other beliefs."

Heldar immediately spotted Henrietta's gambit and shot her a quick smile.

"If you all will not release this ridiculous clause that the tiebreaking vote must be a Templar. Then I suppose she would be the most agreeable." Heldar replied.

"Very well, let's get some treaties set up and make it official." Teles sighed.


"So that was your game, make yourself the tiebreaking vote, present yourself as impartial, and have an excuse to come visit me for portal experiences." Heldar chuckled over a cigar while Henrietta had barely been able to stagger back to his room after the queue of Heldar's servants who had spent the afternoon vigorously destroying her pussy.

"Indeed, I take it that your camp will be in high spirits tonight at the news?" Henrietta asked.

"The bootlickers are hailing it as a 4d chess masterstroke by yours truly, but many don't know what you are like and feel like I've been stitched up." Heldar informed.

"I'm sorry to hear that." The Empress consoled before deciding to change the subject. "How far is your journey home?"

"I would say, with the sheer amount of logistics to move the camp, probably a 4 day journey to get to my home town of Willowleaf." Heldar replied.

"Very well then. I will tell my retinue I will not be returning with them, I will spend 4 days here with Teles, then 4 days in Willowleaf. I trust you can get me there by transporting the mannequin then cancelling the portal spell?" Henrietta organised

"Of course."

"When I get there, I expect you to give me a preview of what I have let myself in for. I want you to prove to me that you can provide for my needs whenever I travel to this kingdom for business." The Empress stated.

"With 4 days to plan, I will make the most incredible arrangements you can think of." Heldar promised.


Henrietta squirmed with nerves, her belongings had been sent ahead and she was left sitting alone in a secluded wood near the 4th kingdom. She was waiting for the portal spell to work its magic and transport her to the degradation she had been promised.

All of a sudden she felt the familiar swirl of her senses getting shuffled and giggled with anticipation before soon finding her body reformed far away.

The first thing Henrietta noticed is that she was chained to a wall in a dungeon with Heldar smiling over her.

"Welcome to my dungeon, the party is raging upstairs but I came here to get the festivities going. You see some of the more perverse members of my court have been told we are going to play a game." Heldar explained, once again trailing his fingers over Henrietta's body to do the selective portal spell that allowed the empress to be almost entirely transferred to another mannequin also chained up in the dungeon. "Now that you are divided by my hands, I can reapply the portal spell at will. So I'm going to bring you into the party piece by piece, OK?

"OK." Henrietta eagerly replied.

"Oh, about that. For the purposes of this game, I am your master. So you will get a punishment every time you don't refer to me as such. Is that clear?" Heldar specified.

"Yes, master." Henrietta obeyed.

"Alright then, get ready." Heldar warned as he left the dungeon, leaving Henrietta to embrace the worried tingles in her stomach. She had been frustrated ever since her initial plan had been ruined by the crisis in the Fourth kingdom, and a solid pounding on the final day of negotiations had helped, it wasn't on the same level of deep sexual objectification she had been craving for weeks now.

Henrietta sighed with relief as she felt the portal spell being altered and her senses swirled as her eyes, mouth and ears were placed on a bust overlooking a raucous party who stared intently at her, occasional giggles breaking out around the gathered guests. They were all dressed in fine clothes with drinks in their hands, which made Henrietta feel this was a regular party rather than a sex party.

"Alright bitch, confirm to this party that I am your master and you will follow all my instructions." Heldar announced.

"That is true, master." Henrietta confirmed.

"So let me explain, this is our respectable party. We are here to celebrate the conclusion of negotiations that has landed me a co-Regent of the Fourth Kingdom. Next door is a sex party that has been instructed to abuse any part of you that goes there. At the moment your body is suspended in a nice frame behind you for all these respectable people to see what a whore you are. Then, just to demonstrate your commitment to deviancy, I will be giving you questions. If you fail to answer the question correctly, a part of you will go next door for abuse. Now, as I want you to be able to see what is happening next door, your eyes will go there, but your ears and mouth will remain here so I can order you accordingly." Heldar explained.

He waved his fingers and the party dissolved away, to be replaced by exactly the kind of deviant scene Henrietta had been expecting. A group of people in various stages of undress, leather liberally applied and various devices strewn around the room. It took them a moment to notice the eyes staring at them and soon they took notice.

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