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The Empress' Body Double Ch. 02

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Empress Henrietta gets more creative with the portal spell.
13.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/26/2024
Created 06/05/2020
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The Empress's mannequin barely touched the display in the front window before she was being removed. It was incredibly disorientating to have her eyes and ears attached to the mannequin while most of her body was still being gingerly led back to her castle by Yvette, but she somehow remained on her feet (wherever they were). A brash young man looked equal measures excited and sceptical as he handed over a single copper piece for a mannequin he had been assured was a noble woman.

"So, how long do I get her for?" He cautiously asked Ganrick.

"As long as you need her for what you want to do." Ganrick cryptically replied before realising the issue with that. "Oh actually, she wants to be passed around a lot so I would say try and have her back quickly. I won't be watching the clock but it'll go badly for you if you take the piss."

"Alright then." He replied, carrying the Empress's mannequin out of the shop. It was late enough at night that the man didn't have to feel too self-conscious of carrying a sex mannequin around and it wasn't long until he was opening the door to his rundown hovel and dropping the Empress clumsily on his straw mattressed bed.

"So are you really a noble and do you really want me to fuck you?" He asked, still incredulous that life would afford him such an opportunity.

"I am indeed a noblewoman who wants to be your sex object." Henrietta replied in the poshest accent she could muster.

"Really, so which noble are you?" He asked. Henrietta tried her hardest not to roll her eyes, there was a lot more talking and a lot less fucking than she had hoped for.

"Does it matter? Maybe I'm the baroness whose husband you serve, or a lady whose luxuries are paid for with your tithes. You never know I could be Empress Henrietta herself. I can be whatever noble you want me to be while you vent your wrath and lust on my vulnerable flesh." Henrietta mysteriously replied.

"You're certainly up yourself enough to be a noble." He sneered, slapping her hard across the tits. "I didn't ask for a fucking riddle, I asked which nobel you are."

"Alright then, let's see if you can make me talk." She goaded. The man was clearly not as much in the mood to play games as Henrietta was and immediately let loose further smacks across her breasts, before grabbing both of her nipple piercings and pulling hard on them.

Eventually he let go and Henrietta's tits bounced back into position, her wide smile taunting his efforts to extract information from her. He didn't know that as well as being a pervert, Henrietta was a war veteran who had a high tolerance for pain and training in counter-interrogation.

"Alright then, open your mouth whore." He growled. Henrietta obeyed and soon she found her captor lowering himself down onto her mouth. At first she thought he was choosing a strange angle to receive a blow job, but she then suddenly realised he wanted her to lick his anus. She felt his balls rest on his chin as her tastebuds were assaulted by his horrible flavour, then just as she thought it couldn't get any worse she felt him begin to slap her unguarded pussy with every ounce of wrath he could muster.

Elsewhere Yvette finally led her Empress to her bedroom and allowed her body to collapse on the bed and begin thrashing with unknowable sensations. After a few moments Henrietta's body crashed to the floor and Yvette winced with regret over leaving her on a raised platform.

"So, now you've licked my ass clean, are you ready to be a bit less coy?" The man asked Henrietta.

"Very well, I am Empress Henrietta the Chaste, please fuck me and take away my powers." Henrietta admitted in a mocking tone, designed not to be believed by her current owner.

"So you're going to be a brat about this then? Fine. You're not getting my cock." He replied. This frustrated Henrietta but she didn't let on. He walked over to one side of his hovel and found a pair of underpants that had not been cleaned since he wore them the previous day before shoving them into the Empress's mouth. Then, before the shock and despair in her eyes, the man began jerking himself off away from her body, laughing as he taunted her with the sexual release he was not going to give her.

"Last chance." He announced, pulling his underwear out of her mouth. "Tell me who you are and I'll finish off inside of you. Otherwise you have to watch as I cum on the floor."

"I'm Empress Henrietta the Chaste." Henrietta replied, with an earnesty that was not picked up by her purchaser.

"Fine, if that's how you want to be..." he replied, giving her tits one last good slap before spurts of his cum landed on the floor. "let's wait a moment and really make you mad before getting you back."


Henrietta felt optimistic about the next person to rent her body. He was an older man who grinned with evil schemes and chuckled at what lay ahead. He took her back to an austere stone house before revealing he was a Templar deacon and giving her a lecture on the virtuous path that could redeem her. By the end of his sermon she had rolled her eyes so much that she could have mapped out the back of her own head.

By the time she was returned to the shop, Henrietta was ravenous with unrealised lust, not even able to touch herself to scratch the overwhelming itch fate was piling on her.

Ganrick reassured her that everything would be OK as he took another copper coin from a burly stable lad who carried her mannequin casually with one of his massive arms.

"You are planning to fuck me right?" Henrietta asked with deep frustration.

"Oh no." The stable boy replied as Henrietta let loose a deep and unimpressed sigh. He opened the door to his stable and revealed an array of whips, paddles, and chains on the wall. The whinnying horses punctuating that this was a room where the prideful were broken. "I'm not going to fuck you, I'm going to destroy you. I'm going to punish you and ride you until you are thoroughly broken. I'm going to subject you to every degradation imaginable until you are begging me to let my horses fuck your desecrated holes. By the time I hand back the mannequin you'll want nothing more than to track me down and pledge your whole body to me."

'Now this is what I'm fucking talking about.' Henrietta thought to herself as the stable boy propped her mannequin against the wall and started measuring out some rope.

Then, all of a sudden, Henrietta felt a familiar disorientating swirl. As her senses broke down and stitched themselves back together, she realised with horror that the portal spell had just been cancelled and she now lay on the floor of her bedroom with Yvette leaning over her.

"What the fuck, Yvette!" She yelled, jumping to her feet.

"I'm so sorry your majesty, but some of your ministers are demanding to see you despite your spiritual retreat. They are outside and threatened to push me aside and break down the door if I did not let them see you." Yvette explained while Henrietta growled and clawed at the floor.

"If this is not an absolute emergency I am going to cut off each and every one of their stupid, ugly, cock blocking, heads." Henrietta sneered as she began to dress herself, laboriously covering her unravaged body with the white dress of chastity.


"Your majesty, I can see you are angry at us for disturbing your retreat, but please be mindful of the Templar's one condition of spiritual sacrifice." an aged man in fine robes explained to his Empress bursting out of her chamber door crimson with rage.

"The one condition of spiritual sacrifice is that the strong are attacking the weak with an assumption of impunity because of your beliefs. Please tell me you did not interrupt my spiritual retreat with a matter best handled by the city guard." The Empress growled.

"Emperor Gregory has been assassinated, we believe the assassins were sent by Chief Heldar as they were certainly boosted by magical powers. As they were successful we must assume Chief Heldar will now seek to seize the chaos and use his armies to stake a claim to the Fourth Kingdom." The aged man explained.

Henrietta was furious, to anyone concerned with international relations this was a big deal but to her it's just another example of all her lies and secrets in service of her pussy coming back to haunt her. She didn't care what happened in other kingdoms as long as hers was safe and her position within it was strong. But with this whole 'Henrietta the Chaste, champion of the Templars and holy warrior who had transcended death' thing she was going for, she was required to be concerned when a banished black sheep of a neighbouring kingdom turned to dastardly magecraft and threatened to overthrow a noble Templar ally.

"I understand Emperor Gregory's son is not yet of age?" She stated, focussing on her breathing to try and calm herself.

"He is only 8, so a Regent must be appointed, but no word of who that will be yet." The elderly man informed. "Should we send troops to reinforce our neighbour?"

Moments ago the Empress was about to undergo exquisite sexual torture and now she was being asked to settle a international powderkeg.

"If I send armies to guard a border between two lands that are not mine, one of which is currently without a ruler, that can only be interpreted in two ways. The first is that I have not taken a stand for an ally or my values, just in opposition to an individual. One with armies, power, and a potential legitimate claim to the throne. Considering not all the five kingdoms subscribe to the word of the Templar, this would be devastating for our diplomatic relations but it would still be preferable to the alternative." The Empress laid out.

"What alternative?" Her minister asked, as Henrietta had planned.

"How I would see it if another kingdom moved their armies to the border of a kingdom in chaos. I would assume an invasion. After all, it is most unusual to send armies to protect something that does not belong to you." The Empress elaborated. "We do not want them to select a Regent, who in a fit of panic turns their armies on ours."

"So we are just to stand back and see what happens? Let a Templar kingdom fall to wicked paganism?" The aged minister exclaimed.

Henrietta just wished this guy would shut up already but she assumed she would be more invested if she had been satisfied.

"I have based my power on the Templar faith being stronger for being in harmony with other beliefs and practices. Send messengers to the fourth kingdom with our condolences and an offer for us to act as a mediator between their Regent and Chief Heldar. Send similar messengers to Chief Heldar." The Empress ordered.

"You wish to reward him for sending assassins to kill his own Nephew?" One of the other ministers spoke up, violating the agreement they had previously come to that only the oldest would talk.

"That was but one spoke in the wheel of violence that threatens to engulf our neighbours. Don't forget that Emperor Gregory ordered Chief Heldar killed, and would have succeeded if his wife hadn't given her life for his. Taking a side will not end this, only give us new enemies. If we mediate we can bring this to a conclusion in a way that only raises our diplomatic profile. Send those messengers and I will prepare for the mediation." The Empress ordered as she dramatically returned to her room.

"Should I reapply the portal spell?" Yvette asked.

"No, they ruined it." Henrietta dejectedly sighed.


Empress Henrietta was furious. It had been a week since her mannequin adventure was interrupted and the severity of the political situation was dominating her time so much she couldn't find time to plan a follow up. She tried touching herself at night and it relieved a little pressure, but it seemed hollow compared to the deep depravity denied to her by the crisis.

Her offer of mediation was accepted by both parties and quickly spiralled into a clusterfuck. The Second Kingdom objected and asked to come because they were a different flavour of the Templar faith and didn't want Henrietta being the only Templar representative. Then the First and Fifth Kingdoms demanded a seat at the table because all the other power brokers were there. Soon Henrietta was at the forefront of organising an international conference instead of being left alone to indulge her deviant desires.

Her only saving grace as she rode at the head of her convoy, was that she knew Ganrick had a wagon piled high with mannequins for the conference, and that her pussy, ass, and tits were currently on one of them.


The imperial city of the Fourth Kingdom was a boiling pot of nerves and bravado. Armies measured each other up, daring for others to reignite old rivalries or show even a modicum of irreverence. Each royal procession chose a different section of the city to call their own, while Chief Heldar opted to pitch a camp with his retinue outside the city walls.

Without the secret passageways, Henrietta had no way of going to see Ganrick, something she initially thought of as a boon, another angle in which she had trapped herself in this predicament. That was until she had arrived, unpacked, sent out the requisite envoys and spies, and still had had a single person ravage her body.

The acting Regent of the Fourth Kingdom, a small mousy man called Teles, greeted her at the gates to the palace as she arrived for the first day of discussions, assuming that her frustration was due to the spiralling political situation and not the effect their power struggles was having on her lebido. As she took her seat around the negotiating table, she got a look at the single figure that was causing all this nuisance, Chief Heldar.

Henrietta had to do a double take as she could scarcely believe that this besuited and well groomed older gentleman with mutton chops was the chief of a pagan tribe. He stood to bow in greeting, then adjusted his monocle before staring very intently at the Empress. His smile undimmed by the first round dry discussions of past alliances and unforgivable wrongs that were required before anyone could constructively engage with anyone else. When they broke for lunch he seemed to make a beeline for Henrietta and bade her to have a private discussion in another room.

"Begging your pardon for commandeering your attention. But I believe we can come to some mutually beneficial agreements before the meat of our negotiations." He began as the door closed behind them.

"I would not think it proper to give one party a priority discussion, especially when I am meant to be an independent mediator." Henrietta replied, hoping he'd let her go to figure out what had happened with Ganrick and his business.

"I feel like if you were to borrow my monocle, then all would be made clear." Chief Heldar cryptically promised, handing Henrietta his optical and standing back. Curiosity got the better of Henrietta so she put the monocle up to her eye and looked at the Chief. He looked broadly the same, the only change was that his sword looked like it was glowing within his scabbard.

"So you have a glowing sword now? Is this a threat?" Henrietta sternly accused.

"You miss my point, your majesty. The reason that my sword appears to be glowing is that it has been enchanted with magic to make it sharper and more durable. This monocle can detect magical spells. Now if you would be so kind as to look down at yourself and see what I have seen throughout this conclave." The chief invited. Henrietta suddenly scowled with a realisation that was confirmed as she looked downwards and saw a purple glow from the portal spell shining through her clothes.

"This is not what it looks like." Henrietta immediately defended. "And if you are trying to blackmail me..."

"Nothing of the sort." The chief interrupted. "I get the feeling that you and I actually see eye to eye on some broad philosophical topics here. You have sided with the Templars, the enemies of mages, but in your kingdom mages are protected and I now find you with magic applied to your body. I believe you know the shallow hypocrisy of the Templars. The only difference is that I shunned it and was shunned in turn, while you embraced it and was awarded with power."

"I gain my invulnerability from my chastity, I have no qualms about utilising portal magic to prevent the disgraceful befalling my maidenhead." Henrietta shot back, hoping to short circuit the discussion.

"Of course, your legendary displays of invulnerability. A knife across the belly. They take on a whole new character now that you admit you know portal spells." The chief chuckled while Henrietta kicked herself for giving him that insight. She simply couldn't think straight when she was this pent up. "I'm not going to judge you, you are wielding superstition as well as you wield a blade to cement your power. I do not disagree. But keeping yourself virginal in this way seems..."

The chief lost himself in thought and Henrietta couldn't help but feel a little dread at the pieces he was putting together.

"Why did you portal your tits?" Chief Heldar bluntly asked.

"Excuse me!" Henrietta yelled, a whirlwind of fury hiding a chasm of fear.

"I can imagine removing your vagina to preserve your purity, and although some templars think of the ass as a loophole, enough don't to make it worth your while to remove that too. But I haven't read any templar works on chastity that suggest you can be rendered impure by a tit wank." The Chief deduced, his eyes beginning to widen with realisation. "If men can't come to your pussy, make your pussy go to the men. It's genius! Get laid like all these other hypocritical Templar royals, all the while never get caught out."

The chief was giddy with excitement for having solved the mystery while all blood had drained from Henrietta's face.

"If you think these baseless accusations can..."

"Bloody hell, I'm not blackmailing you." The chief asserted. "In fact, I wish to offer you a gift of great value. If you mediate fairly, just give me the same opportunities as you would have given me if I was one of those bloody Templars. I'll teach you the far more advanced uses of that spell."

"A tempting offer, but I did not cast the portal spell myself." Henrietta noted.

"If this conclave lasts at least 3 days, I'm confident I can teach you how to do the spell, and how to take it to the next level." The Chief promised. As a show of power he drew a symbol in the air with his fingers and there was a sudden pop in the air.

Henrietta took a moment to try and figure out what he had just done. Chief Heldar directed her eyes to a nearby table and Henrietta turned to see a pair of tits poking upwards. She recognised the piercings immediately and was in no doubt these were hers.

Henrietta let out a scream and dived over her own disembodied tits, covering them so Chief Heldar couldn't stare. This only elicited a chuckle from the mage.

"I think you need to be more concerned about that chair over there." He giggled, drawing Henrietta's attention to a nearby seat that had miraculously sprouted a pussy. Once again Henrietta could be in no doubt it was hers as the word 'whore' branded on her pubis was very clearly visible. She dived over to the chair and felt the incredibly odd sensation of sitting on her own lap while going crimson with embarrassment that her tits were on display for the chief.

"Undo this immediately." Henrietta barked.

"I'm sorry, this isn't a good way to engage in a discussion as equals. I just wanted to show off what you could be capable of. I'll dispel the portals on one condition," the Chief elaborated. "You tell me how you came to have the word 'whore' branded above your vagina."

"Some religious type wanted to make a point out of a prostitute's mannequin and didn't realise he was branding the Empress of the Third Kingdom." Henrietta splurged, just hoping for the situation to be over. Chief Heldar waved his hand in the air and Henrietta felt the familiar sensation of her scattered body parts returning to her.

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