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The EMT Ch. 09

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Not your typical cheap thrill, for fans of the EMT only.
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Part 9 of the 19 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/23/2004
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Ian looked down at his wife as he continued to fuck her. Her eyes were closed, lost in the passion of the moment, her soft blond hair spread out across the bed beneath her head, her tongue extended licking her upper lip as she revelled in the sensations he was causing in her. He imagined John rubbing his cock across her cheek, and slapping her face with his erection, her offering her face to his abuse, as he stared at his own wife's lovely face, contorted in passion. His inner damn welled over, he lost control of his own passion, and he drove into her one last time and added his own spunk to John's inside her, in an intense orgasm that caused his eyes to shut tight, blotting out the vision that had brought him past the edge.

As he shuddered and ejaculated inside her, pushing into her with all his strength, he triggered her own response, and her legs slid from his shoulders, to wrap around his waist and pull him into her even deeper. Every little twitch of his softening cock, every subsequent spurt of his cum within her, caused a ripple of aftershock to run through her, and her pussy walls contracted as her own orgasm subsided with his.

For the second time that night, Suzanne's spent lover, first John, and now Ian, collapsed across her, panting for breath, his erection subsiding as his seed swam in her body and mixed with John's, and started to seep inexorably from her satisfied pussy.

After a few minutes of rest, they shuffled properly onto the bed, still coupled and clasping each other tightly in their arms, kissing each other lovingly about the face, and murmuring sweetness and tenderness to each other, fell asleep, exhausted by this remarkable first day as members of the EMT.

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Oh dear, this has been a difficult chapter to write, and is one that some of you will not enjoy. Let me say up front, if you are looking for a cheap, effortless thrill, this probably isn't the ideal chapter for you to read. It is necessary filler for what comes next, but on its own, probably won't be attracting your highest marks. I did say at the start that I wanted to write more than a masturbatory adventure. Regular readers, thanks for your patience and for your support. I promise that your perseverance will be fully repaid in Chapter 10, which is already substantially complete.

THE EMT Chapter Nine

Ian awoke first, early next morning, still entwined in the arms and legs of Suzanne. As his brain cleared and he remembered the events of yesterday, he felt a combination of guilt, excitement, concern, wonder, curiosity and love. He looked at Suzanne alongside him, naked, still sticky from sex, innocently asleep, mother of his daughter, love of his life; and his heart swelled with his love for her. He remembered her description of her submission to Graham, of her giving of herself to John at Graham's command; and his pulse raced with lust for her. He remembered the look on her face as she climaxed beneath him last night, just before they had fallen asleep; and he was curious to know if she had looked like that as John had used her in his absence. He thought about how they were committed to her being used again, how they had discussed her being used again; and he felt guilty about wanting to share this most precious of trusts.

As Ian continued to muse and reflect on the situation they had willingly put themselves in, Suzanne stirred and moved against him, and as her eyes began to blink open as she stretched her arms and legs, she saw her husband's eyes staring lovingly, but questioningly into hers.

It took Suzanne a couple of seconds to focus and to remember who she now was, all that had happened to her in the last 24 hours, and to recognise the question that was in Ian's eyes.

"Good morning lover" she whispered to him as she stretched her arms and ran her fingers through her dishevelled hair. "How do you feel this morning?"

When she smiled at him, awaiting his response, Ian knew things were going to be ok, that Suzanne wasn't regretting recent developments. He smiled back at her to let her know that he still loved her, and kissed her little button nose. "I feel good" he reassured her, "A little nervous, but good. And I am so proud of you!" He kissed her again, this time on the lips, and she responded, returning his caress with affection and interest. Suzanne moulded her body against his, and he felt her delicious nakedness against him, causing both his cock and his heart to swell, before she twisted out of his grasp, and ran for the bathroom.

"Let me clean up, and I'll make you some coffee" she teased him over her shoulder, shaking her naked ass at him, before disappearing through the bathroom door. Ian lay back on the pillows and returned to his thoughts as he heard the shower start to run, and the sounds of Suzanne performing her usual morning ablutions.

An hour later, 8:00 am, and they were both sitting at the kitchen table in dressing gowns, hair shower wet, talking and drinking coffee from large breakfast mugs, when they heard the unmistakeable sound of their daughter Emma starting to stir upstairs.

Suzanne put out her hand and stopped Ian as he started to rise. "Stop!" she said. "She will be fine for a few minutes. Let's just talk for a bit before she is awake, and before you have to go to work".

Ian sat back down, a little wave of concern showing on his face. "Are you OK?" he asked.

"I'm fine" Suzanne replied, "I just want us to chat for a minute before you have to go. Things have happened so fast that we've hardly had a chance to talk about what we are doing."

Ian smiled at her cheekily. "I certainly enjoyed our chat last night!" and he got a playful slap in return.

"You know what I mean Ian. I just want to make sure that we are both OK with this. I want to be certain that we discuss everything, that we share our feelings, that we understand each other."

"I certainly want to discuss everything," he started, but then Ian recognised the need to be a little more serious. "OK, what do you want to know?" Her questioning look made him continue, unprompted. "Last night was amazing. Watching you in that room, watching my colleagues' eyes follow you, seeing their interest in you, being so proud of you – it was all amazing."

He sipped his coffee. Suzanne waited for more from him.

"Waiting here on my own for you, knowing that you were probably being fucked by John or Graham or both – well, that was just incredible. It was like heaven and hell. It was bittersweet. I couldn't wait for you to come home, and I didn't want that feeling to ever end. I have never been so restless, so excited."

As he paused again, remembering how he had felt, Suzanne again prompted.

"And when I did get home? How did you feel then?"

"Oh God" he moaned, "absolutely incredibly fantastically excited and nervous and proud and turned on. When I followed you into the kitchen, I could smell the sex on you. I have never wanted you more than I did then. And upstairs, as you told me what had happened, it was all I could do to keep myself from cumming."

He leaned over and kissed her, his hand lovingly cupping her cheek, then sliding down the side of her neck, across her shoulder, then down beneath her gown to cup her breast, whose hard little nipple pressed back against his palm.

"Tell me how you feel" he whispered into her ear.

Suzanne pulled back from him, and looked searchingly into his eyes as she spoke.

"It was incredible for me too. To let go, to have no responsibility, to just do as I was told. I have never felt like that before. I had never even imagined being like that before. But these last few days have opened my eyes. It's like, I don't know, spending your whole life without ever tasting chocolate or something." She smiled at her own analogy, and let it develop for a minute before continuing.

"And then to taste it, to feel it melt in your mouth for the first time, to discover taste sensations that you could never have previously imagined. That is how it felt for me; like a secret door had been opened."

Ian was watching her, his hand still gently caressing her breast. She reached up and pulled his hand harder against her firm flesh.

"It didn't feel like I was cheating on you – just the opposite. It was like I was demonstrating my love for you by giving myself to Graham. You were part of it, even though you weren't there. It wasn't that I was thinking about you all the time, because I wasn't. I was too involved, too excited, too much not in control of myself to be thinking about you. But it was like we were both there, like I was both of us. It is so difficult to explain."

She trailed off, and rested her head against Ian's shoulder, still clamping his hand to her breast with her own.

Ian reached his other arm around her shoulders and pulled her tight to him.

"I think I understand" he said quietly, "the big question is, 'do you want to continue?'"

"Oh God yes! If you do."

"You realise that this is just the beginning? That they will want to make you do more? That they will make you do more, go further? Do you realise that, and do you want that?" Now it was Ian's turn to ask the big question, and Suzanne's turn to consider the implications of her reply.

Suzanne looked up at him and saw in his eyes that he wanted her to want to continue. She kissed him once, quickly, and then nodded at him. Her heart was in her mouth as she replied.

"Yes. I want more. I want them to use me and make me do more. I can hardly breathe now thinking about it." And then she pushed him out of his seat to get their daughter out of bed. The discussion was closed for the time being.

Tuesday – To Work

Ian arrived at work shortly after his and John's promotion had been announced to the rest of the staff. He was very much encouraged by the handshakes and smiles as he walked to his office, by the warm congratulations of his team and the administrators he passed. Their happiness for him seemed really genuine, and his pride and sense of belonging swelled within him as he arrived at his office door. When he entered the office he had left last night, he found a little pile of congratulatory messages on his desk, and a load of e-mails in his in-box from other subordinates and colleagues who had been unable to see him in person.

He made coffee and quickly checked the mails and messages before his phone rang. It was John.

"Good morning partner!" he confidently started, "Come over to my office right away will you? I have some news for you."

Ian's heart missed a beat as he slurped quickly at his coffee and then headed across the floor to John's office, which was in the middle of a higher management suite on the other side of the building. As he made the short trip, his head was full of images of his wife, Suzanne being taken from the rear by his work colleague and friend. He shook his head to clear the images as he arrived at the little suite. May, who was John's secretary, showed him immediately into John's office.

As John looked up at Ian and smiled at him, Ian imagined he saw something of a smirk upon his face, but John was quick to stand up and step around the desk to shake Ian's hand.

"I didn't get much of a chance last night," he said, "but I really am pleased that we are going to work together, and to be the new young bloods on the EMT".

Ian could only respond in kind to John's warm greeting, although he had the distinct impression that at least part of John's happiness had something to do with the fact that he had fucked his own darling wife the night before; had experienced the pleasure of taking Suzanne and using her as previously he had only been able to dream of taking her.

The two men sat down without another word, each thinking of what to say next. After a few seconds, Ian was surprised to hear himself breaking the ice.

"Last night, yesterday, was incredible. It's like I'm in a whirlpool. And Suzanne, I know she feels the same way too".

John looked at his friend, aware of how difficult this was for him.

"Is she ok with things?" he asked, tentatively, and then couldn't resist adding, "Damn, she is some woman!"

John had accidentally hit on exactly the right thing to say to Ian. He wanted nothing more than to hear from his friend how much he admired and envied him his wife. Here was a subject that they both could agree on, and that played to the newly awakened cuckold in Ian.

"Yes, she is fine with everything that happened. We are both fine. This is kind of weird. Speaking to you like this. After, well you know, after last night..." Ian's voice trailed off, unsure of how to take things further. It was John that provided the answer.

"Ian, I have never made a secret of how much I fancied Suzanne. I can only tell you that I am absolutely delighted with the present arrangement. She was stunning last night. I loved seeing her again, and this time enjoying her more fully.." he paused to judge Ian's reaction, but Ian just seemed to smile weekly at him as if inviting him to go on. Actually, inside, Ian's stomach was churning from the excitement he was feeling as his friend and colleague discussed his own wife this way.

Seeing no negative reaction, John continued. "I would never have thought that Suzanne would be so submissive, but she seemed to really get into that last night. Graham seemed to be able to ask her for anything." Ian's colour rose as John went on. "Of course, I was the main beneficiary, and I want to thank both you and Graham, and of course Suzanne, for that. It was incredible, getting to use Suzanne like that. I'm sure that she enjoyed it too. Did she tell you what happened when she got home?"

Ian could only swallow the saliva that had sprung from nowhere to fill his mouth, and nod at his friend to let him know that Suzanne had told him all about her being abused by John.

"Ian, we all have our own desires and kinks. If you and Suzanne want to play these games, then all I can say is 'great!'. I am ready to play along with you at any time of day or night, and good luck to you both. She is a stunning woman, and so incredibly sexy. It is so hot to know that she wants to be this way, and I for one will never complain. Please tell her that I said as much."

Ian smiled again, and assured John that he would pass on the message.

"And what is this news that you have for me that demanded my attention here in the Executive Suite?" asked Ian, as the discussion about Suzanne came to an end.

"Well that is the news!" answered John; "You are to change offices today to the one next door. From now on, we share the services of May as our joint Secretary, we share the suite, and best of all from my point of view, it seems we'll be sharing a lot more of Suzanne, if you don't mind my saying so?"

Ian smiled at the innuendo, and the two men moved seamlessly on to a discussion of the meetings schedule that had been planned for the day with their various new colleagues on the EMT to be briefed on the management stuff that had previously been hidden to them. The ice was broken, and they settled down to a professional relationship, with just an edge of sexuality hidden beneath the surface. An edge that Ian would soon recognise could surface at any time, and with any of his new colleagues.


As Ian and John settled into their day's meetings, Suzanne dropped Emma off at her school, and then sat behind the wheel of her car and took a few deep breaths. She had hardly had time to think since Ian had left for work. Now she was on her own at last, and her mind turned to the thing that she had not allowed it to consider all morning.

She reached into the glove compartment of her car and pulled out the card that Graham had given her last night. His instructions were to be at this address by noon, and as she looked at her watch, it was already 11:30. She flipped the card over and read the address. The card was a plain white business card, with a simple address printed on it. The address was for a house on the west side of the City, but the card contained no further information; no company or business name; no indication or hint as to what she should expect.

She pulled down the visor mirror and looked at her reflection. Her hair and light make-up were fine. She licked a fingertip, and ran it unnecessarily across one of her neatly shaped eyebrows, as if to stick down recalcitrant hairs. Then she breathed a big sigh, flicked up the visor, and pulled out into the traffic, heading towards the west.

Twenty minutes later, she was parked outside the address on the card. The house was similar to all the others on the street, no more neat and tidy than the others, and certainly no less so. Again, there was nothing to indicate the reason for her visit from the outside. Suzanne looked down at herself, wondering if she had dressed appropriately.

She was wearing a smart, simple black skirt and heels, with a white blouse buttoned discreetly to the neck. She wore no bra beneath the shirt, but had worn a neat little black thong beneath the skirt. Her legs were tanned enough to not wear stockings, and she looked elegant and businesslike as she looked again at her watch. She turned off the car radio just as the 12 o-clock news jingle was starting, and climbed out of the car. As she walked up the path towards the door to the house, she wondered for the thousandth time what was in store for her.

Before she rang the bell, the door opened, and none other than Ms Pyrford, the Company baby-sitter that had looked after Emma the previous evening, invited her into the hall. She welcomed Suzanne courteously, and led her without further explanation into a large reception room at the rear of the house. Before Suzanne could say anything, or ask why she was here, Ms Pyrford asked her to wait, and then left the room, and Suzanne heard her heels clicking down the hall, and then the soft tread of her shoes on the carpet as she climbed the stairs.

Suzanne looked around the room, and saw that there was a screen at one end of the room, hiding about a third of the room's area from view. The furniture in the rest of the room was just what you would expect for a doctor's consulting room. Small desk, computer, couple of chairs, and a couch against one wall, covered with a crisp white sheet and small pillow. Charts on the wall and books on the shelves added to the impression that she was in a Doctor's surgery, although there had been no brass plaque or name board outside the door that she had noticed. She had barely finished scanning her surroundings, when the door opened, and a stranger entered the room.

He was about thirty years old, good looking and casually dressed in faded jeans, loafers and polo shirt. His eyes were bright and penetrating, and his tanned face was prematurely wrinkled with laughter lines; his sun-bleached hair gave Suzanne the impression that he spent a lot of time sailing a boat out in the Firth of Forth.

He introduced himself as Doctor Packard, and gestured to Suzanne to take the chair at the side of his desk, as he sat down, crossed his legs and studied her. Suzanne sat wordlessly.

"Thank you for being so prompt Suzanne" he began, "we have a lot to get through. I assume that Nurse Pyrford didn't give you any explanation as to why you are here?"

Suzanne shook her head, wondering what this was all about, and sub-consciously recognising that Ms Pyrford was really Nurse Pyrford, which the back of her mind recognised was a good qualification for the woman that would be looking after her daughter.

Doctor Packard continued, "I will be your personal doctor whilst you are under contract to Mr Leicester. After today, I will see you regularly, once a month for a check-up, and may occasionally be required to offer other services, both medical and non-medical. I am aware of the nature of your duties under the contract", Suzanne couldn't avoid blushing, "but rest assured that our relationship will be strictly professional." A flash of disappointment passed quickly across Suzanne's mind.

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