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The Erotic Horror Collection

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An erotic horror collection to tantalize your imagination.
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Cavern of Torment:

Hannah had known that there were traps within the cavern to stop treasure hunters in their tracks, though she was never expecting to be apprehended by an organic entity. The centuries-old mechanisms she had navigated through seemed to be a way to detract her attention from the slow moving entity. All the mass of tentacles needed was to lay patiently in waiting for its unsuspecting prey.

It quickly became apparent that it had no intention to kill her. After an hour of struggling and unsuccessfully trying to escape its clutches, she soon came to find that a quick death or even torture was not its goal - or at least not the kind of torture she had feared.

Once it had finally stripped and secured its new prisoner, it was free to show her how this long forgotten civilisation punished those who dared seek out their treasures.

It took its time turning her fear into arousal, armed with hundreds of years of experience honing its skills on the human anatomy. After an hour, Hannah was writhing, all thoughts of escape had been rendered mute by such deliberated seduction. It was too dark to make out the minute details of the guardian, though it had absolutely no trouble in tantalising the minute details of her own body. It read her every desire as if each one of her movements were its very own script. Tiny tendrils snaked across her body and teased every sensitivity. Her mind's eye could not keep up with the ways it explored between her thighs. Through such disgust and fear, the creature knew just how to cause her body to betray her; it had much experience in making one lose themselves to the desires of the flesh. So many tendrils caressed the lips of her sex while others sought out the delicate jewel nestled within, slowly circling until her clitoris was pulsating with arousal.

While Hannah tried fruitlessly to escape the clutch of her captor, deep down she wondered, with how much this thing was tapping into her most intimate desires, if she'd have even ran at all. If only she knew what was to come, perhaps she'd have tried so much harder. She of course knew that this was to ward off explorers, but still was not sure why it was treating her to such a whirlwind of pleasure, seducing her body like the most attentive of lovers. As time went on though, and as it continued to arouse her without pushing towards making her come, she'd soon understand that this was the punishment itself.

It would not give her the respite of caressing that sensitive clitoris the way she needed. For so long it had toyed with that little morsel, causing her hips to sway in a desperate bid to communicate that it had won her over. Instead those little tendrils continued to caress her folds like cruel fingertips, as if taking joy from every twitch of anticipation, while those at her clitoris slid and prodded tenderly like one hundred tongues all playing with their meal.

The more it went on, the more it learnt about her, and how to keep her teetering on the edge. Suddenly came the little strokes of a phallus against her soft, wet petals, just pushing to that twitching opening. Always enough to make her hope for more though still it would not offer relief, keeping her pussy constantly dripping without any sign of penetration. Each time the tip of that large appendage pressed to her, Hannah felt what seemed to be soft little cilia moving autonomously, completely covering that bulbous head. It wreaked havoc on her to imagine what that would feel like if only it slid inside, to be fucked while having them stroke right against the most sensitive parts within.

Once it started to vibrate, to have her feel every ridge and groove writhe, she begged and pleaded like her life depended on it - all to no response. It simply kept the wondrous tip just far enough away to let her feel it press her pussy lips apart every time she gyrated her hips against it. Feeling the little cilia-like structures oscillate just at her opening, swaying a little as if trying to slip a little further into her pussy, was truly maddening. This tentacle based life-form was more intelligent than Hannah ever expected to find here; it was actively toying with her, and it wanted her to know that her efforts to fight against it were hopeless.

Another, more human-like phallus was introduced to her other lips, to feel those thick, pulsing inches against her tongue. Tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks as she imagined how that motion of penetration would feel for her agonizingly teased pussy. The way it let a sucker-tipped tentacle devour her nipples seemed to drive the point home: it knew what she craved and wanted her to think about how much more it could do.

Even just the slight teasing motions around her clitoris, the occasional hum of pleasure to her pussy, was enough to bring her towards the pinnacle. Adding the suction to her nipples flung her right to the edge. It drew her nipple up and lavished that stiff peak with numerous tongue-like sensations, all in a bid to make sure she never lost focus of what it could do to such a small part of her body. Every time she got close however, it kept her on the brink for as long as she could possibly take - slowing the motion of the tendrils and backing off with the buzzing phallus.

She knew full well that her pleas had no effect, yet when the tendrils peeled back her clitoral hood to let another sucker brush over the tip, she still screamed out every promise and plea her mind could muster, just to feel it clamp down on it.

Once the sucker did finally snatch that engorged nub into its fold to suck relentlessly, the tentacles would have to tighten their grip on Hannah as every muscle tensed and strained in shock and joy. Though that would not be for quite some time. The tentacle beast had grown accustomed to the the many ways of teasing humans to the brink of insanity. With so much time spent alone and undisturbed, it made the most of its one and only activity.

She would not be saved from this torture. It knew how to suckle against and draw pleasure from every nerve ending in her clitoris. It knew how to explore every inch of her pussy and devour the joy of her G-spot. It knew how to keep her skin aflame with need and her breasts heaving in constant anticipation. It was going to take its time showing her the depths of pleasure too hellish to believe. To make her weep at the decision to ever enter this place.

Silk Garment:

Wherever they had come from, those fetching panties that she had discovered in her drawer were going to inflict a night of passion upon her that she would never forget.

The silky softness of that tight little piece of fabric made her hunger for the touches against her sensuous mound; never in her most erotic dreams could she imagine that those panties would embody something which hungered for her just as much.

From the moment she put them on, she longed to caress her sex, the cool silk seemed to enhance every sensation, after mere seconds it seemed as if every nerve ending in her body had focused its attention to just that one space between her legs. The deep longing grew and grew until simply the slippery stroke of a fingertip was not nearly enough. She had felt the joy of being teased plenty of times before, yet this longing was unlike anything else, as if every passing second added an hour's worth of tantalisation.

She removed the lingerie hastily, unaware that its spell had long been cast upon her body the moment they were worn, the moment they encased her sensitive womanhood.

Completely naked and exposed, she still felt the familiar sensation of the cool, soft silkiness clinging to her sex, though all her attention was on the uncontrollable longing which burned between her legs. Her fingers magnetised towards it, yet instead of the fulfilling comfort of masturbation, they were stopped. As if they were being held back, she could not push her hands any further down. No matter how much she tried to slide her fingers down to quench the fire raging within her sex, she was left held so cruelly close. While the unendurable longing did not seem to die down, her pussy seemed to be throbbing with more need by each second.

The tingling seemed to increase to a burning need, until moments later it was like she were trapped in the vice of an impending orgasm that wouldn't come; still her pussy was inexplicably out of reach. Suddenly her arms were pulled back and came to rest above her head, pinned in place as if they were being held tightly. Just as fast, her pussy was embraced by sensations she could not explain or comprehend. Even while her pussy was bare, she could feel the familiar sensation of the silky material embracing her. This sensation seemed to combine with a stimulation of being touched by the softest of fingertips, of being licked by the most precise tongue, of being nibbled by the most eager mouth.

She thought her engorged mound would explode with need as repeatedly she was brought so close to orgasm and held there, before it backed off just enough to leave her hips thrusting for more. She wanted to touch herself, to touch anywhere, just to feel the soft curves of her heat stricken body; still she remained held in place, tormented to a state of craving that she had never thought possible. The constant writhing of her hips did nothing to increase the formless yet ever present and unyielding manipulations to her soft, delicate mound.

Finally, when she thought her consciousness could not stand any more of that tantalising torture, it happened. Her pussy felt like it had suddenly been devoured with pure stimulation, as if her entire sex were being sucked, every tiny detail and sensitivity of that swollen mound seemed to be being latched onto by the air itself. After so much time spent in the hell of denial, the sudden avalanche of suction was a heaven of orgasmic bliss. Her orgasm seemed to never end - she didn't want it to, all she cared about was the unparalleled pleasure that confined her to the bed. Wave after wave of orgasm was sucked from her, the mixture of such long denial and the longing brought about by the lingerie kept fuelling the orgasmic fire. As if reading her mind, the sucking stopped, ceasing just as the almost painfully intense orgasms started to cross the line of being unbearable.

Once she was able to move her arms, she knew it was over. All was still and quiet in the room. Finally able to catch her breath, as if her lungs were also finally her own now, she simply lay there motionless, recovering from the fiercest orgasms she had ever experienced.

As she lay there, she thought to herself that she may wait at least another week before putting those back on.

Enjoying His Work:

If she knew what he really was, she'd have run long ago. A being from a world that see's humankind as toys to play with. A being possessing powers beyond human comprehension. A being that takes pure joy in deriving torture from pleasure.

It was the sensitivity within her body he could read that drew him to her as much as her beauty. Once he honed in on her at the club, there would be no way she could ignore that seductive gaze, an aura that seemed to hypnotize her.

Every part of her skin he touched seemed to light a fire of desire in that exact spot. She needed so much more. The more of her he touched, the more it seemed to intensify, like an electric surge of pleasure constantly sizzling throughout. It was like a magic touch; if only she knew. All she knew was that she needed him to touch her everywhere, to be inside her. At first she felt like the one in control, just as he wanted her to feel. When he was inside her, it was as if every fantasy in her life, every wet dream and sexual desire, had all built up to this moment as if preparing her for the ultimate pleasure.

His length seemed as if it were the only thing her pussy would ever need. No other man, no other toy or vibrator, had even come close to penetrating her or hitting that spot the way this was. The moment she was close however, was when something felt strange. The millisecond before her orgasm took hold of her, he pulled out. Yet instead of it stopping, the pleasure seemed to trap her. It still felt as if he were inside her, every inch pressing perfectly against her every sensitivity. She could not fathom what was happening, yet she couldn't move or make a sound. Not because of any further spell by him, but because the sensation she was feeling was incomprehensible. Not even a minute passed before it was an unbearable hell. He had trapped her at the moment of climax, locked within that final convulsion before the pure joy was unleashed.

He simply sat and watched, enjoying his work. This was what he took such delight in, seeing human females brought to realms of unbearable pleasure. While gazing at this beautiful sight, he'd have told her that he may keep this going for hours if he desired, though she was too trapped within her hellish mixture of rapture and agony to hear or respond to anything. A minute hadn't even passed, yet she was already in tears from this horrific limbo of denial and orgasm. It was like being forced to orgasm constantly, though without there being a true beginning or ending to the orgasm itself. That first single climactic surge, frozen in time.

It wouldn't end until he penetrated her again. He was in no rush. This time of year, when his kind could roam freely around humans, only came for a few short weeks. He was going to make the most of it.

The Being:

Overcome by a sudden urge to pleasure herself, Melissa stripped and began stroking her sensitive pussy like her life depended on it. Even though it usually took a while for her to get into things and start to get close, this time it seemed like the flames of orgasm were rising within the very moment her fingers swept over her delicate mound. She couldn't believe how wet she was, yet there was no time to ponder what had caused this outburst of desire, all that mattered was that she came.

It was mere seconds for her to feel ready to come. Minutes soon passed. Still there was no end, as if she were trapped in that same cycle of arousal with no outlet. No matter how fast she stroked or how intently her fingers pressed, whether she slid inside or just honed in on her clitoris, Melissa could not overcome the pinnacle. The more she tried, the more she needed it, like a well of pleasure with no limit to what it could hold. She had no idea how long she had been masturbating, but tears of frustration began to form. It soon seemed as if every sexual scenario and erotic fantasy had been cycled through her mind. Nothing seemed enough to tip her over the edge.

It was too intense of a need to give up, yet when she decided to try and have a moment of rest, to see if a break would help, that was when she realised that she couldn't stop. As hard as she tried, her hands would not pull away. Over and over she willed herself to relent, all to be met with the same constant friction against her engorged clitoris. It must have been an hour of being held in this state, sweat lining her body and her pussy dripping a constant stream of arousal. Once she had given in however, when it wouldn't have mattered if the entire neighborhood walked in on her and watched, that the words formed in her mind.

"Such a luscious feast to delight in. Do not fight against it Melissa, as I will reward you with that which you crave."

The voice seemed distant, yet it was whispered to her as if a thought within her own mind. While her eyes remained closed, Melissa could feel a presence above her, a presence which seemed to communicate with her own thought.

"Yes, I am controlling your every movement and sensation. No, begging will not help you. You will not come, Melissa, until your pleasure has satisfied my appetite. I have not fed in quite some time. Patience."

With that, her arms and legs were spread out as if entrapped by restraints. While her own contact with her sopping wet pussy had ceased, the pulsating sensation of being on the brink did not. Neither did the constant contractions of need or the twitching of her swollen clit. This Being which Melissa could not see was able to read her every thought, thus sensing every minute sensation. It was these pleasures that it fed on; tonight it was going to gorge on her. By not letting her come, it could take all the time it wanted. Letting the pleasure seep as if whetting its appetite, suckling on every drip of sensation like it were lapping away at the torrent of her flowing pussy juices.

Honing in on her deepest fantasies, the feeling of multiple hands massaged every inch of her body. Always stopping just a hair's breadth away from the sensitive spots that needed to be touched most. Her nipples, which soon were screaming for attention, soon got what they needed once the possibility arose of her coming down from the highest points of frustration. Keeping her so close to the edge without relief, a pull on her nipples made her arch in shock. The Being could read everything her body needed to stay centered on the verge of orgasm. What felt like tiny tendrils snaked around her nipples like a lasso trapping them, pulling ever tighter when she became accustomed to the sensation. Suddenly, what could only be perceived as an oil dipped paintbrush, or even wet silk, was slipping over the tips of those painfully stiff nipples. Melissa cried out loudly, partly at what could be felt right then, but also at the thought of how horrifyingly wonderful this would feel on her clitoris. She wondered for a moment that there would be no way it could stop her from coming then, maybe even the chance to will herself to climax.

"Do not underestimate me, foolish girl."

At that moment her clitoral hood was peeled back even further to expose the entirety of that tender morsel. Melissa then let out a scream that seemed to never cease, wailing into the blank void until she couldn't tell whether the screams and whimpers were being vocalised or just in her head. All caused by the feeling of a single tendril wrapping around her exposed clitoris and kneading it constantly. She could not believe that she wasn't coming just after the first second of this torment. The telepathic being was able to keep her in this state, for as long as it wished to feed, with no mental or physical harm. After hours of this torture, it was ready to enjoy the main course.

"Such a delicacy."

Melissa wasn't able to tell the difference whether the sensations were physical or just implanted through her mind, yet when a tentacle plunged within her depths, the reaction was the same. Every inch of her body seemed to freeze in shock as the orgasm was thrust upon her with no warning. The tentacle itself was covered in nubs that vibrated within, pressing against just the right places. It twisted and writhed within her in ways that made her body erupt. This was clearly not about simulating sex, this was all about bringing her to heights that would have made any other human faint if not for this thing keeping her constantly awake and aware. To keep itself fed, it was not going to ever let Melissa have the mercy of unconsciousness. The being fed on her pleasure joyously, her climax a most fulfilling feast. It made her come again, then again, until she could not even think. A world populated by nothing but the most intense of pleasures. Every time it seemed like the sensations would cease a little, The Being switched its methods, changing from caressing her nipples and clitoris to sucking them within silky wet mouths. Pinching, tweaking, thrusting and massaging, always stimulating and never subsiding.

"I think I'll be full in a few hours."

Even through the confines of her orgasmic hell, it made sure Melissa understood precisely how long she'd have to endure this.

They Will Return:

The time had come. There was nowhere she could hide. The moment she set forth to try and run, they appeared, as if they had been waiting all along. Just like every year.


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