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The Female Agent Pt. 06 - Slave Auction

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#TimesUp. Male celebs stripped and auctioned off.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 04/14/2018
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Brianna was feeling immensely pleased with herself. Within this auspicious setting, of the 2018 Grammy Awards Show, she sat at her table stroking the large gold trophy she had just won. Well, her act had won. Her stupid step-brother, Tom Caley: Best Male Act of 2018. But it was her efforts and risqué marketing that had propelled the young star to fame and made him the hottest, most desired man in the country. And it was her who had taken the lion's share of the profits. Her devious lawyer Tanya had run contractual rings around Tom when he was just a teenager, and he now found himself legally entitled to barely a third of the profits. Off the back of this dumb jock, Brianna had made herself a rich woman.

As the surrounding celebrities and music stars applauded her success, Brianna shone like the fierce goddess she was. Wearing a glittering low-cut red dress that showed off her large heaving cleavage, with her matching diamond-encrusted high heels, she proudly displayed her feminine beauty and her outrageous wealth. At just 26 years old, she fancied herself to be the most eligible woman in the country. And yet she would never allow any man to bring her to heel.

Tom sat silently by her side in his tuxedo. He'd already had too much to drink and was finding the intense pressure and the dazzling lights hard to cope with. Sure he'd won Best Male Act, at the tender age of just 18, but it was Best Album that was the truly undisputed title that he craved. Sadly, one thing stood in his way. Three fucking women.

Tom despised them. A newly formed girl band, May Tree Ark, a trio of young female singers from the backstreets of Detroit. They were all that stood in his way. Their debut album had beaten his own debut in sales, with their overtly feminist overtones striking a chord in the present climate. They were the band millions of women seemed to flock to as their musical sledgehammer against the patriarchy. And that terrified Tom's and his weak little dick.

A video on the main screen featured the judging panel for this award. And Tom suddenly realized something...

"Hang on a minute, what the fuck?!"

Brianna rolled her eyes. Couldn't her idiot step-brother stay silent and just let her enjoy her sweet victory? Next year she'd ensure he was absent and she'd accept all the awards herself 'on his behalf.'

"The judges for this category..." Tom muttered, pointing to the video "Its five women! All five! All women!"

Brianna smirked at his male fragility. "Of course. In the current climate, there was an emphasis on more female representation. What's your problem Tom? You think a group of female judges can't decide between you and May Tree Ark without bias? No-one complained when the judges were all men!"

And to finish her putdown of him she tisked and frowned at him. A symbol he was well trained to know meant he had to shut up instantly. He of course obeyed. He couldn't afford to cross Brianna. Couldn't afford to financially, but also in the wicked ways she could devise to humiliate him. Her shameless exposure of him in many a skimpy costume and nearly-nude events had already attracted a large online following. Plenty of pictures of Tom's ripped, exposed abs, underwear photoshoots, wardrobe 'mishaps' were now plastered on the walls of his adoring lustful fans. Sometimes Tom wondered if they really loved him for his mushy pop tracks or for his stripped-down exposure. And then there were the private 'premium package' events Brianna had him perform at. The humiliation was...he decided not to think on it right now in what was going to be his moment of triumph. Best Male Act was not enough for him, he had to beat out May Tree Ark for Best Album!


As Brianna and Tom stepped out of the limo to a private after-party, Brianna was short on sympathy.

"Tom, stop whining. May Tree Ark deserved to win it. This time. We'll get it next year. And if I hear one more chauvinist comment from you against the judges I'll make you perform a certain private show for them by way of a humbling apology. Understand what I mean?"

The scared twitch in Tom's penis knew exactly what she meant. The 'private shows' she pimped him out to; bachelorette parties, girl's birthday parties, ladies nights, all-female business groups, he had no desire to lose his clothes again for a rowdy female audience.

"Whose party is this we're going to anyway?" Tom asked his captor, as she led him into a backdoor past the security.

Brianna's smirk and silence did not fill Tom with confidence, as she marched him down a dark corridor. Tom hated when she looked like this. So...powerful. Swaying her hips, stamping her high heels loudly, her mouth in a permanent mischievous pout. Her head thrown back in an imperious attitude. Her unashamed low cut top baring her large boobs almost entirely. Tom had shamefully been sneaking glances at them all night. Just a little slip of the dress further and those beauties would have been fully exposed. Had his step-sister and agent had a boob job recently? Those tits looked divine. Tom dropped back a step and looked wistfully at Brianna's pert ass. Through the tight sheer dress he thought he could make out her lacy thong. He knew she spent a fortune on the most expensive lingerie - money that should have been his! Why did he feel that tonight was being treated more like her victory than his?

Brianna paused at the door to the next room. Tom could hear the music throbbing. It was May Tree Ark's album playing! He could hear various feminine voices and a lot of laughing and snickering behind the door.

Brianna scowled at Tom and stared intently. He knew that look. It meant she was about to say something very serious and he had no right to raise any objections.

"Tom. Remember...humility. Be gracious and accept this. Tonight is not about you. Although...you will be center of attention! I'm sure your massive ego will love that! But your little - ahem - maybe less so!"

With that Brianna pushed the door open and beckoned Tom into the large room.

It was a festival of femininity. Everywhere Tom's terrified eyes looked there was female power radiating. In the dimly lit room, decked out like a nightclub, there must have been half a hundred women. All dressed to the nines in the finest dresses in the world. All dazzling in diamonds and gold. All standing tall in gorgeous and elaborate high heels. This was the elite. The female elite. Tom knew them all. Every hit female singer, actress, celebrity, even female politicians. They were all here. Some had certainly made their way from the awards show, but Tom suspected many of them had come separately to this private event. Why? What would be so special they just had to witness it? At the front was a heightened stage, and behind it, decked out in bright pink lights, was a huge poster. It's message - #TIMESUP.

Now a regular in Hollywood circles, Tom knew full well that this was the rallying cry of every female celebrity, singer, and actress that felt harassed or held back by male power and privilege. He had heard the likes of May Tree Ark, the raw anger they possessed and their untamed desire to rip power away from men. So that's what had brought them together tonight, but what did he have to do with it?

Brianna was flush with anticipation as she looked around approvingly. All her peers were here. A-list women that she had idolized just over a year ago - and now she was standing among them as an equal, as a queen. When she had started her own record label and signed Tom, determined to make him a star, she had anticipated a long, desperate struggle to make it anywhere even close to here. And now she wasn't just on the guest-list, she was the sponsor. Her fledgling record label was now the sponsor of what would become known as the outrageous payback event that encapsulated 2018 - the year of the woman. And their moment of revenge.

Brianna bit her lip in excitement and anticipation as Ellen strode over. Ellen, a popular lesbian tv show host, had enthusiastically agreed to host tonight's proceedings. Dressed more modestly than most, in a simple purple jumpsuit with flats, Ellen took Brianna's hands and kissed each of them. The two joyful women then embraced in a loving hug. Brianna pushed her chest hard against her idol, and Ellen responded by kissing her lips. The kiss lingered a little, as they both gazed into each other's eyes.

"Brianna you are a goddess! It's the only ticket in town! Everyone is here! Taylor has brought a whole host of female CEO's along with her, the Senator begged if she could have more tickets, and do you notice a certain Meghan hiding over in the corner there?! How nice of her to come back from London to her home nation to support our cause!"

Ellen's eyes then fell upon Tom. Fresh meat.

"We should really get him and the rest prepared Brianna. This audience is starting to get wild, we've gone through half the booze already and they're demanding what was promised!"

Tom mumbled incoherently and stood firm as Brianna and Ellen motioned him to follow them. But Brianna was not taking any of this nonsense tonight. She opened her clutch bag and gestured Tom to look inside. He saw what she wanted him to see. He knew what it was, he had seen it before. A small locked steel ring, attached to a thin silver chain. Brianna pressed against him so he could smell her intoxicating perfume and hear her softly spoken yet menacing words.

"Can you remember the last time you saw this little device Tom? That girl's 18th birthday party? Can you remember where that little steel ring goes? When I locked it onto you? The silver chain I yanked you out of that place with? Now...you can either walk with us to the back room...or you can drop your pants, have your cock locked into this ring, and I'll fucking drag you through this crowd by the chain. Your choice."

The wicked grin on Ellen's face told him what he had dreaded, she had heard every word of that. He meekly followed the two ladies. As they turned, Tom spied Ellen's hand taking a quick feel of Brianna's lush ass. They walked through the crowd of ladies who were now taking seats at allotted tables, Ellen and Brianna exchanged some pleasantries with a few friendly faces: 'So good to see you Chelsea! Do tell your mother she has my full support if she decides to run again...Nicki! The new album is incredible!...Cardi you are looking fab tonight!' Tom felt a sudden hard smack of his ass and turned around, angry and startled. The bitches were here!

May Tree Ark cackled triumphantly as they waved their collection of trophies at him. Each of them had defiantly ignored the Awards show dress code. They were dressed in their standard teenage girl get up, ripped leggings, miniskirts and tank tops. Tattoos and plenty of garish bling on display, Tom was disgusted by their trashy look. But then that was their thing. Pathetic he thought. Ashley, a skanky thin blonde with no tits and large fake nails. Maisie, a black girl proudly sporting a large afro and her thick-rimmed glasses. And Trish, the only one Tom considered attractive, a curvy redhead who always wore knee high boots.

"Hey Tommy boy! Bring us another few bottles you fucking sad little loser!"

And with that the three victories girls mockingly waved their pinky fingers at Tom.

He was flustered, did...they know? About that? His little...? A chastened Tom quickened his steps to catch up with Ellen and Brianna as they entered a small room backstage.


They stood there in a line. In the little makeshift preparation room. Tom, Adam, Cal and Brett. Tom knew them as rivals. Adam was a respected, handsome country singer, whose square jaw and masculine features had a lot of female admirers down south. But he was near 40 now, with two expensive divorces behind him, and Tom considered his star on the wane. He could well understand Adam signing up for this, whatever this was, Adam probably needed all the attention he could scrap for.

Cal was certainly a more imposing rival to Tom. A former gangster turned rapper, Cal was arguably the most successful black man in the charts, the self-proclaimed 'king of rap'. His cocky attitude and tracks about banging chicks and hoes didn't seem so hot right now though. Not at this event at least. Perhaps only Brett outdid Cal on the egotistical scale. A teenage sensation that was now in his late twenties. His pretty boy looks hadn't been enough to save him jail time though. And his consequent bankruptcy had led to him hastily marrying a wealthy heiress; 20 years his senior. Brianna had joked before to Tom that Brett's rich wife, Valery, certainly wore the trousers in that home.

Before them stood Ellen and Brianna. Playfully holding hands and sharing a mischievous grin. Ellen began with thanking them for signing and returning the waivers in advance. 'What waiver?' Thought Tom. Brianna signed all his papers for him. She insisted. It was her job anyway to deal with all that legal stuff, her and that bitch of a lawyer Tanya, They didn't allow him to read anything. Why was Tom having to hear about it now?

"So gentlemen..." Ellen continued "Tonight is a moment for the men at the top of this industry to give something back. To help others rise up. As women rise, men must fall. And you will fall. To your knees. Tonight you are not in charge, or on top. Tonight you will serve. And obey. This is of course a charity slave auction, so we need our male slaves! Once bought, you will serve as butlers for the rest of the party. You will not protest, you will not speak back. You will not prevent the ladies from touching you. You will merely serve. And as the document you signed laid out, you will serve your buyer for the whole weekend. In whatever manner she deems fit. Oh, and we will be documenting it. The weekend. Your reduction to a male slave beneath the feet of women. So everyone can see what happens when men at the top are humbled and brought to their knees."

Brianna felt dizzy hearing Ellen's powerful statement. It had all gone to plan. Tonight was going to be seen as the moment Brianna stepped forward and dealt a humiliating blow to the men at the top. She was going to bring these men, including her hated step-brother, to heel. She squeezed Ellen's little hand even tighter and bit her lip in anticipation, as she gave the delicious command.

"Time to get into your costumes boys. Slaves don't wear tuxedos, we have something more appropriate in mind so...STRIP!"

Tom expected his fellow men to protest, but on the contrary, they seemed to find this humiliation amusing! Adam was willingly ripping off his shirt and flirtatiously threw it at Brianna who laughed like a school girl. Cal was already down to his tight boxers and flexing his muscles before a thoroughly unimpressed Ellen. And Brett was meekly stepping out of his jeans, silently going along with this humbling process. Secretly he hated it. It had been his domineering wife, Valery, who had insisted as a personal favor to Brianna that Brett would comply.

Tom remembered the ring and chain in Brianna's clutch and hurriedly sought to catch up to the other guys. Before long he stood there near nude too. In a tight pair of cotton briefs.

Brianna was overjoyed that this was going so well, these men seemed totally incapable of resisting her charms (and Tom, her authority). She playfully pushed her boobs together with her arms and saucily complimented them on being such strapping men, such alpha males! She took her time walking around them, laying a teasing hand on their abs, feeling their arms, pressing up against them and kissing their cheeks. Cal placed an arm around her waist and pulled her close, with his other hand he audaciously grabbed her pert ass and squeezed hard, he pulled the short dress up a little, revealing her hot pink lacy thong.

"That's a mighty fine piece of white junk you got there bitch...so thick!" He growled into her ear, "How about I take it for a spin later?"

Brianna pouted sexily and then gently took his hands away from her and neatly pressed her dress back down. She pulled the waistband of his boxers and let them snap back.

"Off. All of you. Pants off. NOW!!" Those words gained Brianna an approving look from Ellen and they put their arms across each other's shoulders and smiled smugly as these four men obediently pulled down their pants and stepped out of them. Adam was at the front, closest to the ladies. Standing defiantly, hands on hips, thrusting his manhood forward for the girls to gladly gaze upon. And they did so. They didn't seek to hide it. Two pairs of female eyes went straight toward his proud cock.

Brianna was impressed. He was already half-erect and his impressive penis was comically bent to one side. She approved of his willingness to lay himself bare for them and the cause. Brianna knew this fading singer would do almost anything for some publicity. She'd be sure to use that against him when they documented his weekend as a slave. She'd demand the cameras had total uncensored access to his humiliation. It would probably ruin his career as a serious and respected singer, but an obedient man could find employment in other ways...

Next to him was Cal, who again, flexed his arms and displayed his finest muscle of all. A whopping 10 incher. Completely hard, standing to attention for Brianna.

"Wow Cal!" She teased "I expected...bigger! Oh well, I'm sure someone else who is less of a size queen may bid on you!"

Brett stood meekly near to Ellen. He wished his wife had told him this was part of the deal! He could have then shaved in preparation! His thick pubic bush mostly covered his modest pencil dick. Its lack of girth and inability to get hard was a constant irritation to her, perhaps this was her revenge on him. She was in the audience tonight, and had brought all her girlfriends along, including Brett's mother-in-law and Brett's female cousins. Ellen raised an eyebrow and tutted, leaning forward to flick Brett's undersized penis and painfully tug at it.

"Look at this mess Brianna! He could have least have done us the decency of shaving. Ooh like your boy there! Now that is a wonderful waxing he's done for us!" she said admiring a trembling Tom, who stood with a single hand cupping and hiding his tiny dick.

"Oh that..." Brianna said smugly "Is not his doing. It's mine. I take him to my friend Naomi every week. She waxes him at her salon. She does his ass too. She's an old family friend of mine and Tom's actually. She loves seeing Tom so regularly...and so thoroughly. Doesn't she Tom?" Tom just nodded timidly and silently. His exposure at Naomi's salon had become a regular torment that Brianna had concocted. As payback for when Tom had bullied the then obese Naomi when they were younger.

"Now gentleman, just wait here two moments," Brianna said while her and Ellen hurriedly picked up all the men's clothes "So we're just going to pop down the hall and store your clothes in a secure place. For safe keeping."

With that dubious claim the ladies giggled and quickly left the room with all the clothes. The men just looked at each other quizzically. It was as if the fun, flirtatious spell of Brianna's had been broken. They were now just four exposed men. And they felt so very vulnerable. They could hear Ellen and Brianna laughing down the hallway. They could sense the sheer energy in the main room next door. The throbbing music, the hushed, excited gossiping of the female audience for what may next enter on stage.

Tom noticed all the macho bravado had dissipated now. Every single one of these male stars was now cupping his hands protectively over his exposed manhood. Cal's proud erection had wilted and looked significantly average now, limp and powerless.

The side door flung open with a slam and Brianna and Ellen strode back in, hand in hand, looking very pleased with themselves. Ellen was carrying a satchel. The two imperious queens took a moment to savor the sudden change in the men's dispositions. All the arrogance had been drained from them. They stood there, heads bowed, hiding their precious dicks in cowardice.


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