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The Festival

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A college student sees his desires fulfilled by a Gypsy.
9.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/21/2018
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"Hey Roland, heads up buddy!" came a voice from out of the blue.

Roland Peters, a part-time student of Heights University, barely got his head around in time to avoid the leather object that sailed by him. He turned to follow the path of what he now recognized to be a football as the oblong leather shape bounced across the turf. It settled onto the ground at the same moment that a large, muscular hand clamped onto his shoulder squeezing him almost painfully.

"You're supposed to catch it," said Jack Sanders, a long-time friend of Roland's,

Roland nodded absently, his attention already light-years away. He was busy thinking about the exams he needed to get prepared for the following week. It was difficult balancing his need to work with his studies but since his father had passed away the previous year money was tight, and he was lucky he could still attend school. He resumed walking across the lawn as Jack fell into step beside him.

Roland grimaced, "I wasn't expecting to have something thrown at my head."

"That's the whole point, you always have to be ready to act at a moments notice you never know what the world will throw at you," replied Jack, his face taking on a serious aspect as if he was imparting the most sage of advice.

Roland didn't reply, his face a mask of concentration.

"You know, you need to relax a little, my friend, your face has over-work written all over it," observed Jack.

"Easy for you to say, Jack," replied Roland with just a hint of jealousy, Jack's parents were wealthy and even if they weren't Jack had been a star athlete in high school and heavily recruited. He didn't need to worry about paying for his education.

Jack winced, catching the dig at the difference in their academic situations but pursued the subject anyway.

"Seriously though, you should rethink coming to the Medieval festival with Ellen and me," offered Jack.

The festival was a long-standing renaissance fair that ran yearly not far from campus, thousands of people gathered every year there many dressed in period costumes to enjoy the music and entertainment.

"I don't know Jack, I have a lot of studying to do this weekend," said Roland, though that was only part of the reason he was reluctant to attend. The other reason was Ellen Gentry. Jack and Ellen had been dating for almost three years, and though Roland took great pains to hide it, he had a terrible crush on her. Just the mention of her name brought to mind an image of her walking into his Physic's class all those years ago.

A petite woman of barely five-foot-five-inches, she sported a thick head of long curly red hair that fell down her back like a fiery waterfall. Her small face was covered in light-colored freckles that ran across her shoulders and down her arms. When she smiled it lit up the room, her deep brown eyes crinkling over her tiny upturned nose, those light pink lips, so full, pulling back from her perfect white teeth. Her body was slender and well proportioned with tight legs from her days as a track runner in high school, though not significant in the chest her perky breasts sat high on her chest and looked especially sweet when she wore a bathing suit.

"Earth to Roland, you still in there buddy?" said Jack.

Roland realized they had been walking for some distance in silence as his mind had drifted back over his first meeting with Ellen. He wished at times he had never introduced her to Jack. It was tough to compete with his easy-going style and handsome looks. Jack was not only tall but muscular from years on the football and basketball teams. He had the looks of a California surfer with long blond hair that fell around his high-cheek boned face and piercing blue eyes.

By contrast, Roland was barely five-foot-nine inches, slender with a head that seemed a bit too large for his body. His medium length brunette hair seemed to have a mind of its own defying any attempt to comb it as it grew into a wavy mess on his head. Still, for all that, he wasn't a bad looking kid with soft green eyes and a generous mouth that would have attracted more women if it wasn't always set in a frown.

"You know you should bring Patty," continued Jack, as if Roland had answered his earlier question and gave notice that he was still involved in the conversation.

The "Patty" in question was Patty Gentry, Ellen's older sister by two years. Jack and Ellen had been trying to fix up Roland and Patty for some time now with mixed results. Truthfully, Roland had nothing against Patty, and if it hadn't been for his feelings about Ellen, he might have been more receptive to the idea.

The two sisters were indeed a contrast, Patty was almost Roland's height, with red hair but in a more subdued shade than her sisters, a bit closer to Auburn than red. Patty was not what you would have called slender, though not precisely fat she was carrying a few extra pounds. This did have the added benefit of giving her some impressively large breasts that stretched the top of whatever shirt she happens to be wearing. A round-faced girl with a small mouth and green eyes she would have been considered attractive if she wasn't always being compared to her more exotic sibling. Patty was fair skinned but lacked the freckles that made her sister stand out.

Both girls were out-going with a good sense of humor, though Patty was the more talkative of the two.

"I don't know, maybe," said Roland.

"All I'm saying is that putting this much pressure on yourself isn't healthy, everyone deserves a break Rollie," said Jack, falling back on the nickname he had used for his friend since high school.

"I hear you, Jack, let me think about it," he replied.

The pair reached Jack's dormitory only to be greeted by the object of Roland's earlier musings. Ellen stood leaning against the lamp post in front of the main entrance to the building. She was dressed in a pair of white shorts that showed off her legs that were covered in freckles just like her upper body. Roland found himself wondering for about the thousandth time in the last several years just how much of her body was covered in those sweet angel kisses. Moving with the compact grace of a born athlete, Ellen covered the short distance between them until she stood in front of her towering boyfriend.

Roland stood uncomfortably nearby as Ellen parted her sweet, full lips and accepted a kiss from Jack. As was typical for her she wasn't wearing lipstick, but her lips glistened faintly with clear gloss and looked unbelievably soft, like light pink pillows. The kiss lingered for a bit, and Roland caught a definite glimpse of their tongues touching, making him even more envious. Finally parting with a soft, wet noise Ellen turned her brilliant smile on Roland making his knee's shake.

"Hey, Rollie! It's good to see you," said Ellen.

"You too," he answered.

"Patty told me you guys went out for pizza last week, how did that go?" asked Ellen.

"Fine, it was just a quick dinner thing," said Roland feeling like he wanted to play it down, not wanting to seem too interested in Patty when his real interest lay elsewhere.

"Did Jack mention the festival? I know Patty would love it if you asked her," said Ellen.

"Yeah, he did bring it up, we'll see," said Roland without much enthusiasm.

"Ah, come on Rollie it will be fun!" she fired back.

Rollie always found it impossible to argue with Ellen, "Well, the next time I see her I'll mention it."

The next time turned out to be sooner than he had imagined, after leaving Ellen and Jack at the dormitory Roland had climbed into the battered hulk of metal he called a car and returned to his home. He was still living with his Mom, for now, both to save money and because he hated to leave her alone now that his Dad had passed. The old house was silent as he entered tossing his key into a bowl by the door. He was contemplating what to have for dinner from an array of unappetizing choices when the doorbell rang.

The door swung back on creaking hinges badly in need of oil to reveal the face of Patty Gentry standing on his front porch. She was carrying a sack of Chinese food from a local restaurant and wearing a worn looking concert shirt bearing the logo of her favorite band and tight blue jeans. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail bringing the focus on her round face. Her lips were bright with cherry lipstick and her eyes flashed with amusement as she smiled.

"Hey Rollie, Ellen, and Jack told me you were headed home and I figured you could use some dinner," she said.

Typical Jack and Ellen, always trying to watch out for him and never missing an opportunity to throw he and Patty together at the same time.

"Thanks, Patty, that's very nice of you," he said, stepping back to allow her into the house.

Roland went to the kitchen and fetched them some sodas from the fridge as Patty laid out the food on the table, they were soon enjoying the steaming oriental fare.

"So, how's school?" asked Patty, between bites of sweet and sour chicken.

"Fine, a little pressure right now with exams coming up," said Roland.

"I'm sure you will do fine, your a smart guy," replied Patty.

"I hope so, but thanks for the vote of confidence," Roland answered forcing a smile.

They finished the meal and Roland took the left-overs and put them in the fridge imagining that his Mom might be hungry when she got home. Though he would have like to get to studying he didn't want to seem like he was rushing Patty out after she had been so nice so he asked if she wanted to watch some T.V. or something. A few minutes later he found himself on the couch with Patty sitting almost uncomfortable near him, she was wearing some perfume whose scent he couldn't quite identify though it was quite nice. They flipped through the channels trying to settle on a program, but nothing seemed particularly appealing.

"I know you've probably noticed that Jack and Ellen keep throwing us together," blurted Patty.

"Do they? I hadn't noticed at all," he said in a sarcastic tone.

Patty laughed, "Yeah, it's like they want us to like each other or something."

Roland didn't immediately answer, he was conflicted, Patty was a sweet girl, and he could do a lot worse, but he knew that he would always be thinking about Ellen and that was hardly fair to her.

"Do you? Like me Rollie...Because I like you, a lot," said Patty.

He turned to the sound of her voice coming closer and was caught off guard when he suddenly found her face close to his, and she was kissing him almost before he could react. Her lips were slick, tasting faintly of cherry like the color of her gloss. He froze at first, the move unexpected. Still, her lips were hot against his, and it had been a very long time since he had been kissed. Slowly he started to kiss her back, moving his mouth against hers, sliding his lips across the slippery surface of her own.

Patty reacted with enthusiasm at his acceptance and with a soft groan she opened her mouth wider, Roland found her tongue sliding into his mouth as she began to deepen the kiss. Her arms looped around his neck, her large breast pressing into his chest.

Roland was caught in a conflict of conscience, deep down he knew he should stop things before they went too far, Patty deserved better than a guy whose heart belonged to someone else. Then again it had been almost two years since the last time he had been with a woman, and his body was arguing that he should just keep his mouth shut. Things didn't get any easier when Patty pulled back long enough to take off her t-shirt.

The shirt had barely hit the floor when Roland realized something he had always known about Patty but had never thought he would get first-hand confirmation of, she didn't like to wear a bra. Her large, round breasts were laying free and unfettered against her chest, fair-skinned they had very large almost blood red aureoles with tiny eraser point nipples at the center. Feeling his willpower slipping quickly Roland couldn't help but run his hands up her soft melons, sliding his thumbs across the bumpy flesh at the center. Unable to stop himself he leaned down and gently ran his tongue across one turgid nipple, feeling the hardness of it touch his lips, nipping at it with his teeth.

"Ah, Rollie...Kiss my breasts...Suck them," groaned Patty.

The heat in the room seemed to be climbing by the second, and sweat stood out on Rollie's head as he squeezed Patty's soft breasts in his hands, sucked at her hard nipples. His cock was swelling in his shorts, pressing against the fabric. Patty took notice and moved her hand between his legs, pressing her palm against the hard shape of his penis. She rubbed it, up and down, stroking it through the cloth and sending chills up his spine. Pushing him back away from her chest Patty started to unzip his fly, licking her lips as her fingers fished his cock out through the open hole.

Though not huge Roland's penis was undoubtedly a respectable specimen, between six and seven inches and reasonably thick it was capped by a fat cock head that swelled even more as Patty wrapped her fingers around it. Roland sucked in his breath as her head descended and he felt his prick slipping into the wet warmth of her mouth. Moving slowly at first but a bit quicker with each passing second, she started to suck his cock, the shaft soon glistened with wet saliva as her sweet cherry lips moved up and down his pole.

"Uh, Fuck!" breathed Roland.

He had forgotten just how good a blowjob could feel and Patty was no amateur, she sucked him deep, her nose almost brushing his pubic hairs, and lifting up to lick him all over. Her hand stroked his penis in perfect harmony with the movements of her head, and Roland gasped and arched his back, he didn't know how much of this he could take before he exploded right down Patty's throat.

"Hey Rollie, I got off early!" came his Mother's voice from the entrance hallway as the front door swung open.

Roland and Patty scrambled to get back into their clothes just barely managing to assume proper positions on the couch before his mother's head came around the corner.

"Oh, Hey Patty, I didn't know you were here," said his mother.

"Hello Mrs. Peters, its so nice to see you," said Patty, leaving the couch to hug the diminutive woman.

"What Rollie, no hug for your Mother," said Carol Peters to her only son.

Roland was up off the couch, though his mind was still reeling, he slipped his arms around his mother's waist.

"Hi, Mom, how was your day?" he managed to ask.

"Fine, why don't you two help me with the groceries, I got the ingredients to bake us a nice cherry pie!" she replied.

They moved to the car with Patty and Roland each grabbing a bag from the trunk, following in Mr's Peter's wake as she led them back to the kitchen. Patty and Carol laid out the ingredients while Roland hunted through the cabinets for a pie pan.

"So Patty how are things at the hospital?" asked Carol. Patty was in training to be a nurse, following in her own mother's footsteps.

"Wonderful, the hours can be long, but I love working with people, helping them too get better," she replied.

"Very rewarding," admired Mr's Peters with a nod.

The kitchen was soon filled with the smells of a warm oven and excellent baked goods, but Patty opted to leave before the pie was done, she had to be up early for her shift at the hospital. Roland walked her to the door, once they were out of sight of the kitchen Patty leaned up to give him a soft kiss, once again looping her arms around his neck.

"To bad your Mom walked in, I promise next time we won't get interrupted," she said with a sly smile.

Roland hesitated, now would be a good time to explain his feelings but he struggled to get out the words, he hated to hurt Patty.

"Look, Patty, I wanted to," stated Roland.

"Ask me to the festival? Ellen and Jack said you were going to, and I would love to go with you," said Patty beaming and misinterpreting Roland's hesitation for his usual shyness.

"Um...Yeah the festival, should be fun," said Roland in agreement.

"Well got to run for now, save me some pie!" said Patty with a quick last kiss as she slipped out the door.

Roland leaned against the door frame as Patty vanished into the night holding his face in his hands and taking a deep breath.

"Shit," he uttered under his breath pretty much summing up his confusion in a single word.

Later that night after a hefty slice of pie and a conversation with his Mom about her day Roland lay in bed staring at the ceiling. His mind played back over the evening, especially that moment with Patty on the couch. He had to admit she was very talented with her tongue and the thought of her hand and mouth on his penis quickly had it swelling in his underwear. Almost without thought his hand slipped under the waistband of his boxers and wrapped around the hard flesh of his cock stroking it slowly up and down.

He closed his eyes seeing an image of Patty, her cherry lips sliding up and down his pole. He groaned slightly as his hand picked up speed, tugging at his prick. The image slowly morphed, try as he might he couldn't keep the picture of Patty, as his excitement grew he started to see Ellen in her place. His back began to arch off the bed as he rub himself faster and harder, in his mind he saw Ellen's sweet, full lips moving up and down his pole, the sounds of her wet sucking filling the room, her moans coming out of the back of her throat.

"Oh...God Ellen!" he gasped.

His hand was a blur on his cock, the fantasy taking hold, Ellen was on top of him now, and he was slipping his hands under her shirt, desperate to get it off of her body and see her for the first time. He could almost feel the warmth of her pussy wrapping around his organ, feel her moving in tandem with him as he drove his hips upward into her body. A loud grunt escaped his lips as he lost control and his cock jerked hard in his hand, a thick stream of cum shot toward the ceiling followed rapidly by three more as he came.

"ELLEN!" he cried out, unable to contain himself as the sticky fluid poured from inside him and got all over his underwear.

A knocking at his door startled Roland as he lay panting in the moonlight, his penis shrinking back to its more normal size.

"Rollie! I thought I heard you call out," said his mother, her voice muffled by the closed door.

"I'm fine Mom, bad dream, just go back to sleep," he replied.

As his Mothers footsteps retreated from his door, Roland stared down at the mess covering his stomach and clothing.

"Yeah, I'm just fine," he said to himself with sadness in his tone.

The weekend arrived more quickly than Roland had thought possible and despite his doubts, he found himself in the backseat of Jack's car with Patty sitting next to him as they along with Ellen left to drive up to the medieval festival.

"This is going to be so much fun!" said Ellen, leaning over to kiss Jack's cheek as they pulled out of the parking lot. To Roland she was an absolute vision of beauty, wearing a pair of tight blue shorts and a sky blue tank top that showed off her freckled skin and gave a decent view of her perky breasts.

"I can't wait to get there," echoed Patty from next to him and she reached across the seat to take his hand. Roland smiled and tried to put on a look of enthusiasm though he felt anything but that as they headed up the freeway.

"Doesn't Patty look nice today, Roland," prompted Ellen from the front seat, apparently trying to pry a compliment from him on her sister's behalf.

"Oh...um...yes, very nice. I mean, you look beautiful today Patty," said Roland forcing some cheer into his voice.

Patty had her hair down, and it fell razor straight down past her shoulders, unlike her sister her hair lacked any natural curl. Her lips were still painted the same cherry red reminding Roland of the night on his couch earlier in the week. She wore jeans instead of shorts, she didn't like to wear shorts around Ellen since her sister had spectacular legs and Patty felt self-conscious that her legs were a little on the chubby side. Her flower print blouse did look rather lovely as it opened in front and gave off a view of the tops of her large, round breasts.

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