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The Full Package - Wednesday


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"Fuck you," Dave managed. He didn't know what Pablo was talking about, but he was sick of him and definitely not liking where any of this was going. "You're just pissed because Armand kicked your ass last night and probably fired you, too, I bet!" His mind flashed back to the night before and he suddenly knew that the sight of Pablo's head snapping back from Armand's kick was not a dream after all.

"Ah, Armand…" Pablo scowled. "Cabrón!" he spat, and Cody groaned in pain as Pablo's grip tightened. "You think he's such a gentleman, don't you? Who do you think told me to put the drugs in your drinks, eh?" He smiled again, and it was not a pleasant smile. "Armand and I work together – or did…until he got too greedy."

Dave didn't know whether to believe him or not, but he knew they were in a very dangerous situation. "Whatever there is between you and Armand, it has nothing to do with us. Just…"

"Oh doesn't it?" Pablo interrupted him. "All I wanted was my share of the fun – and your wife was very willing to give it, let me tell you, hombre. But, no – Armand wanted it all for himself, and I'm sure he got all he wanted last night after the pinche cobarde had me beaten."

Something clicked in Dave's mind. "You! You're the one that got me sick last night! So you could take my wife…"

"Sí, tonto," Pablo replied, smiling again. "Only it wasn't part of Armand's plan. He already had this tesorita aquí…" he bent Cody back easily, causing her nipples to jut up towards the sky," …and yet I had to trick him just to get him away from your wife. He never did learn to share." He leaned down and stuck out his tongue within an inch of Cody's right nipple.

"No!" Dave yelled. He didn't know what Pablo was talking about, but it was obvious what he was intending to do now.

Pablo looked over and smiled at him. "You don't like to share either, eh? I thought you were the one who liked to watch… or so Armand told me." He leaned down again to take Cody's succulent nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around before biting it savagely.

Cody screamed, but seemed unable to pull away.

"You fucking asshole!" Dave yelled. "You're the coward – attacking a defenseless woman. Are you too scared to fight Armand? Or me? You afraid to fight me?" Dave was blustering, but he didn't know how else to distract Pablo from attacking Cody.

Pablo frowned and nodded to his thuggy friend. Dave suddenly lost all his breath as a heavy fist hit him in the stomach and he lurched forward, falling to his knees.

"I could care less about you, bolillo," Pablo barely raised his voice over the wind. "What I put in your drink should have put you in the hospital for a week…" he glanced over at him curiously. "But no matter - that was only to get you out of the way."

"You are welcome to watch this revenge on ese marricon – I think you will like it." He grinned evilly and turned back to Cody. "Afterwards…" he shrugged as he stroked Cody's long nipple with the flat of the blade. "Well…we shall see, no?"

He pushed Cody back against the wall of the temple and grasped the folds of her sundress where it hung from below her belly button. With one swift pull he yanked the dress down to her ankles, exposing her bare legs and the tiny triangle of her blue panties. Cody yelled out, but Pablo's muscular arm had no trouble holding her in place.

"Armand seems to like you, I think? At least for now," he chuckled. "Maybe you will be his mistress when he marries the governor's daughter?" Pablo pulled her so that she faced away from them then cruelly kicked the back of her legs and she went down on her knees with a cry. He pushed her forward and she barely caught herself with her one free hand. Dave's eyes were automatically drawn to the thin silky material of her panties where they barely covered her pussy and ran up into the crack of her tight ass.

"I think maybe he will not be so happy when he finds out how I have used you…" He kneeled down behind her and kicked her feet apart with his knees, opening her thighs up further.

Pablo looked back at Dave and grinned. "I knew it – you like to watch, verdad?"

He was trying not to look, but concern for Cody as well as an instinctual drive kept his eyes riveted on his sister-in-law, and he could see that Cody's panties had partially slipped in between the lips of her pussy when her legs had been forced open. He felt guilty for watching, and weak for not being able to stop it, but also strangely excited - reminding him suddenly of the incident with Lisa at the hot tub just two days ago.

He was almost relieved to feel his eyes forming tears of sympathy and anger when Pablo turned back to his work and slipped the knife up under the waist band of her panties. The thin material parted easily under pressure from the surprisingly sharp blade and the panties seemed to fall back in slow motion from her feminine mound, sticking momentarily in the wet folds before drifting down to lie open on the ancient stone.

Dave's heart wrenched at the same time as his cock jerked in his pants at the sight of her exposed pussy and the tiny wrinkled hole above it. Cody cried out in again in embarrassment and anger and tried to kick backwards, but Pablo had braced his knees in between hers and she couldn't get a purchase.

"You have the best little panoche, bella," Pablo said as he leered between her legs. "Too bad it won't be the same after this…"

Pablo began fumbling with his pants and Dave risked a glance up at the thuggy 'pistolero'. He was practically drooling at the sight of Cody's bare ass and spread legs and was only casually holding the gun near Dave's head.

When Dave looked back at Pablo, he saw that he had managed to pull out his dick with his one relatively free hand, but the knife was obviously getting in the way. He finally laid down the knife and grasped his thick shaft to direct it between Cody's cheeks. Dave was unpleasantly reminded of how large Pablo had appeared when Lisa had been getting her "massage", as well as her complaints during that still-blurry event in the bathroom, and a chill went down his spine as he imagined what it might do to Cody's vagina.

He thought he would die when he saw the huge head press against Cody's pussy. Fortunately, Pablo's cock wasn't completely hard yet and he was having a difficult time pushing it in. As Dave watched in outrage, Pablo rubbed it back and forth over her clit, causing her to groan in what he assumed was anger, then up and down between her lips, clearly trying to lube up her tight hole.

He looked back at Dave momentarily, "You think she will want you after she's had this, bolillo?" He continued to rub the head deep in between her moistening inner labia as he spoke, causing her whole pussy to spread wide around the intruding member. "Yes, I was watching you. I know you were hoping for some too!" He laughed and said, "Maybe I will let you have a little after Juan is done with her, eh Juan?"

The brutish face smiled above Dave and he was now sure that the man was drooling.

Pablo turned back to Cody and remarked with a contemplative air, "Perhaps Armand has already had this virginity, though." The head of his dick was resting in the entrance to her vagina and Dave could hear Cody gasping with emotion and effort as she continued to struggle against his grasp on her arm. He noticed that Pablo's dick was now completely stiff and appeared positively huge next to Cody's tiny pussy. Her lips were wet from all the activity, though, and amazingly enough had spread wide to accommodate the large fleshy head pressed against it.

Her gasps had turned to sobs of anger or possibly embarrassment at the traitorous reaction of her body. Whether Cody was a virgin or not, he was sure that if Pablo were to lean his weight forward, his dick would now fit into her lubricated and open vagina. With barely any movement, the tip had already disappeared nearly an inch between her wet lips as they seemed to suck hungrily at the huge erection prodding them open. Dave felt his gut clench with guilt and jealousy when he remembered that his own cock had been in the same place just this morning,

"Maybe I should take the other one, no?" Pablo pulled the head of his cock out of her pussy with a moist "pop" that even Dave could hear. He slid it up between her cheeks - trailing a wet strand of juice - to press it insistently against her tiny wrinkled asshole. "Sí, that would be the best…"

Several things happened at once. Cody screamed in pain and Dave saw her one free hand reaching back to grasp at Pablo. Juan leaned forward in obvious anticipation, the gun drifting down a few inches. Dave took his chance and braced his right hand on the stone, swinging his legs left and forward in a move he only vaguely remembered from his one Aikido class in college.

Juan fell back and to the side with a yell as Dave's foot made contact with one of Juan's ankles. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to knock him down and as he stepped back to regain his balance, he glared at Dave and began lifting the gun towards his head.

An image of his and Cody's bodies strewn down the steps flashed across Dave's mind, and all he could think of was how stupid he was for getting them both killed. He was looking into Juan's face, waiting for the final shot… when he suddenly noticed confusion and panic cloud the brutish man's eyes.

He looked down and immediately realized that Juan had been too close to the edge when he took his step back. His right foot was desperately trying to find purchase but encountering only air.

His arms wind-milling as if in a cartoon, Juan went over backwards, his body falling out into space over the steep steps.

Long before Juan's scream came up from below, followed by a sickening crunch, Dave was rolling forward towards Pablo. As he came up on his feet, though, he saw Pablo clutching at his side, blood leaking through his fingers.

He was staring up in disbelief at Cody, who was now on her feet looking down at Pablo, her face a blazing mask of anger. She was totally naked, her nipples standing out proudly and her bare, swollen labia glistening in the sunlight. With her outstretched arm grasping the bloody ceremonial knife and her beautiful nude body framed by the temple behind her, she truly did look like a Mayan priestess.

Pablo groaned and Dave suddenly realized the new seriousness of their situation. He swept up Cody's dress and held it out to her. She slowly lowered the knife and looked at him blankly, without recognition.

"Cody, it's ok. It's me, Dave." He stepped closer. "Let's get out of here."

Her eyes seemed to focus more and she nodded, tears forming as he moved to help her put the dress on. He turned to look at Pablo, who was leaning forward on the stones, spitting blood.

Without looking away from the man he had come to hate so thoroughly, Dave gently pulled the knife from Cody's trembling hand. He paused as he watched Pablo look up at them and grin.

He thought back to what Pablo had done to Lisa during the massage, in the dark bathroom, and on the beach, and a wave of hatred washed through him. He stepped forward, raising the knife. He knew Cody wouldn't stop him after what had just happened. Hell, he had just had a gun pointed at his head!

He paused and looked down the steps at the unmoving body near the bottom, then at the strange knife in his hands.

Was he really sure that Lisa had been drugged that whole time? She had seemed somewhat coherent in the bathroom, and she was definitely willing during that massage. Maybe Pablo wasn't totally at fault. Then he thought again about what had almost happened to Cody and his grip tightened.

He would never be able to consciously explain it to himself, and certainly to no one else, but images of Cody lying beneath him, her legs spread and his own erect penis pressed against her, flashed through his mind. The arm holding the knife dropped to his side.

He didn't know how the local police would react to what had happened, but he knew that he wasn't a cold-blooded killer. He turned and threw the knife far out into the jungle that seemed to lap hungrily at the back side of the pyramid.

On the other hand - he thought as he turned and kicked Pablo in the chin, knocking him back against the temple wall - he wasn't beyond a little revenge. He took Cody's hand and led her down past the inert, twisted body of Pablo's henchman. He could hear Pablo at the top of the steps, swearing at them feebly between increasingly rapid gasps of breath. Perhaps the police would find them and assume it was a drug deal gone bad...

"It would be the best", he thought wryly as they trudged through the mud towards the landing strip, drops of rain just beginning to hit his head and shoulders.


By the time they reached the landing strip and boarded the plane, they were wet and cold and Dave had lost any bravado he had felt upon descending the pyramid. He held Cody in his arms as the plane took off, trembling as much as she was and wishing he could join her in her quiet sobbing.

He felt numb – though mentally he was deeply disturbed by what happened. He had narrowly avoided allowing Cody to be raped and both of them possibly killed, and had left one or possibly two corpses behind on the stone steps of that temple. Looking down as the plane climbed, he could see the outline of the exact pyramid, barely touching the dark jungle which seemed to stretch on forever to the horizon. He knew he would never forget that image or what had happened, and could only hope that the same was not true of Cody.

It was only when they were out over the sea that he remembered Cody's tiny g-string lying on the stones where she had been kneeling in front of Pablo. He shook his head. It was too late now, and they would most likely be washed away with the heavy rain and eaten by the elements before anyone noticed them.


When they finally arrived back at the hotel, an itch of curiosity made him ask the concierge if Armand had sent the "reminder" of their flight to Chichen Itzá.

"No, Señor. I believe that was a courtesy call from Señor Vilazquez - one of our masseuses, I think." The concierge smiled politely and asked if there would be anything else.

Dave shook his head and led Cody back to their room. He should have known. Pablo had followed them, or been waiting for them – either way, it wasn't Armand. He wondered if Pablo had been lying about everything.

The evening was spent held up in their suite, Dave ordering room service for them while Cody took what seemed like an endless shower. He tried to give her as much space as possible, but she seemed to want to stay close, curling up next to him on the couch in her nightgown while he watched a brainless action movie.

He stroked her hair gently as he watched the hero take down five or six bad guys at once and he couldn't help but think how powerless he had felt today. Lucky maybe, but fairly pitiful overall.

He had called Lisa earlier, but had gotten the voice recorder, despite it being after 9 pm. Cody was emphatic that he not say anything about what had happened, so he just told her everything was fine and he hoped she wasn't working too hard. He wasn't about to get into anything that happened the night before she left.

He took a shower around ten and came out in a robe and boxers, ready to sleep on his cot. When he began putting new sheets on, though, Cody looked at him in confusion.

"There's plenty of room on the bed without Lisa," she said. "Besides," she added, a plaintive note in her voice, "I don't want to be alone tonight".

Dave obediently lay down on one side of the huge king-size bed, expecting to give her plenty of room. Cody turned off the light and he heard some rustling before he felt her weight on the bed. To his surprise, he felt a hand on his back as she pulled him towards her. He felt her lips searching for his and felt a mix of disappointment and relief when she gave him a quick peck and turned her back towards him, pulling him in to a spooning position.

"I wanted to thank you for rescuing me today," she whispered over her shoulder.

Dave didn't think that he had done much rescuing since she had been the one who really put a decisive end to the whole thing. She probably didn't want to think about the details of that ending, though, so he didn't argue and just put his arms around her to hug her close, glad that the whole thing was over and that they'd be safely home soon.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Love the story - hoping for a sequel

Great story and characters - the build-up with Cody was fantastic. Really hoping to see further stories with these characters!

davion2308davion2308over 15 years ago
I hate to agree, but...

I went back and read the other stories first. You write well and you have skills above the average literotica contributor.

But, I agree in that what originally worked for your first two chapters is slipping away. I understand, because you need to do the next thing and keep the story moving, but it's tough to get bigger while maintaining the integrity of what originally worked. For your next chapter, which I'm excited for, don't worry about topping what you've already done with Cody. Relax, write for fun, and don't worry about outdoing yourself. It feels like you're trying a little too hard.

Keep it up!

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 15 years ago
Shoulda kicked Pablo down the pyramid too...

Leaving Pable alive, that's going to come back to haunt them.<p>

This thing is now turning into a Pierce Brosnan movie, btw. Not good. Why do I get the feeling that everything that made the first couple chapters sexy is now over and in its place we're going to get an action and adventure story. No more sweet exhibitionism play from Cody, which was the best thing about this story. Now she'll just fling herself at the stupid husband and that'll be that.<p>

Damn. Oh well, hopefully this thing will surprise me and turn back around.<p>

It's still well written and it's still a compelling story so I can't give it less than a 75. It's losing its appeal though, with each new chapter. If the next chapter is more action and adventure with the husband continuing to be a moron then this one will have lost me...

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