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The Futa Vlogger Ch. 03

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A Vlogger on YouTube gets another lover of her giant cock.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/05/2015
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Author's Note: So, if you're not familiar with Vlogging on YouTube, this may not be as enjoyable. Besides that, warning: This contains Futanari, Unreal Sizes, Growth of the Extreme Kind, and Severe Cum Inflation.


"Hey guys, so we're just going... um, actually where are we going?" Valeria asked, turning to her girlfriend, Anna.

"We're gonna get a pregnancy test. Think we're gonna get any funny looks?" Anna questioned, to which Valeria snorted.

"Nah, of course not. Why would we?" She asked, clearly knowing why they would get stares, and plenty of them. Anna giggled and boldly reached down to lightly stroke the giant bulge in her girlfriend's pants, while Valeria placed a hand on Anna's own bulge, though this wasn't in her pants. Several people openly stared at the two as they walked, their eyes going wide when they saw the giant shapes of Valeria's balls from behind. She had started with world record cock of twenty seven inch penis, but now it was over five feet long when hard, and soft it was just shy of a solid twenty five inches. Anna meanwhile, sported an equally sized bulge, though this was due to her gravid stomach, still inflated with Valeria's cum.

"Oh my god, what fucking freaks!" A random person shouted from across the street, only doing so because they knew they were safe, as the roads were busy due to rush hour. Valeria and Anna heard laughter at the abusive comment, but neither showed reaction to this, though Valeria's hand twitched with anger.

"You know, I wanna talk to you guys about people like that." Several minutes later, Valeria was done with her rant, just as they stepped into the local drug store so Anna could purchase a pregnancy test, even though both of them, and their audience, were entirely certain Anna was pregnant. The test was just to bring them peace of mind and maybe even use it for a sketch on one of Valeria's other channels. The massively endowed futa had to take care walking through the aisles, unable to turn without looking first, less she knock over an entire shelf of items. Anna faced the same problem. As they were looking, a woman came up to them, she was smiling, but it came off as forced.

"Expecting?" Anna asked nonchalantly.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I haven't had my period in a while, so I think today's the 'lucky' day." The young woman responded sarcastically, then she noticed Anna's gravid stomach, "Oh shit... how far along are you?"

"Honey, I'm not even sure I'm pregnant yet." Anna replied, Valeria caught it all on camera, trying to hold back a snicker as shock came over the woman's face. She then caught sight of Valeria, who's bulge forced the woman's jaw to drop in a slow, comedic fashion.

"Jesus, I, uh, I mean... is that all cum?" She whispered. Valeria stepped closer, keeping the camera out of sight but making sure the mic picked up on the sound.

"Yep, but this is only a fraction of it. You should of seen me last night; it was like I ate an elephant." Anna giggled, the woman joining in. Valeria joined the conversation at that moment.

"You seem pretty comfortable with all this. Most people are pretty damn shocked when they see me, well, now at least." She said, running her eyes of the woman. She had shoulder length, dyed blonde hair, her brunette roots starting to show. Her breasts looked to be in the C cup range, appearing perky and well shaped, even without the support of a bra, as evidenced by her nipples poking through her shirt. She had a slim waist and a flat stomach, though she was clearly nervous that it could change. Her hips were slightly skinny, but her rear was firm and well shaped. Valeria felt a small amount of arousal run through her.

"Well... I really like futanari, I even write a few stories about them." The woman admitted with a blush. Anna and Valeria both perked an eyebrow at this.

"Oh, and what are these stories like?" Valeria asked, her voice taking on a slight, but indisputably husky tone. Anna, despite having been raised with a straight forward, though very open, mindset was in tune with her girlfriend. She wanted to see if they couldn't rope this woman into a threesome, Anna thought, her body flushing with desire at the thought.

"Well, uh... I never introduced myself," The young woman said, trying to shift the subject, "My name's Carey." Carey extended a hand to the two, who each shook and introduced themselves.

"Now, Carey, wanna tell us about these stories, your fantasies?" Valeria urged, taking a step closer. Carey was fairly small, only five foot four, a good deal lower than Valeria's five foot ten. The smaller woman took an involuntary step back, before calming down.

"W-well, the futa usually has a giant cock, like.. um, like this big." She said holding her arms out to show a length of maybe two feet, "And their balls are, um, like watermelons."

"How much do they cum?" Anna asked, practically whispering, as if she and Valeria were two devils on Carey's shoulders, each one urging her to do the naughty thing.

"Enough to fill a bathtub, over and over again." Carey moaned, her mind filling with images of all the character she had read and written, though their faces were no longer what she imagined, instead she saw Valeria.

"Ever wanted to be on the receiving end?" Valeria asked, her giant bulge pulsating as it pressed against Carey, who's eyes locked on the barely contained phallus. She managed to tear her eyes from it to look at Anna, who winked and smiled.

"I'm not sure if you could take it, but give it a try. I didn't think I could at first, but now look at me." She said, cradling her mountainous stomach, big enough to resemble octomom, except no angry stretch marks. Carey swallowed audibly and looked up into Valeria's lustful eyes.

"Oh, god yes." She barely whispered. This was all Valeria needed to hear.

"Great, we'll get what we all need and be on our way. Do you need to call your boyfriend?" Valeria asked, remembering the complication.

"Oh, no... I don't have a boyfriend." She said, continuing at the mildly confused expression on her acquaintances faces, "I, got a little wasted a while ago. This hot guy was there and one thing led to another." With that Carey grabbed a box and left to pay for it. Anna turned the camera to face Valeria and said.

"And that guys, is why I love her." The two kissed, Valeria having to lean down and forward due to their obstructions, aiming the camera at their faces as they met.

"Son a fucking bitch!" Carey yelled as she stormed back to them. Valeria was certain the whole store had heard the yell, "I left my fucking purse." She explained as she walked back up to Anna and Valeria.

"Oh, that's too bad, I don't mind helping out." Anna offered, eager to help her potential lover.

"Really? Awesome." Carey said enthusiastically, hugging the massive woman as best she could. Anna simply grinned and began to make her way to the counter, with Valeria and Carey following close behind.

"Oh, is one of your friend's hoping for a little one?" The cashier asked. She was an elderly woman, with a kind, wrinkled face like a grandmothers. Carey shuddered, thinking if she was then she was booking an appointment for an abortion as soon as possible.

"Well, I don't they are, but I'm hoping for the best." Anna replied, her speech so normal that the elderly woman didn't catch on for a second.

"Oh I see." She simply replied, only to do a double take, when she eyed Anna's gravid stomach, her flesh on full display since her shirt was far too small to even hope to cover the vast expanse of flesh. The cashier said nothing more, though she seemed stuck in a trance like state for the rest of the day. Anna, Carey and Valeria all giggled as they left, though Valeria did glance back apologetically as they left.

Back at Anna's home, a place that thoroughly reeked of sex after the previous nights. Valeria had put away her camera on the way back, busy talking with Carey and finding out more about her.

"Well, here we are guys. In case you skipped forward, this is Carey, say hi." Valeria said, turning the camera to her new friend, and possible lover, who waved shyly.

"Hey there." Just as she finished, Anna hopped into frame and said.

"We're gonna fuck." Before hopping back out, revealing Carey's blushing face. Valeria giggled and gave Carey a brief tour of the house, while Anna set about cooking dinner, even though it was early evening, she and Valeria anticipated a long session ahead.

"Shouldn't we be helping her?" Carey asked as Valeria led her through the house.

"Hmm? Oh, no, don't worry about her. Not sure why, but she doesn't even feel the extra weight, almost like my cum is making her stronger or something." Valeria explained, shrugging at her own guess. She didn't seem worried about though, and that set Carey's mind at ease.

"And here we are; the place where all the magic happens. Mine and Anna's bedroom." Valeria said, making a mental note to edit a dramatic drum roll into the vlog later on. She opened the door, releasing the barely contained scent of sex, the smell overwhelming and intensely arousing. Carey gave a small gasp as the scent registered to her and she felt her pussy moisten in anticipation. Of course the sight of a large room, with a double bed in the centre of it, being almost entirely coated in cum was an extreme turn on as well.

"Hey! Shut the door, you're letting the smell out!" Anna called from the kitchen. She had grown almost addicted to the scent of sex and Valeria's cum in just the two days since she had first received it. Valeria giggled and apologised, closing the door.

"Sorry about that. Anna's parents come by every now and then, so we've gotta keep the house from smelling like we host orgies every night." She joked and led the way back to Anna, who wasn't in the kitchen, though the oven was on, set to a low heat. Valeria took a breath through her nose and picked up the scent of lasagne, a personal favourite of her's.

"Anna?" She called out.

"In here!" Her girlfriend replied, the sound coming from the downstairs bathroom. Valeria headed there and stood just outside the door, intending to catch Anna's reaction on camera. Just as she was about to head in and see what was taking so long, she heard the door and open and Anna walked out. She seemed to be in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Valeria asked, though she could guess easily enough, "It came out negative?" Anna raised her head, eyes gleaming with tears. Just as Valeria was about to hug her girlfriend and comfort her, Anna's face broke into a huge grin as she let out a roar of laughter.

"We're good, I'm pregnant, baby! I'm gonna have your kids!" Anna cried excitedly, tears running down her cheeks as she embraced her lover. Carey stood a few feet away, watching with a happy smile as the two celebrated the good news.

"Oh, Carey. It had another one, if you wanna use it." Anna asked, pulling away from her love to address the other woman.

"Um, yeah sure. I guess I need to know if there's a kid in me." She said and winked at the two, locking herself in the bathroom. Anna and Valeria hugged and kissed, basking in the joy of the news, before something dampened their spirits.

"We won't be able to fuck will we?" Anna asked, to which Valeria shook her head.

"Yeah, well, we can, but I can't go in very far." Valeria said, "But hey, we're gonna have a kid. Just nine months and we'll be fucking like rabbits again."

"Yeah, I know you, babe. Before we fucked, you were masturbating like seven times a day... so I'm just... worried you'll try to find someone else who can take your dick." As if on cue, Carey walked out of the bathroom, beaming proudly.

"Well, good news; I ain't pregnant." She announced and raised her arms in victory, before noticing the hungry eyes Valeria stared at her with. Anna saw this too and grinned.

"Well, if you wanna fuck her, I'm cool with it. But we're gonna have to do something first." Carey gulped as Valeria gave her a grin akin to a predator having cornered its prey, though the prey in this case was mostly willing.

A few hours later, Valeria was tapping her foot in impatience.

"How much longer?" She asked. The cameras were all set up and recording, though Valeria sat on the edge of the bed, her massive cock flaccid and hanging between her thighs like a third leg.

"They said they'll be here at eight. It's seven fifty, give it a little more time." Anna said from the bathroom, where she was currently admiring her body while applying some fetching make up to Carey. Valeria said nothing and simply increased the tempo of her tapping, until she heard several knocks on the door.

"Val, could you answer that please? A little busy in here." Is what Anna said, though she was really posing for Carey, who had her own phone and was snapping a few pictures for her own personal needs.

"Gladly." With that Valeria was rushing down the stairs and answering the door, phone trained to capture it all.

"Hey there," The person was a young woman, one who looked to be fresh out of college. Her eyes went wide as she took in Valeria's naked body, full lips parting as a tremble ran through her body, the package she held shivering from the involuntary movement, "You must be Valeria?"

"That's me." Valeria answered, smirking at the young girl's expression. She passed her the package before saying goodbye and turning to leave, walking as if in a trance. Valeria turned the camera to herself, "I love doing that to people." With that said, she ran up the stairs as fast as her cumbersome balls and cock would allow, each one already swelling with her arousal.

In the room, Anna opened the box. She pulled out what looked to be an oversized condom packet, which she promptly revealed to be just that; an oversized condom.

"Where'd you get these?" Valeria asked, amazed as she quickly guessed that they would easily fit her massive cock.

"I've got ties, now come on. Time to get you fitted." Anna was already licking her lips in anticipation, while Carey struggled to keep her hands from fingering herself at the sight. Valeria sat on the edge of the bed, her cock and balls hanging heavily off the end, each one growing as she took in the sight of her girlfriend's and new lover's naked forms. Carey's nipples were hard as bullets, her pussy so wet her swollen lips glistened with moisture. Anna was in a similar predicament, only she had the addition of a giant stomach that only made Valeria's cock throb and harden faster, her balls joining the growth as they gradually reached the floor. Seeing the slow, but steady pace, Anna knelt on one side of Valeria's growing cock, while Carey joined her on the other side, waiting for some sort of instruction. Anna winked at her and took hold of Valeria's glorious cock, holding as one might hold a large snake.

Carey did likewise, feeling the throbbing heat and growing hardness of what would soon be inside her. Of course, there was no guarantee it would work, but if her waterfall of a pussy was any indication, she was more than willing to try. Valeria moaned as the two set to work, stroking the massive beast as best they could, before Anna began to lick along each finger thick vein. Carey joined her, actually moaning from the taste alone, as she felt it grow ever harder in her hands, each pulse seeming to resonate with her pussy. The two ran their tongues over as much of Valeria's cock as they could, seeking to coat it in their saliva, until Carey heard a near constant dripping sound. Curiosity overwhelmed her lust as she pulled away to see where the dripping was coming from, only to see Valeria's cock head, several feet away and literally pouring pre-cum.

An all new desire rushed through her very soul. Carey crawled on her hands and knees to the end, until she was directly in front of the still swelling cock head, its size almost as big as her head by this point. The semi-clear fluid it gushed ran down the immense length, while much of it still dripped to the floor, some landing on Carey's knees as she knelt before it, almost as if in reverence. She took a deep breath through her nose, her pussy throbbed and clenched around thin air, her juices actually squirting from her to join the many puddles of cum on the floor. Carey hardly showed a reaction to this, almost hypnotised as she was by Valeria's growing cock. It was at least fifty inches in length now, the same as it had been last night, until she and Anna had fucked in the shower and she had grown even more. As Carey came down from her orgasm, her senses seemed to return to her.

"I just came... without touching myself." She murmured, disbelieving that such a thing had happened to her. Despite her disbelief, she was more than eager for more, as she lifted the now drooping head to be level with her lips, planting kiss upon kiss upon the spongy tip. She failed to notice where she was kissing however, and was surprised when her mouth and cheeks were enveloped in warm, wetness. She pulled away, swaying lightly as her head reeled from the scent permeating the air around her. Carey quickly realised she had essentially kissed Valeria's urethra, the thought had her licking her lips as she tenderly stroked the expanding head. The cock was at sixty inches now, the tip forcing Carey back until she felt the wall meet her skin. She looked to Anna who shook her head, confirming that she could stay there for very long.

Carey pouted but moved to the side. Still, she continued to lick at the purple head, attempting to coat its entirety in her spit. The scent of pre-cum continued to saturate the air, making Carey moan louder and louder, despite not touching any part of herself, just the taste and scent of Valeria's phallus enough to bring her to the brink of orgasm yet again. Unaware of where her hands were going, enamoured as she was with her own pleasure, Carey's eyes widened in shock when her hand actually entered Valeria's tip, sinking up to the wrist. Valeria let out a loud moan of delight and Anna's own eyes widened, though she gave Carey a wide, lustful grin and nodded, signalling her to keep going. Valeria's cock was approaching its limit now, a few inches shy at sixty three inches long. Carey began to light thrust her hand back and forth, hearing as pre-cum fell to the floor in large gushes.

Before long, Valeria was fully hard and already approaching her orgasm. Anna knew this and stood, going over to Carey, gently removing the eager woman's hand.

"Want to help me prove something?" She asked, to which Carey mutely nodded, her pussy aflame and desire like lightning. Anna grinned and lightly kissed Carey's lips, before having her stand and move over to the end of Valeria's human sized penis. Anna glanced at her lover, who quickly understood and managed to move back, having to lift her yoga ball sized testicles from the floor and moving them onto the bed. When she had managed to manoeuvre her balls to sit behind her, their size overshadowing her entire torso. Anymore and I won't be able to move, she thought, but the thought only made her desire burn even greater. Her cock, no longer having anyone supporting it, drooped down, the tip almost level with the floor.

"Okay, now lie down and spread your legs." Anna told Carey, who knew in an instant what was coming and assumed the position before any of them could even think the word 'fuck'. Her legs were spread wide, almost in a perfect split, and she reached down, pulling her swollen lips apart. Anna moved so that she stood above Valeria's cock, leaning down and grabbing each of Carey's ankles, while Anna's massive stomach pressed against the cock responsible for her state, causing its owner to moan in desire. Anna looked to Carey, who gulped and nodded eagerly. With that, Anna began to pull Carey, while she pushed herself closer, mashing the giant basketball sized head of Valeria's godly cock against her comparatively minuscule cunt. Carey pushed and Anna pulled, both girls beginning to sweat from their effort, but with no results to show.


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