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The Game They Played Ch. 04

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The couples played their games a thousand km apart...
5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 05/30/2024
Created 04/10/2024
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Alice and Martin arrived at their hotel after a demanding day with the client. The meeting did not go as well as Martin had expected, there were more issues than they were let on, but he was sure they could wrap it up by Wednesday afternoon as planned. In contrast, Daniel arrived home from work after a mostly easy day to the waiting arms of Lucy, who was only wearing a pair of black pumps, stockings with suspenders besides an apron. She kissed him passionately, told him dinner would be served in half an hour and walked towards the kitchen. She looked back over her shoulder from the door with a lecherous smile, seeing Daniel watching her with a gaping mouth as she disappeared from his view. She often worked from home, and that made it possible for her to be there when Daniel left for work and arrived home.

"Don't change or shower, my sexy boy," she said, her head reappearing in the doorway. "I love your musky smell after a day in the office. Intoxicating."


"Just wait until I call you."

"Sure," he said, dumbfounded by her revelation.

He walked into the living room, turned the news on, but kept thinking of what Lucy had said. He prided himself on being a metrosexual man, never imagining someone would tell him after a long day in the office that he smelt good. He decided against his nature and followed Lucy's wish. True to her words, Lucy called him to a delicious pot of stew. She sat at the table, wearing a summer dress, with her makeup touched up, waiting for Daniel.

"You are beautiful, Mummy," he said, seeing her.

"Thank you. Come and tell me about your day."

"Sure," he said, kissing her on the lips before sitting down opposite her.

After the meal, she suggested that they go for a walk in the balmy night, and when Daniel agreed, she slipped on a pair of flats. Walking beside him, her arm hooked in his, she felt 20 years younger, happy and excited, yet content beside her love. They did not notice that some people looked at them oddly, as they were too engrossed with each other. Passing an alleyway, Daniel steered her in, pushed her up against the brick wall, and held her against it by her throat. She had never seen him looking at her like he did at that moment; his eyes were on fire, intensely focused on hers. She was shocked by his behaviour and, even more so, surprised by feeling her pussy gush, soaking her panties. He kissed her forcefully on her lips, muffling her protest while devouring her mouth and taking her breath away. She loved in what manner he forced her, loved how he took charge, and the way that made her feel. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and they pashed for long minutes, not caring for the world. If he had ripped her clothes off then and there, she would not have protested.

"How about some ice cream?" Daniel casually asked, not waiting for her reply, pulling her behind him out of the alley towards his favourite ice cream parlour.

"Sure!" She giggled, glad she was wearing flats.

They sat on a park bench under a dim streetlight, Daniel's arm around her shoulder, and in silence, they licked their ice creams, feeling more at home in each other's company than they did with their spouses. They were aware of their feelings, but neither of them wanted to acknowledge them, even to themselves, or voice them. Neither wanted to upset the status quo but rather make the most of their time together. The way they looked at each other, the way they behaved towards one another made it obvious to a casual observer that they were a couple in deep love.

"You make me feel so good, Daniel," Lucy said, finishing her ice cream.

"I feel the same, Lucy."

She slid onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck, and kissed him gently. Their lips melted against each others, and they pashed like young lovers do. They felt young, especially Lucy, who had not had such a time like this in decades, and their carefree moments together were intoxicating. They did hear the occasional words of people walking by and even someone mentioning "hotel".

"Take me home, Daniel," Lucy whispered.

At about the same time, a thousand kilometres away, Alice nervously walked towards the rooftop bar on her gold stiletto mules, wearing a black topless dress only held together by three gold rings on each side of her torso. It was obvious to anyone who looked at the sexy woman that she had nothing under her outfit. The dress was short, too short even when wearing panties, but now indecent exposure was on the cards if she made the wrong move, and on those 14 centimetre high stiletto mules, that was quite possible. On their arrival at the hotel from the client, Martin gave her another shopping bag and told her to wear only what was in the bag. Seeing its content, she was nervous, she never dressed so exposed or so provocative, but she was willing to dress for her teddy bear any way he wanted her. She decided to look slutty, applying bright red lipstick on her lips, a mixture of strong black and bold colours around her eyes and blush on her cheeks.

Entering the venue, she saw Martin sitting at the bar and "Oh shit!" She exclaimed, seeing the familiar face sitting next to him. "What does he want? Why is he talking to Martin?" She pondered as she walked towards the two men, her heart beating fast in her chest. She had thought of Jack coming up in the elevator and hoped she would not have to face him. His arrogance infuriated her, and she wanted to give him a piece of her mind, but at the same time, for an inexplicable reason, her pussy tingled, thinking of him. Martin noticed her approaching and, sliding off his stool, faced her while eyeing her up. Jack, seeing Martin looking at something or someone, turned his head, and spotting Alice, a big smile appeared on his face.

"Hello, baby girl," Martin greeted her when she kissed his cheek. "You look stunning."

"Thank you, Martin."

"Daddy, we are not at work."

"Thank you, Daddy," she said, glancing towards Jack while her cheeks turned even rosier. She had never called Martin Daddy in front of anybody, and now he told her to do so.

"Jack came over to apologise for his behaviour last night. Is that right, Jack?"

"Yes, Sir. I was way out of line. It was a long, stressful day at the conference, and well, the few drinks I had did not help either, but all that still did not justify my behaviour, so I sincerely apologise to you, Alice, for my unacceptable conduct," Jack said, sliding off his highchair.

"It's okay, we all make mistakes," Alice nervously said.

"Here, take my seat," Jack motioned to Alice, stepping aside.

"Jack, would you help me up on the chair?" Alice asked, half smiling at him.

"Sure," he said, turning towards her while helping her slide onto the seat without any indecent exposure.

"I better let you guys enjoy your evenings. I have already taken up enough of your time. Once again, I apologise, Alice," Jack said, turning away from them, hoping they would stop him.

"Jack," he heard Martin say. "Would you like to finish your drink with us?"

"That would keep me out of trouble for a while for sure, but I don't want to intrude any more than I've already had," he said, feeling relieved his gamble had paid off.

"No trouble, Jack. I am sure baby girl won't mind your company either," Martin continued, looking at Alice.

"If you drop the arrogant alpha male shit, then you are welcome to stay," she stated, smiling at him.

"Are you sure, Alice?" he asked, looking at her.

"Yes, I am."

"If you're both okay with it, then of course I'll join you," Jack said, pulling up another highchair.

They ordered another round of drinks, and the minutes passed quickly with idle conversation. Jack was on his best behaviour, he knew he had to charm not just Alice but Martin too if he wanted any chance with Alice.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Martin exclaimed, fishing out a small box from the pocket of his jacket and handing it to Alice.

"What is it?" She asked, placing her glass on the counter while taking the box from him.

"Have a look!"

"Wow, it's beautiful, Daddy," Alice said with girlish excitement.

She took the anklet from its box, holding it up between her fingers. It was a gold anklet with a 2 centimetre horizontal infinity ring. In the middle of the ring, where it was the narrowest, a female gender symbol hung on it, and next to that, on each side of it, was a male gender symbol attached to the loops. Alice showed the anklet to Martin, then Jack.

What is the meaning of your anklet?" Jack asked.

"Oh, you don't know?"

"No, not a clue."

"Well, I am a hotwife," she said proudly.

"Really? I thought that was just in porn movies."

"No, there are real hotwives in the world. My husband is at home while I am here with Daddy. I love them both, and when I am with my husband, I give myself to him, and when I am with Daddy, I am his."

"Uh, I've heard of relationships like that but never imagined it was anything else but folklore."

"Well, now you know it is true. Daddy, would you put it around my ankle?" Alice asked, crossing her legs.

"Sure, but why don't you let Jack do the honour?"


"Sure, would you fasten it around her ankle, please?"

"My pleasure, Sir."

Jack took the anklet from Alice's hand and, kneeling before her, wrapped the chain around her leg. After positioning the symbols outside of her ankle, he gently ran his fingers over the chain and her foot. Of course, he knew what the anklet represented and what hotwives were; he had seduced several wives, making their husbands cuckolds over the years, enjoying the thrill of the chase, never caring about the consequences of his actions. It was not his problem. "We are all adults and can make our own decisions," he said and lived by. He knew he had misread Alice the other night, and it hurt his ego. Seeing Martin in the bar, he saw another chance to seduce her if he played his cards right this time around.

"I love your mules, they're so gorgeous, just like your feet," he said and kissed the top of her foot.

Martin, seeing him kiss Alice's foot, felt a stir in his guts that he had never felt before, not even when his wife, Lucy, had cuckolded him for the very first time. Although that was under different circumstances, it was payback for him stepping out with the girl who worked at the local café. Was the feeling jealousy or arousal? He could not say at first, but it left him titillated in his gut.

Jack, knowing what the anklet symbolised, expected that if he played his cards right this time around, she would yield to his advances. He would have given half his balls to spend a night with Alice. She was the hottest thing on the planet as far as he was concerned, but he knew he had fucked up his chances the first time they had met. Alice raised her foot and, turning it left and right, checked how the anklet looked on her ankle, leaving him mesmerised. He wanted to make love to her feet, her body and her soul, making her want more and beg him for more. Jack stood up and sat on his chair, still in awe of Alice's foot.

"It is time we go over to the restaurant, baby girl," Martin said, looking at Alice and stood up.

Jack jumped off his stool and offered his hand to Alice, who took it, gracefully sliding off the chair. He held her hand a bit longer than necessary, making sure Alice noticed, while Martin stood up, carefully watching them interact. He saw the tension between the two and made a quick decision.

"Would you like to join us for dinner, Jack?"

"I don't know. I feel I have already taken up more time of yours than I should have," Jack said, letting Alice's hand go.

"Nonsense," Alice blurted out and blushed, realising her eagerness.

"You are welcome to dine with us, Jack," Martin said, and taking Alice's hand, he started to walk towards the exit.

Alice reached behind her and grabbed Jack's hand, pulling him after them. He smirked inwardly, knowing he had cleared another hurdle. She felt excited walking between the two men, holding their hands, and wondered why she felt the way she did. She knew Jack was a bad boy; he wanted her, wanted to snatch her from Martin's hands, and the thought excited her. "Would I let that happen? Let Jack whisk me away, steal me from Martin, even for one night?" She pondered, waiting for the lift. She had not fully considered that possibility, but the feeling of a man on either side of her made her giddy. In the elevator, Martin stepped before Alice, and when their eyes found each others, he saw the glint of arousal in hers. He lingeringly kissed her ruby lips just as the door closed, and the cabin began to descend.

"May I?" They heard Jack's voice.

Not knowing what Jack wanted, they looked at him. He lifted Alice's chin with the tips of his fingers and boldly kissed her lips. In shock or surprise, neither Alice nor Martin objected to his advance, which he considered another small victory in his game of seduction. He kissed her once again, but this time, he parted his lips, inviting Alice to do so too. She instinctively parted hers, and the tip of her tongue touched his before pulling it back and away from him. She glanced nervously at Martin, who watched them with a blank expression. The tension was only broken by the sound of the elevator doors opening.

Walking the 30 metres from the lift to the restaurant, neither of them said anything. Martin struggled with his feelings, knowing he should have been upset, but instead, he was turned on, while Alice wondered how far Martin would let this go before he stopped it. Jack saw the conflict on their faces that he had seen many times before, and he was 90% sure he was going to fuck Alice before the end of the night.

As soon as they were seated in the restaurant, Jack immediately went to work on Alice. It started even before that when Alice slid into the boot, and he quickly set beside her, forcing Martin to sit opposite them. Martin was not happy about that but let it slide. Jack slowly began to gain Alice's full attention while, at the same time, he made sure that Martin was excluded from her sphere of focus. Martin sat back and watched Jack, realising what he was doing, how he managed to dominate Alice's attention, and how she responded to his advances. It started with subtle flirting and innuendos as they looked at the menus and continued until they finished the entrée.

At that point, Jack was telling Alice how striking her eyes were and that he had never seen a woman with such beautiful, sparkling eyes, while his hand slipped off the table and disappeared under it. Suddenly Alice's eyes opened wide, and she glanced towards Martin, who watched them with a face she could not read. She did not know what to do, and Martin was no help. Jack had his hand on her bare thigh, his fingers stroking her flesh too close to her bare pussy for comfort. She nervously took a sip of her wine and looked at Jack pleadingly, asking him to stop. She wanted him to stop and remove his hand, but sitting opposite Martin while Jack was stroking her thigh made her shiver with excitement.

Jack slowly eased his fingers closer and closer to her pussy, felt the heat radiating from it, and was about to touch it with his little finger when the waitress brought their main courses out. Grudgingly, he pulled his hand away, knowing that he was so close to feeling the slut's pussy in front of her cuck boyfriend.

When they finished their meal, Martin excused himself and left the two of them alone while he went to the restroom and paid his bill, which neither of them noticed. As soon as Martin was out of sight, Jack put his arm around Alice's shoulder and kissed her lingeringly while his other hand was back on her bare thigh, edging towards her now damp pussy. She could not deny that she was turned on by this bad boy.

"I want you, Alice," he whispered between small kisses. "Come with me, dump your boyfriend tonight."

"No, I won't do that."

"I know you want me to take you, to fuck you," he said, his pointing finger touching her pussy.

The feeling of Jack's finger on her clit made her gasp for air. Seeing her open her lips, Jack quickly pressed his on hers and worked his tongue into her mouth. In her head, she was screaming no, yet her body responded to his advances and returned his kiss. Jack, feeling how wet she was, and the way she responded to his kiss, knew she was his.

"Let's take it up to my room, sexy," he murmured, breaking the kiss.

He stood up, offering his hand to Alice, who was just sitting there, confused by what had just happened. The angel in her mind was telling her to reject him, but Succubus was telling her to take his hand.

"Come, sexy," Jack encouraged her. "You know you want to. Don't deny your desires."

She slowly stood up, wondering if she was really going to leave Martin behind and go with Jack.

"Are we ready to leave, baby girl?" She heard Martin.

"Did you have to come back now?" Jack murmured under his breath.

"Yes, Daddy. I am ready," Alice said and took Martin's arm, waking from her stupor.

Jack tried to take her hand, but she pulled it away and walked out of the restaurant with Martin towards the elevators. Jack, recovering from his shock, tried to follow them, but the waitress stopped him at the exit. Martin had already paid their bills, but not Jack's. As Jack's credit card was scanned, he anxiously looked towards the elevators, hoping none would arrive before he could catch up with them. Once his bill was settled, he ran towards the lifts just as the pair walked in.

"Hold the lift," he yelled, but the doors closed just as he got close. "Shit," he swore as he thumbed the wall.

Jack pushed the up button while watching what floor the elevator stopped on, hoping it would stop only on their floor. The first stop was on level 15. Stepping out of the lift on level 15, he looked left and right, hoping he could catch sight of them, but the corridor was quiet. "Which way, which way?" He deliberated and took off to the left when he heard the faint voice of a woman from the other direction. He turned and ran towards the voice, but as he turned the corner, he was looking at an empty corridor.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he cursed, thumping the wall in frustration and returned to the bar, defeated.

At about the same time as Jack ordered a drink and looked around the bar, noting that there was not a single woman worth perusing while mumbling that it was another wasted night, Daniel closed the front door behind him. He immediately pulled Lucy back, and putting his hand on her throat, he pushed her up against the wall while fiercely looking into her eyes. His action made her tremble, and she could feel the discharge from her vagina soaking her panties.

"You like rough play, don't you?" Daniel growled.

"Yes," she murmured.

"To feel powerless. I saw how aroused you were in the alley."

"Oh yes, I do. I would have done anything you wanted me to do."

"Really? Suck my cock, even take it up in your twat?"

"Yes, I would have sucked you, let you fuck me, anything you wanted."

Still holding her by her throat, he fondled her breasts through her dress, feeling the soft flesh and her hard nipples under his fingers. He leant in for a lingering kiss as his hand wandered from her breasts to under her dress. Her wetness surprised him as he worked his finger into her panties and rubbed her engorged clit. She moaned aloud, feeling his finger roll her hard nub in every which way. He pashed her with unbridled passion until he could feel her body begin to tremble. After breaking the kiss, he looked at her with fire flaring in his eyes, his fingers continually working on her clit. She could barely hold herself up, and if it were not for Daniel holding her up by her throat, she would have collapsed on the floor. The impending orgasm hit her hard, making her yelp and squeal while her body quivered uncontrollably when Daniel spun her around to face the wall, pressing his body against hers.


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