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The Gift: Day 04


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"Tina, you said you-"

"Jesse," she put a finger to his lips and said, "He can do so many things." "He's out of his fucking mind," Jesse said as Tina put her palms on his chest.

"There's only one way you can beat him," she whispered. The presence of Daniel was all over her. How had he missed it?

"How?" Jesse asked, feeling both stupid and angry. Even if there was a way to beat him, how was Tina going to know? He wondered what had possessed him to even come here in the first place.

"Join him," she said.

"I gotta go," Jesse smiled politely and slowly backed up to the exit leading to the dining area. He reached the doorway and then stopped. He then felt a strong grip on his arms, two hands holding him in place. The strength behind the hands was incredible as he summoned all the power he had, both psychic and physical. He looked down and saw his veins bulging and his muscles rippling against two small white hands.

"Jesse," Diane Brewster whispered in his ear, "Don't fight it."

"What the shit?" Jesse breathed, "How are you doing this?"

"Daniel gave us the power," Tina walked over to him and slipped her hands under his t-shirt. She worked her hands up over his chiseled frame and felt his body. Tina licked her lips and smiled as she played with his nipples. Jesse looked away, trying to swallow his fear and ignore the erection in his pants.

"I've wanted to touch you for so long," she whispered.

"Daniel mind-fucked you," Jesse said as Diane escorted him back to the center of the kitchen and let him go. Jesse flexed his arms. He never would have imagined his biology teacher capable of being so much stronger than he was, but here she was controlling him as though he were a small child.

"Is that what you think?" she replied. Diane was dressed jeans and a t-shirt. She was braless, her full breasts hanging down loosely under the fabric and swaying with her movements. Her nipples were erected and poking through the material of her dark blue shirt.

"He set us free," Diane ran her hands through her curly blonde hair and took her trademark glasses off. She looked at them reproachfully and then tossed them to the ground where they shattered. She smiled slyly at Jesse, "He helped us."

"But look what he did to you, Mrs. Brewster," Jesse argued as Tina rubbed herself up against him, making sure to grind against his cock.

"He helped me see what I really want," Diane told him and put one hand on the metal table as she smiled, "I was living a jailed life, Jesse. Held back by rules and morals and a fear of all things taboo."

Tina stepped to the side as Diane Brewster, the 1999 Teacher of the Year for Castleton Rock High School, put her thigh between her student's legs and kissed him. Jesse grabbed her arms but Diane was unmovable. Her tongue slipped out from her lips and wrapped around Jesses'. Her hand found his bulge and began gently rubbing back and forth, making him feel a little lightheaded. Her blonde hair fell against his dark face as she and Tina grasped his shirt and with one unified motion ripped it off his body.

"This is wrong," Jesse said, feeling that hot temptation again. It was the same seductive reasoning that had led him to do what he did at The Lucky Beaver. He could already feel his defenses breaking down under the hands of Tina Moss and Diane Brewster. Their fingers were all over his body, pinching and rubbing his nipples and sliding over his hard abs.

"Is it so wrong to want to express yourself?" Diane asked as Tina began unzipping his jeans.

"Not like this," Jesse resisted. His jeans became loose and started falling away. "Is it wrong for a woman-" Diane looked at Tina and smiled, "-for two women to want to be with an attractive man?"

"No," Jesse shook his head, "But this ain't real ... "

"Are you sure?" Tina asked as his pants fell to the floor. She ran her hand over his barely covered shaft. He could feel the waistband across his cock and knew that his head was poking out of his shorts. Tina rubbed his penis, pressing it against him. He felt the fiery heat from his cock head touch his navel and knew he wouldn't last long against them. She said, "Are you sure this isn't real? Is it so wrong, Jesse?"

"Fuck," Jesse began to sweat as Tina pulled his boxers down off his hips and his ten-inch long cock sprang free.

"Is it so wrong for two white women to lust after such a perfect black man?" Diane licked her lips and grasped his throbbing member. She smiled and closed her eyes as she felt the bulging veins throbbing and the intense heat from his stony length. She breathed against him, "So big, Jesse. Mmmm, I'll bet you're a real stallion in the sack."

"Speaking of sacks," Tina said to Diane and motioned between his legs. They stood back and admired the heavy testicles hanging down behind his large, thick meat. Tina cupped his scrotum in her hands and felt the two large balls, gently kneading back and forth.

"No," Jesse whispered. His protest sounded just as weak to him as it did to Diane and Tina.

"Don't you want me?" Diane asked as she pinched the head of his dick, making him shiver. She released his hardness and grasped the bottom of her t-shirt. In one smooth motion, she pulled her shirt off and revealed her huge milky breasts to him. Her areolas were pink and beautiful while her nipples were hard and long. They jiggled like big water balloons as she reached down and undid her jeans. They fell to the ground and she kicked them away, losing her sandals in the process. Her pussy was clean-shaven and glistening in the kitchen lights.

"Mrs. Brewster, please," Jesse appealed as his muscular chest rose and fell rapidly. He wanted her badly. He couldn't deny it. He watched Tina follow suit and pull her tank top off to reveal her tight, athletic body to him. He felt dizzy as Tina and Diane fondled each other in front of him, his mind swimming in a sea of sexual desire. Tina looked right at him and leaned forward to kiss Diane's nipples.

"Fuck us," Diane said and began stroking his cock.

"No," Jesse closed his eyes, his cock rippling out waves of pleasure.

"Fuck us, Jesse," Tina chimed in and grasped his shaft just above Diane's hand.

Together they began jerking him off.

Jesse let himself fall against the cool metal table, his back arched and his naked body glistening with sweat as the two women gave him the most intense hand job he had ever known. He felt their tongues begin lapping at his length, tickling and teasing him as his orgasm began to build up in his sack like a volcano. He was dimly aware of Diane slurping on his precum, her tongue licking it up and then swallowing it. He could feel Tina massaging his balls in an effort to milk every last drop from him.

"I can't," he whispered, but knew there was no point to arguing. He could have sat there and argued all he wanted to but it still would have happened anyway. He was weak, as he had been weak before the power came to him and as he would be after. Jesse remembered how Elena had referred to him as being the hero. He felt deep guilt inside at that, and even then he had known it wasn't true. Heroes fought off this kind of shit. A real hero would have found a way to escape. A real hero wouldn't be enjoying it.

But he was.

He cursed himself.


Elena woke up in a dark place, her eyes unfocused.

She could feel something soft beneath her, like she was on a bed. Her eyes adjusted slowly as the world came into focus for her. Everything felt different to her as she brought her hand to her forehead. It felt like her skull was splitting in two pieces. Upon a second look around, she found it wasn't as dark as she had thought. There was some kind of warm light around her. Her eyes realigned and she saw candles around her.

Elena sat up and noticed that her stomach felt uncomfortably tight. She looked down and saw that she was clothed again, or at the very least semi-clothed. An intricate crimson red corset was wrapped around her, adorned with small buckles and cinching her waistline while pushing her full breasts forward. A thin layer of silky red lace hid her breasts with a barely-there transparent material bra. Red stiletto high-heels had been strapped on her feet, the thin supports running all the way to her upper calf.

"You gotta be kidding me..." she opened her legs and noticed that not only was she wearing a g-string, but also that the thong was crotchless. Her once well-trimmed pussy had been shaved clean while she had been asleep. She looked to her left and saw a large mirror beside the canopy bed she had been placed on. Her hair was elegantly brushed and pulled into an exotic French coif. Her lips were delicately painted a deep maroon to compliment her new attire. Someone had done a first-class make-up job on her while she slept as well.

"I prefer my women to be clean shaven," a voice said.

Elena turned, her legs smooth against the black satin sheets of the bed. A hundred candles had been placed around the bed, illuminating the world around her. She realized that she was outside, from the looks of it in the Castleton Rock City Park on the high knoll that over looked the river. A fresh breeze flickered the candles for a moment in the evening light as Daniel emerged from the haze of incense and shadows.

The man before her was not the boy she had known. Daniel looked different, his dark hair slicked back and his clothes far too romantic for the type of guy he was. His white shirt was loose and open, revealing his thin chest. His pants were black leather. Elena thought that kind of outfit might have worked on Jesse, but for Daniel ... he was like a boy trying to play dress up. But there was a dangerous edge to him as he walked towards her.

"What have you done?" Elena asked.

"Try to calm down," Daniel raised his hand inoffensively, "Nothing is going to happen to you if you just relax for a minute."

"You call what happened down town nothing?" she glared at him, her heart aching and embarrassed. The whole town had stripped her naked and done God knew what to her while she was unconscious.

"I call that evening the score," Daniel remarked and knelt down by the foot of the bed. He raised two full, elegant wine glasses in each hand and offered one to her. Elena took the glass of wine and then tossed it away. It shattered against a rock out of her sight as she glared at him.

"Those glasses came from the Tavern," Daniel told her, "The wine too. It's a shame to waste it like that."

"And the bed?" she asked and then pointed at her outfit, "The clothes? Where did they come from?"

"Donated," Daniel sipped his wine, "By some of the finer families in town." "Donated," Elena repeated.

Daniel saw his explanation wasn't holding any weight with her and sighed, "This town has been thanking me for their enlightenment. This is just a small sample."

"Oh, you've enlightened them," Elena smiled sarcastically, "Tell me, will you enlighten me?"

"I hope you'll come around on your own," Daniel said and sat his wine glass

down on the ground.

"Well, I have some thoughts about that," she said.


"Yeah," Elena slipped over to the side of the bed and hung her legs off as she looked at Daniel, "Why don't you give my ass a candy-coated kiss and then go back to that hole you crawled out of?"

Daniel smiled and eyed her. Elena realized that he was trying to see inside her, to see into her mind. She could feel him poking and prodding, but as powerful as she knew he was, he wasn't getting anywhere. She could hear him pounding against her walls, echoing in her mind, but the control wasn't there. He grimaced a little and his eye twitched as he tried harder. Elena smiled.

"What's the matter, Danny-Boy?" she asked him, "Having a little trouble penetrating me?"

"Shut up," he whispered and ceased his attack, beads of sweat on his forehead. He huffed for a moment as though he had truly exerted himself. She wondered what was keeping him from invading her, what secret had protected her from his mind.

"Where's my mom and dad?" she asked.

"Who cares?"

"Me, you asshole."

"I put them away in their beds," he sneered, "Happy?"

"And Jesse?"

Daniel smiled wickedly, "He's busy."


"She's my errand girl," Daniel said, "She's going to take care of Jesse for me." "Why not do it yourself?" Elena asked, "Or does Jesse intimidate you?" "Because I have more pressing matters to attend to."

Elena then realized the truth, "You're going to kill him ... "

Daniel was silent, his face an unreadable wall.

"You're gonna kill him?" she asked, her eyes wide, '"He's your friend!"

"No, he's not."

"You fucking coward," she glared at him, "Sending someone to do your dirty


"Jesse would suspect me, not Tina ... or Mrs. Brewster."

"Mrs. Brewster?! The teacher?!"

"Very astute you are ... "

Elena clutched her fists. '"Where and how?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I do, you pansy-assed fuck nut!"

"Name calling," he commented, '"How common to the lower end of the racial spectrum ... "

Elena hocked a huge lunger from her throat and spat it on Daniel. It landed with a wet splat on his cheek and slowly rolled down. His eyes remained neutral and passive, only his gray eyes flickering with anger as he took one of the satin sheets and wiped his face off. Daniel nodded to himself and then sat the sheet down gently.

"You fucking beaner bitch," he growled and slapped her hard. Elena was rocked by the power in his blow. She landed on the edge of the mattress, her head hanging off into the evening air as her cheek stung with invisible needle pricks. It felt like she had been hit with a baseball bat.

Then, Daniel grabbed her by the straps of her lingerie and hauled her up to a standing position on the bed. He hissed, "Lets not pretend your anything more than two generations removed from the fucking Frito Bandito fence jumpers. You're the ethnic slop we have to deal with. You might be good for a fuck, but you're nothing compared to a real woman."

"A real woman?" Elena asked thoughtfully.

"You will fuck me tonight," he looked into her eyes. He was trying to break in again, and as he held her there on the verge of rape, she felt no fear.

"You want me to fuck you?" she whispered in his ear and pulled him close, letting her breasts rub against his hollow chest.

"You ARE going to fuck me, bitch," he growled and pulled her hair, yanking her head back so he could look into her eyes again as his hard cock pressed against her naked thigh, "You'll be begging me to before the night's done."

"Okay Daniel," she said breathlessly, "I'll fuck you up."

"That's my bitch," he smiled and leaned in for a kiss.

Elena waited until his lips grazed hers and then brought her knee up with all her might. She felt his balls crunch under the impact of her kneecap to his scrotum. Daniel squealed a high-pitch moan as his eyes rolled back into his head. His grip loosened up on her straps and began to falter, swaying back and forth as his hands fell to his broken crotch. She smiled at him and stood back on the bed.

"Fuck you!" she screamed and plastered a hard right hook across his face. Daniel arched backwards and flew off the bed. His head caught on the edge of the mattress and bounced up, legs flailing in the air. The full weight of his body made in the impact of his head to the ground worse than it could have been. Daniel saw stars and then was out cold.

Elena stepped down from the bed and slowly walked to Daniel. The high heeled pumps were killing her legs as she stood over him, but she didn't care right then. She put her hands on her hips and felt truly good for the first time since she had gotten back into town. She knelt down by him and grabbed his hair, hoisting his face up off the ground. Dirt, blood and grass were stuck to his cheek and forehead. She said, "Va la cogida tú mismo, tú pinchazo del galleta-asno."

Elena stood and kicked the unconscious would-be rapist in the side as hard as she could.

"Adios, mother fucker," she flipped him off and set off through the park. She took only a minute to un-strap the stiletto pumps and fling them into the trees.


Diane pushed Jesse back onto the table as she and Tina flicked their wet tongues out on his cock. Jesse could hardly think as the orgasm threatened to crest and overwhelm him. He could feel his cock straining against his flesh as it grew harder and harder, the head now swollen to a deep black purple. His hands gripped the edges of the table as his cock jerked and the breath was stolen from his lungs.

The orgasm seized his body and he tensed up as hot white semen exploded from the small opening of his penis and rocketed up in the air. Diane and Tina leaned in and began licking as the gobs of sticky fluid spattered them. He pumped spurt after spurt of cum out of his cock while they stroked him and massaged his balls. Jesse groaned under the intense pleasure as they milked him for all he was worth.

Diane licked allover his stomach and chest, gathering the sweet salty fluid in her mouth as Tina polished his cock clean. Jesse braced himself on his elbows and huffed, watching them slurp up his semen. As they finished, Tina kissed the tip of his ebbing erection and then turned to Diane.

"I want some," she whispered and got on her knees. Jesse looked and saw her beautiful face just past his cock as Diane stood in front of her. Tina massaged Diane's breasts as his former biology teacher leaned forward and opened her mouth. Cum dribbled out of her mouth and fell into Tina's eager oral cavity. She stuck her tongue out and caught the fluid as Diane leaned in for a kiss. Jesse felt his cock harden as he watched them sharing his cum. He closed his eyes and fell back to the table.

As she swallowed his semen, Tina reached behind her with her free hand and grasped the large, 18-inch long kitchen knife off the counter. She squeezed Diane's breast and looked at her with a wicked grin.

Diane laughed.


Elena finally made it back on to Main Street as the orange sodium street lamps flickered on. Leaves and small twigs were stuck to her sweaty body, the journey through the brush surrounding the park difficult and uphill all the way. Small scratches from wicked branches and thorns marked her legs and arms. The thin silky fabric that had been draped over her tits was gone, snagged on a tree branch. One of the straps of her transparent red bra was broken and hanging loose.

The sky was filled with stars as she stepped out on to the sidewalk by the baseball field. There were no cars anywhere to be seen, no traffic of any kind. She was out in the north end of town, and it would take ten minutes to reach downtown. She ran barefoot down the sidewalk, trying not to stub her toes as she went. Elena wondered if anyone would notice her attire, and then thought better of it. The whole town was under Daniel's influence, and from what she had seen nobody was dressing by code anymore.

As she ran past the Shell gas station, she noticed that there didn't seem to be anyone around. The restaurants were empty and the gas station was abandoned. She left the gas station behind her, heading for the bridge that stretched over the river canyon. She said to herself, "Fucking weird ... "

Her bare feet echoed as she reached the Memorial Bridge, a long connector that bridged the gulf between north and south Castleton Rock. The only sound she could hear was her own heavy breathing and the rumbling of the river eight hundred feet below in the bottom of the canyon as she ran across the quarter-mile long bridge. Wind blew through her hair and chilled her as she sprinted. Her lungs were beginning to ache as she pushed herself harder and harder. The muscles in her thighs reminded her that though she looked like everything to the contrary, she was out of shape.

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